Beyond the Stars, and into Danger.


Literotica Guru
Sep 6, 2001
This is a thread for C G Raven and BlueCollarGirl read along and enjoy.

Earth was in peril, a peril it had never faced before. The world Capitals where a buzz the headline “Earth Threatened by Mysterious Message from Outer Space”.

Date line November 8th, 1932. At 12 noon the broadcasts of the radios of the world were taken over by a mysterious force that threatened the world with destruction if it did not unconditionally surrender with in the six months to the galactic emperor Change the Merciless. Initially the threats were taken as a spoof like Mr. Wells recent War of the Worlds broadcast yet at preciously 12:30 PM a red light streaked from the skies over Fort Sills Oklahoma and the U.S. Army post was utterly destroyed. At the same time military posts were destroyed in England, France , Germany, Russia, and Japan. World leaders to meet in Paris in three days’ time. The world holds its breath waiting for their decision will it be war or surrender?

The Leaders of the major powers on earth could not agree on the course of action to be taken until a brilliant but eccentric Russian Scientist Karl Karpovff put forth a plan to Fly to the meritorious planet and take the fight to the unknown enemy. He claimed to have a craft capable of making the voyage, and he would need another scientist to aid him and a pilot. Face with little choice the assembled leaders reluctantly agreed to Karpovff plan. The call went out but there where few takers for what they saw as nothing less than suicide. Finally, the British test pilot Malcolm Masters volunteered. He was a daring rough and a highly skilled pilot. Yet as of yet no other scientist had come forward.
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There was a war brewing in more places than the stars. In the city of Boston, the war waged was no less brutal than the one being threatened by Change the Merciless. It began with a frosty disagreement, then heated up to open sparring. Now the words being flung back and forth caused enough friction for hourly explosions.

Edith Breslin fired the last and most painful one. Not only was her father, physicist Dr. Alexander Breslin, opposed to his daughter's willingness to volunteer for this mission to the stars with some mad Russian scientist, but now her fiance, Samuel Larson, was putting his foot down, as well. "I will not indulge this little fantasy of yours any further, Edie. We are to be married in two months, and that is final!"

She threw her hands up in exasperation, her doe-eyed face flush in her anger. "We won't be here in two months, Sam. How do you not understand that? If we don't strike now, it won't matter if we get married tomorrow or next year because the Earth won't be here anymore!"

"Edith, darling," her father interjected, "you should leave this to someone with less to lose. Your mother - "

With a huff, she snapped, "My mother would've been the first in line to go and you know it." Eloise Breslin had been a physicist in her own right, having helped Alexander earn his noble prize. Of course, she had also been killed in a lab experiment that left her father a shell of his former self. And no amount of brilliance from Edith made her father let up on his resistance to her following in her mother's footsteps. "I am more than qualified enough and frankly we all have the same thing to lose: everything." She crossed her arms and stood up to her tallest, which meant she still barely came up to either man's shoulders.

In the end, when neither man relented, Edith waited until they had gone to bed before sneaking out with her suitcase in hand and taking a cab to the nearest train station. She needed to be in D.C. as soon as possible.
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The Secret service Agent looked at the telegram for the third time as he paced back and forth on the platform of the Union Station, Washington D C. He was there to meet a Professor Breslin, when a petite young woman that looked more like a Liberian approached he thought this must be a mistake. “Professor Breslin?” his voice carried a note of disbelief, women were supposed to be mothers, teachers, liberians, not scientists.

Miss Breslin, you sent in a resume applying for the position of science officer. It was only when her stunningly expressive eyes flared, her hands on her hips, that the secret service officer noticed that far from being an old maid that she was a rather attractive young woman, but there was a determination in those cool eyes that sent an involuntary shudder down his back. He had to admit she had moxie. His thoughts where disturbed, he shook his head and simply said “This Way.”

With sirens blaring, the local police car flanked by an escort of motorcycles, sped through the city and to the airport. They pulled up next to a brand new P38 pursuit ship, the cockpit was open, and the pilot waved Edith to climb aboard. Her bag was thorn into a cargo hatch and before she knew what was happening they were air borne and head south and east. They landed only twice to refuel, and to take care of necessities and then they were off again. After 6 hours in the air they reached their destination in Florida, a small Army Air Corps airfield. A staff car was waiting for Edith and she was whisked away to a hanger on the far side of the field.

