The Party of Rapists and Sexual Predators

I work in a "big" business.

I find myself wondering if the CEO decided to have one of the summer interns give him a hummer in the executive boardroom, would HR see that as a forgivable oopsie, or as sexual harassment / rape?

That actually happened with a past Democrat president. I'll bet you can't guess who. (hint: it wasn't just one president)

Trump has welcomed immigrants to the extreme of MARRYING one. His one known oopsie was actually nothing more than a ribald comment. He's pledged to keep us safe and is building the wall the Democrats voted for years ago (back when the Democrats built those prison camps for border jumpers). He has sparked the economy out of the rigor mortis the past 16 years of presidents left it in.

In short, he's doing everything the left WANTS and doing nothing but piss off conservatives with gun ban talk and vape bans.

Why the left is not lining up to reelect him is a mystery to me.
Republican Don Boys (former member of the Indiana House of Representatives) claims that it's not "real rape" unless the woman screams for help and witnesses hear her screams.

Republicans spend A LOT of time defending rapists and minimizing rape. How many times do they have to do this before the American Mainstream Media starts referring to them as "the Pro-Rape Party"?
Republican Don Boys (former member of the Indiana House of Representatives) claims that it's not "real rape" unless the woman screams for help and witnesses hear her screams.

Republicans spend A LOT of time defending rapists and minimizing rape. How many times do they have to do this before the American Mainstream Media starts referring to them as "the Pro-Rape Party"?

When they find some policies that support rape. ;)
Trump has welcomed immigrants to the extreme of MARRYING one.

Just for the sake of accuracy, 45* has actually welcomed TWO immigrants into becoming Mrs. Next One DJT.

Course we can just overlook that both Ivana and Melania have really sketchy stories revolving around their citizenship paths...might have something to do with them being the "Clearance-Sale-of-the-Month" options in the "East-Bloc Rent-a-Bride" catalog Donnie-T was reading when he first discovered they even existed. ;)

Republican Don Boys (former member of the Indiana House of Representatives) claims that it's not "real rape" unless the woman screams for help and witnesses hear her screams.

Republicans spend A LOT of time defending rapists and minimizing rape. How many times do they have to do this before the American Mainstream Media starts referring to them as "the Pro-Rape Party"?

MSM will likely begin referring to a Republican "Pro-rape" Party, as you suggest; right around the same time they start referring to the Democrat Party as the "Pro-murder" Party, as many late-term abortion opponents suggest.

In truth, it is Democrats fighting for felons Right to Vote, so... it is Democrats who are "pro-rape".
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And then there’s Lawrence Lockman, a Republican member of the Maine House of Representatives, who asked, “If a woman has (the right to an abortion), why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman?”

He even had the balls to refer to rape, as a man exercising his “pursuit of sexual freedom”.

Right-wing media figures like Fox News' Andrea Tantaros have a habit of attacking efforts to address sexual assault as proof of a "war" on men on boys, but many institutions actually favor alleged perpetrators when investigating the crimes.

And back in 2014, when the Obama White House released a report addressing campus sexual assault, the right-wing media rushed to try to discredit findings that one in five women experienced attempted or completed sexual assault while in college. In the time since the right-wing media have continuously questioned sexual assault statistics, with right-wing media figures like Rush Limbaugh going as far as to go on record about campus sexual assault to claim that "it's not happening" at all."

Andrea Tantaros of Fox news Channel seems to believe that frat boys who rape college girls have little choice in the matter and should not be blamed when they rape college girls. In defense of frat boys who rape college girls, Andrea Tantaros says, “These girls show up at these fraternity houses. The guys, what are they supposed to do? Lock them out? ‘Hey, how are you?’ They have a couple more beers, the girl passes out.”

What are they supposed to do?

How about NOT raping the girl? That’s the first answer that pops into my head. Apparently, the idea of NOT RAPING never occurred to Andrea Tantaros.

Apparently, the idea of NOT RAPING doesn't occur to most Republican males either.
Republicans rape constantly and are convicted regularly; but why are Democrats fighting for their right to vote?
If for some reason there was a sudden upsurge in young, adult, white males being anally raped or sexually assaulted I somehow think that it would quickly identified as a problem and would be dealt with immediately with very limited debate.
So, after the disturbing and extremely credible allegation that Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape Christine Blasey Ford at a party when she was 15 years old, Republicans have come out of the woodwork, attempting to defend his behavior.

Everything from “boys will be boys” to “that was a long time ago” to “he was pig-drunk at the time” to “attempted rape isn’t actually a crime” has been offered up as a means of defending Kavanaugh’s sexual assault of a 15 year old girl.

