What are your favorite fantasy series?

I haven't read that Adams book. Is it worth reading? I can deal with disturbing.
As I say, I've not read it for a long time, but I remember reading it several times (my copy is a little battered), so it must have held something for me.

I've just looked, it was released in 1980, which is a fuck ton of time ago, but I remember a strong sexual undercurrent, not at all like Watership Down or Plague Dogs. I've kept it out to read again.
As I say, I've not read it for a long time, but I remember reading it several times (my copy is a little battered), so it must have held something for me.

I've just looked, it was released in 1980, which is a fuck ton of time ago, but I remember a strong sexual undercurrent, not at all like Watership Down or Plague Dogs. I've kept it out to read again.

I'll check it out. I always enjoyed his writing style, and his imagination.
Low Fantasy is written by dwarves.

my favourites:

1. LoTR for obvious reasons.
2. The Assassin, Liveship and Tawny Man trilogies by Robin Hobb. If you haven't, you should.
3. The Earthsea Chronicles by Ursula le Guin.
4. The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. I wish he'd finish the third book so I could get some closure.
Kingkiller is so good. It’s my favorite besides LOTR. I can’t bear waiting for the next book.