Nothing to see here, Justa bit of Florida sunshine with a chance of hurricane.

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Lol at eventually. I would of put the game down as soon as you walked in looking like that.
So the earlier conversation got me thinking and I am curious. When have you been on lit and chat, while doing other things, where lit and chats would be highly inappropriate?

I am on lit and such a lot during work meetings, but come on, they are so boring. I swear, we have meetings to discuss how to have less meetings.

I am on while in line at the grocery store, or while waiting for online order pick up. I may have checked in while in line to see Santa Claus lol. yeah pretty much any wait anywhere, I am seeing if I see anything interesting lol

I will say I have avatars, signatures, and images turned off, that way I can look around before I click a link.

so what screwed up place have you been surfing lit?
So the earlier conversation got me thinking and I am curious. When have you been on lit and chat, while doing other things, where lit and chats would be highly inappropriate?

I am on lit and such a lot during work meetings, but come on, they are so boring. I swear, we have meetings to discuss how to have less meetings.

I am on while in line at the grocery store, or while waiting for online order pick up. I may have checked in while in line to see Santa Claus lol. yeah pretty much any wait anywhere, I am seeing if I see anything interesting lol

I will say I have avatars, signatures, and images turned off, that way I can look around before I click a link.

so what screwed up place have you been surfing lit?
I work in construction and when im on a ladder with my upper half hidden i get on here and look at your amazing pics! it excites me to know that if someone is looking they can see my hard cock through my jeans!
Mostly work for me. Occasionally while I'm at a work related lunch meeting.
well with the kid, I can just ask him to like clean or do his homework, and he will hide for a little while to avoid doing it, hoping I forget.

Spouse, oh come on, I can't be the only person playing on lit while sitting next to their spouse who is playing a video game or reading or watching TV or what ever. Hell, that isn't even a challenge. taking slutty selfies while next to them, now that is more of a challenge lol.

new years eve. playstation distraction lol

yeah I need to improve my sneaky slutty selfie game, it is on my to do list.

I've never gotten into video games that much, but I'd say you have your hand on the Ultimate Playstation in the last pic! Do you think your hubby would notice if I was on my knees, going down on you while he was playing his game? I'd try to lick quietly.
Lol at eventually. I would of put the game down as soon as you walked in looking like that.

Well, he has seen me looking like this for 20plus years so ya know, nothing exciting.

I work in construction and when im on a ladder with my upper half hidden i get on here and look at your amazing pics! it excites me to know that if someone is looking they can see my hard cock through my jeans!

wow. first, working construction, I suspect you do not work with people that would be particularly exciting to have looking at you and your hard cock (versus me, for example, a lot more people working construction would be more the type I would enjoy looking at me)

2nd, while not on the ground...that doesn't sound safe. Might even exceed the risk level of my naked cubicle and subsequent activities. At least I am in no physical injury danger.

Mostly work for me. Occasionally while I'm at a work related lunch meeting.

yeah, work. aren't we all the best employees ever.

I've never gotten into video games that much, but I'd say you have your hand on the Ultimate Playstation in the last pic! Do you think your hubby would notice if I was on my knees, going down on you while he was playing his game? I'd try to lick quietly.

yes yes, he would notice that, and would not be too pleased....don't ask how i know this lol.
happy Tuesday.

first day back at the office, and first cube boob shot of the year.

A good start to your work year selfies.

well with the kid, I can just ask him to like clean or do his homework, and he will hide for a little while to avoid doing it, hoping I forget.

Spouse, oh come on, I can't be the only person playing on lit while sitting next to their spouse who is playing a video game or reading or watching TV or what ever. Hell, that isn't even a challenge. taking slutty selfies while next to them, now that is more of a challenge lol.

new years eve. playstation distraction lol

yeah I need to improve my sneaky slutty selfie game, it is on my to do list.

Not only time to take ' distraction ' selfies, but time to play as well. Now I need to lick your fingers clean.

So the earlier conversation got me thinking and I am curious. When have you been on lit and chat, while doing other things, where lit and chats would be highly inappropriate?

I am on lit and such a lot during work meetings, but come on, they are so boring. I swear, we have meetings to discuss how to have less meetings.

I am on while in line at the grocery store, or while waiting for online order pick up. I may have checked in while in line to see Santa Claus lol. yeah pretty much any wait anywhere, I am seeing if I see anything interesting lol

I will say I have avatars, signatures, and images turned off, that way I can look around before I click a link.

so what screwed up place have you been surfing lit?

I have avatars etc. turned off as well, but most of mine is done on the settee next to my other half who is so tech un-savvy, she doesn't have a clue. I use an iPad as well so the photos are bigger than the phone.
Justadesperatewifeandmom;88508772 yes yes said:
I guess I'll have to be content with being under your desk. Do I still need to do it quietly?
A good start to your work year selfies.