It says a lot that so many Republicans are willing to defend Kavanaugh’s sexual assault against Christine Blasey Ford. The Republicans are so ready, willing and able to defend rapists, it’s almost like they’re the party of rapists and sexual predators.


Last year, a Republican legislator from New Hampshire, named Robert Fisher was unmasked as an architect of an extremely misogynistic website where women are basically treated as the enemy of men, and it discusses strategies for fighting against women and against women’s rights.

In addition to being anti-woman, the website is also pro-rape. In one of the more infamous posts written by Fisher, he considered rape from the rapist’s perspective.

“I’m going to say it. Rape isn’t an absolute bad,” Fisher wrote, “Because the rapist I think probably likes it a lot. I think he’d say it’s quite good, really.”

And Robert Fisher isn’t alone. Republicans taking the side of the rapists seems to be pretty much the norm these days.

On 19 August 2012, U.S. Representative Todd Akin of Missouri, a Republican who was challenging incumbent Democrat Claire McCaskill for her seat in the U.S. Senate, was interviewed by St. Louis television station KTVI. During that interview, Akin was asked whether he believed abortion was justified in cases of rape, and he responded by asserting that “legitimate rapes” rarely resulted in pregnancy:

“It seems to be, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, it’s really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down.”

Two years later, while appearing in another television interview with MSNBC to promote his new book Firing Back, Akin asserted that “legitimate rape” was a law enforcement term and that his original remark had been “intentionally misunderstood”.

Funny thing is, there isn’t a law enforcement official anywhere in this country who is willing to back up Akin on his claim that “legitimate rape” is a law enforcement term. The phrase “legitimate rape” isn’t listed in any law enforcement document anywhere in this country. It’s like Akin just made the term up, in an attempt to malign women, and make them seem like they’re willing participants in sexual assaults.

And then we have Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association. Bryan Fischer is a radio host with millions of listeners. Republican candidates chronically seek Fischer’s endorsement as his radio show can influence millions of Republican votes. Fischer is very popular amongst Republican voters nowadays.

Fischer; of course; was a very strong supporter of Todd Akin and Todd Akin’s comments on rape.

“What Todd Akin is talking about”, Bryan Fischer said in public agreement with Todd Akin, “Is when you’ve got a real, genuine rape. A case of forcible rape, a case of assault, where a woman has been violated against her will through the use of physical force where it is physically traumatic for her, under those circumstances, the woman’s body — because of the trauma that has been inflicted on her — it may interfere with the normal function processes of her body that lead to conception and pregnancy.”

And then there’s Lawrence Lockman, a Republican member of the Maine House of Representatives, who asked, “If a woman has (the right to an abortion), why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman?”

He even had the balls to refer to rape, as a man exercising his “pursuit of sexual freedom”.

Right-wing media figures like Fox News' Andrea Tantaros have a habit of attacking efforts to address sexual assault as proof of a "war" on men on boys, but many institutions actually favor alleged perpetrators when investigating the crimes.

And back in 2014, when the Obama White House released a report addressing campus sexual assault, the right-wing media rushed to try to discredit findings that one in five women experienced attempted or completed sexual assault while in college. In the time since the right-wing media have continuously questioned sexual assault statistics, with right-wing media figures like Rush Limbaugh going as far as to go on record about campus sexual assault to claim that "it's not happening" at all."

Andrea Tantaros of Fox news Channel seems to believe that frat boys who rape college girls have little choice in the matter and should not be blamed when they rape college girls. In defense of frat boys who rape college girls, Andrea Tantaros says, “These girls show up at these fraternity houses. The guys, what are they supposed to do? Lock them out? ‘Hey, how are you?’ They have a couple more beers, the girl passes out.”

What are they supposed to do?

How about NOT raping the girl? That’s the first answer that pops into my head. Apparently, the idea of NOT RAPING never occurred to Andrea Tantaros.

Andrea Tantaros also attacked MSNBC for daring to spend about an hour of broadcast time, covering the Senate military sexual assault hearings back in 2013, saying that saying “what they consider to be priorities” is “unbelievable.”

She also attacked President Barack Obama for speaking out against sexual assaults in the U.S. military, saying, “That same [Memorial Day] weekend, he talked about military rape. What a smack in the face of the men and the women have served us with dignity and gave the ultimate sacrifice. … I mean, it’s the way they prioritize these things. It’s unbelievable.”

