Why a Democratic Government is doomed to tyranny and Socialism

Cap’n AMatrixca

Copper Top
Jul 5, 2005
"Better the occasional faults of a Government that lives in a spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a Government frozen in the ice of its own indifference." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Most Americans would agree with this statement. I say it is a clear violation of the spirit of the separation between Church and State. It is religion which directs its constituency towards charity. It is Religion which keeps people from becoming dependent upon Charity.
Everyone thought Nitzse declared God dead so they went about making it so.

After having killed God, they realized that something was missing and being wholly incapable of resurrection, they imbued the state with God's spirit and attributes. You can thank Hegel for that melding of the dead with the living.

Rather than charity starting in the heart of the giver, it is now extracted at the point of a gun.

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RE: Ish

"God is Dead because we have killed him."

I think it was mentioned in Thus Spoke Zarathustra.