anyone watching BBC1/BBCnews 24 right now?

which one were you talking about ... we were flicking between channels ... the dark hair ?
sexy-girl said:
which one were you talking about ... we were flicking between channels ... the dark hair ?

Dark hair, exotic looking. Hussain i think her last name is? *shrugs*
The tattoo on my left arm is a cartoon version of me as a little girl. I drew it. It kind of looks like a tripped out power puff girl, but oh well. I like it.
My tattoo.

Hiya Star honey, how are you? :heart:
Michelle Hussain, that's her name. She's sat in Washington and comes up every night around mindnight.
I did a search for "michelle hussain" but came up empty.

I guess you get her all to yourself ;)
Pink † Jesus said:
I did a search for "michelle hussain" but came up empty.

I guess you get her all to yourself ;)

tryin to find her on the BBC's website but no joy so far
I did a search for starblayde lips and this is what I found.