The Pentagon estimates that 26,000 cases of sexual assault occurred in the military in 2012 alone, but apparently, tens of thousands of sexual assaults are nothing to be outraged about. What Tantaros thinks should inspire outrage is if we TALK about sexual assaults or attempt to DO SOMETHING about stopping them!!

Ann Coulter is just as bad, claiming that “there is no campus rape problem” and that unless a victim gets “hit on the head with a brick,” it isn’t a legitimate rape.

And then we have the current leader of the Republican Party on tape, bragging about how he can sexually assault women and get away with it, because he’s rich and famous. If he meets an attractive woman who’s married and not willing to have sex with him, that’s no problem. According to Donald Trump, he can just grab them by their genitals. There’s no guilt and no consequences. Trump indicates that he perpetrates sexual assaults like this all the time.

Defending rapists and maligning the victims of rape seems to be standard operating procedure for the Republican Party these days.

You know what's really sick?

Ann Coulter claims that Trump's ethnic cleansing campaign is perfectly acceptable behavior because it protects American woman from the Latino "culture of rape". She tries to claim that Trump isn't racist, he's just trying to protect America's women from being raped.

Typical of Ann, she never offers up any evidence that a Latino "culture of rape exists.

Meanwhile, while there is a PLETHORA OF EVIDENCE for a REPUBLICAN culture of rape, Ann conveniently ignores that evidence!
You know what's really sick?

Ann Coulter claims that Trump's ethnic cleansing campaign is perfectly acceptable behavior because it protects American woman from the Latino "culture of rape". She tries to claim that Trump isn't racist, he's just trying to protect America's women from being raped.

Typical of Ann, she never offers up any evidence that a Latino "culture of rape exists.

Meanwhile, while there is a PLETHORA OF EVIDENCE for a REPUBLICAN culture of rape, Ann conveniently ignores that evidence!

Why are Democrats fighting for felony rapists to regain voting privileges?
You know what's really sick?

Ann Coulter claims that Trump's ethnic cleansing campaign is perfectly acceptable behavior because it protects American woman from the Latino "culture of rape". She tries to claim that Trump isn't racist, he's just trying to protect America's women from being raped.

Typical of Ann, she never offers up any evidence that a Latino "culture of rape exists.

Meanwhile, while there is a PLETHORA OF EVIDENCE for a REPUBLICAN culture of rape, Ann conveniently ignores that evidence!

Is it possible that you don't know the definition of some of those words?

Google who the First Lady is.
And if JP were honest, he'd admit that the only reason he doesn't want those who have served their time to get the vote back is because he believes the Republican lies that they'll all vote Democrat--like some sort of black magic in the pen made them all turn socialist or something--or that the only reason to let anyone at all vote is if they'll vote Republican (thereby marrying this policy with their policy towards any voter of color), with the recognition that Republican control can only happen through the tyranny of the minority. :rolleyes:
They're not. They're fighting for ex-cons who've served their time to regain their voting rights.

Rights are rights. If you restore their right to vote then you have to restore their right to own a gun.

Personally I don't care either way. I doubt crooks waste their time voting anyway no matter what their polical affiliation.
If Democrats are fighting for the voting rights of convicted rapists, it sounds like Democrats are the pro-rape Party?
As long as the Rapepublicans put out laws that rape baibes are more important, they dont get to say they support women
It's a shame that both parties are at least somewhat tainted with something, though I'll stick (mostly) with the Democrats, even if they sometimes default to "The Future Is Female" virtue signalling (shouldn't the future be equally for both sexes, after all, I never oppressed any women, nor did most guys my age or younger).

The Grand Old Party really is old, old in ideas, old in literal age compared to the population, old in its prejudices, and literally dying out, just not fast enough for me.
So, after the disturbing and extremely credible allegation that Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape Christine Blasey Ford at a party when she was 15 years old, Republicans have come out of the woodwork, attempting to defend his behavior.

Everything from “boys will be boys” to “that was a long time ago” to “he was pig-drunk at the time” to “attempted rape isn’t actually a crime” has been offered up as a means of defending Kavanaugh’s sexual assault of a 15 year old girl.

It says a lot that so many Republicans are willing to defend Kavanaugh’s sexual assault against Christine Blasey Ford. The Republicans are so ready, willing and able to defend rapists, it’s almost like they’re the party of rapists and sexual predators.


Last year, a Republican legislator from New Hampshire, named Robert Fisher was unmasked as an architect of an extremely misogynistic website where women are basically treated as the enemy of men, and it discusses strategies for fighting against women and against women’s rights.

In addition to being anti-woman, the website is also pro-rape. In one of the more infamous posts written by Fisher, he considered rape from the rapist’s perspective.

