Do reporters really have a place in War?


Looking for the way
Feb 4, 2001
yes I know Freedom of speech and all that shit.
but dont' they just get in the way?
okay bombs dropping bullets flying, and here you have a load of unarmed dipshits running around risking there life just so they can tell people We are now here, and the army is planing on blah blah blah.
do they think the enemy won't get ahold of this info?
and at press confrences they keep asking, What are you going to do next? why would anyone give away there stratagy?

I don't think reporters have a role in war.

in WW2 some soldires had cameras with them but they were also trained as soldires.

I just don't get it. Risking your life for freinds and famly is one thing
Risking your life so you can show people a picture......
Responsible reporting certainly has a place in time of war. The key is that it must be responsible reporting.

The majority of the reports we've seen so far in this war have been done with the importance of security of certain information clearly guiding the reporters.
I think it's extremely annoying. There has been WAY too much media coverage during this war. The reporters, for the most part, are pushy and and ask the same things over and over... If they insist on being over there then hand them a gun. If they wanna take their pictures and ask their questions, fine...but make them help where it counts most. In action.
Just as long...

As they maintain tactical secrecy when reporting.
The past 3 weeks I have seen reporters standing next to roadsigns, buildings, and landmarks, that a good observer could call artillery down on that position in seconds.
I think reporters are good for reporting back to the people and nation, how our soldiers represent us in a war.
One of the tenets of the American Military is accountability.

*I predict that pretty soon, it'll resemble a "Survivor" series.
if reporter dont go with the toops how are we going to now whats going on?they reporter most of the war?:)
BUD_2003 said:
if reporter dont go with the toops how are we going to now whats going on?they reporter most of the war?:)

Letting us know what's going on is one thing...but a move by move report of every single thing they can squeeze outta people by harrassing them is another.
I'm not media friendly. It's not just their coverage of the war in Iraq. It's the way they exploit everything. People's emotions especially.
I think it's good that there are people to observe & document the war. I don't think it's good that everything is almost instantaneous. Besides, the first story is rarely factually accurate.

I wish fewer reporters concerned with news, & more concerned with history in process. I'd be happier with a week old factually accurate report than the misconception of the hour.

Imagine- competing for being being most correct rather than first.
patient1 said:

Imagine- competing for being being most correct rather than first.

LOL! That doesn't happen HERE at home for normal news- why would we think it would happen when reporting the news of the war? It is ALWAYS about the "scoop"- being first to report!
I"m anti Military, but I think i'm even more so anti Reporter lol.

always with that fucking freedom of speach.
so freedom of speech means they are alowed to go ANYwhere they please, be it sitting on your front lawn when your yelling at them from to window. to sitting in a millitary base trying to secretly send out pictures of what is being secretly done there.

Reporting the war should be done like this....

Today the troops went into this place and met so much opposition, they managed to free the people of (said place again)


today the soldired took out blah blah, here are some vido clips of the enemy getting shot to death, and there is an innocent civilin that got caught in the cross fire, they are now holding position here here and here, so the only invonerable place of retaliation would be over here.
I heard the soldires saying that the next place they will attack is bla bla bla. and unless the soldires guarding bla bla hear my report or capture me and watch this video tape they won't be ready for the attack.

okay it's exadurated but... reporters are stupid.
Fly_On_Wall said:
okay it's exadurated but... reporters are stupid.

This is so beautiful on its own, but for the irony-challenged I'll add:

Yes, but in journalism school one learns to spell "exaggerated."
Thomas Paine said:
This is so beautiful on its own, but for the irony-challenged I'll add:

Yes, but in journalism school one learns to spell "exaggerated."

Glad you could figure out what word that was supposed to be I was having a hard time with it.
Glad to be of service. I was stuck on "invonerable" for a while myself...