The Thread Formerly Known as the 6T Thread

There be offerings
If you have eyes to see
Time, love, engagement
Words so many words
Persisting dispite
Persisting still
Never far from my thoughts
Even as I struggle
Can we meet in the middle?

You always said
Thank you for your time
Hours and hours
Weeks, months of time
Time together
Finding time
Making time
Writing time
Listening time

Does none if it count now
Suddenly strangers
Our vision obscured
The fog of pain
muddles and confuses
My truth, your truth
You reside in my heart
As I struggle to repair
Brokenness and pain
Loss and change

I know you deeply
As you know me
Remember what is true my dear
The pathes etched
On two hearts joined
Remain even past the parting

I offer you so much
Concern and care
All offered freely
If only you have eyes to see.
If my gifts you no longer value
You may as well
Rip these pages
From my heart
View attachment 2194576
There be offerings
If you have eyes to see
Time, love, engagement
Words so many words
Persisting dispite
Persisting still
Never far from my thoughts
Even as I struggle
Can we meet in the middle?

You always said
Thank you for your time
Hours and hours
Weeks, months of time
Time together
Finding time
Making time
Writing time
Listening time

Does none if it count now
Suddenly strangers
Our vision obscured
The fog of pain
muddles and confuses
My truth, your truth
You reside in my heart
As I struggle to repair
Brokenness and pain
Loss and change

I know you deeply
As you know me
Remember what is true my dear
The pathes etched
On two hearts joined
Remain even past the parting

I offer you so much
Concern and care
All offered freely
If only you have eyes to see.
If my gifts you no longer value
You may as well
Rip these pages
From my heart
Meet at the middle
Where the fire is the hottest
Embrace it with me
In a river of roadway
Crack in the asphalt
Where the daisies grow
Swaying in the wind
Reaching for the sun
Singing for the rain

Creak of old leather
Tread of walking boots
Heavy steel and glass
Rubber on the road
Dazzling chrome
Mechanical monster

Firing up the Beast
Listen to her rumble
Grumble and roar
Red cockpit glare
Sound system active
Smell of gasoline

Asphalt trembles
Exhaust clouds
The Beast is alive
Howling its pleasure
Down the roadway
Into the distance

Vanishing point
Exhaust plumes settle
Smell of gasoline
Crack in the asphalt
Daisies in the wind
Singing for rain
You been hanging out with Stephen King?
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Threads and strings
Tightly wound
All tied up
Strings and threads
Fraying loose
Dangling long
Threads and strings
Fascinating pulling
Watching unravelling
Strings and threads
Pulling them more
Revealing stitching
Threads and strings
Rich tapestry
Unfolding history
Strings and threads
Tying up tightly
Until there are no more
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Busy and bustling city streets
Glowing mist in the cold
All lit up in holiday flare
Twinkling lights, red, green, gold
Glittering in their promise
For merriment and delight
Past the parking garage
In an alley behind the strip
Gloomy dark as the night
A steel barrel fire glows
Mysterious and warm
Two friends around it
Warming their hands
Their words for them alone
One tosses a strip of paper
The other a crumpled up bag
Laughter in the gloom
More strips of paper
More crumpled bags
Drinking deeply of something
When the fire shrinks
They hug long and tight
And late night darkness
Descends over all
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Faintest smile
Knowing, patient
Large hand
Softly gripping
Rounded shoulder
Pulling, revealing
Smooth skin
Kissing upwards
Ever higher
Reaching for
Bared neck
Nibbling, kissing
Licking, tugging
Reaching grasping
Rounded breasts
Pulling hair
Kissing lips
Grasping breasts
Moaning moaning
Lost control
Kissing forever
Panting lips
Loving tongue
Supple neck
Reaching grasping
Hard nipples
Whispering moans
Your name
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Her hair so long and proud
Long past her shoulders
Rich and dark, clean and warm
Scented full of lavender
Well groomed in glory
How I love to touch

With just one long thin braid
Woven perfectly and tight
Did she sing in that weave
Of her love and desire
For the man touching her soul
In the shadows of her life

Adorned with a silver barrette
Stylish and solidly crafted
A gift from someone dear
Glowing amidst the foam
With a shadowy erotic history
Known only to her lover

Her tresses once held fast
In the grip of his large hand
While kisses rained down
On her face, lips, and neck
Day old beard, rough on her skin
Craving for so much more

Brushing out her glory
One stroke after another
Memories held fast
Of that Summer's day
Wrapped in silver
And that one thin braid
There it is again
All the bright twinkling lights
Green and gold
Electric blue
Scarlet red
And deep purple too
Tree is up, merrily lit
Ornaments everywhere
From family present
Family past
From the best of friends
Baking goodies
Cakes and pies
Cookies and danishes
Muffins and scones
Taken with mulled wine
Hot apple cider
Or that flask of whiskey
Look how she sits
And sleeps in her chair
Before the mantle
With goofy stockings
And colorful garland
Candles and fruitcake
Oy the fruitcake
Nativity scenes and greeting cards
All the gifts for family and friends
And I in my cap
Painting it all
Lost in the art
Penstrokes and brushstrokes
In a universe without sound
Broadstrokes and touchups
Until its done
Some days I am overwhelmed
Days where nothing matters
Sleepless nights wondering
My mind ablaze with thoughts of you

Some days my conscious clears
Filled with errands and duties
Wracked by everyday living
Meetings, planning, housekeeping

Those nights though, those nights
Where once there was serenity
Am I plagued with restlessness
Over the emptiness of my heart