When Edith was ushered into the hanger the officer accompany her announced, Miss Edith Breslin , it was not the first time that a man simply used “Miss” instead of “Professor”. All eyes turned towards her in disbelief. There was the German Physicist Einstein, Goddard of MIT was there, as well as a stooped little old man with wild white hair bushy eyebrows, and a pointed goatee. “Professor Breslin I am Professor Karpovff, and I was very impressed with your supposition that the planet threatening us is not a natural planet, but man made. Why do you think so?” It was just at this moment that Group Captain Malcolm Masters came sauntering in, a dashing figure in his RAF uniform with ruggedly good looks. “Professor would you have your secretary there get me a coffee.” Group Captain Malcolm Masters gave Edith a almost dismissive wave of his hand. “Black no cream or sugar.
Edith's rosebud mouth puckered into a smirk as the room felt into awkward silence. This wasn't the first time some gearhead mistook her for a secretary. It was, however, the first time one assumed she didn't know that "black" meant no cream or sugar in the coffee. Thankfully, the carafe was in the room, so she sauntered over to it, picked up a cup, and poured out some lukewarm coffee. Then she sashayed back over to the pilot, ignoring how handsome he was in his uniform when he smiled at her.

When he reached out to take the cup from her, she drank down in three loud gulps. Then she handed him the empty mug with a sweet smile and said, "The brains are talking right now, Captain." Her Bostonian accent came out strong given how irritated she was. "So how about you get me a refill while we finish up. Thanks!"

She turned her back on the dumbfounded man and focused her full attention onto Dr. Karpovff. "As to your question, it's because none of the samples we took from Fort Sills are naturally occurring elements." She strode back to the wall, where diagrams and charts were hung. "In theory, we should get at lease trace amounts of common elements: carbon or silicon, iron or sulphur. But we didn't even find just oxygen or even hydrogen. What we found was so radioactive that we can barely analyze it. That heavily suggests it not naturally-occurring.

"So," she asked, worried her father might show up at any minute to try and put a stop to her escapades, "when do we leave?"
Edith sauntered over to the coffee craft, picked up a mug, and poured out some lukewarm coffee. Then she sashayed back over to the pilot, ignoring how handsome he was in his uniform, when he smiled at her. When he reached out to take the cup from her, she drank down the coffee in three loud gulps. Then she handed Group Captain Malcolm Masters the empty mug with a sweet smile and said, "The brains are talking right now, Captain." Her clipped Bostonian Yankee accent came out strong and clear showing Group Captain Malcolm Masters how irritated she was. "So how about you get me a refill while we finish up. Thanks!" The cold steely gaze that met Group Captain Malcolm Masters knocked him back on his heels.

There was fire in her eyes and that cold steel gaze of her stormy eyes, yet they still took on wistful softness which soften the austere look of the dark haired woman. Her hair had a blue iridescence of a raven on the wing. Then she turned on her heel, her back to him and began discussing her theories with Dr. Karpovff. "As to your question, it's because none of the samples we took from Fort Sills are naturally occurring elements." She strode back to the wall, where diagrams and charts were hung. "In theory, we should get at lease trace amounts of common elements: carbon or silicon, iron or Sulphur……….”

Karpovff was deep in thought when Edith had finished, and he finally nodded, “Yes that is quite true Professor Breslin. No one else has noticed those fact.” He then extended his hand and took hers in his and shook it in welcome. It was not that condescending hand shake that men give women, but it was firm , sold like a man's. “Welcome to the team. You will I am sure prove to be a most valid addition.”


The next two weeks where a flurry of activity. Professor Einstein explained that he believes time could be folded and by that means the intrepid space travels should be able to reach the planet in plenty of time to complete their mission. Dr. Goddard was busy designing the engine that would power the craft. As for Group Captain Malcolm Masters he made several passes at Edith. He was charming and told her to call him “Dash “. He apologized for the rudeness of their first meeting. “Dash” had an infectious boyish charm that made it hard to stay angry with him for very long.

One day during the morning meeting a general of the U.S. Army Air Corps came in to inform those working on project “X” that the flight crew had been selected. “Gentlemen, and Miss Breslin, again the male dismissal of her academic qualifications, the crew of or rocket has been selected. Group Captain Malcolm Masters of His Majesty’s Royal Air force will be the Pilot, Professor Karl Karpovff of Russia will be the engineering officer, and Miss Edith Breslin of the United States will be the Science Officer.

Your Mission will be to get to Planet ”X” and destroy their ray beam weapon.” The General paused as the room was buzzing with excitement. “The spaceship will be ready to launch by noon tomorrow good luck and God’s speed to you. The world is depending on you three.” There was little time for congratulations as the three were now fitted with the space suits for the mission. The suites were made of leather and form fitting, when Karpovff saw Edith blush at the fit he merely smiled .

