As Middle East Melts Down, @BarackObama Tweets About Jay-Z, High Fives and Mitt Romne


Jan 23, 2011
As Middle East Melts Down, @BarackObama Tweets About Jay-Z, High Fives and Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns

Obama Talks “Crunches” With Olympians While American Embassies Are Being Overrun By Islamist Mobs…

Leadership in action.
Number Of Times Obama Has Tweeted About Jay-Z And Beyonce: 47 – Number Of Times He Tweeted About Murder Of Four Americans In Libya: 1


Via The Blaze:

Just one of President Barack Obama’s last 47 tweets from his official campaign account mentioned the crisis unfolding in the Middle East or the four Americans who lost their lives in a fiery attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Tuesday.

Among the tweets sent out by Obama’s Twitter account included a chance to win tickets to an Obama event hosted by Jay-Z and Beyonce, links to Obama merchandise and solicitations for $5 and $10 donations.

The only mention of the consulate assault came in the form of a retweet of the White House Twitter account
The Obama policy of disengagement, commonly known as "bugging out" is under way.

Because getting involved in the first place without a die hard commitment to conquer and seize assets (to pay our bills) was a FANTASTIC IDEA!!!! :rolleyes:

No...we started shit, cut taxes and blamed obama for the mess.....

Good thing the GOP has a hardcore man of moral fortitude, values and integrity going into office.............

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Reagan would have made more tweets about Joey Bishop than about the contras.
Don't have a damn thing to do with cutting taxes, Has to do with over spending. Do get a clue with your next dose of fertilizer.

I can't sleep despite the headache and crappy mood so i went to browsing the GB again and woah and behold....stupid strikes, monumental amounts of stupid. In fact I'm wondering if I'm being trololed stupid.....not sure but if so then kudos'.

How can it not have anything to do with taxes being cut after we decide to blow shit wads of money?? Someone has to pay thos bill and taxes are the only way it's going to happen. They are directly linked....and must be balanced or it all comes apart. 1% owns 90+% of Merikuh's wealth? I think they need to pay some fucking bills....b/c the middle class simply does not have it and they never will.

So the more we spend the more we have to tax or we shit the we have seen recently. Getting fucked is a naturally occurring quiescence of not paying ones bills....or in our case paying bills with credit of credit of credit of credit of credit...

You really want conservatism to take hold in Merikuah? Start making these fucks pay......we want government controlled funded/sponsored/endorsed/subsidized etc etc etc....I want 95% of


Quit being stupid vette.....give the left ALL the rope they want man it's to late to un fuck 16 trillion bro so get/grab all you can b/c there is no stopping/fighting the boogie man. Unsustainable was 40 years ago....fucked is today.

If they took every penny from every Americans paycheck it would take GENERATIONS to pay off our bills, thanks baby boomers!! I really appreciate that......:rolleyes:

On an up note congratulations man you won. You got to live most your life during the golden era of the most prosperous and powerful state that ever was. My kids and your grand kids though? World of hurt coming their way....they are going to have to learn to embrace the suck.
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Tell me something, do you think the American people can take a 16 trillion dollar tax increase? I didn't think so, but this is how much more than they took in the government has spent, 5 trillion of it in the last 4 years. In 1960 the National Debt was less than 300 billion. The government has never lived within it's revenues. They spend more than they can politically justify. They do it with inflation. You should probably take soome time and study the issue. Did you see what Bernanke is saying he will do yesterday? More of the same. He's taxing your kids and your grand kids, not you.

That's what I just said idiot..we spent too much money. You know when the ONLY time you can spend too much? When you can't pay for do we pay our bills as a nation? TAXES....

We didn't raise taxes with the spending vette.....there is no way about it, if you spend you must tax.

Well we havn't been taxing very well, we have been taxing according to knee jerk buuu shit emotional reactions. "Read my more taxes!!!" sound familiar? But god damn we love to spend.....

So we just kept charging it to plastic. Now the card is smoked so bad we can't even cover the interest, and the baby boomers have doomed me, my kids, grand kids and your's to financial suck o' thon.

So why try and fix it? It's fucking totaled bro

^^ US economic future.

That would be like you going out and taking a loan out for 100 billion, there is no recovery...the party was great but it's fucking over and american prosperity will suffer for many years to come because of it.

So quit fighting it...done is done, feed the left their rope, let them give women pay equality Pelosi style to the tune of an additional 2 trillion/year....slave descendants and veterans and homeless and everybody get's free money weeeeeee!!!!

Crash this mother fucker into the the band aid off.....

The sooner we deal with the come down the sooner we can start crawling out of this epic pit we have dug ourselves.