Adventures in Cafeteria Food


Sep 19, 2000
So I bought a fruit cup from the school cafeteria, and it's fermented. It has that spiky not-quite-sangria-but-soon-will-be taste. On the bottom layers, the melon has disintegrated into a mushy substance that is attempting to blend with the pineapple. I estimate that when I bought it, it had been sitting on the shelf for perhaps a week. It cost $1.85.

What's the grossest thing you ever bought from a cafeteria, school or otherwise?
Ok, it scares me that you contiuned to eat to get to the mush on the bottom.

I can't think of anything real gross off the top of my head, though.
I am desperately trying to think of something I bought at the cafeteria that WASN'T gross...I was always especially suspicious of Chili Day...I was always scared I was going to find a wedding ring or a fingernail...
Gilly Bean said:
Ok, it scares me that you contiuned to eat to get to the mush on the bottom.

Hey, I ate the mush too.

You must have missed my Danish thread a few months ago, where I conducted a poll to get people's opinions on whether or not I should eat a danish that contained a suspicious black spot in the jelly that might have been a decomposed gnat.

FYI, I ate it.
Pyper said:
Hey, I ate the mush too.

You must have missed my Danish thread a few months ago, where I conducted a poll to get people's opinions on whether or not I should eat a danish that contained a suspicious black spot in the jelly that might have been a decomposed gnat.

FYI, I ate it.

You are a daring man.

I won't eat anything that doesn't A: look right, B: smell right, or C: contains unknown ingrediants.

I'm sooooooo wimpy when it comes to food.
Gilly Bean said:
You are a daring man.

I won't eat anything that doesn't A: look right, B: smell right, or C: contains unknown ingrediants.

I'm sooooooo wimpy when it comes to food.
wow and PC's cafeteria grandmother had all three of those.
Problem Child said:
Dude, that was the whole thing. Plus she gave me extra chili-mac.

A hell of a deal. can't beat that with a stick. no sir.
Gilly Bean said:
You are a daring man.

I won't eat anything that doesn't A: look right, B: smell right, or C: contains unknown ingrediants.

I'm sooooooo wimpy when it comes to food.

A MAN?! :p

I am a starving female college student, and it's amazing what people like me will eat when it's 11 at night, we're hungry, and the cafeteria is closed.

Mostly my forays into the disgusting result from me having bought a late night snack earlier in the day and then finding that it is bad but being so disappointed and hungry that I eat it anyway.
Gilly Bean said:
You are a daring man.

lol. yes pyper, you are a very daring man :cool:

we have pretty good cafeteria food, but once i got a philly cheese steak sandwich and the meat was like gristle. it was disgusting.
I bought half a worm inside an apple. Actually, it was whole when I paid for it so I can't really complain about not getting my money's worth.

Yes, you ARE a hearty MAN ! lol Hey, gnats are good protein.
I was at a boarding school for 6 years.

You wouldnt pay for the food you got served
oh, and once i got a piece of pizza and took a bite before i realized it had *bacon* on it

i hate bacon :(
Py is 100% woman! ;)

Py, I can't believe your bravery. And your strong stomach. I can't drink milk that is one day away from the sell by date. LOL
Py = Pj

And always remember Chilli is put in stuff because the foods bad, and something has to salvage it
Problem Child said:
Bend down a little more and auto-fellate yourself, man.

What do you think I've been doing this whole time? :cool:

On a side note, the food at my high school cafeteria was WAY worse. I frequently got things that had grown mold underneath their wrappers, and saw the same exact packaged sandwiches sit on the shelf for weeks and weeks, until some poor soul finally bought them.
Pyper said:

What's the grossest thing you ever bought from a cafeteria, school or otherwise?
Sour chocolate milk. i'm nauseous now after reading this thread nad thinking about that chocolate milk.