You're had your tongue hanging out for almost two weeks, waiting for a response, huh?
"How to"s are almost always best learned in communication with a partner, as individual preferences so oft vary. So the only advice I can offer is what pleases this coogrr:
*Best to wait until the pussy is begging to be licked, rather rubbing up against your cheek for it.
*Best to stroke with a wide, flat tongue. Start light and increase your pressure as intensity mounts.
*Stay with a direction and sustain a rhythm. An aimlessly writhing tongue does not feel so erotic as annoying, to this cat. I'm most likely to put a paw on that salamander to stop the action...or swat it away. Long, lordly, lion laps draw my attention (drawing other things up as well.)
I purrsonally don't care if his tongue can trace the entire English alphabet on me. The Tasmanian linguistiX on occasion are enough excitement. ^^@@@!!!~~***!!@@*!!
---Ruth Leslie Awnet (pronounced "ruthlessly on it"),
Coogrr of Artina Heartflash
If you can roll your tongue. Roll it up and use it as a mini pussy and fuck her clit (mini dick) with it. If you can't rolld your tongue don't bother trying, its a genetic thing, you either can or can't.