96% Of U.S. Climate Data Is Corrupted

^^^Another stupid reference that not so subtly infers Deplorables are suffering the same level of historical victimization as Jews. Deplorables are constantly whining about "reverse discrimination" from the groups that had to fight like hell for their right to even exist.

This comment and an earlier reference to the Holocaust are a form of thinly-veiled antisemitism.


And by “exactly”, I mean EXACTLY.


👉 Harpy 👎

We're certainly keeping quiet about the lack of democracy in Ukraine, the corruption in Ukraine, and the reasons why Ukraine cannot meet the five requirements a country must meet in order to join Nato:

  • a functioning democratic political system based on a market economy;
  • the fair treatment of minority populations;
  • a commitment to the peaceful resolution of conflicts;
  • the ability and willingness to make a military contribution to NATO operations; and
  • a commitment to democratic civil-military relations and institutional structures.

Thank you for proving my ability to figure out what a person is about. I wasn't aware we were talking about Ukraine or whatever rules there are to get into NATO. It was about you being such a bigot that is completely unrelated to if its okay to make Holocaust jokes. You can't even cleverly slide to a different topic.
^Funny enough, if Rightguide's dystopian and nightmarish vision for the U.S. ever comes true- and God help us all if it does, The U.S. will also lack:
  • a functioning democratic political system based on a market economy;
  • the fair treatment of minority populations;
  • a commitment to the peaceful resolution of conflicts;
  • the ability and willingness to make a military contribution to NATO operations; and
  • a commitment to democratic civil-military relations and institutional structures.

He has frequently lobbied against these very things for the United States, and openly supports a would-be tyrant who also opposes these same things for our country. And I bet he refuses to see the irony here.

I am not arguing that Ukraine was ever the perfect society with the perfect government. But they nonetheless will be far WORSE off under Russian occupation. (Again, he lacks the intellectual capacity to understand that.)

edit: Wait, this thread was about Climate change. Lets get back on topic before Rightguide uses it as yet another opportunity to spew his hateful and ignorant drivel.
^^^Another stupid reference that not so subtly infers Deplorables are suffering the same level of historical victimization as Jews. Deplorables are constantly whining about "reverse discrimination" from the groups that had to fight like hell for their right to even exist.

This comment and an earlier reference to the Holocaust are a form of thinly-veiled antisemitism.

The point being made is that your attitude and intended designs re social reform were already tried. By Nazi Germany. Changing the words used doesn't change the intent or the methodology.

A rose by any other name is still a rose.

What's sad is that you don't care because all you want to do is repeat history because this time around you might attain heights you don't deserve. Newsflash for you: It didn't go well for people like you back then and it isn't going well for your ideals this time either.
Well it is a social pronouncement. I'm not saying its okay but white people call other white people rednecks and not in an affectionate way. This is a long, long way from trying to exterminate a RACE it cheapens the argument. I honestly have to be concerned that you and others are basically saying calling someone a redneck is comparable to genocide. I've spent decades paying attention to politics and its getting worse. I can easily see someone with real charisma convincing people that Obama wanted them to take the Fauci ouchie. Yeah I know he wasn't president even if these are the most extreme members of the right there are people asking where Obama was on 9/11. And then let the good times roll.

So you believe that the nazi genocide of the jews "just happened" and there wasn't any buildup beforehand with slurs, slanders, restrictions/censorship and social stigma against those deplorables... I mean Jews?
So you believe that the nazi genocide of the jews "just happened" and there wasn't any buildup beforehand with slurs, slanders, restrictions/censorship and social stigma against those deplorables... I mean Jews?

Didn't work out for guys like us last time? You do realize in this completely inappropriate comparison that you're the Nazi right? What happened to the Jews goes back centuries and centuries. So while a person who understands how history and religion intertwine, ultimate in the way you want to discuss it didn't just happen. Don't suppose you've ever heard of the Treaty of Versailles and the Great Depression?

