Amazon Fever...a tale of science and lust





"Clay Eaves?"
The pretty professor giggled,
"That sounds like something I'd buy for my house!"

That's how it all started.
A cocktail party welcoming new faculty to Brown Russet University on a chilly evening in early October.

"Cold for this time of year isn't it Doctor Adams."
He responded and managed to slosh vermouth from the martini he was trying to twirl so nonchalantly.
Nonchalant was a bearing he deeply admired and aspired to yet was hopelessly inept at pulling off.

"Are you going to be working in our department Doctor Eaves?"
The entemologist's teeny black cocktail dress seemed to be overflowing with confident, rosey hued pulchritude as she accepted the drink before he managed to spill anymore.
He wasn't a doctor of course and in fact seemed farther away from the coveted degree than he did when he left graduate school almost ten years before.

The problem was his dissertation,
A Global and Structural Analysis of Aboriginal Promiscuity Patterns in Pristine Environments.
The Global part was the hangup. He'd only managed to study promiscuity among the living relics of the 'Green Rainbow Freedom Commune' outside of Mendocino when the family fortune went belly up and Dad was sent to jail.
This was his 5th teaching position in nine years and he only got the job because a distant Uncle was a trustee of the prestigious New England school.
That and the fact that with his tall frame, and latin good lucks...Mom was a Bodaglio by birth...he could usually charm his way into a job if a female was calling the shots.
So why, he wondered, adjusting the wire rims on his fine aquiline nose, am I stammeing like a schoolboy in the face of this foxy young Bug Doctor!

"No, "
He said finally, " I'll be teaching Anthropology under Professor Hol Ma Pik."
"Anthropology! That's wonderful!"
Her eyes brightened,
"What can you tell me about the Foradora Tribe of the Black Amazonita?"

He looked at her blankly, was she pulling his leg?
"I not actually familiar with them..."
Her attention was drifting towards the nationaly known and deeply admired Brown Russet Leviathan's football couch Bull Dyschenski who'd just entered the room.

desperation, the Big Lie...
"I've traveled extensively in the region and have more than a passing aquaintance with the natives, been intimate with them in fact." he winked.
There!, that hooked her back!
He had after all read several books and...

"You have!"
She grabbed his arm and hauled him off with a strength that belied her elegant facade towards a short fat man in musty tweeds.
"Doctor Zorba...This is the man we need!, he knows the country like the back of his hand!...Speaks the language!
We have to have him...have too!"

Zorba slipped a plump moist hand into his own trembling one.
"So you vill come with us then...I can arrange that with Doctor Shirley, vut is von more antropologist more or less ya!"
He laughed, cigar ashes fell across his broad belly.

Julia Adams leaned close, her perfume momentarily sweeping away the escalating anxiety that was growing in him like bread rising in a hot oven.

"Oh this will be so grand!...We're looking for a cure for impotence said to be known among the Foradora's but every expedition that has sought them out has failed to return..."
She paused,
"Why your trembling Clay!...Don't worry, Coach Bull is going with us and he can handle anything dangerous that comes up!"

This is the long awaited new thread for Chanaud and I, in which we will play a variety of roles including some that are only questionably human....enjoy!

OOC...nothing like starting out with a blooper, but cookies do turn to mush in the hot wet jungle.
Black wire-rimmed glasses sat on her thin regal nose while her warm brown almond shaped eyes looked straight ahead towards her destination. Dr. Julia Adams' long, lean legs carried her gracefully as she ran a mental checklist through the crowded airport.

Lab notes….check
Lab tools….check
Analogy of the Amazon book
Tape Recorder
Vitamin Shots

Her cool face crinkled as a perplexed took over. Something was missing. What could it be? Wha???


She swung her nylon backpack to the floor. Passengers swerved and bumped into others to avoid tripping over her. She was oblivious to the curses directed at her. Her long nimble fingers dug to the bottom of her backpack. Damn…Damn…Damn

“Dr. Adams! I hope you haven’t changed your mind?”

