Do you believe in the supernatural?


May 21, 2002
I'm really undecided...but I have had expiriences in my life that I am hard pressed to write off as mere coincidence...I read tarot cards. I have a tattoo with symbols of everlasting life and protection. I believe that certain words have more power than people give them credit for.The little kid inside of me wants to believe, but the logical adult says otherwise. Why is this? Does adulthood automatically come with a side of skepticism? Is it anything more than the loss of innocence? What are your opinions?
when your an adult you start to notice that no one can wave a magic wand or speak special words and whatever bothers you goes away.
kidthor said:
Does adulthood automatically come with a side of skepticism? Is it anything more than the loss of innocence? What are your opinions?

I don't believe, not even a little. A child is unable to think on the same logical and rational level as an adult. It's not loss of innocence, but rather maturation of the brain. However, it's human nature to want to cling to the ritual and the mysterious, which is why so many people believe.
don't really believe...........

but don't disbelive either............ever since I was a kid, I have tried to move things with my mind............and just this morning at work, I focused, concentrated, and seriously tried to move a piece of paper on my desk...........didn't work........I would have probably freaked out if it did.........but it's that bit of hope in the back of my head that this stuff is real........I think it's a kind of human spirit, wonderlust kind of thing...........

hmmmmmmm. i have great faith that human beings do not know all that is. until we do I rule nothing out. except guys who claim to have 12 inch cocks and functional brains. thats impossible.
Re: Re: Do you believe in the supernatural?

Pyper said:
I don't believe, not even a little. A child is unable to think on the same logical and rational level as an adult. It's not loss of innocence, but rather maturation of the brain. However, it's human nature to want to cling to the ritual and the mysterious, which is why so many people believe.

Hasn't anything ever happened to you that simply cannot be explaind by any means you posess...Something to precise to be random chance or coincedince?
Re: Re: Re: Do you believe in the supernatural?

kidthor said:
Hasn't anything ever happened to you that simply cannot be explaind by any means you posess...Something to precise to be random chance or coincedince?

I've had a few what some might call "supernatural" experiences. But I believe that just because something cannot be explained by me or even by other people does not mean it doesn't have a scientific explanation. I don't attribute these experiences to ghosts or mysterious powers, but rather the natural scientific order of the universe.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you believe in the supernatural?

Pyper said:
I've had a few what some might call "supernatural" experiences. But I believe that just because something cannot be explained by me or even by other people does not mean it doesn't have a scientific explanation. I don't attribute these experiences to ghosts or mysterious powers, but rather the natural scientific order of the universe.

Couldn't you also argue that "ghosts or myserious powers" could be part of the natural scientific order?
HELL YES I believe!!

I never did untill I had it happen to me. Now I have things happen all the time. I love telling my sister some of my storys she cant sleep for a week.
The supernatural I believe isnt an obvious thing.
I dont think angsty teenagers buying new age books at barnes n' nobles and calling themselves whatever the fuck is popular these days. can conjure the devil, or tell the future, or cast a hex on you, or what have you.

I believe that each living thing has a soul, and because the soul is eternal. perhaps you would call it supernatural.

I believe in Christ, that he died for my sins.

I believe in God and that he created the universe

I believe in the Holy Spirit, in that it motivates humanity to do what the Lord commands..

(betcha never woulda figured me for the last three, MUAHAHHA)

Those are considered supernatural things.

Do I think some angel from above is going to land on earth spread her wings and let the world bathe in holy light... no... I think the nature of things deemed supernatural is much subtler than that.

Do I think that some demon from below is going to rise up and have multi-penis sex with anyone misfortunate to be caught in its grip... no.

There are no magic wands, there are no magic words, there is only faith that whatever created us guides us. for good or ill.

I have reasons to believe all these things, some faith, some experience. its just the way it is.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you believe in the supernatural?

Pyper said:
I've had a few what some might call "supernatural" experiences. But I believe that just because something cannot be explained by me or even by other people does not mean it doesn't have a scientific explanation. I don't attribute these experiences to ghosts or mysterious powers, but rather the natural scientific order of the universe.

Do you mind if I ask if you are a religeous person, and if so where does religeon fit in between the supernatural and scientific?
I believe..... in a vague sort of way. I think there are many things we just don't choose to see.
Aquila said:
The supernatural I believe isnt an obvious thing.
I dont think angsty teenagers buying new age books at barnes n' nobles and calling themselves whatever the fuck is popular these days. can conjure the devil, or tell the future, or cast a hex on you, or what have you.

