What do you eat after a night on the piss?

Has she passed out yet?


Wake up in some assholes bed.......naked........again. Look for clothes and glance over. He's cute, pretending to be asleep. Contemplate sex but I gotta pee. Oh theres my dress. Grab it and head for the bathroom. Ahhhhhhh. So happy for the clean panties in the bottom of my purse! Wash my face and gob some more eyeliner on. Grab shoes, steal a cold coke from the fridge. Oh sweet, is that $100 for the cab! Mama's buying new shoes tomorrow!

Walk of shame no way. I strut passed the doorman as I put on my shades and give him a wink.

What was that guys name again? My ass is sore - he must have been huge!

I feel like a cheesesteak!
Food of the Gods

It has to be a full English with a mug (not cup) of tea with a teaspoon of sugar for every 2 points up the YOY scale. (pronounced Why 'O' Why)

That's from 1 - (I should lay off the shandies) to 10 - (dribbling in a foetal coma)

Wake up in some assholes bed.......naked........again. Look for clothes and glance over. He's cute, pretending to be asleep. Contemplate sex but I gotta pee. Oh theres my dress. Grab it and head for the bathroom. Ahhhhhhh. So happy for the clean panties in the bottom of my purse! Wash my face and gob some more eyeliner on. Grab shoes, steal a cold coke from the fridge. Oh sweet, is that $100 for the cab! Mama's buying new shoes tomorrow!

Walk of shame no way. I strut passed the doorman as I put on my shades and give him a wink.

What was that guys name again? My ass is sore - he must have been huge!

I feel like a cheesesteak!

Mum! How many times....
That was for Jackass and 4est - hope you don't mind my joining in. I mean you were talking about me and I was lying there. Its ok if you took pics! Send me copies!

I really did not enjoy the sloppy seconds...

... if it would not have been for Jim, they would have turned into minutes and hours.


(Plus he kept snapping up my bad side! :mad: )
I don't know if this has already been said, but to an American 'a night on the piss' sounds like a long night, and not in a fun way.
I really did not enjoy the sloppy seconds...

... if it would not have been for Jim, they would have turned into minutes and hours.


(Plus he kept snapping up my bad side! :mad: )

Sloppy NEVER! Watch your mouth 4est! If it was seconds I think thats your issue not mine baby!
Normally, when I'm done, it's not so much sloppy seconds.

I have heard people say that it looks like a bulldog eating mayonnaise.:cool:

Funny, that's exactly how I would have described you eating away last night. Ummmmmmm!
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I hope smiley didn't pass out in the bathroom after puking up her breakfast.....:cool:

Nah babe, shoe shopping - thanks for the cab fare! That $100 on the table by the door. Hope you don't mind! You sort of messed up the ones I was wearing last night. Stains that I don't even want to identify on both! :kiss:
If you mean on the way home then probably chips, sausage & curry. If not then and when I get in and still pissed and hungry, probably cheese on toast.

The morning after whilst hungover I'd go for a dirty fry-up. And by dirty, I mean fried not grilled and the full works - sausage, bacon, egg, tinned tomatoes, mushrooms and toast with a vat of tea. Then back to bed.