Shocker: 96% of U.S. climate data is corrupted​

JAZZ SHAW 8:31 AM on June 11, 2023

This seems like an appropriate time for a story like this to pop up since it involves both smoke clouds and climate change. You probably heard how AOC was quick to blame the clouds of smoke wafting down from the Canadian wildfires last week on climate change. As you likely expected without even needing to check, that turns out to be nonsense. But the underlying facts that prove its nonsensical nature turn out to be well rooted in science. And researching this question turns up something even more interesting, which we’ll get to in a moment.

You should check out the work of veteran meteorologist Anthony Watts of the Heartland Institute. He’s been studying the weather and the climate in general for a very long time. He travels around the country inspecting meteorological equipment and studies historical weather data from around the world. One of the first findings he would like the public to be aware of is that not only are wildfires common in many parts of North America, but the reality is that in the 21st century, they have actually been less numerous than they were in the past. They’re just getting more attention from the press and on social media.

That’s not the shocking part of the story, however. When discussing the “modest warming” that the planet has exhibited, there is a need to have solid data. But as Dr. Watts has examined weather stations around the country, he has discovered that the available data may be nearly useless when attempting to quantify very slight changes in average temperatures. That’s because more than 90% of the data is “corrupted.” And the reason for that is the reality that the vast majority of thermometers that NOAA relies on are improperly installed and maintained, leading to the recording of artificially higher temperatures.

In order to produce accurate temperature readings based on NOAA’s own published standards, thermometers are supposed to be in natural, “pristine” locations like fields, forests, hilltops, etc. But Dr. Watts’ research has revealed that more than 90% of NOAA thermometers are in inappropriate places. 96% are in parking lots, on buildings, against brick walls, or in other artificial environments. The bricks, asphalt and other human construction materials used in these environments artificially trap heat, leading to a “warming bias” in the collected data. Thermometers placed in natural settings register lower average temperatures.

More here on corrupted climate data: https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2023/06/11/shocker-96-of-u-s-climate-data-is-corrupted-n557210



More proof that the Climate Cult is wildly misinformed on the state of reality.
So you believe that the nazi genocide of the jews "just happened" and there wasn't any buildup beforehand with slurs, slanders, restrictions/censorship and social stigma against those deplorables... I mean Jews?

Well someone certainly managed to repeat that sequence and foment a mob to attempt to overturn an election.
It wasn't Biden supporters who ambushed a Trump convoy, trying to run vehicles off the road.
It's not folks waving rainbow flags who are waving guns and threatening anyone who comes close to having a different opinion.

It's people waving AR-15s, and Confederate and MAGA flags who are bleating about being the victim and how they are being forced to retaliate against anything that obstructs their god-given right to tell everyone else how to behave.
I think that people that can't follow the facts should be booted out of the country, or at least not be allowed to vote.

If you want to get closer to the truth, follow the money.
You mean like the money big oil has spent buying scientists to deny climate change?
Well someone certainly managed to repeat that sequence and foment a mob to attempt to overturn an election.

Yup. His name is Ray Epps.

It wasn't Biden supporters who ambushed a Trump convoy, trying to run vehicles off the road.

Actually, it was Biden supporters who tried to run Trump supporters off the road. There's actually video of it.

So your revisionist history is, like most of everything else you spew, a flat out lie.

It's not folks waving rainbow flags who are waving guns and threatening anyone who comes close to having a different opinion.

I beg to differ. Like most of what you say, that's a lie. Because the truth is that many of the recent mass shooters have been trans. So stop lying about it.

It's people waving AR-15s, and Confederate and MAGA flags who are bleating about being the victim and how they are being forced to retaliate against anything that obstructs their god-given right to tell everyone else how to behave.

Huh. Imagine that. Not one single evil black rifle in sight in this pic about the worst act of violence in US history. Worse than the civil war according to some. No confederate flags either.

I wonder if the real truth is that someone is lying again?

I'm actually surprised hisarpy even admits that the holocaust happened. Though if creeps like him were to have their way, it will no longer be legal to discuss it in history classes.

Unlike you, I actually know the truth about how the hate against the Jews began. And, unlike you, I can see how the current progressive narrative mirrors the early track of those events.

