Bienvenidos Amigos



I read today that illegals are coming to America and displacing our Poor Young Men.
*sigh pobrecito Jaime, so are the Poor Young Women still in place?

BTW ¡your Spanish is excelente!


*watch my very sexy legal ass sway out your door
*sigh pobrecito Jaime, so are the Poor Young Women still in place?

BTW ¡your Spanish is excelente!


*watch my very sexy legal ass sway out your door

Alas I have no one to speak it with. Even my son, who is half Cuban, cant speak Spanish. Que sara, sara.

Tell me, chica, what does AY mean literally? Is it like resignation to the Romans pounding nails through your hands into the cross?
That's what happens our men refuse to fight to protect what's theirs. soon they'll lose their women too and a hardier race will be bred. As old Chesty once reminded us.:D

That's how it is.
Alas I have no one to speak it with. Even my son, who is half Cuban, cant speak Spanish. Que sara, sara.

Tell me, chica, what does AY mean literally? Is it like resignation to the Romans pounding nails through your hands into the cross?

Sí, you could interperet it like that, but then it would be ay coño no aguanto,
ay no más :eek:

"Ay" is like "oh", Jaime, por ejemplo" "ay dios mío" = oh my god

also the ay yai yai, mostly to indicate something is not quite right.

Well, you can practice with me, cuando quieras.

*I cannot believe Jaime is cool today, must be the Sunday music I have been playing,
I was all ready for another ass whipping lol :)
Sí, you could interperet it like that, but then it would be ay coño no aguanto,
ay no más :eek:

"Ay" is like "oh", Jaime, por ejemplo" "ay dios mío" = oh my god

also the ay yai yai, mostly to indicate something is not quite right.

Well, you can practice with me, cuando quieras.

*I cannot believe Jaime is cool today, must be the Sunday music I have been playing,
I was all ready for another ass whipping lol :)

Gracias. OH! is a good translation. I am reading THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA, and Santiago's hands are hurt.

No ass whipping unless tu gusto.
Alas I have no one to speak it with. Even my son, who is half Cuban, cant speak Spanish. Que sara, sara.
*polite snip*

It was not for me to correct you, Jaime, but since it is now a fucking joke :rolleyes:

*softly in your ear: it goes: Que será, será (like the song says)

who the fuck is sara?

Did you mean Say-rah, that chica in the song?

but if you meant Sah --rah, she is down the block, with Jenny :catgrin:

Adre said:
Gosh, I was hoping bienvenidos meant goodbye.

I learnt this from the best 'be careful what you wish for" .
It was not for me to correct you, Jaime, but since it is now a fucking joke :rolleyes:

*softly in your ear: it goes: Que será, será (like the song says)

Did you mean Say-rah, that chica in the song?

but if you meant Sah --rah, she is down the block, with Jenny :catgrin:

I learnt this from the best 'be careful what you wish for" .

sera is correct, no? My eyes are bad a's look like e's to me

In Spain, though, are many dialects and pronunciations of the same Sabado. In one place its SUH BAHD O in another its SAH BAH DO. And of course I use the Castillian form where SARASGOSSA is pronounced THERA GOTHA and THER VAYTHA for CERVEZA and CINE is THINNY
sera is correct, no? My eyes are bad a's look like e's to me

In Spain, though, are many dialects and pronunciations of the same Sabado. In one place its SUH BAHD O in another its SAH BAH DO. And of course I use the Castillian form where SARASGOSSA is pronounced THERA GOTHA and THER VAYTHA for CERVEZA and CINE is THINNY

Todo eso es correcto, Jaime. It is 'e' the first vowel in "sera".
All languages have their diferente pronunciations, dialectos, intonations, all sorts of ways to make it sound a little raro. One region to the next, a person's level of education, social standing, the way a tongue rolls, all factor in language, don't go too far, think USA and our amigos across the pond.

Spanish (from Spain) is Castillian (called Castellano) also like the people from Argentina, that is the hardest to follow, just like you say, all the 'S' 'C' 'Z' sound like 'TH', and a harsh raspy sound también, I have interacted with them and lose some sense in the conversation, a veces = ah veTHED.
Venezuelan, Colombian accentos and others from the region are very similar and much easier on the ear :)

*So how is the book, so far?
Todo eso es correcto, Jaime. It is 'e' the first vowel in "sera".
All languages have their diferente pronunciations, dialectos, intonations, all sorts of ways to make it sound a little raro. One region to the next, a person's level of education, social standing, the way a tongue rolls, all factor in language, don't go too far, think USA and our amigos across the pond.

Spanish (from Spain) is Castillian (called Castellano) also like the people from Argentina, that is the hardest to follow, just like you say, all the 'S' 'C' 'Z' sound like 'TH', and a harsh raspy sound también, I have interacted with them and lose some sense in the conversation, a veces = ah veTHED.
Venezuelan, Colombian accentos and others from the region are very similar and much easier on the ear :)

*So how is the book, so far?

The sharks ate Santiago's fish. I like Santiago but I get a long well with Cubans unless they don't know American idioms. Maggie, my secretary, got me in big trouble, I say MAGGIE! I'M GONNA QUIT FOR THE DAY AND GO HOME AND DIE. So she tells my boss HE SAYS HE QUIT AND IS GONNA DIE. I had the flu.
The sharks ate Santiago's fish. I like Santiago but I get a long well with Cubans unless they don't know American idioms.
*polite snip*

Hola, Jaime :)
I have had that problem, not so much any more, idiomatic expressions can bite you in the ass LOL

So, are you still on with Hemingway, amigo? Santiago put up a really good fight, endured a long time, him and the fish, that was hard, y triste.
I like Manolín, and his afecto for the Old Man. It is easy to empathize with that fish, over here, especially the shark attack :( Díme how it goes.
*Carry on, carry on and have Fun.

If you do not mind, Jaime, can I leave this on your thread?

Hola, Jaime :)
I have had that problem, not so much any more, idiomatic expressions can bite you in the ass LOL

So, are you still on with Hemingway, amigo? Santiago put up a really good fight, endured a long time, him and the fish, that was hard, y triste.
I like Manolín, and his afecto for the Old Man. It is easy to empathize with that fish, over here, especially the shark attack :( Díme how it goes.
*Carry on, carry on and have Fun.

If you do not mind, Jaime, can I leave this on your thread?


Not a problem, chica.

Santiago is too old for youngsters to relate to. So I don't know why kids must read the book. Its an old mans book. Old men understand futility and lost causes. Kids are conquistadors.

I started reading THE SUN ALSO RISES. I cant relate to spoiled, snooty debutantes, so I closed it.