She looked up with a blank stare. A few blinks later, her eyes focused.

“Oh goodness…no! I think I have forgotten my passport…”

“Julia, my dear, you don't remember? Dr. Shirley is in charge with our passports. She is in charge of all of our administrative needs including Accounting.”

A pink blush monopolized her creamy white skin.

“Yes. I remember now. We discussed this the other night.”

Coach Bull leaned down to her level and offered a thick hand. She took it gratefully.

“Come. You have more important things to worry about besides mundane tasks such as remembering passports. The university’s future is relying on this formula. If you don’t come through for the university….. well, you know what will happen. I don’t think I
have to spell it out for you…..”


Papers flew everywhere. A heavy object knocked Coach Bull forward and on top of Dr. Adams.

“Oh my gawd, I am soooo sorry!!!”

Clay Eaves stood over them with sweat pouring from his blushing face.

" children! Wat a scene you are making!...We must keep the repootation of da's image KONSTANTLY in our minds!...Ya?"

Professor Zorba, thrust his corpulant body between the flustered Clay and seething Bull. Offering them all eskimo pies one of which was melting in his beefy hands and running down the stained length of his micky mouse emblazoned yellow tie.
They all laughed, recognizing the words of the stern Doctor Shirley behind Zorba's thick accent.

"Come on..come up!...You von't zee no ice cream where the Foradora live, ehhh...Mister Eaves?"

Clay held the dripping treat away from his recently acquired Banana Republic bush jacket and wished the damn thing would disappear.

"Ice cream...Mister Eaves...Ice Cream among da Foradora...rare ain't it?"

"Oh yeah...real rare...real..."
The liquifying freezing mess slid slowly down it's wooden armature and over the neatly pressed cuff of his jacket,


"Now, Now...musn't svere..remember our...image."
Zorba laughed and the three of them walked off towards the waiting shuttle, Bull casting a menacing look over his shoulder as Clay Eaves rinsed his wrist in the closest water fountain he could find.
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Dr. Julia Adams glanced back at the handsome Clay Eaves and sighed. What a godsend he was! They have been planning this expedition as soon as the announcement of the grant, but the only thing that held them back was the lack of knowledge of the Amazon. When all hope had run out, Coach Bull volunteered to guide them through the thick jungle. Julia figured he was their only hope. Who would dare mess with them with the former football defensive tackle star in their midst?

Yes, he was truly a godsend. And a handsome one. He was more than Julia had ever hoped for. A flicker of worry crossed her face when she saw him washing his hands diligently. Hopefully, he won’t be that particular in the wild, she thought.

Empty seats were scattered throughout the jumbo jet. The only empty pair was in the back. Julia bee lined towards it and set her carry on bag next to her. She glanced up to catch Clay’s eyes for this would be a perfect opportunity to learn some of the amazing language. She was highly disappointed when Coach Bull took upon himself to remove her bag and plop down next to her.

They sat in silence. As soon as the engine rumbled up the runway, he turned to her with the most serious tone.

“I’ve finally got you to myself. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, Julia.”

A panic set in her making her frown to deepen. Oh God! I hope he haven’t changed his mind.

He took her petite hand in her and rubbed her calluses from hours of lab work in his massive hands.


She looked up.
Clay was standing over them...looking pale.
"Julia, I'm going to be sick."

Bull shot out of his seat with his pants on fire and Clay fell into the vacant seat.
Julia would like to have followed Bull's example but she gritted her teeth, crossed her fingers and moved as far away as courtesy would let her.

"Are you airsick?"
He looked awful!
"I think Doctor Zorba has some..."

He opened his eyes and looked to make sure Coach Bull had retreated far enough away, then turned to her and winked.
"Nah...I just wanted to sit by you."

She laughed and relaxed, suddenly feeling comfortable again.
"Actually, I'm glad you did."

"Oh yeah!"
He brightened and sat up a bit still keeping a wary eye on the expedition's 'jock' who was putting the make on a sexy stewardess in First Class.

