MILF time

705 is nice. 706 is total crap.

We all appreciate the good ones but it seems you’re the only one that points on ones you don’t like? Is it that hard to just not comment on it? We’re all here for fun so why spoil it with and asinine comment? Get out of the basement once in a while
We all appreciate the good ones but it seems you’re the only one that points on ones you don’t like? Is it that hard to just not comment on it? We’re all here for fun so why spoil it with and asinine comment? Get out of the basement once in a while

Hey hey Nay Nay..:)
I'm a mommy! Am I too young to be a milf?

taken not too long after my 2nd

As the "M" stands for "Mother" (or any similar word to describe a female parent) you both qualify ... both absolutely gorgeous and way out of my league but I can appreciate a beautiful woman's body and yes, if the chance arose I'd love to "F" the pair of you :heart:


I do find it difficult to accept her as a MILF and without Googling it, I suspect she isn't one (a Mother that is) ... but she is rather gorgeous! :eek:

Your negative opinion is total crap.

There is a "mute" button available and our friend is likely to be the second recipient of that accolade on my account. Everyone is entitled to an opinion I know, but sometimes it's better to keep your own counsel so as not to piss everyone else off
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