What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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Busybody just threatened to iggy me. :D


Let's see....gasoline.....if memory serves me correctly, last summer it was around $4 a gallon. I paid $2.24 a gallon this morning.

Good point!

Boy, I guess things have gotton better since? LMAO!!! $4.00 gas now, National debt at record levels, with the largest tax increase in 20 years comming, almost 10% national unemployment, inflation sky rocketing and the dollar value falling, I guess Obama has done a great job, hasnt he??? I bring up this old post to point out how things have gotton even worse under Obama!
Nope I read no blogs, left or right wing. None see my browser, ever, save the ones you C&P. You've never, ever seen me link one and just to be clear I'll use this space to denounce left wing blogs as opinion and spin just as I do the right.

As you've plainly observed, my "research" on things like the stimulus is simply a reference to the business community's assessment of it. I wanted to find a nonpartisan assessment of the stimulus so I just looked it up. Now you're stuck doing your best to tar and feather the business community as being Obama-lovers... Yes, the same business community that you say Obama hates and wants to see destroyed or whatever paranoid bullshit you're peddling right now. It's really hard to believe ho poorly you've thought this through.

You realize that you sound just a wee bit hypocritical being Lit's Blog King and then attacking people for reading blogs, right?

where are the links?

there arent any, are there?


Analyst: Even Dollar Stores Struggling In ‘Obama Depression

"LOS ANGELES (CBS) — More stores across the U.S. that offer deeply-discounted products are seeing their sales decline after years of growth amid America’s “Great Recession” — and one analyst said on Monday it’s another sign of even deeper downturn.

"While the demand at stores like the 99-Cent Store or Dollar Tree is still relatively high, the biggest chains in the nation have fallen short of Wall Street’s expectations for several months, a trend that may prove even more ominous for the economy at large.

“I think what’s going on in those stores is that we are in a depression for 80 percent of Americans,” top retail analyst Howard Davidowitz told KNX 1070.

"America’s three largest discount chains — Dollar General Corp., Family Dollar Stores Inc. and Dollar Tree Inc. — all recently missed their quarterly earnings targets.

"Davidowitz pointed to the weakness of the dollar and a gloomy consumer outlook as some of the factors behind the stores’ slump.

“In those stores, somebody comes in with $12 to do all their shopping,” said Davidowitz. “The person who used to come in with $12 now comes in with $8.”

“In other words, the economy is continuing to be worse, the Obama depression continues to explode,” he added."

More @

Put me on iggy please


I will continue to show everyone what a LYING SCUMBAG you are

You may fool the lesser lights here, but you dont fool me


Now, you post up a storm, but you cant find 3 seconds to show LINKS to your assertions..................CAUSE THEY DONT SHOW WHAT YOU SAY THEY DO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet another question AXED


You forgot to answer

Please tell us how smart you are

and dont read blogs



Simle question to teh Obama supporters

I dont expect an answer

6 months ago, he said RAISING TAXES would KILL JOBS

Now he says he wants a massive TAX INCREASE in '13 and '14

Would you vote for him now that you know he is for killing jobs?


Was he wrong when he said what he said 6 months ago?

GAFFE-O-MATIC: Video: President Obama Promises “Massive Job-Killing Taxes” If Re-Elected.


Its OK

I'll wait:cool:
does THIS makes sense to any NORMAL PERSON?

6 months ago,

CHANGE: Obama Then: Raising Taxes In A Recession Is The Last Thing You Want To Do.

Now........Related: Dealing With Obama On Budget: “Beyond Bizarre.” cause all he wants to do is RAISE TAXES

when DUMZ were in leadership role, THEY couldnt pass TAX INCREASES

Obama forced the tax cut extension cause he said TAX INCREASES ARE BAD in a BAD ECONOMY and KILL JOBS

Now he wants to INCREASE TAXES!


The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.
Senator Barack Hussein Obama, 2006
Nope I read no blogs, left or right wing. None see my browser, ever, save the ones you C&P. You've never, ever seen me link one and just to be clear I'll use this space to denounce left wing blogs as opinion and spin just as I do the right.

