why are big butch muscle boys


but what about *my* needs?

Its always fuck my ass now,fuck my ass,let me suck your cock,fuck me again...

you know?
I know what you're saying, well I don't know what you're saying from a personal account, but I know what you're saying having met some guys like that. It's hilarious to me, and then annoying, because you wouldn't expect it and I personally think it's a turn off.
Big hairy butch muscle guys.

I have a bisexual one, if that counts.

He is such a big pussycat because think about it:

guy who likes to sweat, strain, work, hurt, put himself on display like Grade A meat, fight with the risk of losing, and obsess over his diet like a highly dysfunctional schoolgirl

=masochist? =control freaky guy in need of a good hard receptive fuck?

In my experience, yes.
Big hairy butch muscle guys. - bottoms every one
Good (classy) Drag Queens - Tops every one.

"Bring on the men, and let the fun begin!"