Bush's America is beginning to look really bad...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
in its constant wriggling to find some evidence that everyone can agree on.

If Iraq is invaded without UN approval then America is going to look really, really bad...

Bad America. Bad, bad...

That's the best you can do? Powell's evidence and Blix's reports must have really taken the wind out of your Anti-Bush sails. Normally this sort of thing would get a longer rant complete with links to silly editorializations from sillier Englishmen.
Americans Tune In To Hear Powell In Record Numbers
KillerMuffin said:
That's the best you can do? Powell's evidence and Blix's reports must have really taken the wind out of your Anti-Bush sails. Normally this sort of thing would get a longer rant complete with links to silly editorializations from sillier Englishmen.

Muffin, will you be my valentine?

*hands KM a poppyseed*
Some people don't take pp's posts too seriously, but they should.
Fer instance, I was watching Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) [that's short for Massachusetts drunk], on C-Span, and he said he was going to weigh the evidence, then sit down with ppman and a couple of cases of Guinness and "generally solve all of the world's problems."
"Further," Kennedy slurred as he steadied himself by tightly clenching the podium, "I think it's important to perhaps have some fine whiskey for these deliberations, and perhaps a couple of hookers. With their help both pp and I will have a better understanding of the French position vis a vis the, uh, Ayatollah, or whatever."
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LOL, in whose eye's pp?

The straw polls show figures as high as 87% that Powell DID make his case.

The UN can either defecate or relinquish the commode. They passed the resolution, their own inspector says that Iraq is still playing a shell game.

And as Mr. Blix pointed out the day before yesterday, the clock says 5 minutes to mid-night.

Ishmael said:
LOL, in whose eye's pp?

The straw polls show figures as high as 87% that Powell DID make his case.

The UN can either defecate or relinquish the commode. They passed the resolution, their own inspector says that Iraq is still playing a shell game.

And as Mr. Blix pointed out the day before yesterday, the clock says 5 minutes to mid-night.


It's the pp syndrome. Everything he says is the opposite of reality.

Remember Bizarro world in Superman comics?
KillerMuffin said:
That's the best you can do? Powell's evidence and Blix's reports must have really taken the wind out of your Anti-Bush sails. Normally this sort of thing would get a longer rant complete with links to silly editorializations from sillier Englishmen.

Well you've got to admit Powell's evidence is a bit of a joke...

Two before and after photographs that don't even look like the same area...

Three artist's impressions and...

One fuzzy pic of a plane that could be doing anything from spraying anthrax to taking a piss.

If that's it I don't know why he bothered giving 'evidence' at all...

Has Saddam ever complied with the U.N. in terms of what he promised to do after the war ended 12 years ago? No.
Does he have weapons of mass destruction. Yes, and he had them more than 12 years ago. He's used them on his own people, as well as Iran's soldiers.
Given his vicious track record (hey, the man got his start in politics as an assassin), only a fool would believe Saddam won't eventually use his weapons — if he's given the opportunity.
Only a fool …
p_p_man said:
Well you've got to admit Powell's evidence is a bit of a joke...

Two before and after photographs that don't even look like the same area...

Three artist's impressions and...

One fuzzy pic of a plane that could be doing anything from spraying anthrax to taking a piss.

If that's it I don't know why he bothered giving 'evidence' at all...


I agree whole-heartedly. Let's wait until he drops a nuke on London first.
Ham Murabi said:
Some people don't take pp's posts too seriously, but they should.
Fer instance, I was watching Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) [that's short for Massachusetts drunk], on C-Span, and he said he was going to weigh the evidence, then sit down with ppman and a couple of cases of Guinness and "generally solve all of the world's problems."
"Further," Kennedy slurred as he steadied himself by tightly clenching the podium, "I think it's important to perhaps have some fine whiskey for these deliberations, and perhaps a couple of hookers. With their help both pp and I will have a better understanding of the French position vis a vis the, uh, Ayatollah, or whatever."

PP, you'll have to drive though.
KillerMuffin said:
What about Blix's corroborating reports?

The Warren Commission should have shown you by now how reports can be suspect...

And if it comes to that why didn't America hand over her evidence to the UN as she was required to do?

Ham Murabi said:
Has Saddam ever complied with the U.N. in terms of what he promised to do after the war ended 12 years ago? No.
Does he have weapons of mass destruction. Yes, and he had them more than 12 years ago. He's used them on his own people, as well as Iran's soldiers.
Given his vicious track record (hey, the man got his start in politics as an assassin), only a fool would believe Saddam won't eventually use his weapons — if he's given the opportunity.
Only a fool …

Why not tell the truth for once and tell us all why he had the opportunity to drop them on his own people and what his motive was.

Come on fellah...

We're all waiting...

Jolly good rally, mister p_! You're in a hell of a position and I have to say that you're fighting the good fight.

Casting aspersions on a decades defunct commission is a great tactic. Don't forget Meese! And McCarthy!

I really do admire your pluck.
KillerMuffin said:
Jolly good rally, mister p_! You're in a hell of a position and I have to say that you're fighting the good fight.

Casting aspersions on a decades defunct commission is a great tactic. Don't forget Meese! And McCarthy!

I really do admire your pluck.

I've had good teachers in Americans on Lit...

Having to defend Chamberlain wasn't easy you know!


p_p_man said:
I've had good teachers in Americans on Lit...

Having to defend Chamberlain wasn't easy you know!



How about defending the English who set up the bulk of the situation in the Middle East through thier colonialism?
p_p_man said:
in its constant wriggling to find some evidence that everyone can agree on.

If Iraq is invaded without UN approval then America is going to look really, really bad...

Bad America. Bad, bad...
Concern yourself with your own continent. France and Germany are outnumbered by everybody else.

Front man

Powell was chosen to present the "evidence" at the UN precisely because he is the Bush team's moderate, and cooler head. I's like to see those alleged 87% straw poll results-- you notice Ishmael didn't provide any link. The bellowing and threatening, gangster-like rhetoric emanating from the Bushies is reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the old League of Nations.
Re: Front man

Powell was chosen to present the "evidence" at the UN precisely because he is the Bush team's moderate, and cooler head. I's like to see those alleged 87% straw poll results-- you notice Ishmael didn't provide any link. The bellowing and threatening, gangster-like rhetoric emanating from the Bushies is reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the old League of Nations.

If only he were a good socialist. Then it would be liberation speech.
RosevilleCAguy said:
How about defending the English who set up the bulk of the situation in the Middle East through thier colonialism?

I can't...

Because I broadly agree with you...

p_p_man said:
Why not tell the truth for once and tell us all why he had the opportunity to drop them on his own people and what his motive was.

Come on fellah...

We're all waiting...


I'll be happy to.
Bush Sr. accomplished the goal of the Gulf War when Iraqi troops were driven out of Kuwait. He erred, tragically, by believing the Kurds — and others, as I recall — would be able to rise up and overthrow Saddam.
Now that I've answered your question, let me ask you one: Are you comfortable with a leader who would commit genocide on his fellow countrymen? Remember, pp, we're not talking about someone who was interested in maintaining a free republic, we're talking about a man who rose to the top as an assasin.
Come on fellah …
We're all waiting …