$4.97 a pound for ground beef?


Literotica Guru
Sep 28, 2003
Had myself a hankering for home made spaghetti the other day, so off to the market I sallied.

One big white onion, two tins of button mushrooms, real butter to sautee the basics with; then to the meat counter and sticker shock set in.

I could finally speak and asked the counter lady how working people could afford such prices. Her answer won't surprise you.

Food Stamps.

Cattle ranchers feed grain products to their food animals; corn in just about everything from the Wild Bird Seed I purchase, to the sweetened corn cereal your young ones gobble up each morning.

Ask yourself where the logic is in paying farmers more for corn destined to become ethanol than corn for human and animal food?

There is no logic, rhyme or reason; it is government interfering in the market place.

All the essentials people require, food, shelter, transportation and health care; prices, just as NoBama promised, would go sky high.

The last two generations have lived with increasing prices in almost every commodity; it is called inflation and it is not a part of a free market economy; just the opposite. In free and open competion, prices go down, it's true, ducky, it really is, I lived through a period of time when prices were stable.

You know why? Government was not meddling and the free market met the supplies and demands of a free and independent people.

Food prices > Up
Energy Prices > Up
Gasolina prices > Up
Hea oil prices > Up
Clothing prices > Up
Medical care prices >>> Way up $850.00 for a months supply of Advair, an inhalant, $850.00 for 30 Viaggra tablets!

Worst of all, however...one day you will come home to a dark house. There is not enough electricity for everyone, so you get it for a few hours each day.

Fiction? Not hardly. Do a google on the number of electroc gemeratomg plants in the USA. Then search for how old those plants are and when they will need to be replaced. Search and discover that no new power plants have been built in the last 40 years to replace the old ones.

Then do a graph on when the lines of supply and demand fail to equal each other and predict when it will happen.

As early as tomorrow if natural or man made disaster compromises the electric grid that serves you.

Many of us have lived through a few days of no electricity; imagine a year or more before the lights come back on.

Thanks Txrad....

PURE! You out there somewhere? Been missin' U!

We wanna liquidate the middle income people, to distribute their assets to the poor and rich.

From what I see, the poor get the stamps and buy their steaks, then head over to the churches to get their real food, for free of course.
Yeah, the poor live like barons on $500.00 a month.


Walmart won't pay a living wage or hire anyone fulltime, but the company will help their part time workers get food stamps and medicare.

You all who buy cheap at Walmart? You're paying more for those cheap goods than you think.
We wanna liquidate the middle income people, to distribute their assets to the poor and rich.

From what I see, the poor get the stamps and buy their steaks, then head over to the churches to get their real food, for free of course.

Hate to agree with you.

But no choice. :eek:
Yeah, the poor live like barons on $500.00 a month.


Walmart won't pay a living wage or hire anyone fulltime, but the company will help their part time workers get food stamps and medicare.

You all who buy cheap at Walmart? You're paying more for those cheap goods than you think.

I agree that it's a fucked up situation.

But welfare combined with low minimum wage makes it impossible for people to climb. Unemployed, you have welfare checks, cable, food, no taxes. Once you're employed, even if it's only for a few hours a week, all of the benefits go away.

Hence the third-generation welfare queens that clog the system.
We wanna liquidate the middle income people, to distribute their assets to the poor and rich.

From what I see, the poor get the stamps and buy their steaks, then head over to the churches to get their real food, for free of course.


Government, every where and in every time frame is a pro growth enterprise with an endless supply of funding through taxation and control.

This government has grown and oppressed, curtailed, threatened, humiliated and jailed those who oppose it and then grown again.

This government will fall, like all before it, when it says, in general, 'no bread for the people...let them eat cake!'

I truly detest what this government has done to the people. As you said, destroy the productive middle class. I am outraged at this government for what it is doing to my children and grand children. They both have to work to make ends meet, they have to abandon their children to daycare centers and still they can afford a T-bone only rarely.

If I knew a way to start the revolution tomorrow, even if it cost me my life, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Up the Revolution!

I just dont see either party allowing the elites or peasants to suffer; when the axe falls it will fall on the geese who lay the golden eggs, the middle class.
Amicus, you are a liar and an idiot. Check your facts, not that you use any. You just make it up as you go along.

I can name 10 new power plants in the area around where i live

With the horizontal drilling in the Eagleford Shale, the Red River shale, and North Dakota, the USA is within a few percentage point of being oil independent. Not to mention having enough natural gas to sell it overseas.

The price for corn sold to refiners is lower than the price of corn used for food. Cattle feed is a lower grade, hi yield corn.

Once again you are here in the AH with your bullshit. It all sounds good until you actually get the facts.
Because it amuses me I will add in, that welfare doesnt pay much more than a minimum wage job.

You see the con artists on welfare buying steaks with food stamps because they trade stamps for smokes, etc. Its the poormans money.

I would venture a guess the posters have never been poor, you can feed a family of four on forty bucks a week, three squares a day, all the food groups. Just learn to cook. Lol

Though often poor people already live without electricity. Its the wealthy that will perish, I dont mind the thought of that at times...lol always an upside.

Fear will just stimulate the crash. Perhaps the poster has a hidden agenda?
Ami's agenda in his own words:

ms.read...that is a lovely photo of snow on the roof, just lovely, thank you.

However...I think your own words define you as both a zealot and an ostrich, regardless of your disclaimers.

There are, no doubt, people who abuse children and I do not condone that in the least and feel as you do, that they should be punished to the full extent.

