Republicans Want More Abortions.


Apr 29, 2015

As part of the rule, made publicly available in the Federal Register late Friday morning, administration officials estimate that 120,000 women at most will lose access to free contraceptives — many fewer than critics predict.

The new rule is almost certain to spark fresh litigation. The National Women’s Law Center — which estimates that in 2013 alone, the contraception requirement saved women $1.4 billion in oral contraceptive costs — has vowed to challenge the Trump administration in court. It plans to argue that the new policy amounts to sex discrimination, since it will disproportionately affect women. It also plans to allege religious discrimination, arguing that it will allow employers to impose their religious beliefs on employees.

“The Trump administration is treating birth control as if it’s not even health care. We see this as part of the larger war they are waging on women’s health,” said Mara Gandal-Powers, senior counsel at the National Women’s Law Center. “For some [women], it means choosing between preventive care like contraceptives and paying their rent, their mortgage, electric bill.”

The HHS regulation was not the only administration action along these lines to be announced on Friday. Minutes later, Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued sweeping guidance to all executive departments and agencies on the Justice Department’s interpretation of religious liberties. That also triggered an immediate backlash, with civil liberties groups asserting that he was essentially offering a license for discrimination.
You know...if we just let businesses and states manage their own affairs instead of trying to 1size fits all 330 million federally. Shit wouldn't be an issue.
They really are seriously stupid. Apparently they think a pound of cure is cheaper than an ounce of prevention. Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies cost all of us money.
They really are seriously stupid. Apparently they think a pound of cure is cheaper than an ounce of prevention.

No, they think not paying for either is cheaper.

Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies cost all of us money.

Only if you have all that lovely socialism sticking a gun to everyone's head forcing them to share in the cost.
i'm fairly certain that he doesn't believe in anything. he just likes being an asshole about pretty much everything.


And he's gonna get the asshole cancer if he doesn't let up too.
They really are seriously stupid. Apparently they think a pound of cure is cheaper than an ounce of prevention. Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies cost all of us money.

Funny though, how all manners of access to protection do not lead to a lesser need for abortion.

And, for the most part, I think that most insurance providers not linked to religious institutions are still going to cover this, so it is an outcry without an actual outrage.

And he's gonna get the asshole cancer if he doesn't let up too.

Do you believe birth control is a sin?

Not at all.

But some communities/groups/people do...and if they don't want to provide contraceptive products/services I don't see why they should be legally forced to just because they provide other HC services/products. Their loss/problem...but it should be their problem, not the entire countries.

i'm fairly certain that he doesn't believe in anything. he just likes being an asshole about pretty much everything.

Or not, but don't let that stop you from tossing about bullshit ascription instead of having a discussion like a functioning human being.


And he's gonna get the asshole cancer if he doesn't let up too.

Ohhhh more commentary from the insightfully smug crowd.

Run along now kids, the adults are talking. :)
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Funny though, how all manners of access to protection do not lead to a lesser need for abortion.

And, for the most part, I think that most insurance providers not linked to religious institutions are still going to cover this, so it is an outcry without an actual outrage.

The thing about insurance providers I've learned over the years, if they dont have to cover it, or can find a way not too.. They will do exactly that.
The prevention we need is to teach our children about responsible sex.
Maybe throw in some philosophy, like Plato's dialogues on Love, where we get the term Platonic Love.

How do you teach children risk vs. reward when there are no consequences for succumbing to the root of all evil- human desire.
Funny though, how all manners of access to protection do not lead to a lesser need for abortion.

And, for the most part, I think that most insurance providers not linked to religious institutions are still going to cover this, so it is an outcry without an actual outrage.

I call bs. Care to back that up?
The thing about insurance providers I've learned over the years, if they dont have to cover it, or can find a way not too.. They will do exactly that.

That's a slander.

Unless you have a monstrosity like Obamacare dictating to them that which they must do, insurance acts on actuary science. If the cost-benefit analysis tells them that providing contraceptives is best for themselves and their client they will do so. But when you mandate that you must cover things like this and pre-existing conditions, it blows the science out of the water and leads to the destruction of the industry because then assigning rates is just a dart throw in the dark.
I shouldn't have to pay for my own birth control, and if you don't pay my birth control for me, then you're responsible for me intentionally killing my own baby, the almost certain possibility whom I refused to take personal responsibility for from the beginning.


Weak, socialist women will obviously come up with anything to blame THEIR LACK OF SELF-RESPONSIBILITY on anyone else, all the way down to intentionally killing their own babies simply to try to conveniently abort that PROOF.
The men on the board for whom a partner with the need for birth control is a very hypothetical concern are foursquare behind this change.
The ridiculous thing about this is that it is being done in the name of religious freedom. What that translates to and what everyone should be concerned about is that Trump has just given companies authorization to practice religious discrimination.

Without freedom from religion, there is no freedom of religion. The majority isn't even safe in the long run. We just met the slippery slope.
Not at all.

But some communities/groups/people do...and if they don't want to provide contraceptive products/services I don't see why they should be legally forced to just because they provide other HC services/products. Their loss/problem...but it should be their problem, not the entire countries.

But this opens the way for anyone to refuse to pay for contraception.

Personally, I think churches should be taxed and. It subject to such exemptions like the ones they had even prior to this change. They lost that right when the church and their wedge issues tied themselves to policies and candidates.
The men on the board for whom a partner with the need for birth control is a very hypothetical concern are foursquare behind this change.

If I were to ever do something as fuckin' stupid as having a partner (an economic/social ticking timebomb) they would have their shit together enough to not be totally dependent on the government to provide them with their basic needs.
That's a slander.

Unless you have a monstrosity like Obamacare dictating to them that which they must do, insurance acts on actuary science. If the cost-benefit analysis tells them that providing contraceptives is best for themselves and their client they will do so. But when you mandate that you must cover things like this and pre-existing conditions, it blows the science out of the water and leads to the destruction of the industry because then assigning rates is just a dart throw in the dark.

If the cost-benefit analysis tells them that providing contraceptives is best for themselves


and their client they will do so

Disagreed., They dont give a flying fuck about this part
I call bs. Care to back that up?


They began falling in 1997 without the mandated insurance coverage that you are wailing about. I think it is because one side is winning the philosophical debate about its inherent evil.

In short, I think that you are engaging in post hoc, ergo propter hoc...