Do you ever think about where those hands just were?


In her dreams I hope
Jul 10, 2001
When you meet or greet someone, and you shake their hand or whatever, do you ever think about where their hands have been, or if they washed them recently? Do you just assume that the person is somewhat "clean"?
I think about things like that all the time and it grosses me out- especially if I don't know the person. I think that's one of the reasons why I wash my hands so often.

Part of it's probably because I'm a teacher and I SEE where those little hands go all the time..... ewww.......
Nice av :)

Oh what's the topic?

Hands, no I don't think about it. But I do wash my hands about 20 times a day anyway.
I always decline to shake hands when I have a cold. Kind of off topic, but related...Anyplace in particular you would like my hands to be right now?
not off topic at all Carp, sneezing counts too.

and thanks, soblue
I don't shake hands. I just don't. I don't touch even three different people outside of family in the course of a week.

People are dirty as hell.
If I thought about where people's hands have been, I'd never touch anyone. :eek: We're all just a bunch of filthy schmucks.

I just had my hands covered with raw chicken juices a few minutes ago. Of course, I washed my hands before I came back to the computer...

Roastin' in Rochester,
If you think people's hands are dirty, you should see their eyeglasses (I'm an optician). Disgusting, let me tell you.
If you think hands are dirty, imagine where that 20 dollar bill you just touched has been. *shudder*
Ok. For those of you who are grossed out by the thought of touching someones hand.

What do pretty much all critters have in common? They shit. Everywhere. If touching someones hands in a general sense bugs you, ya just gotta think about the whole world being covered in about a quarter inch of shit. But, if you don't think about it, it won't be a problem. We evolved to deal with it, more ore less.
Silverlily said:
If you think people's hands are dirty, you should see their eyeglasses (I'm an optician). Disgusting, let me tell you.