As you've plainly observed, my "research" on things like the stimulus is simply a reference to the business community's assessment of it. I wanted to find a nonpartisan assessment of the stimulus so I just looked it up. Now you're stuck doing your best to tar and feather the business community as being Obama-lovers... Yes, the same business community that you say Obama hates and wants to see destroyed or whatever paranoid bullshit you're peddling right now. It's really hard to believe ho poorly you've thought this through.

You realize that you sound just a wee bit hypocritical being Lit's Blog King and then attacking people for reading blogs, right?

You lie. We all know you are lying because we so often see you parrot the meme of the day.


Futures fall on European debt fears

Investors are now concerned that Italy, the eurozone's third-largest economy, will be the next country to struggle under the European debt crisis. European finance ministers concluded their meeting in Brussels on Monday with a vow to improve the region's ability to limit contagion risk but failed to provide specific measures, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Here is have a brillian black man



Unknown Unknowns
Uncertainy freezes the economy.

When Donald Rumsfeld was secretary of defense, he coined some phrases about knowledge that apply far beyond military matters.

Secretary Rumsfeld pointed out that there are some things that we know we know. He called those “known knowns.” We may, for example, know how many aircraft carriers some other country has. We may also know that they have troops and tanks, without knowing how many. In Rumsfeld’s phrase, that would be an “known unknown” — a gap in our knowledge that we at least know exists.

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Finally, there are things we don’t even know exist, much less anything about them. These are “unknown unknowns” — and they are the most dangerous. We had no clue, for example, when dawn broke on Sept. 11, 2001, that somebody was going to fly two commercial airliners into the World Trade Center that day.

There are similar kinds of gaps in our knowledge about the economy. Unfortunately, our own government creates uncertainties that can paralyze the economy, especially when these uncertainties take the form of “unknown unknowns.”

The short-run quick fixes that seem so attractive to so many politicians — and to many in the media — create many unknowns that make investors reluctant to invest and employers reluctant to employ. Politicians may only look as far ahead as the next election, but investors have to look ahead for as many years as it will take for their investments to start bringing in some money.

The net result is that both our financial institutions and our businesses have had record amounts of cash sitting idle while millions of people can’t find jobs. Ordinarily these institutions make money by investing money and hiring workers. Why not now?

Because numerous and unpredictable government interventions create many unknowns, including “unknown unknowns.”

The quick fix that got both Democrats and Republicans off the hook with a temporary bipartisan tax compromise, several months ago, leaves investors uncertain as to what the tax rate will be when any money they invest today starts bringing in a return in another two or three or ten years. It is known that there will be taxes but nobody knows what the tax rate will be then.

Some investors can send their investment money to foreign countries, where the tax rate is already known, is often lower than the tax rate in the United States, and — perhaps even more important — is not some temporary, quick-fix compromise that is going to expire before their investments start earning a return.

Although more foreign investments were coming into the United States a few years ago, than there were American investments going to foreign countries, today it is just the reverse. American investors are sending more money out of the country than foreign investors are sending money here.

Since 2009, according to the Wall Street Journal, “the U.S. has lost more than $200 billion in investment capital. . . . that is the equivalent of about two million jobs that don’t exist on these shores and are now located in places like China, Germany and India.”

President Obama’s rhetoric deplores such “outsourcing,” but his administration’s policies make outsourcing an ever more attractive alternative to investing in the United States and creating American jobs.

Blithely piling onto American businesses both known costs such as more taxes and unknowable costs — such as the massive Obamacare mandates that are still evolving — provides more incentives for investors to send their money elsewhere to escape the hassles.

Hardly a month goes by without this administration’s coming up with a new anti-business policy — whether directed against Boeing, banks, or other private enterprises. Neither investors nor employers can know when the next one is coming or what it will be. These are unknown unknowns.

Such anti-business policies would just be business’s problem, except that it is businesses that create jobs.

The biggest losers from creating an adverse business climate may not be businesses themselves — especially not big businesses, which can readily invest more of their money overseas. The biggest losers are likely to be working people in America, who cannot just relocate to Europe or Asia to take the jobs created there by American multinational corporations.

— Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. © 2011 Creators Syndicate, Inc.
You realize who Howard Davidowitz is don't you?

