Ying and Yan (looking for someone to play as the female)


Literotica Guru
Sep 16, 2015
Ying and Yang (looking for someone to play as the female)

Will re-write this when I get someone to write the female role. I want my co-writer to make the lady it them.
I am willing be writing at 18-25 college ages or 37years old male... Again my age would go off what my co-writer would enjoy more.. So would how we would know each other...

My main idea for the setting would be I am 37 and own a split house. The house would be dug into a hill side so 1 full side would look like a normal 2 story house, where from the sides it would change from a 2 story into 1 story house. The renter would live "up stairs" in the fully above ground house. She would have a fully independent house as you would expect for a 1 story house only with stairs that should lead to the basement but would lead into the garage.. My house would be a bit more smaller as it has part of the footprint taken up by the 2 and a half car garage... As the story title says, this would be a role play mostly about the story, with the conflict of two renters. Think of him being the friendly helpful guy next door, and she is jaded from a bad brake up. With her being hurt she may be in a man hatting stage..They would share a yard so he would be doing the mowing and stuff like that where she can just relax on the patio/deck... As the story moves along, they find that they fit together even tho at the start they are like night and a day... In time I hope they do hook up, but if not that is fine. Heck if you want her to be a lesbian that is cool too..

Feel free to pm me about the roleplay if you would like to talk about doing this, and flushing out the story like are ages and back ground.... So I can re-write this and make it fitting for us to start with.... I hope this gets picked up.. My co-writer can be male in real life, long as they are willing to play the female role..I am looking at it being modern day setting....
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