Dear Ann Coulter...


Literotica Guru
Sep 28, 2003
If I still had my television interview show, I would love to have you as a guest...

: Ann Coulter
3/13/2013 08:54 PM

Like the proverbial monkey typing for infinity and getting Shakespeare, Mayor Bloomberg’s obsession with reforming New Yorkers’ health has finally produced a brilliant ad campaign.

Posters are popping up in subway stations and bus stops giving statistics about teen pregnancy that show cute little kids saying things like, “Honestly, Mom … chances are he won’t stay with you. What happens to me?” and “I’m twice as likely not to graduate high school because you had me as a teen.”

(Based on a recent CBS report, the kid could add, “Then again, I’m in the New York City public school system, so even if I graduate I won’t be able to read.”)

It’s one thing to stigmatize “Big Gulp” drinkers, but liberals are hopping mad at this attempt to stigmatize teen pregnancy, 90 percent of which is unwed. To put it another way, if you’re a New York teen with a distended belly these days, it had better be because you’re pregnant.

Planned Parenthood’s Haydee Morales complained that the ads are creating “stigma” and “negative public opinions about teen pregnancy.” (I’m pretty sure that’s the basic idea.)

Instead, Morales suggested “helping teens access health care, birth control and high-quality sexual and reproductive health education.” Like the kind they got before becoming pregnant, you mean? Are you new here, Haydee?

Coincidentally, Planned Parenthood happens to provide reproductive health care! Liberals act as if gun owners, soda-guzzlers and smokers are innocent victims of the gun, food and cigarette industries, but the $542 million-a-year birth control industry is a quarry of angels.

The New York Times’ Michael Powell explained in a column that, as a parent of teenagers, he’s learned that the stupidest thing to do is resort to “the shame-and-blame game.” Teenage pregnancy, he states categorically, is a “problem of poverty.”

I think we have a chicken-and-egg problem, but let’s stick to liberals’ newfound opposition to shaming campaigns.

Far from opposing stigmas, liberals are the main propagators of them — against cigarettes, guns, plastic bags, obesity, not recycling, Fox News, racist “code words,” not liking “Lincoln,” and junk food.

The stigma against smoking has gone so swimmingly that you can’t enjoy a little tobacco pleasure 50 yards from another human being without some bossy woman marching over and accusing you of poisoning her.

California is currently running a series of “Reefer Madness”-style anti-smoking ads, including one that shows cigarette smoke going from a woman outside on her porch, up a story, through the door of another apartment, across the living room, down the hallway and into a room where a baby is sleeping. That would be the equivalent of the Bloomberg ads claiming teen pregnancy causes genocide.

And what exactly was the purpose of the Journal-News publishing the names and addresses of every legal gun owner in various counties in New York state a few months ago? To congratulate them? To start a hunting club?

No, I believe it was to stigmatize legal gun owners. The fact that we didn’t already know who they were proved that the problem isn’t legal gun ownership. All those legal guns — and no rash of drive-by shootings!

Los Angeles has banned plastic bags at supermarkets, even though reusable canvas bags are portable bacterial colonies. But a little ad campaign describing the downsides of teenage pregnancy — which is still subsidized — and liberals howl in protest.

One begins to suspect that liberals aren’t as interested in stopping teenagers from having illegitimate kids as they claim. Do they believe a teenager who gets pregnant out of wedlock is harming herself and her child as much a teenager who smokes? How about an unwed teen who smokes at a landfill?

It’s only a “shame-and-blame game” when liberals secretly approve of the behavior they pretend to oppose.

Unwed mothers have been the perennial excuse for big government, going back to Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, who plotted in the 1960s to create broken families, welfare dependency and urban riots to pave the way for socialist revolution.

That’s why single mothers are revered victims — victims in need of an ever-expanding social safety net, staffed with well-pensioned government workers. As described in that great book, “Guilty: Liberal ‘Victims’ and Their Assault on America,” liberals concoct fake victims in order to victimize the rest of us.

The only thing single mothers are “victims” of is their own choice to have sex with men they’re not married to. Liberals seem to believe that drinking soda is voluntary, but getting pregnant is more like catching the flu.

It would be hard to make the case that fast food, plastic bags and cigarettes do more damage than single motherhood.

Controlling for socioeconomic status, race and place of residence, the strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison is that he was raised by a single mother.

At least 70 percent of juvenile murderers, pregnant teenagers, high school dropouts, teen suicides, runaways and juvenile delinquents were raised by single mothers.

A study back in 1990 by the Progressive Policy Institute showed that, absent single motherhood, there would be no difference in black and white crime rates.

So liberals don’t try to make that case. They just say they’re against “shaming” and then go back to shaming gun owners, non-recyclers, smokers and “Big Gulp” aficionados — while subsidizing illegitimacy.


Like her or not, and you don't Ann is one of a kind and her humor is always sharp and sarcastic. View the content of this essay as a reminder of just how the liberal faction of goverrnment is hell bound to manage your life and how you live it.

Than, consider for a moment, why you support such lunacy? This is America, where human liberty was first protected from people just like the liberals who want to take your freedom away with well intended incursions in your private and public life.