Not only time to take ' distraction ' selfies, but time to play as well. Now I need to lick your fingers clean.

I have avatars etc. turned off as well, but most of mine is done on the settee next to my other half who is so tech un-savvy, she doesn't have a clue. I use an iPad as well so the photos are bigger than the phone.

thank you. who said I haven't already. And lol, I think on an IPad would be even tougher. Some days I wish my screen was smaller as to be more discrete.

I guess I'll have to be content with being under your desk. Do I still need to do it quietly?

Yes, still have to be quiet. and all the guys talking in their cubes can be a little distracting.

New Year but the same yummy sexy office boobs that we all desire! :p:

thank you. maybe I will need to come up with some new ideas for the new year though

Starting the year off so very nicely!!!:rose:

thank you.

I check in to Lit at work often, but I have my own office so it doesn't matter. i used to take pics of myself at the office and post them on Lit, but I ran out of ideas, and it just got old and boring for me.

It's usually not risky here since everyone leaves at 5, and I work late by myself, so I can just lock my door and take off all of my clothes and no one knows. Really, I could run around the place naked after hours -- and I have -- but it's too cold to do that this time of year.

I do remember one time I was almost caught, though. I had been chatting with a woman on Lit during the day, and it was getting pretty hot. We had known each other for a bit and decided to video chat after my office cleared out. Thankfully, we were just getting started when I heard the front door of the office open. It turned out, one of the receptionists had missed the bus, and she came back to the office to see if someone could give her a ride to the subway. I quickly threw on my clothes and, mercifully, was dressed by the time the inevitable knock on my door happened. I know I was still pretty aroused when I opened the door, but I did my best to conceal things. I ended up driving her to the subway and then went back to the office where my friend was still active online. We had a good laugh and then got right back to business.

yeah things are so easy with your own office, especially if you control the thermostat I guess. Though I was once stuck naked (ok had on garter belt and thigh highs and heels) under a desk for almost an hour, yes we had locked the door prior, but ya never know what keys are floating around. It was pretty funny. Your story is pretty good though too, but alone is even easier to play off, changing clothes or whatever
It wasn’t terrible. And someone thanked me with their mouth for having such an open mind. Lol.

I check this at work all the time. In what little downtime I have sitting at a station, it makes long nights go faster. Just have to remember to shut my WiFi connection off... lol
It wasn’t terrible. And someone thanked me with their mouth for having such an open mind. Lol.

I check this at work all the time. In what little downtime I have sitting at a station, it makes long nights go faster. Just have to remember to shut my WiFi connection off... lol

very nice. I guess with a phone to dull the show, it is well worth the reward. lol, i actually set myself up an off corporate network modem and router "for testing", so yippie monitored wifi

Cranking the heat would work in the office but not in the warehouse.

I was lucky, because I'm not sure how I'd explain away all of the loud dirty talk. Now I just wait a good 30 minutes after everyone leaves before I get into anything fun.

And I'd love to hear that story. Did the other person just bust into the room without knocking?

ah yes very true. and the wait sounds like the smart plan. Hum typing that will give me something to do during my next meeting haha. And no, we ignored the knock because the door was locked.
This thread and its poster are highly addictive, distracting and wonderfully wicked fun with some exotic attractions that make me say Thank You often!!! :rose:
This thread and its poster are highly addictive, distracting and wonderfully wicked fun with some exotic attractions that make me say Thank You often!!! :rose:

Well thank you. Distracting and wickedly fun. What better compliment could be given.

Very nice! Makes me wish I worked in an office instead of a warehouse.

thank you and hey, warehouses have their upside. often lots of corners and blind spots.
OK, I promised the stuck naked under a desk story.

First thing, as you probably already surmised, I have a thing for getting off at work. Also, When I was younger, I really liked men in power. This happened forever ago, seems like another lifetime really. I had met my husband, but was not yet living with him. Wow, Where do I begin?

I guess I should start with meeting the man I was with in that office. I will call him Dan. He was the VP of HR at this company I was interviewing with. It was my 3rd interview and I was nervous. Also, just to keep it real, so we can all laugh and laugh, I knocked over his lamp when I bent over his desk to look at paperwork, best interview ever when you damage people's property (again I am a klutz and sometimes my tits get away from me lol). I was actually hired despite my awkward and clumsy nature. Another side note, My first day I actually ended up in a different department, as they had a sudden staffing problem, and I had the skills for that department, where as the position and department I had originally been hired for was less skilled. It was supposed to be just a make it through the next few days thing, but I did amazing well, especially considering I was tossed in the deep end, no training, no supervisor, no peer lol. The boss decided to kept me there once he returned from vacation and got caught up on what happened.

