Brit's Birthday Countdown!!


Miss Behave
Jun 22, 2012
15 days till our beautiful Brit has a birthday!

And I will spend the next fifteen days teasing her, leaving loves, counting down and generally making sure she knows how damn cool she is.

Anyone wanna help me?!

Day 15!

Sis my world is better for having you in it. I know that when I'm having a hard time with something I need only wait for you to hand me some sanity and then my world is right side up again.

I'm so glad you were born!! :D
Dearest Brit it is because of people like you, people that encourage and inspire me that I strive to be a better me. Thank you for getting a year wiser and sharing it with us.
I owe you two days!!

#14- I love that I can leave you little messages of me losing my mind, and you always reply with sanity and insight that makes me go.. oh. Right!

#13- Your husband is the hotness. I do so adore the Kingly one, ever so much, and love it when he blushes for me. He might be one of my favorite toys.
walks in, reads and blushes from head to toe

Oh my! Not sure I can cope with another two weeks of such things...but I'll try.

giggles and kisses her thoughtful Sis' cheek

Thanks lovely. :rose:

And thank you too Raven!

blows him a kiss, lips smiling shyly
I like the way Brit always has a kind word, and the hope of finding us at our best. And never seems disappointed when we're not.
#12- Your eyes, sis. They are beautiful, expressive, and always brightly lit up, and I know for a fact that I am not the only fan of them....Daddy raves about them.
#11- Your patience, with everything and mostly everyone, but especially Daddy and I. Patience with me for my never ending and wholly lack of patience with Daddy and your knack for keeping me out of trouble. And patience with him because, it's him.

And sometimes both of us should be kicked and yet, you give us hugs instead.
#10, 9, 8- Dear sis,

Today was a hard day, and not for the usual reasons, I know that when I get bad news, one of the first people I want to process with is you, because while I can be crying on one side of the screen, on the other you're trying to make me laugh. And invariably you always do.

I like how you, me and Daddy are like the three musketeers, always in trouble, okay, so maybe I'm the one in trouble, but how you just laugh at the two of us whenever we start bickering. A few months ago the phone rang through to my voicemail, remember? And you and Daddy were being goofy.. and I kept that message because it makes me feel better to hear both your voices.

Right now we are separated from each other, but I think we'll be back together soon, and wanted you to know just how important you are to me. Loves. Mad loves.

Now.. would you get home so that we can giggle at my dramatics?
comes in


blushes many many shades of pink and might now be grinning like an idiot

You're all far too sweet to me.

grins some more

wanders back out, shaking her head slightly

Because it's you.

6. Do I tell you everyday that you're beautiful? Because you are. Your personality is brilliant, engaging, and bright, and this shines through the rest of you, I know you tell me that I'm engaging, but those same skills shine through you too, my lovely. Everything is better with just a little Brit.

5. Boobs. Yours. Mine. Ours together. Dreams are made of them. Damn. It's possible that we'd break a few good men should we ever combine forces....oh wait...
4. You're a brilliant writer, collaborator, and co-writer, always coming up with new ideas and super supportive of your co-writers.

3. You're sexy. Did I say this once already? Yes? Well then it needs to be said again!

2. You're the best partner in crime any naughty little trouble maker could ask for. We work so well together, of course Daddy is the most spoiled man on this planet, I pick up where you leave off and you pick up where I leave off. Together we are kind of, unstoppable, and I couldn't ask for a better sister submissive on the whole planet. Even if we are on opposite sides of it.

1. Freckles.
And that's all I have to say about that.... which means...
leaves a bouquet of sunflowers tied with a soft pink ribbon

You spoil me, you do. And thank you for it.
Thank you!