Woman can’t hide her wet dreams


Literotica Guru
Apr 19, 2021
So I posted a similar idea awhile back but this feels more focused.

Effectively, our lead has the ability to project her dreams (like imagine a little ghostly projection that pops out in her room or outside of it) while she sleeps. When she was a kid, it was kinda cute and occasionally scary (when she had a nightmare) but as she got older her more erotic dreams started also being broadcast.

Now the catch is: her dreams can’t be recorded, try and capture them on film or digital and you’ll just see an empty hallway. So she doesn’t even necessarily believe she has this ability, aside from people being knowledgeable about dreams she remembers

So stories would be about people encountering her dreams and then having to deal with what they saw while she might be none the wiser (and since it’s a dream it might not be as deep as the person who saw it thinks it is).

For example: dad gets up in the middle of the night and sees his daughter getting gangbanged by her uncle, her cousin, her brother, and him. Sees her at breakfast the next morning and she seems none the wiser. Dad tries to shrug it off but a similar or the same dream happens the following night.

Or: bro and sis are supposed to spend the summer before they go to college with their older cousin. Bro gets up in the middle of the night and sees a dream play out where a caricature of their cousin is fucking his sister all over the house. To make matters worse, cousin only knows sis can project dreams, not that she can project wet ones.

Or: woman goes to college and roommate gets a shock when she encounters the projected dreams
I am usually not one for magic/fantasy stories, but I like this idea! I guess because in real life, or at least in my Lit life, I like to be a bit nudged/forced to share. Both the real needs and the wet dreams that might or might not be the actual wants, let alone needs.
Is it only astral projection? Or do the people encountering them have the risk of be coming involved in the dream?
For this particular version, I figured it’s like if you saw a ghost or hologram, if you try and interact with it, you’ll just pass through it. The only real twist is that you can’t record it audio or visual wise.

I wanted it that way so the woman is innocent in anything and isn’t a danger to anyone, though I could see someone using it for gratification, like some masturbating to her dreams or even standing in the place of one of her dream’s participants so they can get off on the visual

Not to say your take couldn’t be interesting, it would just make the woman an unknowing danger to others. Could be fun though, like a home invader tries to attack her dream self and winds up becoming a participant

Or maybe a roommate accidentally gets sucked into one dream and gets addicted to the extreme experiences, so she keeps waiting for her to go to sleep, not realizing that the woman is becoming more aware of her in her dreams and is getting lucid.
I like the concept. I think any of the variations you posted above would make interesting stories. I think it would be arousing to know what she was thinking and how it affected others around her.
Would also be interesting if she is unaware of this phenomenon, how the people around her try to manipulate her into having more specific dreams about what they wany to see