However, just like my forefathers in the Greatest Generation, I'm willing to stand up for "the Jews" in whatever form or name you give them in order to justify your attempts at genocide for no other reason than you have to hate someone and they got pointed out as the target.
Yup. His name is Ray Epps.

Actually, it was Biden supporters who tried to run Trump supporters off the road. There's actually video of it.

So your revisionist history is, like most of everything else you spew, a flat out lie.

I beg to differ. Like most of what you say, that's a lie. Because the truth is that many of the recent mass shooters have been trans. So stop lying about it.

Huh. Imagine that. Not one single evil black rifle in sight in this pic about the worst act of violence in US history. Worse than the civil war according to some. No confederate flags either.

I wonder if the real truth is that someone is lying again?

Just because your selected picture doesn't show it, doesn't mean shit.

The guns were stored nearby; that's well established. Here is a clip of someone with pipe bombs.

That corruption of data collection has been known for two decades now. There's no money to be made in a non-crisis.
There is plenty of money to be made supporting the claims of the fossil fuel companies that continuing to consume fossil fuels is not dangerous.
Just because your selected picture doesn't show it, doesn't mean shit.

The guns were stored nearby; that's well established. Here is a clip of someone with pipe bombs.

You must be a graduate of the dooRmat skuul of idjitry where you make assertions of facts and then deny your own statements.

FACT: There were MILLIONS of guns "stored nearby." Because millions of people own guns. Some of those people also attended the rally. rally goers who left their guns at home. Stored safely as they're required by the law. To peacefully gather and wave flags in protest against perceived injustice as they have a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to do.

Which makes all those people you're trying to claim are the bad guys, into the good guys.

Meanwhile it's the trans mass shooters who are, according to you, the peaceful ones.

Here's another fact for you: Somewhere inside your numbskull, there's a broken brain crying for help.
Your point is what? That waving a flag in protest is worse than the trans mass shooters who actually killed innocent people?

You must work for CNN or MSNBC.
I also notice neither you nor anyone else has commented on the Canadian flag being waved.

So, if it's an insurrection merely because someone waved a confederate flag, does waving a Canadian flag make it an invasion and act of war by a foreign power?
Your point is what? That waving a flag in protest is worse than the trans mass shooters who actually killed innocent people?

You must work for CNN or MSNBC.
You said there were no Confederate flags. You're a D-list lawyer, Trump needs you.

You should check out the work of veteran meteorologist Anthony Watts of the Heartland Institute.​

Willard Anthony Watts
(born 1958) is an American blogger who runs Watts Up With That?, a popular climate change denial blog that opposes the scientific consensus on climate change.[4][5][6][7] A former television meteorologist and current radio meteorologist,[8][9][10] he is also founder of the Surface Stations project, a volunteer initiative to document the condition of U.S. weather stations.[11]...

Watts assisted with the setup of a radio program for his high school in Indiana,[14] and later attended electrical engineering and meteorology classes at Purdue University, but did not graduate or receive a degree.[2][15]



On any complex, controversial, and emotional issue the consensus of academically accredited experts is more likely to be accurate than mistaken. Willard Anthony Watts is is not an accredited expert. His opinion is not the scientific consensus. Skepticism is merited about anything he says.

I believe that human caused global warming is a serious problem, partly because it is the scientific consensus, partially because during my life I have noticed milder winters and hotter summers, and partly because I understand the science.

When I moved to my present location twenty years ago It snowed in the winter. It has not snowed for several years. During the summer the temperature more frequently exceeds 90 degrees.

During the age of dinosaurs the climate on earth was significantly warmer. Sea levels were higher. Much of what is now the United States was under water. Tropical plants lived closer to the north pole and the south pole than is currently the case.

This was because the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere was higher. During a period of hundreds of millions of years plants removed carbon from the atmosphere and deposited it in what became coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

During a period of two centuries humans are reversing a process that took hundreds of millions of years to develop.
You said there were no Confederate flags. You're a D-list lawyer, Trump needs you.

Oh my, you're right. I did say there weren't any Confederate flags.

Oops, my bad.

Now, I'd like to talk to you about YOUR claim that it's only Trump supporters who are the violent ones. Or that it was Trump supporters who ran other drivers off the road...