here is a partial list of Americans who are/were the best of our culture (I would hardly call DeNiro and Capote the best our culture has to offer):
Edwin Armstrong
Leo Baekeland
Matthias Baldwin
John Bardeen
Andrew Beard
Alexander Graham Bell
Emile Berliner
Otis Boykin
John Browning
Vannevar Bush
Chester Carlson
Wallace Carothers
Willis Carrier
George Washington Carver
Samuel Colt
Peter Cooper
Glenn Curtiss
Gottlieb Daimler
John Deere
Lee DeForest
Joseph Dixon
The Brothers Duryea
George Eastman
Thomas Edison
John Fitch
Henry Ford
Benjamin Franklin
Robert Fulton
Richard Gatling
Robert Goddard
Charles Goodyear
John Gorrie
Bette Graham
John Gregg
John Holland
Robert Jarvik
Thomas Jefferson
Steven Jobs
Fredrick Jones
Edwin Land
Samuel Langley
John Larson
Hudson Maxim
Cyrus McCormick
Garret Morgan
Samuel Morse
Ransom Olds
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Elisha Otis
John Pemberton
George Pullman
James Ritty
Jonas Salk
Jacob Schick
Alexander De Seversky
Igor Sikorsky
Igor Sikorsky
Isaac Singer
Charles Steinmetz
Frederick Taylor
George Westinghouse
Edward Weston
Eli Whitney
Daniel Williams
Granville Woods
Brothers Wright
Linus Yale
Vladimir Zworykin
notice that G. Gordon Liddy and Jeff Foxworthy didnt make the list.
Edwin Armstrong
Leo Baekeland
Matthias Baldwin
John Bardeen
Andrew Beard
Alexander Graham Bell
Emile Berliner
Otis Boykin
John Browning
Vannevar Bush
Chester Carlson
Wallace Carothers
Willis Carrier
George Washington Carver
Samuel Colt
Peter Cooper
Glenn Curtiss
Gottlieb Daimler
John Deere
Lee DeForest
Joseph Dixon
The Brothers Duryea
George Eastman
Thomas Edison
John Fitch
Henry Ford
Benjamin Franklin
Robert Fulton
Richard Gatling
Robert Goddard
Charles Goodyear
John Gorrie
Bette Graham
John Gregg
John Holland
Robert Jarvik
Thomas Jefferson
Steven Jobs
Fredrick Jones
Edwin Land
Samuel Langley
John Larson
Hudson Maxim
Cyrus McCormick
Garret Morgan
Samuel Morse
Ransom Olds
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Elisha Otis
John Pemberton
George Pullman
James Ritty
Jonas Salk
Jacob Schick
Alexander De Seversky
Igor Sikorsky
Igor Sikorsky
Isaac Singer
Charles Steinmetz
Frederick Taylor
George Westinghouse
Edward Weston
Eli Whitney
Daniel Williams
Granville Woods
Brothers Wright
Linus Yale
Vladimir Zworykin
notice that G. Gordon Liddy and Jeff Foxworthy didnt make the list.