But I am not blind to the facts that human sexuality begins long before the magical 18th birthday.

Since I think you are well read then I will not posit ignorance of history but a choice to ignore that very young girls have always been given in marriage to older, sometimes very old men, or instructed in sexual activities by a family member while still very young. These things were not just perversions or abuse or cruelty and your indignation and revulsion has, I would suggest other, deeper roots than an intellectual conclusion.

Again, as a devil's advocate, (you should see the fur fly when I pretend to be a socialist or a modern liberal on other forums), I suggest an entire realm of fiction writing about introducing young girls to sexual delights is totally ignored, in part, because of the new womens liberation movement that classifies all men as evil animals, with only one thing on their minds.

Food for thought perhaps?
This is from a thread about underaged fantasies. Ami likes young girls. They are pure and natural and it's so strange how they draw away from him after a while. Someone else must be corrupting them.

Probably those horrible women. ;)
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Originally Posted by Cruel2BKind
Unemployed, you have welfare checks, cable, food, no taxes. Once you're employed, even if it's only for a few hours a week, all of the benefits go away.

And your source for this claim is?

Everybody pays some taxes, at least indirectly. Welfare recipients may not pay income taxes, but they do pay sales taxes plus all the taxes assessed against businesses, if only indirectly. I can't believe cable tv is provided to welfare recipients, but I do know food is, either through food stamps or at foodbanks or soup kitchens or similar places.
Seems to be a mass mentality issue, based on what one chooses to believe again. Lol

Nothing is ever so clean cut.

Greed drives two parents to work, and putting their children in daycare. Not the government.
We just forgot how to live without cable, cook meals from scratch, sew our own clothes and live on one income.

We always want more, steaks were a treat for my grandparents, they were a treat for my parents, a treat for me and now a treat for my children. What changed??? Lol

Seriously, my mind is blown at the complaint.

Btw, my kids and I havent had cable in 7rs, nor do we miss it. Life wont end without it. Want to change the world, just dont feed the greed.

I dont shop at walmart either, too expensive, and low quality. Shop local, farmers markets etc.

Stop bitchin and change what you do. I imagine if everyone gave up cable, neighborhood block parties would begin to be common again...we miss the old days but refuse to go back to them. Its easier to blame, than to take action.
I hate being able to put $100 worth of groceries in the dashboard compartment.

Government, every where and in every time frame is a pro growth enterprise with an endless supply of funding through taxation and control.

The federal tax rate is the lowest it's been in almost 60 years. And must we remind you that deregulation (less government control) crashed the economy?

This government has grown and oppressed, curtailed, threatened, humiliated and jailed those who oppose it and then grown again.

Power corrupts, especially when conservatives are pulling the strings. Their "black and white" view of the world leaves no room for doubters. Remember "you're either with us or against us"?

This government will fall, like all before it, when it says, in general, 'no bread for the people...let them eat cake!'

I truly detest what this government has done to the people. As you said, destroy the productive middle class. I am outraged at this government for what it is doing to my children and grand children. They both have to work to make ends meet, they have to abandon their children to daycare centers and still they can afford a T-bone only rarely.

It is not the government that has decimated the middle class, it's free market capitalism. At this point in time we are on a race to the bottom. Corporate America's obsession with union busting and low wages has created an economy with no demand for goods or services because no one can afford them. Meanwhile, corporate America is sitting on trillions in cash, and 30 trillion is sitting in offshore, tax free accounts. If this money was circulating through the economy via higher wages, there would be no recession, and your children would be eating steaks every night (and dying young because of it.)

If I knew a way to start the revolution tomorrow, even if it cost me my life, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Up the Revolution!


The revolution has already started.... without your help.

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They exist.

There aren't 15,000 of them... but you can't honestly say that nobody is abusing the system.
it's hardly the problem though is it.

Funny how cleverly the media has implanted this notion in people
's minds. yes, lots of folk will try to scam the system, and you know who's scammed it the best? Skimmed all the cream right off the top? Scammed trillions of dollars away from circulation?

It isn't poor people. Not nearly.



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The federal tax rate is the lowest it's been in almost 60 years. And must we remind you that deregulation (less government control) crashed the economy?

Power corrupts, especially when conservatives are pulling the strings. Their "black and white" view of the world leaves no room for doubters. Remember "you're either with us or against us"?

It is not the government that has decimated the middle class, it's free market capitalism. At this point in time we are on a race to the bottom. Corporate America's obsession with union busting and low wages has created an economy with no demand for goods or services because no one can afford them. Meanwhile, corporate America is sitting on trillions in cash, and 30 trillion is sitting in offshore, tax free accounts. If this money was circulating through the economy via higher wages, there would be no recession, and your children would be eating steaks every night (and dying young because of it.)

The revolution has already started.... without your help.


Then America's poor need to pony up more $40K contributions to Obama's Wall Street/Hollywood shindigs.

A suggestion, then. The next time you go and make sweeping generalizations about how government programs work, look them up. You don't need to be a policy wonk to use wikipedia, or to look up your state's rules for TANF (welfare) and food stamps (SNAP).

Because your co-workers are either a) bullshitting you or b) ignorant of the facts.
I have plenty of experiences with poor people, and every one of them I've known are about as greedy and dishonest as you want. I've never met noble ner-do-wells.
Hello Ami, nice to see you haven't gone to the great reward after all so you can still bring it.

Your record for stirring things up remains excellent.

Your record for predicting how things actually turn out not so hot.