”Professor Breslin it is to protect you from the forces of the launch and time travel.” Dash however gave her a thumbs up and that boyish smile of his. “ Very Nice Edith quite fetching in fact.” He paused and then became serious. ”Are you sure you want to do this Edith the chances of us getting back are rather slim you know.”

There conversation was interrupted by a soldier who saluted the Group Captain and then turned to Edith. “There is a Mr. Samuel Larson that says he is your fiancé and demands to see you.” It wasn’t her father that came to stop Her but Sam.

Malcolm’s ear’s perked up at the mention of a fiancé, perhaps Edith was not as innocence as she appeared.
With a heavy sign, Edith ignored Dash and his teasing for the moment. She followed the solider to meet with her fiance. If she were honest with herself, life away from Sam was so much...richer. She loved the big lug, she really did, but he just didn't understand her or her work. And while he could be a gentleman, Sam tended to be dismissive of things he didn't understand. Even Dash, for all his silliness, respected her for what she brought to the team and not just being a pretty face.

When he spied her, Sam pushed passed his guard. "Edie!" She let him sweep her into his arms, crushing her to his chest as he spun her around. To her surprise, he planted a big kiss on her lips, as well. It knocked her off kilter, as he never was one for displays of affection, public or otherwise. "We've been worried sick about you. Your father knew you'd come here when we couldn't find you, but they wouldn't even acknowledge your presence when I came after you." His hand wrapped around her wrist and tugged her towards the door. "Come on, time to go home."

Edie huffed at him and she tried to snatch her arm back. "Let go of me." When he didn't, she tugged harder. "Sam, let go. Now!" The soldier who'd brought her to the lobby stepped forward, as did the one who had been waiting with Sam. Their hands dipped down to the butts of their guns, which got her fiance's attention. "I can't leave with you, Sam."

He finally let go and threw his hands up in the air. "This is ridiculous!"

"I have some very important work to do here," Edith said with a soft, sad smile. "I don't know if I...if we....." Her words dried up as the enormity of the task ahead of her sank in. She swallowed and put on a brave face. "I will be home if I can be after our task is done. But, just in case." She slid the ring off her finger, a diamond that might make most women blush, and pressed it into his hand. "If I don't make it back, you have to go on."

Sam's hands clutched hers for a long moment before he exhaled with a nod. "I understand." He tilted her head up and gave her a solemn nod. "Be safe, Edith." Then he turned and walked out.

Shaky and full of mixed emotions, Edie took a calming breath before hurrying back into their work room. Dash opened his mouth for one of his usual quips, but the dark look she gave him warned him off. Instead, she threw herself into the necessary preparations to do the unthinkable: traveling to the stars.
Love, duty, fear, and hope all warred within the young beauty. Shaky and full of mixed emotions, Edith took a calming breath before hurrying back into their work room, Sam and the future she could have had now nothing but a memory. Dash opened his mouth for one of his usual quips, but the dark look she gave him warned him off. Instead, she threw herself into the necessary preparations to do the unthinkable: traveling to the stars. Well, it was her lost not his, beside there was a young Army nurse he had his eye on at the officers club that was more to his taste.

One cannot hide from one’s self and suddenly the night was calling. The night was clear and the remote location of the Air Corps field on the east coast of Florida meant there was no background lighting to dim the beauty of the night’s heaven. The moon cast its pale light on the placid waters of the Atlantic. Professor Karpovff saw Edith standing at the end of the jetty her shoulders arched against the ocean breeze and her jacket pulled round her shoulder.

“Miss Breslin I thought you would be Officer’s Club with Group Captain Malcolm “Dash” Masters he seems quite irresistible to the young Nurses.” There was just a hint of sarcasm in his heavily accented voice. Then his voice took on a more serious parental tone. “Edith I understand you had a visitor from Washington……….is everything alright?” Slowly the old Russian scientist turned his young American colleague to face him, his pale blue eyes searching hers. His eyes where kindly, they did not mock her as the others did. “You wear slacks always, blouse button to neck,…….” He paused taking her hands in his. “You dress like man, but my dear Edith you are young woman and very lovely.” Karpovff kissed her hands and his old eyes smiled into hers.

