Is this GBOA music video racist?


Literotica Guru
Sep 27, 2017


I tend to like when they put horns into punk music, but still, the blackface and wigs.

somewhat off-topic:

Filter "Hey Man Nice Shot"

same song, seriously funkified

Filter - Hey Man Nice Shot [Nickel Bag]

He served from 1971 to 1981 as a Republican member of the Pennsylvania State Senate representing the state's 50th district.

On January 22, 1987, Dwyer called a news conference in the Pennsylvania state capital of Harrisburg where he killed himself in front of the gathered reporters, by shooting himself in the mouth with a .357 Magnum revolver.

Throughout Dwyer's trial and after his conviction, he maintained that he was not guilty of the charges levied against him, and that he had been framed.
I thought this was going to be about the black french rapper who just released a song about killing whitey.

Here's the lyrics translated:

"I enter day care centers, I kill white babies,
Grab them quickly and hang their parents,
Take them apart to pass the time.
Entertain the black children, of all ages, large and small.
Whip them hard, do it boldly
Let it stink of death and piss with blood
Hanged from the trees against the starry void
Let this foul fruit create a fascinating spectacle
Pale and funny
Take all their life away from them, let them be lifeless objects from now on
Possess them, put your names on their wills
No feelings, let them all die at the same time
Set an example, torture them in front of a group…
Hang them, hang them all, hang the whites”

You can listen or buy the song on many platforms.
I thought this was going to be about the black french rapper who just released a song about killing whitey.

Here's the lyrics translated:

You can listen or buy the song on many platforms.

How about YouTube?

I couldn't find this MIA video on YouTube.

I suppose it confirms alt-right types that blacks are violent and criminal.

This video for the most part doesn't:

M.I.A, Born Free
(apparently banned on YouTube)

If you are redheaded, some Dave Mustaine might help you deal with the trauma of watching MIA's video.

Megadeth - Sweating Bullets

Megadeth - Peace Sells Music Video FULL!!!

(Eurythmics - Sisters Are Doin' It for Themselves (Remastered)

Yeah, pretty racist—superficially at least.

Clip Official: Nick Conrad - Pendez Les Blancs.


Sung in French—I'm not sure YouTube would allow an English version.

He doesn't seem to have a (English) Wikipedia article.

The French Wikipedia came up with this.

En septembre 2018, un rappeur peu connu nommé Nick Conrad poste sur YouTube le clip d'une chanson intitulée PLB, pour Pendez les Blancs, dans laquelle on peut notamment entendre « Je rentre dans des crèches, je tue des bébés blancs, attrapez-les vite et pendez leurs parents ». Le morceau passe d'abord inaperçu, mais après avoir été relayée par des comptes d'extrême droite, la vidéo est repérée par la classe politique et par les médias, provoquant une indignation générale. La vidéo est supprimée de la plateforme pour infraction au règlement sur les contenus haineux, mais des copies continuent de circuler sur Internet107. Le ministre de l'Intérieur, Gérard Collomb, réagit en condamnant « ces propos abjects et ces attaques ignominieuses » et le parquet de Paris annonce l'ouverture d'une enquête. Le 22 septembre 2018, l'humoriste Dieudonné relaie la vidéo sur Facebook en commentant « Notre jeunesse est bouillonnante et pleine de talents elle est résolue à en découdre avec les mensonges de l'histoire..Que Dieu nous préserve du piège de la haine raciale, qui n'est là que pour servir les intérêts du sionisme »108,109,110,111. ». Plusieurs associations antiracistes ont condamné les propos de l'auteur. La DILCRAH a tweeté son signalement du clip auprès du procureur de la République, le MRAP et la LICRA ont annoncé leur intention de saisir la justice et SOS Racisme a dénoncé des propos « éminemment condamnables » qui véhiculent « de façon évidente du racisme, quelles que soient les explications par ailleurs très embrouillées de son auteur » tout en expliquant à Libération ne pas vouloir porter plainte « quand cela aboutit à faire de la publicité à des inconnus ». 112 Nick Conrad, pour sa part, affirme ne pas être raciste et avoir voulu, dans sa chanson, « inverser les rôles » pour dénoncer le racisme113.

Google translates as:
In September 2018, a little-known rapper named Nick Conrad posts on YouTube the clip of a song called PLB, for Pendu les Blancs, in which we can notably hear "I enter nurseries, I kill white babies, catch them. quickly and hang their parents ". The track first goes unnoticed, but after being relayed by extreme right-wing accounts, the video is spotted by politicians and the media, provoking widespread indignation. The video is removed from the hate content platform, but copies continue to circulate on the Internet. The Minister of the Interior, Gerard Collomb, reacts by condemning "these abject remarks and ignominious attacks" and the Paris prosecutor's office announces the opening of an investigation. On September 22, 2018, comedian Dieudonné relays the video on Facebook commenting, "Our youth is bubbling and full of talent, it is determined to fight with the lies of history. God preserve us from the trap of racial hatred. who is only there to serve the interests of Zionism "108,109,110,111. ". Several anti-racist associations have condemned the author's comments. DILCRAH tweeted its report of the clip to the public prosecutor, the MRAP and LICRA announced their intention to appeal to justice and SOS Racism denounced "eminently reprehensible" statements that convey "obviously racism, whatever the explanations otherwise confused by its author "while explaining to Liberation not wanting to complain" when this results in advertising to strangers. " 112 Nick Conrad, for his part, says he is not racist and wanted to "invert roles" in his song to denounce racism.

Also in French Wikipedia:

Btw, why would anyone submit to putting one's mouth to a curb?

Why not a, "You don't have the guts to murder me, Britney."
Have you seen American History X? There's a curb stomping scene in it, that's what the PLB vid is mimicking.

I think I saw only bits of it years ago, including the curb scene.

My question still stands.

I might see the movie in its entirety, but I wonder if it's some sort of anti-hero we're supposed to identify with.

My fascination with such wore out soon after this movie.

(This skinhead wore his swastika on his forehead.)

Made in Britain Opening Scene

Made in Britain (1982)

(Unlike your video and the first video in this post, the (presumed) full movie one allows comments.)
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I thought this was going to be about the black french rapper who just released a song about killing whitey.

Here's the lyrics translated:

"I enter day care centers, I kill white babies,
Grab them quickly and hang their parents,
Take them apart to pass the time.
Entertain the black children, of all ages, large and small.
Whip them hard, do it boldly
Let it stink of death and piss with blood
Hanged from the trees against the starry void
Let this foul fruit create a fascinating spectacle
Pale and funny
Take all their life away from them, let them be lifeless objects from now on
Possess them, put your names on their wills
No feelings, let them all die at the same time
Set an example, torture them in front of a group…
Hang them, hang them all, hang the whites”

You can listen or buy the song on many platforms.

There's a BBC journalist who has the same name, who is suddenly getting a lot of hate mail and death threats. True story.
