Freya, I hope you dont mind my quoting something you said in another thread out of context...I'm doing so because it's got me thinking, and I'd like to talk about it. With regard to finding a partner and him making you see stars, you spoke of compatibility matters, and said in part "Some people have a fixed idea of what is appropriate or not, and are unwilling to venture outside that limited focus."
With so many thoughts about unhappy, unsatisfying relationships discussed here, I wonder how this is dealt with in reality?
Be it sexual repression, sexual discovery that is in the mind yet not ventured, an unwilling parter, or a parter that will only have sex a certain way for whatever reason, how do you guys handle that? Is this approach any different than how you'd like to handle it?
My approach is this...and I apply it to every apect of my life. I am tired of just "accepting" things as they are, I try to gently push for more from myself and those that matter to me. Granted, I have all but reinvented myself in the last year so I'm on a bit of a roll, but I tell ya, theres something to it and it's very rewarding.
I'm reminded of a friend here that questioned her aversion to facials because she tied it to a unpleasant event (and when Hanns shows up to spew his filth, please just igore him?) yet she isn't happy with the fact that something has this kind of control over her and so defines her.
I replied to her that, and I quote because it goes to how my mind works and exactly what I'm trying to say...
"I'm taking this as an attempt to get through this and reconcile it for yourself, so I will tell you what I did.
First, it used to disgust me to see it. It just doesn't look pretty, theres no way around it. But after coming here, and all the healing I did before I came here, I realized that cum shots in general are quite a trigger for me, and I realized that I love that explosion, no matter where it lands.
Part of why it bothered me before was the way it looked somewhat demeaning to me, and I don't really want to get into that, its not important. What is important is that I realized I needed to dump all the associations I made to it, because its all in my head, and is a reflection of all that I attached to it.
Why allow that?
See, it is whatever you make it, whatever you allow it to be.
When done in the act of lovemaking, for me, it is WANTED. It is as natural as anything else we share.
If done in any other manner, it would be repulsive to me.
Its all in your mind, and if you don't like it, get rid of it. Otherwise, you are still being raped."
I guess what I'm saying is that I want to squeeze every drop out of life and I no longer settle for things being a certain way, period. There is no growth in that. My mind is so damn open...I don't define with regard to labels, I no longer think black and white. I want to get through to the other side, because its alot like love and giving and sharing. The more you do it, the more you are able to.
So, what I'm wodering is couples in which there is little going on sexually or intimately, or in ANY manner, do you just accept that this is the way it is, or do you try to change things? Do you find another method of meeting your needs, or do you just dump your needs as if they don't really matter?
In your search for your personal best, don't you feel that your sexuality, your ability to be intimate and other issues are important?
I know, its alot to I'll be back after my next soap loaf sets up to be sliced.
Thanks very much Freya...though some probably feel like less appreciative!
With so many thoughts about unhappy, unsatisfying relationships discussed here, I wonder how this is dealt with in reality?
Be it sexual repression, sexual discovery that is in the mind yet not ventured, an unwilling parter, or a parter that will only have sex a certain way for whatever reason, how do you guys handle that? Is this approach any different than how you'd like to handle it?
My approach is this...and I apply it to every apect of my life. I am tired of just "accepting" things as they are, I try to gently push for more from myself and those that matter to me. Granted, I have all but reinvented myself in the last year so I'm on a bit of a roll, but I tell ya, theres something to it and it's very rewarding.
I'm reminded of a friend here that questioned her aversion to facials because she tied it to a unpleasant event (and when Hanns shows up to spew his filth, please just igore him?) yet she isn't happy with the fact that something has this kind of control over her and so defines her.
I replied to her that, and I quote because it goes to how my mind works and exactly what I'm trying to say...
"I'm taking this as an attempt to get through this and reconcile it for yourself, so I will tell you what I did.
First, it used to disgust me to see it. It just doesn't look pretty, theres no way around it. But after coming here, and all the healing I did before I came here, I realized that cum shots in general are quite a trigger for me, and I realized that I love that explosion, no matter where it lands.
Part of why it bothered me before was the way it looked somewhat demeaning to me, and I don't really want to get into that, its not important. What is important is that I realized I needed to dump all the associations I made to it, because its all in my head, and is a reflection of all that I attached to it.
Why allow that?
See, it is whatever you make it, whatever you allow it to be.
When done in the act of lovemaking, for me, it is WANTED. It is as natural as anything else we share.
If done in any other manner, it would be repulsive to me.
Its all in your mind, and if you don't like it, get rid of it. Otherwise, you are still being raped."
I guess what I'm saying is that I want to squeeze every drop out of life and I no longer settle for things being a certain way, period. There is no growth in that. My mind is so damn open...I don't define with regard to labels, I no longer think black and white. I want to get through to the other side, because its alot like love and giving and sharing. The more you do it, the more you are able to.
So, what I'm wodering is couples in which there is little going on sexually or intimately, or in ANY manner, do you just accept that this is the way it is, or do you try to change things? Do you find another method of meeting your needs, or do you just dump your needs as if they don't really matter?
In your search for your personal best, don't you feel that your sexuality, your ability to be intimate and other issues are important?
I know, its alot to I'll be back after my next soap loaf sets up to be sliced.
Thanks very much Freya...though some probably feel like less appreciative!