Twitter, Elon Musk Deal Could Be Announced Monday (WSJ)

Might have been a game from the beginning but it would be unwise to use billionaire investors in his personal network like Larry Ellison as pawns in a silly game. Elon’s personal financial situation has changed since this began which may be a bigger reason for cold feet.

Without the deal, Twitter is in dire straits.
Might have been a game from the beginning but it would be unwise to use billionaire investors in his personal network like Larry Ellison as pawns in a silly game. Elon’s personal financial situation has changed since this began which may be a bigger reason for cold feet.

Without the deal, Twitter is in dire straits.
Twitter was fine before the bullshit and will be fine after the bullshit.
he ain't got it officially yet.

he ain't gonna be getting it officially for at least six months after jumping through some more hoops that have to be signed off on.

let the Righties stroke themselves silly for the moment. Musk's biggest enemy is himself and anything in his ongoing clown show could crater his shit between now and the end.



ain't even take a month.

Blue Eyes In Jordache must be having a great cricket farm harvest lately. :D
Going to be interesting if Musk files fraud allegations with the SEC over the numbers Twitter filed as part of their disclosures.
Going to be interesting if Musk files fraud allegations with the SEC over the numbers Twitter filed as part of their disclosures.
He formally reneged on the deal today and is subject to a hefty $1 billion termination fee that seems to be pretty ironclad. He's frantically yammering about spam accounts as a "material defect" in the transaction but with all of his resources cannot seem to prove his claim....Twitter has allowed him access to their entire user database but he can't seem to find a significant amount of bots....just the 5% that Twitter stipulated up front.

Whole thing sounds like a publicity stunt in retrospect. In any event, this is almost a death knell for the Orange Shitgibbon's 2024 chances
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Add another one to the extremely long list of Musk making humongous promises and then not following through.

And my condolences to the mediocrities, so visible in this thread, who thought living vicariously through this buffoon might somehow redeem their own track records of failure.
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So many people predicted this when the offer was made.
A billion dollar “nevermind.”

Musk is the poster child for “too rich for your own good.”
That Shivon Zilis is cute… 25, that’s a good age for Elon’s girlfriends.

I approve.
Would have been fun if the deal had survived, but suffice it to say. Musk rocked Twitter’s world. I shed no tears for any former or current employees. And God bless their investors. 😂
Especially the innocent workers who were fucked over by this debacle. You're a piece of shit.
You mean the generously compensated rock star developers and genius investors that thought they were making the world a better place? Or the CEO and top execs that got golden parachutes? Musk accelerated the inevitable. Twitter is a hot mess.
You mean the generously compensated rock star developers and genius investors that thought they were making the world a better place? Or the CEO and top execs that got golden parachutes? Musk accelerated the inevitable. Twitter is a hot mess.
Yes, those innocent people who lost their jobs because morons like you bitched about the unfair treatment of racist Trumplitards by a private company.
Unfair treatment is a protected right for democrats!
- paid harassment of judges
- funding the most extreme repubs
- web sites falsely claiming boebert was a hooker

You are worse than the repubs, because you lie about it.

They are proud of their beliefs, however fucked up.

You hide yours.
Like any internet giant, Twitter is nothing without dirt cheap electricity. I would offer half a bag of chips.