Count down T-30 minutes


Whose crack have you been smoking? And why arent you sharing?
It's on telly.

I don't smoke crack. I might lick it though, if you ask me nicely.
Free or not, I still won't watch it until all six movies are on DVD...
But it sucked ass. And that little kid could not have been any worse. I was totally into it as a kid, but not so much at all the last two. The Clone Wars was at least far more bearable.

In my version, the kid and the biped jive talking donkey get wiped out in the first 5 minutes, and the rest is Natalie Portman running around in belly outfits. The guy from the Professional has a cameo where he pops a cap in the fat drug dealer's butt.
Yeah, the movie sucked. It reminded me I ain't twelve no more. I thought the choriography(sp) of fight scene between Ewan and the red face was quite good, considering.

Why did all the alien creatures speak likehybrid between Chinese and Vietnamese?
Yeah, and what that ''force shield'' about?

Why the technology advance as time regress?

Does George Lucas think we can be fooled that easy?
Fall of the Repblic. Much was lost.

The 'retro look' was in fashion in part IV.

What puzzels me is why all the spaceships in I & II sound like WWII prop planes.