Wondering where did she go
How did it come to this
When I know exactly how
Alll those unanswered questions

Then there are those times
Rare occurrences and moments
Where I know the peace of night
That some decisions had to be

I gaze long into the night
Where the garland wrapped lamppost
Its dim light holding steady
A beacon for those who are lost

Our story is not ended
That much is true
Weary though I am
My fire grows dim, but not out
That one night at the hot tub
How lovely she looked
By the glow of the red light
Glistening and wet

Sharing election stories
Minutiae of the day
Plans for tomorrow
And the weather

But oh man oh man
That party earlier that night
Wild, naked, and free
For all to see and share

She earned a new petname
Displayed with pride
Certain no one would care
Just fun and games

Sharing the glee of that party
For days afterwards
With all she could see
Everyone except for me
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When the light of my life
Lives in her breathless words
Imagination as vivid as truth
How I have witnessed such ecstasy
Lived in that ecstasy with her
Manifested with her in our desire
Where did all those words go
They are long gone mister
Not yours for many years
As if it were a dream
In the end
we learn
we've started
a long time ago
to change
in a different way
and of the ways so many
it's hard to tell which one
is the right one
in the beginning,
only its end knows.

I do confess
I end up with
an empty paper
and just silence
Sorry I am for visitations of chaos
Brought by me or visited by you

Curious how the day is ruled
In favor of the sweetest

When has this ever happened before
Like then, I will take it all on me

None may know the story of all
Who is hurt and who has lost

Stories are funny that way
Only I cannot laugh, but only cry

Courage is defined in sharing
In that, miserably, we both have failed
Steam rising from the loch
Morning chill evaporates
With the blaze of sunrise
Painting reds, oranges, gold
Across the frozen sky
Breathing in the stillness
Cherishing the peace
Breathing all the way in
And all the way out
Finding a home
In my soul
I have been so awful
I feel so ashamed
What happened to my wisdom
Thrown away in fear
Words I can't walk back
Hurting my love
How can I live with this
Unhealthy obsessions
Stupid, yes I must be
You deserve better
Do better
Away from me
Raindrops in the cold
Filling all of my soul
With obsessive desire
Burning all in the fire
Of an unhealthy mind
Where I once was kind
Only destruction now
And I don't know how
I can bear it all
Enduring the fall
Stay away from me
I'm toxic, you see

I was in pain, you see
And I'm the worst patient
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In advance, I do apologize twice
for me giving unasked advice
honestly, I'm a teacher's kid
just without the pro's wit
better not ask me about philosophy
or anything of the human biology
all I've inherited, back then
is a red ink pen
not sure if it's true
but is there a spelling issue?

In a line above, or two, I saw self-loath
where I think it should be self-love
- because I know where it goes,
a focus on errors and flaws
the bulk of right things sometimes fade
seeing the slightest stain, we hate -
I'm sure you saw its value, your worth
in two small mirrors watching, in all the words
reflecting your inner light
even in the darkest night
I hope, if I may say,
will turn back to day.

One more, please help me - one vowel
I guess, my non-native ear committed a foul,
an airwave turned it wrong
or was it a slip of the tongue
speeding the monophthong in lieu
of I want to heart you?
May the angels of light glisten for us this day
May the sparks of God’s beauty dance in the eyes of those we love.
May the universe be on fire with Presence for us this day.
May the sun’s rising, grace us with gratitude.
Let earth’s greenness shine and it’s waters breathe with Spirit.
Let heaven’s winds stir the soil of our soul and fresh awakenings rise within us.
May the almighty angels of light glisten in all things this day.
May they summon us to reverence.
May they call us to Life.
i prefer Oi! and punk and metal and some Indie, so this was fun.

Surely, you can’t be serious

My Sirius wasn’t working today.
Tumblin Dice came on over some Philly station
Like an old friend.

I haven’t listened to classic rock in ages
And it felt like the gang were right there in my truck with me
Along for the ride.

Mick, with his pouty lips,
Driving thru East Amwell Township with me, a funny anecdote in his back pocket.

Keith, drunk and maybe a little high,
Nodding in time to the song, saying something barely audible.

Charlie, looking bored, but snapping the beat in 4/4 time,
Dressed to the elevens.

Ronnie- badass and along for ride
Knitting me a scarf, that sez ‘The Birds’

And Brian, looking down on us all
Laughing and laughing…

Now, look what my aching hand drew.
Maybe you like it, for a minute or two?


This pencil game is easily won.
You begin with the left one
and make it to the right.
If it takes a year or a night,
proceed at your personal speed.

Different colors you will need.
First of all, if you don't mind,
choose the heart-dead black
to be lifted and put back.

You might be tempted to tint it all blue.
But thinking back, my picture of you
is that of some laid-back guy
at rest, watching an unclouded sky.
So from my innermost core
I'd say, 'Use it only on number four.'

You see
for No. 3
it's not mean
to be green.

I can't help much with one and two.
How that math is done is up to you.
Wholeheartedly I wonder how to fill it,
with pulchrous words of romantic spirit?
There are more than a million in a poet's head!
From an artist's point of view, I'd pick some red.

Last but not least, the question at hand
which pencil to choose for the borderland...
I won't make friends with grey in those wedges,
Nevermind going beyond the ditches and edges,
blend the colors, even across the lines -
a graphic metaphor, which nicely rhymes
with the couple of 'stitches and patches'.

I know what you're going to say,
'If it just were such an easy way.'