"Yes!...I want to start learning Foradoran right now!
How do you say, 'Bull come get this guy, he's a bad boy!'"
She waited...

Clay cast a quick desperate look her way and whispered.
"I think now I really am sick. Did you say Doctor Zorba has some pills?"
Julia’s eyes followed his back until he sat down at an empty seat up front. She shook his head and her eyebrows knit together as one. Why didn’t he stop for some pills like he said? Something wasn’t right. She lifted her arms, one at a time and sniffed her armpits. No, she’s fine. She had remembered to use Secret this morning. Then what is the problem? She pulled out her notebooks and slid her reading glasses back to her nose and thought, I’m going to spend some time alone with Mr. Eaves. Like it or not, they’re going to be good friends before the end of this expedition.

The rest of the flight was smooth. Julia managed to doze off. The skips of the wheels on the ground woke her. Her glasses were still perched on her nose and her book opened wide at the same page.

The thick humidity hit them in full force. Julia wished she had changed into light clothing before stepping off the plane. Dark skin toned employees gathered around them wanting to take their luggage. Clay was about to accept until Julia stopped him.

“I’m sorry we must carry our own bags. Our budget isn’t large enough for us to afford such luxuries.”

Clay’s lips quivered like he was about to cry. His eyes darted back and forth looking for an escape. Julia laughed.

“If you’re tired, I can carry your bags for you.”

He smiled. “How very kind of you!” He handed her bags to him and walked away whistling a happy tune. His feet seemed lighter, his back straighter. Julia stood there dumbfounded. She was joking!
Nildo Silvera

"Posso eu ajudo-lhe senhorita."
The voice was almost as smooth and fluid as the gesture which scooped the luggage off the floor and into the tawny bronzed arms of the latin Adonis who was suddenly standing beside her.


"May I help you with those senorita?",
The man bowed slightly and said in nearly perfect English.
"You don't know Portugese, then?"

*God he's good looking!* she thought, *A young Cesare Romero.*
"No, no thanks...that's our guides luggage your holding.

Nildo Silvera, looked at the Gucci bags with a hint of scepticism, most of the guides in Belém he knew did not fly FirstClass with finely tooled leather luggage.

"I was mistaken then...I was to meet Professor Zorba and his company and arrange for a guide and transportation up the river...My apologies..."

"NO!...No you found the right people but we..."

'Vee already has hired a young man to take us into da interior."
Professor Zee, wringing with perspiration and BO, held out a ham like hand and Nildo shook it vigorously.

"Bom! Bom...I am most pleased to see you!"
The Brazilian's words were directed at the Doctor but his dark eyes kept straying to Julia's sweat plastered blouse.
She blushed, wishing she'd at least had time to use the washroom.

"My dear this is Doctor Silvera a colleague from my days at the University in SaoPaulo. He has been most helpful in preparing the way for us."

The suave physician, set down Clays luggage and kissed her hand.
Her skin tingled.

"Meu prazer...truly"
He whispered, his breath on the back of her hand like a butterfly's soft carress.

"Vere vill ve be staying tonight Nildo, a nice pension eh? I tink ve are all pooped."

Silvera reluctantly looked up from Julia's delicate digits to the watery pale blue eyes of the obese anthropologist.

"No my hotel. I have already arranged a boat to carry you and there is a car waiting to take us to it."

"Oh I love it!...A wonderful cruise up the Amazon!
Tell me Doctor..."
Julia paused,
"Tell me...Nildo, is it a nice boat?"

"Oh surely yes! The RITA is a splendid craft!"
He'd never laid eyes on it, but the price was right.

"Achh! Here ist our guide now!"
Clay, finally driven by jealous curiosity had wandered back.
Zorba clapped him on the back.

Silvera stick out his hand...
"Você é uma guia? Você não olha como um. Você olha como um tolo."

Eaves stared at him blankly while panic surged within him.
"Thank you."
He said.
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