Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

Bray, no one really says every adult should carry a gun. I, for one, fully recognize your right to not carry one and encourage you not to. I would never try to shoot you nor impinge upon your freedom thusly even though you seem willing to impinge upon mine.

I feel that it makes the criminal a little more restrained when he/she/it has to play, "Are they carrying?" American roulette...
Getting clean on the streets is no simple task, especially for those with mental illness and drug addiction.

Did you know that many drug treatment programs won’t take people with mental illnesses?

Did you know that many places that treat mental illnesses won’t take people with drug addiction?

What sort of programs are you requesting that will take people into custody and provide residential treatment for uninsured patients? Sounds like a sort of taxpayer funded social program, doesn’t it?

Sounds more like you don't know what you're talking about despite your self proclaimed involvement.

FACT: Trillions have been spent to help the mentally ill and addicted get off the street. These programs get top billing in the news but don't produce much result.

Why? Because just like telling a smoker that they should quit, nothing works until they actually decide to quit. Homelessness and addiction are the same way.
Sounds more like you don't know what you're talking about despite your self proclaimed involvement.

FACT: Trillions have been spent to help the mentally ill and addicted get off the street. These programs get top billing in the news but don't produce much result.

Why? Because just like telling a smoker that they should quit, nothing works until they actually decide to quit. Homelessness and addiction are the same way.
Perfectly put...
Bray, no one really says every adult should carry a gun. I, for one, fully recognize your right to not carry one and encourage you not to. I would never try to shoot you nor impinge upon your freedom thusly even though you seem willing to impinge upon mine.

I feel that it makes the criminal a little more restrained when he/she/it has to play, "Are they carrying?" American roulette...
Your rationale is undermined by your past posts that go way beyond owning guns for personal self defense. Promoting gun ownership for the purpose of civil war is not acceptable.
Perfectly put...

There are programs that do work but they're selective on who gets to participate. Basically they choose those who are ready to quit and that gets them better results.

This is how the cancer treatment places operate and they show better success rates for the same reason - selective enrollment.
Your rationale is undermined by your past posts that go way beyond owning guns for personal self defense. Promoting gun ownership for the purpose of civil war is not acceptable.
Please, provide us with your examples unless this statement was just the product of your imagination.
Please, provide us with your examples unless this statement was just the product of your imagination.

The violent Left is always eager to show how it's not them trying to kill everything from babies to the entire ecosystem while seeing conspiracies everywhere.

It's almost like they're paranoid and mentally ill.
They do kill babies and they murder language and logic to justify it.

(Again, I offer my usual disclaimer, I don't give two shakes of a rat's ass if a woman murders her child. I do give a flying fuck about marginalizing it with the use of language and the excusing of her ignorance regarding contraceptives.)
Please, provide us with your examples unless this statement was just the product of your imagination.
For a recent example, see posts 8514 through 8520 in Wat's ammosexuality thread.

You can start deleting posts that monitoring software has already preserved with screenshots.
They do kill babies and they murder language and logic to justify it.

(Again, I offer my usual disclaimer, I don't give two shakes of a rat's ass if a woman murders her child. I do give a flying fuck about marginalizing it with the use of language and the excusing of her ignorance regarding contraceptives.)
Abortion doesn't involve babies
For a recent example, see posts 8514 through 8520 in Wat's ammosexuality thread.

You can start deleting posts that monitoring software has already preserved with screenshots.
Post them in context or it's your fertile imagination.
The violent Left is always eager to show how it's not them trying to kill everything from babies to the entire ecosystem while seeing conspiracies everywhere.

It's almost like they're paranoid and mentally ill.

This is the funniest example of projection ever. 😆
Bray, no one really says every adult should carry a gun. I, for one, fully recognize your right to not carry one and encourage you not to. I would never try to shoot you nor impinge upon your freedom thusly even though you seem willing to impinge upon mine.

I feel that it makes the criminal a little more restrained when he/she/it has to play, "Are they carrying?" American roulette...
That is the actual title of the thread though.

The reason as stated many times is so that teachers and average hicks can shoot back if they hear bangs. I don't carry a gun so there's no risk of me opening fire in uncalled-for situations (which is every situation).
Sounds more like you don't know what you're talking about despite your self proclaimed involvement.

FACT: Trillions have been spent to help the mentally ill and addicted get off the street. These programs get top billing in the news but don't produce much result.

Why? Because just like telling a smoker that they should quit, nothing works until they actually decide to quit. Homelessness and addiction are the same way.

Just one of the many programs I know about is called “Rapid Rehousing.”

Many people make use of the program to keep off the street. Every day families temporarily use programs like Rapid Rehousing to keep a roof over their head when their head of household gets injured or too sick to keep the paychecks flowing.

This keeps kids out of CPS or foster care, making social investment more efficient than if the families had gone homeless.

