TSCLT 8.0: Jesus Hates A Pussy

Allah damn, it's been a long day. My feet are tired of walking.

The inspections went okay. Really, we weren't entirely ready, but they approved our draw request, so that's what's important.

The big boss man came to pay us a visit. I haven't seen him in ages. We had a nice visit. He admired Barbie. He had one like her a few years back. His wife doesn't want for him to get another motorcycle.

Wat never wonders why he isn't married . . . .


Grats on the inspection Wat.

Beautiful fall day here. Mild temps, light breeze. Time to take a trip up to the mountains.
Actually, the work bit was good news, but spending a bit with the big boss man was enjoyable.

He's restoring one of those Toyota Land Thingies from the late seventies. He showed me pics and we talked about doing stuff like that - and admiring it.

Home later. Grazing. The girls are here. Unless she's leaving. I think she's walking to dog. The cats don't like the dog. I think it's funny. He's a good doggie.

Wrapping up this day . . . .

Actually, the work bit was good news, but spending a bit with the big boss man was enjoyable.

He's restoring one of those Toyota Land Thingies from the late seventies. He showed me pics and we talked about doing stuff like that - and admiring it.

Home later. Grazing. The girls are here. Unless she's leaving. I think she's walking to dog. The cats don't like the dog. I think it's funny. He's a good doggie.

Wrapping up this day . . . .

The late '70's J-40 cruisers were good, but the nicest to drive (stock) were the '79 and later models, with the 2F, disk brakes up front, and AC.

Is he restoring it or making a fun toy? If the latter, he's picked up a H55F tanny for it.

The above is a link to a short piece that ridicules (in a nice way) Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's claim that AR-15s are as heavy as 10 filled moving boxes. I thought it was really funny the first time I read it, the second time not so much.
It depends on your mood and your patience with popups.
Anyway, someone made up something about Trump and Ukraine so the pressure's off gun's this week, but the topic will come up again.
Good morning!!!!

Listening to the media and the dems, as a gun owner you begin to get a feeling for what Christians in early Rome must have felt like.
Happy Thursday!!!

Junior called last night so we could touch base on his itinerary for this weekend. We had a nice but too brief visit on the phone. And the auto payment for the phone went out last night, too, as the monthly living allowance came in.

I watch this shit all with amused skepticism.

Gonna be a busy one at work today, but not up to the level of persecution.



I've got a wee problem to track down. My parking/license plate lights are intermittent. The good news is that it's before the front/rear splice. The bad news is it's under the dash. :(

I'll build a little test light rig and track it down.
Yeah, that sounds like a pain in the ass to sort out. I hate electrical crap, AC or DC.

I need to get back to upgrading the bike lights to LED for brightness and less electricity.

And I need to add my GPS/phone holder and charger to it, too.


I don't mind wiring etc. until it comes to climbing under the dash. The last time I actually enjoyed under-dash work was when I rewired a '56 Chevy Cameo pickup. Things were a lot simpler back then. :)
Anyone heard from Spearchucker today or is he still working on the first cup of coffee?
I slept late, for me.
Don't know why.

I also don't do electrical.

You know what I hate more than screen stretching?
It's when the stretcher then happily follows up with
long-sentenced posts forcing me to play toggle with
my arrow keys. I like to read at a glance...
I have coffee and no weasels, I don't hate anything right now
but I have no doubt that it will change in about 30 minutes.
Golfing at a long course this morning. Probably take me all day because I can't hit the long ball.
Golfing at a long course this morning. Probably take me all day because I can't hit the long ball.

That doesn't necessarily work against you. A friend of mine and I played Spanish Bay in Monterrey just after it opened. Both of us drive fairly low and short. The guys we were teamed with in the foursome were power hitters off the tee. Spanish Bay is right on the Ocean and there's always a brisk wind there. So while John and I were inching our way to the greens the power hitters were watching the wind carry their balls off into the rough. John and I kicked their ass.
Here at the job. Just me and the real lead super

And some time passed.

We have a full compliment of weasels now. Except for drywall finishers. Apparently, Stumpy isn't coming back to work. Bonita hasn't come back, either. And we have considerable patching-n-shit to do.

I gotta go see the management lady today, too, and she's a bit upset with me. Apparently, she misunderstood a comment I made yesterday, so I have to make sure to sort that out first thing. It happens sometimes. And Life goes on . . . .



You got to have a membership card to get inside.


Everything is sorted out with Management Woman. She really does rock. She admitted to being over-sensitive yesterday morning, which was ballsy of her.

Off to lunch . . . .

LOL not Tesla, you make me feel old

My 30 minutes of quiet were cut short, some higher power took it as a challenge and my phone started ringing as soon as I hit send and then kept going all day. Some of those people should be glad we were on the phone.
