Company forced workers to attend con artist campaign event


Literotica Guru
Jun 5, 2006
On Tuesday, the con artist held "an official White House event", NOT a campaign event, at a petrochemical plant in Beaver County, PA where he exhorted the workers to get with their union and support his re-election. Thus, "an official White House event" and NOT a campaign event.

However, left unmentioned is the fact workers were told they had two options:

1) Attend the event and keep any boos and hisses to themselves, or

2) Not attend the event and have to take one of their paid days off and not get any overtime pay for work done on Friday.

"Your attendance is not mandatory. This will be considered an excused absence. However, those who are NOT in attendance will not receive overtime pay on Friday," read part of the memo.

Shell spokesman Curtis Smith confirmed workers were told they would also miss out on some overtime pay if they skipped the event. Shell said it did not write the memo.
. . .
"It was understood some would choose not to attend the presidential visit and were given the option to take paid time off (PTO) instead. As with any workweek, if someone chooses to take PTO, they are not eligible to receive maximum overtime," Smith, the spokesman for Shell, told CNN.

One option apparently not considered was to allow the workers to keep working and get paid for their work rather than being forced to attend "an official White House event" and NOT a campaign event.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment. Steamfitters Local 449, a union mentioned in the Post-Gazette, also did not respond to CNN's request for comment.

"This is just what Shell wanted to do, and we went along with it," Ken Broadbent, business manager for Steamfitters Local 449, told the newspaper.

One has wonder, where else do we see companies forcing their employees to attend such political events or face losing pay? What other country does this happen in?