What stops you from "cheating" on your s.o. ?

Having an affair will keep you longer than you intend to stay, and cost you more than you're willing to pay.
"Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later that debt is paid."
What stops you from "cheating" on your s.o. ?
Knowing (because we talked about it) that she's OK with certain extramarital things (so it's not a betrayal), and being honest about what's going on when I do indulge (so it's not hiding and lying).
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Love, and I couldn't live with myself. My husband is sick and I won't have someone to love forever. I don't want regrets. Being sick means he doesn't have the ability. I still have needs :) so I read and play. *shrug*
Sorry to hear your husband is sick
been cheated on myself, so I know the damage and pain it can cause. Not just short term but long term damage.

I WILL NOT subject my wife to that whatsoever.
"Cheating" for the purpose of this discussion is having deliberate physical sexual contact with someone other than your spouse/so. That someone could be a friend, a work colleague, your favourite gym buddy; a prostitute etc.

Are you in a stable relationship but have this yearning to "cheat" for whatever reason (assuming you haven't done so yet)?
If so, what is stopping you from "doing the deed"?
Would it be a definite divorce if found out; your wedding vows; fear that God will strike you dead; you won't be able to live with the guilt; the fear and shame of being caught out; he/she might be a 'bunny boiler'?

Please let us know what specifically stops you from satisfying your desire to stray.
Nothing stops me. My cuckold actively encourages me, so I suppose in that sense, I'm not 'cheating'. I'm cuckolding him!
Love, and I couldn't live with myself. My husband is sick and I won't have someone to love forever. I don't want regrets. Being sick means he doesn't have the ability. I still have needs :) so I read and play. *shrug*
Yes could just on here telling all pervs what you desire
I'm divorced because my wife fell in love with another man. She told me she never slept with him but she didn't understand the emotional betrayal was worse than any physical betrayal.

I didn't cheat on her because when I about to get married a friend said "That's such a huge commitment to make to another person". I explained, I was making the commitment to myself. I would stick by this person, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, through the good and the bad. It would have been cheating on myself first and foremost, and then her. People don't seem to get that.
I agree with you that the emotional part is more painful. And really poor acting when acting clueless to what I am talking about, it makes it's worse and insulting. If it was just sex, say so. Hell it might open some doors, but if it's that she is in love and or trying to trick me, then it's over. And over the long slow painful process of piecing it together, I'm learning to let go. Little at a time, but withdrawing emotionally as well. Zombie marriage. And it's all business now and a total sham image for her that she isn't divorced (total show for her family.) But gets to have her own little side life and is happy knowing she makes me miserable. Im nothing to her and i have to work on accepting that and be able to develop that detachment as well.
Kids take priority to me now. Sad thing is, they see it too. It's terminal for me.
Very true, but you say you wouldn't take it to reality. We all have to have some outlet for what nature programs us for.
My brain may cheat all the time, but my heart, soul, and body belong to her.