Well...a newbie and already disappointed...


Jun 16, 2003
But I am already disappointed in the way it's been recieved. God, I have to deal with shit people in real life, why the hell would I do it on the internet? I think everyone knows who I"m speaking of. If you wanna be an idiot, go to General...god knows there's enough of those people there!

Um .....isn't the rules "no gay bashing?" And why so offended about this forum? Don't people in the GLBT community put up with so much crap in the real world, why do we have to deal with it here? On OUR OWN FORUM! I don't disrespect people because of the color of their skin, ethnicity, religious beliefs, and I certainly believe in freedom of speech...but when it comes to just plain flaming other people just because we have a difference of lifestyle...go to a KKK or a Neo nazi site, you'll find people that actually believe that junk...

...and anyway...if you wish this forum would go away, "Never"...why do you spend a lot of "valuable" time posting here?

I'll answer that, because intelligent replies just aren't your forte. You have to bash other people, in internet laymans terms "flame" others, because you find yourself inadequate, and like to try to put others down to what you subconciously think is your level.

That rarely works love. Because all that happens is at the end of the day...do you actually feel any better? I probably won't get an honest reply out of you, much less a well thought out one. But do yourself a favor and think about it.

BTW...I await your reply. And remember... say whatever you want. But try making it sound at least halfway intelligent, or it won't be worth reading.

:cattail: she :cathappy:
Never is one of the most intelligent, caring members of this website, and if you think she's gay bashing, you're obviously not too quick yourself.

This board thrives on its members having the ability to speak their minds. I guess you're going to have to get used to it if you plan on sticking around.
If you had read the post correctly, which you may not since you are new and don't understand the history, the protest against this forum is that it was made at all.

A lot of people think that by making it they were being asked to exclude themselves from the GB; which I personally don't think.

I post where ever I feel I have something relevant to say, which includes here even though I am straight. And I encourage people to post where they feel they have something relevant to say.

Inclusion vs Exclusion.

However, sometimes I don't want to shout everything out to everyone, and so I feel it's nice to have a place to go also and chat about things more focused that will be read by people who would understand where I am coming from.

Sometimes, actually a lot of times, things like that get eaten up too quickly on the GB, and so side forums like this were created.

Never, by posting that she wanted this board to die was protesting being excluded from the GB.

But truthfully, no one can make you post here. Anyone can still post on the GB.

And I can post here.

Crazy, isn't it? The way some people just refuse to stay in their nitches?

Have a nice day.:rose:
I can admit when I'm wrong...and I was wrong...

I'm sooooooo sorry. I didn't understand until I read all the posts. I just read a couple of them, and I had a really bad night last night. Now I completely understand. Which proves to me that I am the dumb one. I'm not a mean person, just when I feel that I'm attacked, I tend to strike out, and it was stupid and I'm sorry. Especially when it wasn't an attack now that I read them all...and understand what it's all about.

To whoever I offended with my quick judgement, I humbly apologize. I still would like to remain a part of this board, since I do believe it's a good place...

I didn't perceive Never's posts as bashing. She just made her point very "loudly" about her feeling that this forum is not needed.

If there was an effort to force GLBT chat from the GB to this forum, then I would be just as much against it, probably more. However there has been no effort to encourage GLBT chat away from the GB. Laurel is just providing another place to chat.

I view this forum no differently than the Author's Hangout forum. There are a number of excellent authors that would never post their ideas and thoughts at Lit, if they had to post in the GB the way it is now.

My hope is some will feel more comfortable posting in a moderated forum. But I don't intend to post any less on the GB because this forum exists. The more likely result is I will spend more time on Lit than I already do because of this forum. Maybe some who begin posting here will grow more confident about posting in the GB as well.
Pookie_grrl said:
I view this forum no differently than the Author's Hangout forum.

Exactly. I don't see this as "segregating" anything. I actually see it as helpful. I'm not one who opens and reads every thread on the GB and I think this is going to make it much easier for me to contribute to a conversation based on my sexuality. I'm not one who feels overly comfortable starting threads, so a situation like this is ideal for me. I for one am GLAD to see this forum.
I'm sorry – but bashing someone is a BDSM topic, not a GLTB topic. I'm going to have to delete this thread... :p

"If you wanna be an idiot, go to General...god knows there's enough of those people there!"

"Those people"? Not a day after its inception and people are talking about 'us' and 'them'. On no, there's no exclusion happening.

"Um .....isn't the rules "no gay bashing?"

Yes. And the rules need to change.

" ...and anyway...if you wish this forum would go away, "Never"...why do you spend a lot of "valuable" time posting here?"

Because I believe that I'm normal so I don't need a 'special' forum. Because I believe that I'm just as gay when I take out the trash or read a book as when I'm making love. Because I know that no matter how repulsive I find the bigots of the world, someone else finds me just as repulsive. That means if I feel it's right to shut them up when they offend me, then it's alright for someone to shut me up when I offend them.

" I'll answer that, because intelligent replies just aren't your forte. You have to bash other people, in internet laymans terms "flame" others, because you find yourself inadequate, and like to try to put others down to what you subconciously think is your level."

Who's bashing who, again?

"To whoever I offended with my quick judgement, I humbly apologize. I still would like to remain a part of this board, since I do believe it's a good place..."

Don't apologize for saying what you felt. You thought I was being a bitch? Then say it. You thought I was wrong? Then say it. All communities, no matter how well intentioned, are the same. The moment people feel the need to apologize for speaking their mind something's gone wrong.

You don't need permission to stay on this board. The moment you posted, it became yours. What you say shapes it. You own it now. You are it now.

Yeah, I've said quite a bit now. I think I'll stop…
Touche...made some good points


You brought up a lot of valid points... The reason I felt the need to apologize wasn't that I felt like I had to...it was because --I was wrong--...especially my remark on your intelligence. You articulate yourself very well, and seem to be very smart.

I did have a bad night last night, but it's still no excuse to come somewhere I've never been before and do the same thing that I basically accused you of doing, thus making myself seem like a hyprocrite when I hate hypocrasy more than anything in the world.

And I feel that, though I still disagree with you on some points, I had no place to make personal remarks, and should've worded it better... And I believe that if I make an ass out of myself--I wouldn't be a decent person if I didn't apologize for something I've done wrong.

Thanks :) I'll still be here...
