Are sex harassment laws a "hate" crime?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
Interesting off shoot of the Trayvon Martin case, is the idea that if Martin had in fact thought that Zimmerman was a gay predator following him around for sexual reasons, he would have been guilty of a "hate" crime for beating him up.

If its a "hate" crime to take offense to a gay making sexual advances on the street, wouldn't that mean that its also a "hate" crime for a women to sue a man for making a sexual advance to her at work or elsewhere?

What's the difference? A lawsuit can ruin someone's life worse than getting beat up on the street.

Is this not another compelling reason to re-consider the "sex harassment" "laws" and let adults handle things amongst themselves as they did for thousands of years before these "laws" were made up by feminists in the 1980s?
tell me about your relationship with your mother.