“I’m going to say it. Rape isn’t an absolute bad,” Fisher wrote, “Because the rapist I think probably likes it a lot. I think he’d say it’s quite good, really.”

And Robert Fisher isn’t alone. Republicans taking the side of the rapists seems to be pretty much the norm these days.

On 19 August 2012, U.S. Representative Todd Akin of Missouri, a Republican who was challenging incumbent Democrat Claire McCaskill for her seat in the U.S. Senate, was interviewed by St. Louis television station KTVI. During that interview, Akin was asked whether he believed abortion was justified in cases of rape, and he responded by asserting that “legitimate rapes” rarely resulted in pregnancy:

“It seems to be, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, it’s really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down.”

Two years later, while appearing in another television interview with MSNBC to promote his new book Firing Back, Akin asserted that “legitimate rape” was a law enforcement term and that his original remark had been “intentionally misunderstood”.

Funny thing is, there isn’t a law enforcement official anywhere in this country who is willing to back up Akin on his claim that “legitimate rape” is a law enforcement term. The phrase “legitimate rape” isn’t listed in any law enforcement document anywhere in this country. It’s like Akin just made the term up, in an attempt to malign women, and make them seem like they’re willing participants in sexual assaults.

And then we have Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association. Bryan Fischer is a radio host with millions of listeners. Republican candidates chronically seek Fischer’s endorsement as his radio show can influence millions of Republican votes. Fischer is very popular amongst Republican voters nowadays.

Fischer; of course; was a very strong supporter of Todd Akin and Todd Akin’s comments on rape.

“What Todd Akin is talking about”, Bryan Fischer said in public agreement with Todd Akin, “Is when you’ve got a real, genuine rape. A case of forcible rape, a case of assault, where a woman has been violated against her will through the use of physical force where it is physically traumatic for her, under those circumstances, the woman’s body — because of the trauma that has been inflicted on her — it may interfere with the normal function processes of her body that lead to conception and pregnancy.”

And then there’s Lawrence Lockman, a Republican member of the Maine House of Representatives, who asked, “If a woman has (the right to an abortion), why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman?”

He even had the balls to refer to rape, as a man exercising his “pursuit of sexual freedom”.

Right-wing media figures like Fox News' Andrea Tantaros have a habit of attacking efforts to address sexual assault as proof of a "war" on men on boys, but many institutions actually favor alleged perpetrators when investigating the crimes.

And back in 2014, when the Obama White House released a report addressing campus sexual assault, the right-wing media rushed to try to discredit findings that one in five women experienced attempted or completed sexual assault while in college. In the time since the right-wing media have continuously questioned sexual assault statistics, with right-wing media figures like Rush Limbaugh going as far as to go on record about campus sexual assault to claim that "it's not happening" at all."

Andrea Tantaros of Fox news Channel seems to believe that frat boys who rape college girls have little choice in the matter and should not be blamed when they rape college girls. In defense of frat boys who rape college girls, Andrea Tantaros says, “These girls show up at these fraternity houses. The guys, what are they supposed to do? Lock them out? ‘Hey, how are you?’ They have a couple more beers, the girl passes out.”

What are they supposed to do?

How about NOT raping the girl? That’s the first answer that pops into my head. Apparently, the idea of NOT RAPING never occurred to Andrea Tantaros.

Andrea Tantaros also attacked MSNBC for daring to spend about an hour of broadcast time, covering the Senate military sexual assault hearings back in 2013, saying that saying “what they consider to be priorities” is “unbelievable.”

She also attacked President Barack Obama for speaking out against sexual assaults in the U.S. military, saying, “That same [Memorial Day] weekend, he talked about military rape. What a smack in the face of the men and the women have served us with dignity and gave the ultimate sacrifice. … I mean, it’s the way they prioritize these things. It’s unbelievable.”

The Pentagon estimates that 26,000 cases of sexual assault occurred in the military in 2012 alone, but apparently, tens of thousands of sexual assaults are nothing to be outraged about. What Tantaros thinks should inspire outrage is if we TALK about sexual assaults or attempt to DO SOMETHING about stopping them!!

Ann Coulter is just as bad, claiming that “there is no campus rape problem” and that unless a victim gets “hit on the head with a brick,” it isn’t a legitimate rape.

And then we have the current leader of the Republican Party on tape, bragging about how he can sexually assault women and get away with it, because he’s rich and famous. If he meets an attractive woman who’s married and not willing to have sex with him, that’s no problem. According to Donald Trump, he can just grab them by their genitals. There’s no guilt and no consequences. Trump indicates that he perpetrates sexual assaults like this all the time.