There are many reasons non drug- addicted families become homeless. The CA wildfires alone put thousands on the streets. Many landlords received FEMA and insurance payments that renters were ineligible for. Many survivors were left without homes, jobs, or belongings and began a housing search in a tight market without money for first, last, and deposit to move in. A two bedroom apartment can easily cost $1600 or more, so that is often a $4800 move in cost.

How do people without homes or jobs afford $4800? How do they get to work if they don’t live on site? How do they save money when daily food expenses are more when you don’t have a kitchen? How do you stay clean and presentable for a job? Who hires people without an address? These are some of the issues social investment works to help with in order to help people get back on their feet.

“Obama phones” are lifelines for many families. How do you get connected with potential employers without a phone or email?

It’s easy to fall and hard to get back up. Homeless who are trying to get back up are often robbed or assaulted. How would you replace your ID if you were on the street? It can take weeks. How do you work? How do you cash checks? How do you see a doctor?

Yes, there are drug addicts who create major visible problems in communities where they wander the streets, strung out, yelling at the sky and trash cans. These are the ones people see and base their assumptions on. There are many more homeless people who you don’t see, many who have jobs, many who struggle to remain presentable and are ashamed of their circumstances. The fact that you lump them all in together shows how ignorant and morally bankrupt you are.

As you judge, so shall you be judged. May your luck humble you.
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Forced institutionalization was ruled unconstitutional, not to mention was abused.

Aka your solution isn't viable.
Forced institutionalization is not unconstitutional. There are 668 mental hospitals in the US. A simple search reveals:

In the United States, confining a mentally ill person is not unlawful if it follows due process under the Fourteenth Amendment. The law allows for involuntary civil commitment for individuals who are a danger to themselves or others, but there are strict legal criteria and procedural safeguards in place to protect the rights of the mentally ill. This includes the right to notice, a hearing, counsel, and often a jury trial12. Each state has its own laws regarding the process, but they must all adhere to constitutional protections. If you’re looking for more information on this topic, I can help you find resources or literature that explain these laws in detail. Would you like assistance with that?

Learn more​

1crsreports.congress.gov2findlaw.com3sfstandard.com4interrogatingjustice.org5encyclopedia.com6crsreports.congress.gov+5 more
So you’re suggesting socialist draconian policies to mitigate symptoms while ignoring regulations and tax structure strategies that could help make housing more affordable, and ignoring investment in public education and healthcare that could help prevent homelessness in the first place. ✅
No, dipshit. I'm suggesting medical and psychological care. Involuntary if required to keep the public safe.
Just one of the many programs I know about is called “Rapid Rehousing.”

Many people make use of the program to keep off the street. Every day families temporarily use programs like Rapid Rehousing to keep a roof over their head when their head of household gets injured or too sick to keep the paychecks flowing.

This keeps kids out of CPS or foster care, making social investment more efficient than if the families had gone homeless.

There are many reasons non drug- addicted families become homeless. The CA wildfires alone put thousands on the streets. Many landlords received FEMA and insurance payments that renters were ineligible for. Many survivors were left without homes, jobs, or belongings and began a housing search in a tight market without money for first, last, and deposit to move in. A two bedroom apartment can easily cost $1600 or more, so that is often a $4800 move in cost.

How do people without homes or jobs afford $4800? How do they get to work if they don’t live on site? How do they save money when daily food expenses are more when you don’t have a kitchen? How do you stay clean and presentable for a job? Who hires people without an address? These are some of the issues social investment works to help with in order to help people get back on their feet.

“Obama phones” are lifelines for many families. How do you get connected with potential employers without a phone or email?

It’s easy to fall and hard to get back up. Homeless who are trying to get back up are often robbed or assaulted. How would you replace your ID if you were on the street? It can take weeks. How do you work? How do you cash checks? How do you see a doctor?

Yes, there are drug addicts who create major visible problems in communities where they wander the streets, strung out, yelling at the sky and trash cans. These are the ones people see and base their assumptions on. There are many more homeless people who you don’t see, many who have jobs, many who struggle to remain presentable and are ashamed of their circumstances. The fact that you lump them all in together shows how ignorant and morally bankrupt you are.

As you judge, so shall you be judged. May your luck humble you.

At least I don't lie to myself and say that all the homeless need is more tax dollars spent on them.

The homeless population exists because society has made it easy to abuse yourself into total immorality and dependence on drugs and alcohol. SOCIETY has thrown the homeless away.

That means you as well as I are somewhat responsible for the result because we are members of society as a whole. Except I fight against legalized drugs and self debasement and you don't. Instead you blame ME for others who debase themselves at the alter of self pleasure to the exclusion of everything else. Others you help continue to fuck themselves over until they die from it. And you don't even see your role in it all or feel sorry for the havoc you spread.

BTW, I've already been both a judge and judged. In one I succeeded, in the other I failed. You can decide which is which because no matter which way you think it works out I'm STILL better than you'll ever be. Why? Because I don't lie to myself and I certainly don't lie to myself about myself. Nor do I need internet "friends" to pat me on the back just so I feel better about being a liar.

Good luck with your delusions. May your world not crumble around you faster than you can deny it.