Merc have you ever created a dime? have you ever created value or wealth? or for your whole life, have you sucked down tax payer money?

don't you feel ashamed? is that why you are so jealous of CEO's and those that start up companies? because you don't know how, can never, nor will you ever build something? doesn't it make you a little bit upset that you, are unable to function with out a government check? I would think this makes you less of a man, but maybe you are just too stupid to realize that?

I'm just asking
Good thing Greece is not in the Euro zone. right merc

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wall Street stocks fell on Tuesday, led lower by Nasdaq, as the euro zone's continuing debt crisis kept nervous investors on edge.

European officials for the first time refused to rule out default by Greece and investors feared the crisis could overtake the bigger European economies of Spain and Italy.

debt is good, that's why obama must be allowed to spend more money that he doesn't have!

obama the spender
obama the anti business person
obama the anti American

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wall Street stocks fell on Tuesday, led lower by Nasdaq, as the euro zone's continuing debt crisis kept nervous investors on edge.

European officials for the first time refused to rule out default by Greece and investors feared the crisis could overtake the bigger European economies of Spain and Italy.

"There's no good way to spin the news that came out of [Friday's] monthly U.S. jobs report. The economy generated only 18,000 total new jobs, the unemployment rate increased to 9.2 percent, and the number of unemployed Americans has gone up by 445,000. In other words, the recovery appears to have slowed markedly. President Barack Obama's stimulus-infused 'recovery' refuses to ignite, unsurprisingly to all but him. And to make matters worse, May's paltry job growth numbers were revised even farther downward, from the initial estimate of 54,000 to 25,000. Sadly, the record continues -- the Obama recovery remains the weakest recovery of the post-World War II era. In past recessions, employment fully recovered within two to three years. Today, U.S. job growth is stopped dead in its tracks. If you want a comparison of what job growth could look like, go back to the 1980s' Reagan recovery. By the 20-month mark, the unemployment rate had dropped from 10.8 percent to 7.5 percent -- a 3.3-point drop. In contrast, under Obama, the unemployment rate has risen a full percentage point to today's 9.2 percent. ... The pace of America's economic recovery is unacceptable, and it's being made worse by the Obama Administration's adherence to a flawed philosophy of relying on government to do the work of the private sector." --Heritage Foundation's Mike Brownfield

Let me say it before Merc does: You do know what the Heritage Foundation is, don't you? It won't change any of the facts in the posts, but the lightweights in his club will take comfort in the words.
Let me say it before Merc does: You do know what the Heritage Foundation is, don't you? It won't change any of the facts in the posts, but the lightweights in his club will take comfort in the words.

Tee Hee

but look at how many jobs obama crated with all that spending...oh wait

"There's no good way to spin the news that came out of [Friday's] monthly U.S. jobs report. The economy generated only 18,000 total new jobs, the unemployment rate increased to 9.2 percent, and the number of unemployed Americans has gone up by 445,000. In other words, the recovery appears to have slowed markedly. President Barack Obama's stimulus-infused 'recovery' refuses to ignite, unsurprisingly to all but him. And to make matters worse, May's paltry job growth numbers were revised even farther downward, from the initial estimate of 54,000 to 25,000. Sadly, the record continues -- the Obama recovery remains the weakest recovery of the post-World War II era. In past recessions, employment fully recovered within two to three years. Today, U.S. job growth is stopped dead in its tracks. If you want a comparison of what job growth could look like, go back to the 1980s' Reagan recovery. By the 20-month mark, the unemployment rate had dropped from 10.8 percent to 7.5 percent -- a 3.3-point drop. In contrast, under Obama, the unemployment rate has risen a full percentage point to today's 9.2 percent. ... The pace of America's economic recovery is unacceptable, and it's being made worse by the Obama Administration's adherence to a flawed philosophy of relying on government to do the work of the private sector." --Heritage Foundation's Mike Brownfield

Let me say it before Merc does: You do know what the Heritage Foundation is, don't you? It won't change any of the facts in the posts, but the lightweights in his club will take comfort in the words.


doesnt mean you are BLACK

JEFFREY IMMELT UPDATE: Hypocrisy Meter Explodes: After Shedding 36K Jobs, Obama Adviser Immelt Tells Businesses to Start Hiring.
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