Every issue liberals on this sad form support is one that will take a life or the freedom of an individual. Name one that is not.

If I still had my television interview show...

Hundred of celebs on my show in Honolulu...Joan Baez was one, Miss Canada another, and the left liberal faction was just as nasty then as it is now. Not an ounce of shame or remorse for being idiots, buttfuckers and babykillers...Oh, I had one of the first silicon breast implant patients as a guest...they felt real, really!

we gonna getcha one of these days...

"Television interview show." That's what he called his pretend talk show.

It's like calling a smartphone a "portable internet look-at device."

Is anyone here a psychologist? Ideas as to what this guy's illness is?
At least 70 percent of juvenile murderers, pregnant teenagers, high school dropouts, teen suicides, runaways and juvenile delinquents were raised by single mothers.


Heated arguments on the AH and maybe here, with the liberals claiming that there was no difference in children raised by single mothes or traditional families. Coulter puts the lie to that, eh?

It is even more than that, as boys are raised without positive male role models and girls grow up frightened of men in general. My own personal opinion is that boys raised by a woman only are far more likely to become a deviant sexual aberrant and seek members of his own sex for comfort.

Interesting, of the fifty million abortions performed since 1973, every one was done by a woman....pretty obvious, or course, but think on it, with their newfound independence and liberation, this is how women express that freedom?


Heated arguments on the AH and maybe here, with the liberals claiming that there was no difference in children raised by single mothes or traditional families. Coulter puts the lie to that, eh?

It is even more than that, as boys are raised without positive male role models and girls grow up frightened of men in general. My own personal opinion is that boys raised by a woman only are far more likely to become a deviant sexual aberrant and seek members of his own sex for comfort.

Interesting, of the fifty million abortions performed since 1973, every one was done by a woman....pretty obvious, or course, but think on it, with their newfound independence and liberation, this is how women express that freedom?


Somehow your diatribe about single mothers morphed into an ill-disguised attack on abortion.
So - is your position that single teens who find themselves pregnant should not have access to abortion?
Coz, yanno, that kinda doesn't make much sense.... :confused:
Somehow your diatribe about single mothers morphed into an ill-disguised attack on abortion.
So - is your position that single teens who find themselves pregnant should not have access to abortion?
Coz, yanno, that kinda doesn't make much sense.... :confused:


My answer is a simple one, straight forward and moral. NO sex education for any school child, no prophylactics given out or available, no birth control pills and cerainly no abortion, none.

I don't take it as a given that X amount of teens are going to have sex and become pregnant. A male female relationship at almost any age, is the most intimate, personal and valuable experience a human being can have.

There will still be lower class people and liberals who will still live a promiscuous lifestyle, but from lower middle class on up, supervision, values education at home and a busy, busy, busy schedule through the terrible teens...

...and work, these stupid work laws to protect union workers from teens is distructive to say the least. I was working in a hardward store and then boxing groceries when I was twelve and thirteen...put these kids to work, let them learn about money and keep them ever busy...

it would work...I know it...

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My answer is a simple one, straight forward and moral. NO sex education for any school child, no prophylactics given out or available, no birth control pills and cerainly no abortion, none.

I don't take it as a given that X amount of teens are going to have sex and become pregnant. A male female relationship at almost any age, is the most intimate, personal and valuable experience a human being can have.

There will still be lower class people and liberals who will still live a pomiscuous lifestyle, but from lower middle class on up, supervision, values education at home and a busy, busy, busy schedule through the terrible teens...

...and work, these stupid work laws to protect union workers from teens is distructive to say the least. I was working in a hardward store and then boxing groceries when I was twelve and thirteen...put these kids to work, let them learn about money and keep them ever busy...

it would work...I know it...


Even if it would work that's an awful stupid way to go about it.
For some reason, as I read this thread I hear the voice of Sheldon Cooper, sorry, Dr Sheldon Cooper saying "I'm not crazy! My mother had me tested!"
Just wanted to pop in and say hi to Ya, Ami. ;)



Oh, my, slyc, how nice of you and a real pleasure....I trust all is well with you and yours and you are in a part of the country where spring is about to spring...



Oh, my, slyc, how nice of you and a real pleasure....I trust all is well with you and yours and you are in a part of the country where spring is about to spring...


Been away fro a while. Got tired of all the bitching and moaning on the AH a few years ago, and stopped writing for the site. Recently started getting some ideas for new stories and that led me back to Lit.

Yeah, spring is in full bloom here in Texas. Me and the wife and the Little One are getting along fabulously. My daughter's getting close to seven now.

Anyway, I saw you were here and wanted to drop in. I genuinely miss the discussions we'd had on the AH back then.

Hope you're well.
Been away fro a while. Got tired of all the bitching and moaning on the AH a few years ago, and stopped writing for the site. Recently started getting some ideas for new stories and that led me back to Lit.

Yeah, spring is in full bloom here in Texas. Me and the wife and the Little One are getting along fabulously. My daughter's getting close to seven now.

Anyway, I saw you were here and wanted to drop in. I genuinely miss the discussions we'd had on the AH back then.

Hope you're well.


