anyone for 8 ball?


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
yahoo pool, ya fuckin' skiheads.

let me know.
acitore got here first, killswitch, but you're next.
No, thanks. Now, darts, I'll kick your ass. I must confess, I've never lost. Seriously.
8 ball??? No thanks... as a rule I can only fit two in my mouth at a time. ;)

But you go have a ball.... or three. :D
anyone? anyone? I have time for a few games.
I would, but I don't have uninterrupted time just now... maybe later if you're still looking.
Darkthought said:
I would, but I don't have uninterrupted time just now... maybe later if you're still looking.

cool, keep me posted.
Pool? I love pool! I would let you win, perky, but I'm afraid I can't... I mean, if I'm playing pool, I'm already losing. :D
Black_Bird said:
Pool? I love pool! I would let you win, perky, but I'm afraid I can't... I mean, if I'm playing pool, I'm already losing. :D

hey bird, lol. I just like having ball in hand.
I see how it is. You replied to everyone's comment but mine... but am I offended? No... I'm above that sorta thing.

RawHumor said:
I see how it is. You replied to everyone's comment but mine... but am I offended? No... I'm above that sorta thing.


ok, I'd rather see that too, but seeing as she's there and I'm here, I have to play pool instead. But thanks for torturing me with the imagery. You're a pal.
Starblayde said:
If it will make you more likely to fuck me, then yes :D


I'm not sure with the averages on my likiness of fucking are, but I like pool and I like you. The math seems good.