Apocolypse really isn't all that bad...


Not Innocent
Oct 26, 2001
Heaven exists where you find happiness.
Hell exists where you feel fear.
Every end is another begining.
You do not own your life, but you still may live it how you please.

I want to bring about a John the Divine style Apocolypse, and everybody is invited; Bring Your Own Locust. :)
Black_Bird said:
I want to bring about a John the Divine style Apocolypse, and everybody is invited; Bring Your Own Locust. :)

What about all the nonChristians? What happens to them?

I think you are one of the first signs of the apocalypse ;)
Heaven is being remembered.
Hell is being forgotten.
There are no beginnings or ends, only continuation.
Your life is a link in a chain.
Re: Re: Apocolypse really isn't all that bad...

roxanne69 said:
What about all the nonChristians? What happens to them?

They get to ignore the whole thing like it isn't even happening; what does the gold fish care concerning the events in a elephants life?

I think you are one of the first signs of the apocalypse ;)

Third, actually...
phrodeau said:
Heaven is being remembered.
Hell is being forgotten.
There are no beginnings or ends, only continuation.
Your life is a link in a chain.

Thanks for translating, uh, I think...
the best thing about an apocalypso...would be the steel drum music...followed quickly by my creditors all dropping dead.