“You are the most talented scientist on project, that is why I insist you be science officer, your mind’s brilliant, but you need not fear being beautiful woman.” Professor Karpovff cocked his head at the look of disbelief in Edith’s eyes and held his tongue. Then abruptly he changed the subject seeing how uncomfortable the young woman was with what he had said. “Tomorrow we take off you know there is a very good chance we will not be able to return to earth.” All had known the risk the mission entailed but Karpovff was the only one who had now dared to mention what they all knew might be their fate, for there was no guarantee that the theories they were about to test would even work and yet it was the world’s only chance.


Chang sat upon the imperial throne of Longo master of all he surveyed. His long Mandarin robes incasing his body in silken luxury, his Imperial court trebling in fear as the Grand Science Wizard his forehead pressed to the floor pleaded for forbearance.

“No imperious One the target you selected has not acknowledged your ultimatum and we will not be in position to conquer them for another two weeks. The production of the “Z” mineral from the mines of Cobalt have fallen off as many of the slaves have died.”

“General Ping take this fool away and send him to the mines at least there as a slave he may be of some use to me.” The Science Wizard pleaded for another chance, but Chang dismissed his pleas with an imperious wave of his hand. He then turned his dark black soulless eyes on the fair-haired Princess of Aboral and gave the chain of her slave collar a tug. The nearly naked beauty cringed as the collar tightened around her slender neck. Her supple charms were covered by but three scraps of gossamer cloth.

“Amuse me my pet.” Tears slid down her cheeks as she rose to her knees and removed what little clothing she had been allowed her eyes sought her beloved who Change daughter Lue Chin was flogging. The lover’s eyes met for a moment before the Fair haired beauty dropped to her hands and knees offering her body to Change. Change Towered over the fair-haired princess, the silken robe he had worn had concealed his hard and muscular body, it was the body of a warrior and covered with small livid scares the result of his many combats. His black eyes shoed no mercy as he gripped the young beauty’s trim waist and thrust his rock hard cock into her sweet supple young body, she screamed as he rammed into her tight ass and her lover screamed as his daughter Lue Chin took her lover forcing him to please her for if he did not than Chang would make his love suffer even more. The court of nobles were forced to watch the lovers humiliation as a pointed reminder of what fate awaited those who rebel against Chang’s rule of Longo.


The old Russian spent a restless night thought of what lay ahead troubled him. He was old had lived a long and profitable life. Dash was bold a devil make care type that lived for danger and he would die one day at the stick of some aircraft he was testing or behind the wheel of his car. But Edith was young, she had her whole life ahead of her, she was so young and………………………….. But she had made her decision and he would respect that.

He smiled when he saw her walking across the apron towards the hanger where their spaceship waited for them. The MP’s saluted Dash and then slid back the hanger doors. Their spaceship, “X-1” waited there for them. It looked like nothing ever seen on earth, it was pure silver, looking more like a bullet than an aircraft there were no wings to speak of, just four fins at the rear of the spaceship. For the first time Karpovff and Edith noticed that the nose bristled with the muzzles of four machine guns.

“An added precaution Professor Karpovff just in case our arrival on Planet “X” is not met with open arms.” Dash was grinning from ear to ear. “Dash If they can project a death ray across the galaxy do you really think machine guns will be of any help? The boyish grin vanished from Dash’s face as he finally realized just what danger they were really in.

Karpovff turned to Edith and he could not help but smile at how her leather flight suit accentuated her charms. her tightly bound shimmering black hair rather fetching . Ready?

They squeezed in the small hatch, each taking their seats, and pulling the harnesses as tight as they could. Karpovff in the command seat Dash in the pilot’s seat and Edith in the flight engineers seat.

“Begin count down!” The disembody voice came over the radio speaker. 10, 9, 8, start engines…. Karpovff nodded to Dash and the engines roared to life. 7,6,5, Edith check fuel levels, and generator power…….4,3, 2, 1, lift off.

The “X-1” was shaking violently and they had to hold on for dear life despite their harnesses. The pressure was building press down on them, 5 times the force of gravity but instead of the craft being launched into the heavens everything began to become transparent, they could see those standing outside and then their own bodies began to fade, disappear.

“Remember that Professor Einstein said this might happen, a byproduct of the time travel engine. Everybody remain in their seats.” Came the disembody voice of Professor Karpovff.


Science wizard Wang saw the disturbance in the lines of power that flow through the galaxy. The wards of science seemed to dim fold in on them self and flare and then they saw the object materialize and hurtle towards Longo. “Quick tell Chang the Merciless that there is a spaceship approaching that just appeared out of nowhere. Vector the Robot fighters to intercept and attack but only force the craft down I must see what magic wards they posse to do such a thing.” Never had any been able to get this close to Longo.