I believe that each living thing has a soul, and because the soul is eternal. perhaps you would call it supernatural.

I believe in Christ, that he died for my sins.

I believe in God and that he created the universe

I believe in the Holy Spirit, in that it motivates humanity to do what the Lord commands..

(betcha never woulda figured me for the last three, MUAHAHHA)

Those are considered supernatural things.

Do I think some angel from above is going to land on earth spread her wings and let the world bathe in holy light... no... I think the nature of things deemed supernatural is much subtler than that.

Do I think that some demon from below is going to rise up and have multi-penis sex with anyone misfortunate to be caught in its grip... no.

There are no magic wands, there are no magic words, there is only faith that whatever created us guides us. for good or ill.

I have reasons to believe all these things, some faith, some experience. its just the way it is.

You beat me to the punch on the religeon question...:)...and only you would make a three penised devil reference...:D
hell a devil has more than three penises.. fuck man I have more than three penises
Aquila said:
hell a devil has more than three penises.. fuck man I have more than three penises

Proof positive ladies and gentleman that Aquila is in fact the devil...SilvaTung will be so disappointed...

Supernatural, meaning outside of nature, is a ridiculous term if you think about it. Magic works BECAUSE of nature's laws, not in spite of them...
The boundaries are safe and secure but they prevent us from seeing much of the beauty in nature. In our search for modern life we have grown insensitive to the nuances of the natural world.
We have lost much wonder and joy...

Don't allow this world to dictate to you what you are feel like you are missing... It is time to remember...

When we force, (like it was forced upon us) our children to build up those walls and lose the magic, we really do an injustice to our future....

Kidthor, forget your adult side. It is more important to feel your inner childe. In 1,000,000,0000000000 years from now, that is what will matter...
cybergirly- Ghosts, no, because I don't believe that humans (or anything else for that matter) have a soul. I suppose mysterious powers, depending on what that power is, could fit in the natural order. But I have yet to see any "psychic" or "telekinetic" prove themselves under scientific conditions.

kidthor- I don't mind you asking. I count most religion as supernatural belief. I am an atheist.
Re: Supernatural?

Image said:
Supernatural, meaning outside of nature, is a ridiculous term if you think about it. Magic works BECAUSE of nature's laws, not in spite of them...
The boundaries are safe and secure but they prevent us from seeing much of the beauty in nature. In our search for modern life we have grown insensitive to the nuances of the natural world.
We have lost much wonder and joy...

Don't allow this world to dictate to you what you are feel like you are missing... It is time to remember...

When we force, (like it was forced upon us) our children to build up those walls and lose the magic, we really do an injustice to our future....

Kidthor, forget your adult side. It is more important to feel your inner childe. In 1,000,000,0000000000 years from now, that is what will matter...

You say magic works...What is magic to you. Give us an example please, of magic working in your everyday life?
Pyper said:
cybergirly- Ghosts, no, because I don't believe that humans (or anything else for that matter) have a soul. I suppose mysterious powers, depending on what that power is, could fit in the natural order. But I have yet to see any "psychic" or "telekinetic" prove themselves under scientific conditions.

kidthor- I don't mind you asking. I count most religion as supernatural belief. I am an atheist. you believe that when you die, that is the end of you? If so...does that bother you? Quite frankly, that thought scares the hell out of me.
kidthor said: you believe that when you die, that is the end of you? If so...does that bother you? Quite frankly, that thought scares the hell out of me.
That thought would be quite comforting to me actually, I don't know about her.. but why fear this?
I believe we go on. maybe reincarnation, maybe conscioulsly... but I think we go on.

I read a quotation once.. can't remember the author, but -

"What if all the trees cut down in our rainforests are being reborn as unwanted children?"

that thought scares me.
kidthor said: you believe that when you die, that is the end of you? If so...does that bother you? Quite frankly, that thought scares the hell out of me.

Yes. The same thing will happen to me when I die as happens to everything else: namely, my biological functions will cease, my brain will die, and I will decompose.

That is scary, true. But I'm still young. The old people I've talked to have often mentioned how over many years they came to terms with their own mortality and are ready to die. I hope I can face death with such tranquility as well.
Aquila said:
That thought would be quite comforting to me actually, I don't know about her.. but why fear this?

But Aquila, if you are Christian, don't you believe in eternal life? It wouldn't bother you if there was none?
So what would you do if one day you start seeing ghost? Would it change the way you view death?