Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?

Haven't had any significant changes and don't anticipate any. Just sailing along on the sea of life.
Things here are always financially tight but I seem to make it somehow. I am still, all in all, very lucky.
no I am not better off now than 4 years ago. 4 years ago I was still earning a reasonable income. Today my income is about 25% of what it was 4 years ago. Obama SUCKS and has sold our country out!!!!
Keep blaming Obama

You will blame the next president too

And the one after, yet the problem is right under your noses but you don't want to see it
Four years ago I was laid off from a great job with great benefits. Today, I have a job that pays 1/3 of what I was earning in 2009 with no benefits, but it's better than no job.
Well after several games of pick up I am a little more tired than normal. My knees hurt a little more, and getting above the rim is almost a thing of the past. On a positive note I seem to be more accurate beyond the arch.

I have gained about 40 yrds to my drive but that could be all club.

If I am out till 4am my next day recovery time seems to take a bit longer.

I am still ready to go 10 minutes after a nut, so there is that.

4 years can take a toll on the body. But I will not bitch too much...

Outside of getting married in a month, my situation is pretty much the same as it was 4 years ago. Now if only I was 170 again...
The business I own is a lot slower than it was four years ago. People do not have the resources to obtain what I provide.
Well after several games of pick up I am a little more tired than normal. My knees hurt a little more, and getting above the rim is almost a thing of the past. On a positive note I seem to be more accurate beyond the arch.


Above the rim?
Yes. Four years ago I was in 10th grade and had a bit of an acne problem and still had no boobs. I was the ugly duckling waiting to become a swan.
four years? yes. emotionally and financially. physically as well.