I stopped visiting here for about six months, I think, last summer the SCOTUS gave America socialized medicine, I turned all news off and have not listened since. Here, I drop in now and again. Yes, there were some good times on the AH, couldn't wait to log in a see who said what...

congratulations on your family status, mine are all grown and about six grandkids are right at the age of making me a great granddaddy...

I recently lost an eye to a detached retina, has taken longer that I expected to learn this one eyed stuff...but I am coming along...acquired a sailboat, needs work, hope to launch this summer off the oregon coast...

if you go back to the AH please say hello to Pure and Handley Page and more that I should remember, but do know, the good guys, not the Stella Omega trash...heh...

so good to hear from you

be well and happy




Let's see. While you're plan MAY work, we can just look at every other country on the planet and know that education and access to contraception WILL work. Why fuck around when there is already a working model out there?

Two your gonna drive wages down, which I know is your goal but a lot of us would rather see wages increase than decrease. Especially in a world like todays where increasingly wages are at best remaining the same. What starts out as "extra cash" will quickly become necessary cash to a family. Which I suppose in your world of family values would be a good thing but still.

You're gonna have to find an epic shit ton of work to keep teens from finding time to get some sex in. Also your insistance that only male/female relationships can be the top of ones life is no less stupid today than it was yesterday or than it will be tommorrow. The reality is that it's simply untrue.

Your plan also is really just doubling down on the ignorance that got us where we are. You trust parents, many of whom lack the education to teach their own children because nobody ever taught them. Then you plan to remove the tools that allow people to safely engage in sex and you wonder why our teen pregnancies and abortions are so high. So I wouldn't expect it to work, but even if it did I'd rather educate and provide for safe sex then hope that sufficient amounts of labor will actually keep kids from having sex.

I stopped visiting here for about six months, I think, last summer the SCOTUS gave America socialized medicine, I turned all news off and have not listened since. Here, I drop in now and again. Yes, there were some good times on the AH, couldn't wait to log in a see who said what...

congratulations on your family status, mine are all grown and about six grandkids are right at the age of making me a great granddaddy...

I recently lost an eye to a detached retina, has taken longer that I expected to learn this one eyed stuff...but I am coming along...acquired a sailboat, needs work, hope to launch this summer off the oregon coast...

if you go back to the AH please say hello to Pure and Handley Page and more that I should remember, but do know, the good guys, not the Stella Omega trash...heh...

so good to hear from you

be well and happy


Sorry to hear about your eye, but I'm also glad you're coming along. "That which does not kill us" and all that.

I've been back on the AH threads for about a week. It's much quieter there than I remember. Handley's posting regularly, but haven't seen a peep from Pure.

I'll see you around, Ami. Take care.
Let's see. While you're plan MAY work, we can just look at every other country on the planet and know that education and access to contraception WILL work. Why fuck around when there is already a working model out there?

Two your gonna drive wages down, which I know is your goal but a lot of us would rather see wages increase than decrease. Especially in a world like todays where increasingly wages are at best remaining the same. What starts out as "extra cash" will quickly become necessary cash to a family. Which I suppose in your world of family values would be a good thing but still.

You're gonna have to find an epic shit ton of work to keep teens from finding time to get some sex in. Also your insistance that only male/female relationships can be the top of ones life is no less stupid today than it was yesterday or than it will be tommorrow. The reality is that it's simply untrue.

Your plan also is really just doubling down on the ignorance that got us where we are. You trust parents, many of whom lack the education to teach their own children because nobody ever taught them. Then you plan to remove the tools that allow people to safely engage in sex and you wonder why our teen pregnancies and abortions are so high. So I wouldn't expect it to work, but even if it did I'd rather educate and provide for safe sex then hope that sufficient amounts of labor will actually keep kids from having sex.


That is a very pragmatic view, no matter what it takes if it works it is good? If so, I have some used ovens for you in Germany.

By what right do you judge some parents not capable? By what right do you address an entire genmeratin for the foibles of a relative few?

Most school girls get pregnant between the time school gets out and the parents get home. Thanks to sex education, they have the tools but never use them or the so called knowledge gained.

At a poetry site I frequent, there is a 'V Club' dozens of girls joined vowing not to have sex until marriage. Is celibacy just to hard for the city kids? Is abstinance an unknown word?

Even back in my day we had a couple 'sluttly' girls who put out and maybe an absence because of a pregnancy, but very rare and...there was NO sex education at ll. Go figure?

You are concern only with what you think works to reach your desired goal.

What troubles me and always has about the Liberal movement, is that your decisions are made without reference to right and wrong, morals and ethics, good and bad.

Our vantage points are different. You see society as something you can maniipulate and shape to fit your ideology.

I see society as a gathering of free people who need only have their freedom protected and they will do all the rest, live their own lives, raise their own children, plan for their own health and retirement plans. I am totally oppoed to mandatory public education and forced withholding for SS and medicare. Let my people be free! they Will make the right decisions without your help or guidance.

I thought amicus was dead.

We all did. Then he showed up saying he only had one eye removed. Treatment that he was only able to obtain due to socialist Medicare which he claims doesn't work for anyone.