Anyway, back to Dan. As time went on, Dan and I often chit chatted. I didn’t work anywhere near him, but when we did see each other around work, we would chat, joke around etc. I was in my casual relationships phase as well as my higher up men phase (I had a track record with my bosses, though I wasn’t into my boss this time). Dan was in a different point in his life, quite a bit older than me, thus no future for a relationship, but was hot and funny, therefor perfect for my life at that point, given I was strictly casual relationships. Of course, the joking quickly progressed to flirting and such, then lunches together, and by about two months in, Dan and I are regularly screwing in his office during lunch. When his receptionist would take her hour lunch break and leave, he would call my line, I’d take a break, slip in, have an awesome time, slip out.

So the day. It was like any other day. Dan calls, I come into his office, he stands up, greets me, shuts and locks the door, sits back down. I remove my blazer, take off my bra, unzip and drop my skirt; leaving me in thigh highs, garter belt and heels. I climb on to his lap to kiss him, which leads to me riding him in his chair, tits in his face, you get the whole scene, I am sure. I was actually just about to cum when someone knocks on the door. I freeze, but Dan is all, "Don't worry, it is locked, keep going, keep going." So I start again, and I hear someone turning then knob trying to get in. Again, I pause, Dan tells me it is fine, keep ignoring the door. Then I hear a key going in the door and the sound of the door unlocking.

What can I do? I fly underneath the desk, pulling my clothing that is laying on the floor with me. In walks someone I will call Kyle. Kyle is the VP of security administration and some shit. I don’t know, he was a douche, likely never had a fun moment in his life, always seemed miserable. I avoided him. Apparently, Dan had been ducking an issue Kyle had wanted to discuss, all week long. Dan initially tried to verbally get him to come back later with like "we can schedule a meeting" etc etc, while getting his dick back in his pants beneath the desk. No luck, Kyle was not leaving, stating Dan had been avoiding this far too long. Once Dan was situated enough, he even tried walking him to the door, all "no not avoiding, we can discuss this afternoon", but nope, Kyle is all no, now, important, look at these files and shit (he came armed). Now, if Kyle saw me, Dan’s career would be over. Trust me, Kyle would never ever have looked the other way. Very by the book. I am also quite sure it would have caused issues in Dan’s personal life too. So I stayed completely silent, still, naked, under the desk, while they worked out their shit. OK, it probably wasn’t an hour, more like a half an hour, but it seemed like forever.

All is well that ends well though because as soon as Kyle left, turns out Dan was the risk loving type too, he bent me over the desk and thoroughly fucked me amazingly well. Our lunch breaks continued a few more months until I left the company, and the state, but the time we were almost caught was for sure the hottest.
OK, I promised the stuck naked under a desk story.

Haha - our work environments are very different... a newish female colleague asked me once where the hot men were - I recounted it to a good looking male colleague over coffee whose response was that since we were in IT, the men would all be too scared to say hello to a woman anyway - I don’t know what it says that I don’t fit that category of woman...

I would ponder if I’m just blind to it but there are so few women I doubt it. I clearly need a transfer to the states - got any openings? :p
Fuck it, you're hired. How much salary do you want? Yes salary, okay fine, I'll pay overtime if were having sex after hours..
You are so funny. I could not even imagine how awkward that was. You sat there under his desk the whole time while he had his meeting? And he just pretended you weren't there the entire time? I mean, kudos to both of you for pulling that off.

haha, it was pretty awkward, especially since it was pre cellphones or at least before they did anything fun, so no entertainment, but yeah, what could we do?

Haha - our work environments are very different... a newish female colleague asked me once where the hot men were - I recounted it to a good looking male colleague over coffee whose response was that since we were in IT, the men would all be too scared to say hello to a woman anyway - I don’t know what it says that I don’t fit that category of woman...

I would ponder if I’m just blind to it but there are so few women I doubt it. I clearly need a transfer to the states - got any openings? :p

haha. well this story was before IT, but I work in a company that isn't only IT, yes a lot of geeks, some IT and some other tech areas. Some of which are very good looking. One I really really like to watch, but I am not sure he is straight, one who isn't bad looking and I love joking around with. Now my company also has a lot of blue collar workers too. Their work is kind of labor intensive so most are in excellent shape. of course, most are young, as generally after about 30 or so, they start to have trouble, and injuries and such. Given their age, all you can really do is look and admire as come on, not like you can hold a conversation

Fuck it, you're hired. How much salary do you want? Yes salary, okay fine, I'll pay overtime if were having sex after hours..

Well, I am salaried, and I can say there is no such thing as overtime pay. You stay as long as you are wanted until the job is is part of your salary ;)
I'm salaried too, but have gotten overtime with prior approval for certain projects of special interest. And you, my dear, would certainly warrant special compensation.
I'm salaried too, but have gotten overtime with prior approval for certain projects of special interest. And you, my dear, would certainly warrant special compensation.

Now I am sitting here wondering how many people I'd have to be down on my knees for to drag overtime pay out of my company lol.
Wonderful story, unfortunately never been in a situation where anything like that happened to me.
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