Slowly the “X-!” began to take solid form again and then a flash of red lighting streaked by. “We are under attack”. Dash began to violent maneuver the “X-!” and the four machine guns began their staccato barking.
Edith's eyes and nose watered as she felt her body phase. After the intense pressure of launch, to feel so weightless was terrifying and exhilarating. Her mind whirled with the calculations of the engine as it worked, fascinated to see the reality of the theory behind all of the work the team had done. What a remarkable breakthrough!

And then she fell back into reality along with the ship. At first she thought they had hit a solar wind based on the way the vessel shimmied and jerked. That's when Dash's words sunk in. "We're under attack!"

Red lights streaked around them as the pilot whirled them through defensive measures, juking the beams aimed at them. The machine guns roared as they sprayed fire before them. Edie couldn't see what they were shooting at - were there other ships, or were the shots coming from the planet's surface?

Despite the fancy flying of the captain, the ship rocked violently as one of the beams broadsided them. Alarm claxons blared, and Edie scrambled to the controls to stabilize their life support systems. "Damn it!" she swore in most unladylike fashion. "Captain, there isn't much I can do from here! You're going to have to find a way to land this ship before we run out of air!"

Or get blasted into a million pieces of space dust, she added but kept to herself.
When they came to they were surrounded by huge men well over seven feet tall they looked like Vikings, yet they were dressed like Robin Hood’s merry men. Fair haired with blonde or red beards they all looked unnervingly similar. Each had a sword at their side and when Dash began to reach for his service revolver as one they drew their swords but instead of cold steel the swords glowed with a living force that shimmered and crackled with a deadly force.

“Dash drop the revolver.” Karpovff’ s voice was a harsh ragged whisper as he coughed out his warning. The weapon slid from Dash’s fingers. Karpovff had lived through the tyrannical rule of the Tars, and the horrors of the Red Revolution, he was a suvior.

One of the attacking saucers hovered and came to rest not more than a hundred feet from the hapless group. A ramp slid down and the clanking of a metallic horror descended from it. Though it had the build and shape of a man it was most defiantly a machine with one glowing red eye in the center of its forehead. That eye scanned the three earthlings. A glowing cathode ray tube in the middle of the creatures chest glowed, wavered and the image of a man appeared. He was oriental in appearance, bald, and with a long dropping Fu Manchu mustache. And the men that surrounded them dropped immediately to one knee. “Emperor Chang”. The red eye seemed to come to rest on Edie, then passed on to Professor Karpovff and then fleetingly on Dash. Then returned to Edie to studier her in detail. A mechanical voice devoid of all human emotion, echoed forth from the metal being. “Bring the woman and the two men to my citadel.”

“NO”! Screamed one of the men and before he could move a ray shot forth from that single eye cutting him down. “Chang they are my prisoners”.

“Prince Boris your daughter Lynn and her husband are still my….Ah…Guests………Turn them over.”

Edie, Karpovff and Dash where herded into the saucer. “Edith look at this technology it is far beyond anything we know.” Slowly the saucer lifted off to bear them to the man named Chang. The metal man placed a collar around Dash’s neck, he hardly resisted it was if all the fight had gone out of him, then it was Edie’s turn and the collar clicked shut with a finality that was frightening. Professor Karpovff extended his hands to the creature showing that he was willing to place the collar around his own neck. The metallic creature allowed him to. Edie could see that Karpovff was almost mesmerized by the technology that surrounded him.

After they landed the three earthlings where escorted by a dozen metal warriors into a hall that would have done Gangues Klan proud. Again, they saw the men of the forest, and strange tall creatures who looked like angels with magnificent wings. But the majority of the people where apparently Mongols. The hall seemed to stretch on forever. At the far end on a dais was the man who they had seen on the cathode ray tube, the emperor Change.

“Kneel before Chang the Merciless.” The Court Vizar commanded. A shock from their collars force the three space travelers to their knees. And those cold black eyes looked down on them, eyes that showed no emotion, no sign of human feeling. Change pointed a finger at Edie. “Bring the woman here.”

Chang boldly let his eyes roam over the sensual curves of Edie’s leather clad body. “Remove your clothing girl I wish to see your body.” This was clearly a man use to giving orders and having them obeyed.
Wooziness washed over Edith after she came to. She didn't know if she had taken a blow to the head but she saw everything in triplicate. Then again, it was possible that the aliens before here identical, too. After all, they towered at least two feet over her and held some sort of electric swords before them.

