And my Doctor asked....


Really Really Experienced
Feb 7, 2001
My Doctor asked what was worrying me, so I answered:

Whether the car will start,
Whether the supermarket will be busy,
What to buy for tea,
Will my wife be home from work on time.

Should I move house,
Whether we should have children,
Will I still have a job in a year's time,
Should I save for a pension?

The state of the trains,
The litter on the streets,
Can politicians tell the truth?
Does television ruin the mind.

Is there life after death?
Whether there's a heaven or hell,
Is non-existence all there is?
Will anyone remember me.

Will we stop polluting the world in time?
Whether global warming will fry us all.
Will mankind colonise more planets?
Or will mankind die with all its eggs in this delicate basket.

Will mankind break away from this solar system?
Whether escape will be possible when the sun supernovas.
When the galaxies collide, will mankind be out there still?
Will the universe end with a fizzle or a bang?

My Doctor replied, "Here take a pill!"