Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake Order For Gay Wedding Forced To Close Shop After Li


Jan 23, 2011
Oregon: Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake Order For Gay Wedding Forced To Close Shop After Libs Harass And Threaten Them…

Sad but inevitable update to this story.

Via Washington Times:

A husband-and-wife bakery shop team in Oregon were forced to close their shop doors and move to cheaper digs — their home — after gay-rights activists hounded them and drove away contract business because they refused for Christian reasons to bake for a same-sex wedding.

Aaron and Melissa Klein own and operate Sweet Cakes by Melissa. In the past few months, they’ve faced heated scrutiny — some in the form of physical threats — from those in the gay-rights crowd who decried their May refusal to bake for a lesbian couple who wanted to marry.

The Kleins cited their Christian beliefs of traditional marriage when they turned down that business gig, The Blaze reported. But the lesbian couple filed a complaint with the state, accusing the shop owners of discrimination.

Since, they’ve been hounded by vicious telephone calls and emails.

Some of those threats were shocking. One emailer wished for the couple’s children to fall ill. Another expressed hope that Mr. Klein should be shot and even raped, The Blaze reported.
Why do that to somebody? If I don't like how someone treats me I give my business to a competitor. They of course could boycott the establishment, promote the competition, but threats of violence and anything involving kids crosses the line.
They could have backpedalled like Chick-Fil-A did, but no.
So a business that refused business went out of business...isn't that the capitalism you love?

You just got
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So a business that refused business went out of business...isn't that the capitalism you love?

You just got
Except thats not why they went out of business. Some LGBT groups did a violent boycott and threatened other vendors who may have worked with the bakery.

That went over the line, its like the racists who support the BDS movement
What next? Will I need to declare me sex preference to get cheeseburger. Very dumb business person not to make cake.
I'm a Christian. Sometimes what I bake turns out edible, sometimes it doesn't.
What next? Will I need to declare me sex preference to get cheeseburger. Very dumb business person not to make cake.[/QUOTE]


I can understand why from a business point of view. But there are a few people who do put their personal beliefs over monetary gains.

Not sure about your laws on this matter. But here religious freedom would allow the person to refuse service if it conflicts with their personal beliefs.