The professor demanded Dash drop his gun, which was likely the wisest move. The captain complied, but looked lost and dazed. Edie touched his hand out of concern; he didn't respond.

Before the giants could do much of anything, a new ship came and made some sort of projection, demanding the Earthlings be turned over. As the giant argued with the image, Edie turned her dark eyes to Karpovff. He gave her a brave nod as they were herded onto this new ship. Some sort of collar was fashioned around her neck, tight but not uncomfortable or impeding her breath. Still, she most certainly did not like how it felt.

When they landed, they were dragged before the man whose image they had seen. "Kneel before Chang the Merciless." When they hesitated, a sharp shock of electricity shot through the collar. Edie collapsed to her knees, eyes watering and heart racing. She felt more than saw those pitiless eyes come to rest. "Bring the woman here."

Suddenly she was being hauled to her feet and stood up before this Chang. His eyes held the vast darkness of space in them, but without the glimmering hope of the stars. Edie already hated the way he looked at her before he demanded, "Remove your clothing, girl, I wish to see your body."

Red-faced and indignant, Edith pulled herself to her full five height and refused. "I will no."

Chang looked both irritated and amused. Another jolt of electricity zapped her, this one strong enough to make everything turn white for a second. When she blinked some color back into her vision, she was back on her knees, this time hunched over on her hands as well. "Do not disobey me, girl. I can make this just as bad on your companions as on you."

A pair of cries sounded behind her, and she turned her head to see Dash and the professor writhing on the ground. "Okay, okay!" She turned her face back up to Chang's. "Please, please stop." She staggered up to her feet, her trembling hands already unfastening the top of her uniform. The groans of agony of her fellow humans did not relent until she peeled the leather completely off. She stood there in just her brassiere and underpants, trying not to look as ashamed as she felt.
“Remove your clothing girl I wish to see your body.” This was clearly a man use to giving orders and having them obeyed. Red-faced and indignant, Edith pulled herself to her full five height and refused. "I will not." Once more the shock racked Edie’s lush young body and she was driven again to her knees and this time to her hands as well. Her ears were filled with the agonizing screams of Krokoff and Dash. Edie gaze turned to the Professor and look between him and Dash before glancing back at the Emperor. Chang’s gaze was once more upon her and the dark light that flashed in the depths of those cold eyes sent a shiver running down her spine. There was more in those soulless eyes than Edie could recognize, but she knew the look of a predator watching its prey.

Edie was prostrate on her hands and knees at Change’s feet. Chang did so love toying with his captive and at the moment it was Edie. She didn't want to do it, but she wasn't fool enough to believe this man wouldn't do what he had to, to get what he wanted and that if she didn't strip out of the suit willingly one of those seven foot monsters that had brought them here would gladly do it for her against her will. Slowly she stood, her gaze defiant and angry as she held Chang's gaze. Silently Edie stripped out the suit and let it fall to the ground at her feet. Contempt clear on her face she also reached up and pulled the pins that held her hair bound hair and let it fall around her in dark silken waves. those silken locks licking across her pale flesh like the night sky surrounding by the moon. Edie stood there in nothing but ger bra and panties.

“My dear young lady the collars can do more than merely cause pain.” An evil grin bowed his lips. “Let me show you.” An auburn haired beauty was at Change’s ear whispered in the evil emperor’s ear, his smile broadened and then she slow rose stretching like a tigress to a height of six feet. She was gorgeous and her movement feline, like the tigress on the hunt. She circled Edie as if she were evaluating a sumptuous meal her eyes lingering on the young earthling’s feminine charms. Her nails where long and sharp like the claws of the tiger. Lue Chin nail pluck at Raven Sinclair’s bra strap and it parted, she drew that nail down Edie’s shoulder, slow, sensual, and cruelly. She sauntered away knowing that the slave collar would prevent the trapped young beauty form harming her, or even striking out. Lue Chin stood between Dash and Karpovff. ”Come here and serve me.” Both men began to move they came to her as she dropped her bodice. They bent their heads to suckle the woman’s nipples.

“My father said strip that means everything.” Then to make her point she said to Dash. “Kiss him!” And Dash’s lips brushed the Professor’s. He tried to fight it but seemed that he could not. It was apparent that the collars they wore had a power to enforce the emperor’s will on them.

“OH! they can do so much more than cause physical pain. They can rape the mind and will as well my dear.” Chang paused. “What do your intimate friends call you girl.”