Why Would Joe Biden Do This?

If I was smart enough to use an app to get air passage to the US, do you really think I'd be dumb enough to rob someone less likely to get approved? No I'm gonna target a law abiding florist or insurance salesman that has a clean record. Otherwise I might as well just walk with the rest of them.

But no one wants to address my other question. Why was it necessary to secretly fly them in in the middle of the night to 46 different cities? And already termed "inadmissible".
They didn't "secretly fly then in the middle of the night". Immigrants are typically moved around as part of their processing and settling into the country.

As for the term "inadmissible" - that is the term used by the article. There's no evidence from the foia stating anything of the sort
They didn't "secretly fly then in the middle of the night". Immigrants are typically moved around as part of their processing and settling into the country.

As for the term "inadmissible" - that is the term used by the article. There's no evidence from the foia stating anything of the sort

If that were the case it wouldn't be a news story, would it?

Biden administration ADMITTED they did it to reduce the number of crossings at the border. You can bullshit all you want to but NO ONE is buying it anymore.
If that were the case it wouldn't be a news story, would it?
For the right, anything that Stokes anti immigrant sentiment is "news". It isn't news for people who understand immigration law.

Biden administration ADMITTED they did it to reduce the number of crossings at the border. You can bullshit all you want to but NO ONE is buying it anymore.
Of course they did. They should work towards reducing crossings. And the border security bill they support actually addresses the issues with parole, asylum and backlogs.

But 45 doesn't want that. So here we are.
Elon Musk


Most Americans are still unaware that the census counts ALL people, including illegal immigrants, for deciding how many House seats each state gets!This results in Dem states getting roughly 20 more House seats, which is another strong incentive for them not to deport illegals.
Elon Musk


Most Americans are still unaware that the census counts ALL people, including illegal immigrants, for deciding how many House seats each state gets!This results in Dem states getting roughly 20 more House seats, which is another strong incentive for them not to deport illegals.
People who don't understand how the census works are the reason the right can manipulate them into doing stupid shit like voting for 45.
Asylum claims don't require a port of entry by federal law.

The rights inability to understand how asylum works is a huge issue that should be resolved.
You're right to a degree. Here is the statute: 8 USC 1158
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You're right to a degree. Here is the statute: 8 USC 1158
I'm 100% correct. And the Biden administration flying migrants around the country is not a new thing in any way. Previous Presidents have done the same.

The problems with the border and immigration are within asylum laws and were addressed in the Senate bill.
I'm 100% correct. And the Biden administration flying migrants around the country is not a new thing in any way. Previous Presidents have done the same.

The problems with the border and immigration are within asylum laws and were addressed in the Senate bill.
This is the law as well:

Section 212(f) of the INA reads as follows:

f. Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
I'm 100% correct. And the Biden administration flying migrants around the country is not a new thing in any way. Previous Presidents have done the same.

The problems with the border and immigration are within asylum laws and were addressed in the Senate bill.
Show me where a previous administration secretly flew illegal aliens around the country and had to be forced by a court of law to make the information public.
This is the law as well:

Section 212(f) of the INA reads as follows:

f. Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

Show me where a previous administration secretly flew illegal aliens around the country and had to be forced by a court of law to make the information public.
Yep. And he has done that.

But then there's also the statute that requires a hearing on the matter if the President doesn't find it detrimental. Or if there is sexual imposition involved.

Every time asylum has been attempted to be stopped by EO, the courts have blocked it. (Even 45) So any order stopping it would be temporary at best. The Senate bill would change that..... Though would also likely be challenged in court.

As for the previous administration, I doubt anyone has attempted to get that information. They don't provide it and neither has any other administration... So a foia would be required to get them.
Yep. And he has done that.

But then there's also the statute that requires a hearing on the matter if the President doesn't find it detrimental. Or if there is sexual imposition involved.

Every time asylum has been attempted to be stopped by EO, the courts have blocked it. (Even 45) So any order stopping it would be temporary at best. The Senate bill would change that..... Though would also likely be challenged in court.

As for the previous administration, I doubt anyone has attempted to get that information. They don't provide it and neither has any other administration... So a foia would be required to get them.
You're going to get a lesson on that section come January of next year and a few others as well.
You're going to get a lesson on that section come January of next year and a few others as well.
You not understanding asylum law isn't my problem. Trump didn't get rid of them and he had to process anyone who claimed asylum as well as handled those from countries with protected status. There was nothing magical about it, outside of his remain in Mexico program which likely resulted in hundreds of deaths. And Mexico has already stated that they will not allow that program to be reinstated under any circumstances.

Sheriff Grady Judd Reveals How US Federal Government Provides UNLIMITED Plane Tickets to ILLEGALS FOR FREE to Any Destination in the US – And Traffics Women in Sex Trade This Way (VIDEO)​

By Jim Hoft Mar. 7, 2024 8:00 am


This will be the most explosive report you read today.

The Biden regime is flying trafficked illegal aliens in the sex industry across the United States for free. These trafficked human beings can fly an unlimited amount of times for free and YOU get to pay for it!

This is your tax dollars at work – flying illegals trafficked in the sex trade across the US so they can be used in the sex trade.

Sheriff Grady Judd: Federal policy drives illegal immigrant crime and victimization. And that’s the focus other than our victims of human trafficking.
Federal policy drives illegal immigrant crime and victimization. And that’s the focus other than our victims of human trafficking.

The disgusting rest here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/sheriff-grady-judd-reveals-how-us-federal-government/

Why aren't we hearing this on CNN or MSNBC? It's all a big lie right? Biden will sue Judd for defamation tomorrow, right? This is why he's hiding those reams of flight data from the American public.

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Sheriff Grady Judd Reveals How US Federal Government Provides UNLIMITED Plane Tickets to ILLEGALS FOR FREE to Any Destination in the US – And Traffics Women in Sex Trade This Way (VIDEO)​

By Jim Hoft Mar. 7, 2024 8:00 am


This will be the most explosive report you read today.

The Biden regime is flying trafficked illegal aliens in the sex industry across the United States for free. These trafficked human beings can fly an unlimited amount of times for free and YOU get to pay for it!

This is your tax dollars at work – flying illegals trafficked in the sex trade across the US so they can be used in the sex trade.

The disgusting rest here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/sheriff-grady-judd-reveals-how-us-federal-government/

Why aren't we hearing this on CNN or MSNBC? It's all a big lie right? Biden will sue Judd for defamation tomorrow, right? This is why he's hiding those reams of flight data from the American public.

<enter 1174 stage left>
You are such a useful idiot.

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act. - first passed under GW Bush.