What happens to the Republican Party when Donald Trump dies?

Also growing percentage of independents and disaffected Biden voters who are giving the president a thumbs down in approval of ratings.!
This isn't about polls, "poll boy". It's about the Republican party, and it's existence after Trump.
With the shitstorm coming this spring, both parties may get some realignment and drastic personnel changes. I can't predict the exact outcome of a volatile situation.
A very simple and offensive meme, designed to appeal to those of a simple and offensive disposition. It’s noted that you chose to post it and on a thread that’s about something entirely different.
Well done!
It’s not offensive, it’s exactly how the left treats republicans. The cartoon points out the hypocrisy and double standards portrayed by the leftist’s progressive Marxist propaganda machine.
It’s not offensive, it’s exactly how the left treats republicans. The cartoon points out the hypocrisy and double standards portrayed by the leftist’s progressive Marxist propaganda machine.
You all parrot Marxism without having the slightest idea what it means.
Also growing percentage of independents and disaffected Biden voters who are giving the president a thumbs down in approval of ratings.!
Again, this thread has nothing to do with polls or supporters.

It is speculation on what happens with the Republican party after Trump.

Now if what I just wrote isn't plain enough for you to understand, then I guess there is no point even commenting on any of your posts, and expecting a rational discussion since you're obviously mentally impaired.
Again, this thread has nothing to do with polls or supporters.

It is speculation on what happens with the Republican party after Trump.

Now if what I just wrote isn't plain enough for you to understand, then I guess there is no point even commenting on any of your posts, and expecting a rational discussion since you're obviously mentally impaired.
To speculate on the future, it’s useful to understand the present. Each of the two major parties only comprise about 25% of the electorate. Both of them have likely nominees that are deeply unpopular and both parties are very divided. Both will be trying to pick new leaders and re-define themselves.
To speculate on the future, it’s useful to understand the present. Each of the two major parties only comprise about 25% of the electorate. Both of them have likely nominees that are deeply unpopular and both parties are very divided. Both will be trying to pick new leaders and re-define themselves.
No there is not any need for you to pubsplain anything here, we're all posters and know the story, so fuck off and either give your take, or stfu.
Looks like you disagree. That’s ok. Thanks for reading.
Disagree, with what? You're the dumbfuck who thinks this is twitter or some shit, and people follow people here. I was actually curious about your thoughts on the Republican party after Trump, but all you want to do is crow about polls, or try to explain the bullshit most of us are part of and understand better than you could ever explain.

Fuck off
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It’s not offensive, it’s exactly how the left treats republicans. The cartoon points out the hypocrisy and double standards portrayed by the leftist’s progressive Marxist propaganda machine.
Well, it would if your extremely weird view of us were remotely accurate. But 1) not all Muslims support those positions any more than all Christians support bombing abortion clinics, and 2) literally no one has ever said just what the woman in the meme said.
Well, it would if your extremely weird view of us were remotely accurate. But 1) not all Muslims support those positions any more than all Christians support bombing abortion clinics, and 2) literally no one has ever said just what the woman in the meme said.
It wasn’t a knock on Muslims, it was a knock on democrats. 😤

You’re a progressive democrat and you hate republicans, enough said. You democrats are so vile you’ll stoop to any unethical stunt to stay in power as evidenced by CO state Supreme Court justices who bastardized the constitution with a ridiculous ruling. Once again using the justice system to interfere with an election. You democrats are working overtime toward starting a civil war.
It wasn’t a knock on Muslims, it was a knock on democrats. 😤
It was both, actually. It was every bit as stereotypical and oversimplifying of Muslims as it was of Democrats.
You’re a progressive democrat and you hate republicans, enough said.
Gee, for the life of me, I can't imagine why I would hate people who routinely call me a communist and accuse me of hating my country! Shame on me.
You democrats are so vile you’ll stoop to any unethical stunt to stay in power as evidenced by CO state Supreme Court justices who bastardized the constitution with a ridiculous ruling. Once again using the justice system to interfere with an election. You democrats are working overtime toward starting a civil war.
Project, project, project. And what ever happened to your love of personal responsibility? Amazing how it never, under any circumstances, applies to Trump. Never mind that he literally has a decades-long track record of flouting any law he doesn't like, failing to pay his bills, using the courts as a weapon to bleed his opponents dry, etc.

"No I'm actually Muslim, and those are my religious beliefs" isn't an shot at Muslim's it's a shot at Democrats????

Fuck, Trump getting banhammered in Colorado has broken your brain......LMFAO

Is it any wonder ineedhelp1 doesn’t think they’re racists either.


Is a person really racist if they’re too dumb to recognize / realize it???


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

Is a person really racist if they’re too dumb to recognize / realize it???
Since even the Klan will tell you they're not racist (rather, they're "pro-white"), my vote is yes. Just about everyone will tell you they're not racist, and I have to admit there is an element on the left who is just as convinced that all white people are racist. Therefore I long ago concluded it's in the eye of the beholder.
It was both, actually. It was every bit as stereotypical and oversimplifying of Muslims as it was of Democrats.
It points out the hypocrisy of democrats, they would accept trampling over women’s right if it was Muslim but would scream to the rafters if the same behavior was done by republicans. Dems are hypocritical.
Gee, for the life of me, I can't imagine why I would hate people who routinely call me a communist and accuse me of hating my country! Shame on me.
Well, being called a MAGGAT or a deplorable since 2015 doesn’t lend itself to cooperating
together. It started with democrats.
Project, project, project. And what ever happened to your love of personal responsibility? Amazing how it never, under any circumstances, applies to Trump. Never mind that he literally has a decades-long track record of flouting any law he doesn't like, failing to pay his bills, using the courts as a weapon to bleed his opponents dry, etc.
It never applies to Biden. His border policy is ruining our country and he is either too stupid or doesn’t give a fuck.

Theres something to this taking bribes from other countries but if you have a DOJ in the tank running a protection were investigation are slow walked at every turn because they control the levers of justice
It wasn’t a knock on Muslims, it was a knock on democrats. 😤

You’re a progressive democrat and you hate republicans, enough said. You democrats are so vile you’ll stoop to any unethical stunt to stay in power as evidenced by CO state Supreme Court justices who bastardized the constitution with a ridiculous ruling. Once again using the justice system to interfere with an election. You democrats are working overtime toward starting a civil war.
In your dreams🤣🤣🤣