Defending rapists and maligning the victims of rape seems to be standard operating procedure for the Republican Party these days.

Republican Steve Wynn is famous for a series of rapes, sexual assaults and sexual harassments, but Republicans still take his money

GOP leaders, including Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and super PACs connected with him, have been the primary beneficiaries of Wynn's contributions. In fact, Wynn has given more than $6 million to 2020 political campaigns, which appears to be the largest amount he has ever individually donated.
Notice how they started to sour during the Civil Rights Era? They knew there was a disgruntled racist demographic to be "suckered" in the South. Never forget their little Southern Strategy.

These stupid, insecure, poor white trash (thinking they are so superior) dunces are the ones putting these demons in power. What have they done for them? What? Many of them croaking from meth/opioids, joblessness, alcoholism, and Covid these days.
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Here is a perfect example of what I call "the There You Go Again Strategy": the Republicans stand back and let us tell the truth about how extreme and depraved they are, and then they say "Aw, shucks, folks, we CAN'T be THAT bad, can we?" It works precisely because they really are that extreme: to low-information voters, the truth about them does probably sound like it must be exaggerated.

And it was perfectly clear to me that Allison wasn't saying all Republicans are rapists. The point is, Steve King is the latest in a long string of Republicans (the other hall of shakers include Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock) who have made incredibly callous remarks about rape victims, and the Republicans in general seem to be just hoping no one will notice.

Thank you, YDB95. That's exactly the point I was trying to make.
Thugs, too.

Ugly Don Jr. (that whole family has terrible evil genes) was egging on his MAGAts thugs to "have some fun with Kamala" right before the attack on the bus. I wonder how many women he has assaulted in the past? Forget Hunter, they should be investigating his disgusting family.

I love when those trashy MAGATs were driving through polling stations in predominately black neighborhoods and the good black folk weren't having it, taking pics of them, hopefully having them get doxxed. They think they can intimidate people. Black folk have been through hell and back in this country, folks aren't scared of these pieces of trash. Fuckers were being escorted by the police. Why? Those same thugs wouldn't hesitate to blast those pigs.

These people are subhumans and should be pushed back underneath the rock they came from.
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They all were avid Trump supporters, but, for many of them, Trump was just an authority figure who finally validated their anger and hostility. He was someone who had confirmed and stoked their deep-seated hatred and made them feel good about themselves. He was a soothing presence telling them that it was okay to be a racist and okay to be a misogynist. When he told them it was okay to march on the Capitol, they felt a sense of freedom. They could be exactly the people they always wanted to be, unbound by any constraints.

And that’s exactly how they behaved, Hesse explains.

Oh Naaaaaaancy is said in a singsongy voice. It is the same voice that a child would use to say, Come out, come out, wherever you arrrrre in a backyard game of hide-and-seek tag. It is playful. It is sinister. It says, I am planning to take my time, and it will not be pleasant, and it will not end well for you. The men looking for Pelosi in the Capitol were strolling, not running.

Hesse cites a revealing investigation by Alanna Vagianos, conducted for Huffington Post in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection. Vagianos looked into the history of several of the prominent faces arrested in connection with the riots, and found that a startling number had something singular in common: “a history of violence against women―ranging from domestic abuse accusations to prison time for sexual battery and criminal confinement.”

By acting out their innermost misogynistic fantasies, these men, caught on camera roaming the halls in search of Speaker Pelosi, revealed their intentions as clear as day: They intended murder, but they also intended sexual assault. “Nancy” was the name that popped into their head, but it could have been any woman that they met in those hallways. The goal was to terrorize, and if the opportunity arose, well, who could say?

For those who may still not quite understand, Hesse patiently explains what these people were really about:

Oh Naaaaaaancy
is also self-aware. It knows it sounds like a horror movie. It is the sort of affectation a bad man might pick up after too many viewings of The Shining. It is what a man stalking a woman thinks a man stalking a woman should say.

Retired Air Force veteran Larry Brock, famously photographed in tactical gear and carrying zip-ties (also known as flexible restraints) was one of these men with an ugly history of violence towards women. While in the process of finalizing a divorce, Brock was apparently fond of sending abusive text messages to his then-wife, such as. “Do the right thing and kill yourself already.”

“I have better things to do than speak to a whore”; “Nobody loves you”; “Narcissistic whore.” Her ex-husband, Larry Rendall Brock Jr., had been sending them like clockwork for three years. A court had ordered the couple to communicate through a specialized portal while their contentious divorce was finalized. Larry often used it for threats.