A quick question for the ladies...


Flirtin' an' stalkin'
Nov 7, 2002
If I agree to have a sex-change operation and turn gay afterwards, would any of you women that are bi date me then?

Just checking...

...that is an awful lot of pain and suffering I am willing to do just to date you...that should count for something....
foxinsox said:
If bi women are not willing to date you when you're male, why should a sex change make any difference?

Color me stoopid, but I just don't get it.


I love that av. I have to ask.. is it you or something you found on the net? It's amazing!
Are you implying....

foxinsox said:
If bi women are not willing to date you when you're male, why should a sex change make any difference?

Color me stoopid, but I just don't get it.


that it might be ME...regardless of my sex...that it is ME that is the reason I can't get dates?
