The Mansion


~ An Amethyst Mist ~
Apr 7, 2011

I finally was advised that they were closing out my Mansion to new posts. I saw it coming and waited. And waited. The time finally arrived. Nothing's changed. This Mansion still exists. I just needed to restart it so I and others can post. Okay. So the place needed a little dusting. I've whipped out the pledge and dusted. Why haven't the maids done it? They're mostly over at The Barn taking care of Ice's place. They keep secretly hoping he is going to show up one day. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them have stashed their panties in his dresser for him to find. The hussies.

In any case, Dryfter and I welcome everyone here. Be polite to one and all and we'll all get along just fine.

Now it's time for me to get back to planning for our party next week.
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First one to enter

With the crash of thunder and a flash of lightning I find my way up the curved drive way. I am surprised the gate is open. There it stands in all ofd its glory. A sight to behold. There is a sudden gust of wind. The trees start to sway as the first of the rain makes its appearance. Leaving speckled spots on the ground.

I move toward the mansion, it towering spire pointing upward to the now slate gray heavens. It is my first time to this mansion and a sence of premonition fills my mind. THe wind changes some what and its like the hand of god himself is pushing me onward. Then I'm standing in front of the massive front door. There is a knocker in the middle of a coat of arms that is anchored into the door. Its a dull gray, heavy looking. I lift it just a few inches and another crash of thunder makes me jump. I lift the knocker again and use it a couple of times. I can here the echo boom through the open spaces.
With the crash of thunder and a flash of lightning I find my way up the curved drive way. I am surprised the gate is open. There it stands in all ofd its glory. A sight to behold. There is a sudden gust of wind. The trees start to sway as the first of the rain makes its appearance. Leaving speckled spots on the ground.

I move toward the mansion, it towering spire pointing upward to the now slate gray heavens. It is my first time to this mansion and a sence of premonition fills my mind. THe wind changes some what and its like the hand of god himself is pushing me onward. Then I'm standing in front of the massive front door. There is a knocker in the middle of a coat of arms that is anchored into the door. Its a dull gray, heavy looking. I lift it just a few inches and another crash of thunder makes me jump. I lift the knocker again and use it a couple of times. I can here the echo boom through the open spaces.

I am in my study trying desperately to find a response for Reb.

Where am I going with this, beyond getting Sierra into his house?

Chewing on my bottom lip thoughtfully, at first, I don't hear the knock on the door beyond this vague feeling something is trying to get my attention. It's the second sound, that finally penetrates. The knocker! Someone is at my front door. Where the hell are the maids? And why do I ask myself this question when I know exactly where they're at?

Quietly, softly, I leave my desk and head through the house, making my way to the front door. I can hear the crashing of the thunder now. When did it start to rain? I open the door not knowing who is on the other side. We, Sir and I, seldom get visitors.

"Brightwell! Come in. Come in. Let me get you a towel."

I glance over his shoulder at the weather outside which is looking angry. Weather I don't mind at all.

"Come into the Great Room. I have a fire in the fireplace. Can I get you something warm to drink?"
"Towel? Yes of course, thank you. " I glance at DarkWarrioress and give her a thankfull smile. She guides me through the entry way to an open area. On the floor in a massive mozaic design of the same coat of arms that had been on the door. She does not seem to notice I'm looking at the artistic clipped tile work. I'm very impressed. Then look at her as she mentions the great room.

"Yes of course, the great room." I look up from the floor to the balcony two floors over my head and the wrap around staircase. All which is made up in hand crafted white marble. I look at DarkWarrioress. Her long hair frames her face like long curtains. Her face sweet as can be. "I didn't come here to have you make a fuss over me. Though I thank you for your kindness. Its been a while for us? Has it not?" I smile at her.
We have Sir's kids this weekend and we're celebrating his son's birthday because his birth date falls during the week and we don't have them then. It's going to be an interesting weekend to be sure. I had forgotten what kids are like at this age. It certainly keeps me on my toes.

I'm off to figure out how to hook up the Wii to the tv in their room. *wrinkles nose* but I think I'm missing a cord. I'll have to play around with this.
We have Sir's kids this weekend and we're celebrating his son's birthday because his birth date falls during the week and we don't have them then. It's going to be an interesting weekend to be sure. I had forgotten what kids are like at this age. It certainly keeps me on my toes.

I'm off to figure out how to hook up the Wii to the tv in their room. *wrinkles nose* but I think I'm missing a cord. I'll have to play around with this.

GOOD luck on your wire hunt.
Well, the weekend was a huge success. Sir's son was all smiles and laughter for his birthday weekend. His daughter handled it pretty well too. She usually feels a bit put out because the attention is not on her, but what kid doesn't? She did really well. Her birthday is coming up in January. So her turn to be center of attention is coming around.

Sir's parents came over and the visit was good. I like his parents. The only shadow on our weekend was Sir himself. Somehow he hurt his back and I hate seeing him in pain. I think he's on the mend though. He seemed to be moving about a bit easier this morning.

All Hallows is right around the corner. We have candy to give out and then a bonfire to go to at Sir's brother's house. I'm anticipating a good time to be had.

Still need to write for Reb but I'm still setting my house to rights after the weekend. It's on my to-do list.
Thank you, Brightwell. Actually, I found out I didn't need that luck. I simply had things plugged in a wee bit wrong. Go figure.

oh. That is understandable here are a few wires to the thing. The mansion ready for the party? I could hang some paper from the lights. Put up some fake tombstones out side the gate. Or how about a gallows or two? Stocks?(sit in type)Chains? Guests love hanging chains and manacles!
/rant on:

What in hell would possess a parent to buy their nine year old child a three hundred dollar coat and to top that off? Send that child to school in it knowing full well their child suffers from seizures if she overheats so the child removes the coat on the playground as children are wont to do and when that that child forgets about her coat, again, as children will do, that the parent gets so damn upset with the child that the latter is told she will go without a coat until the weather turns really cold out. Find another way to punish your child you idiot, making her go without a coat as the weather is turning cold now, especially in the mornings, is stupid. The child had a perfectly good, useful coat for school. Don't get pissy with your child, get fucking pissy with yourself for being stupid and sending her school in such an expensive coat and for what? To show people you have money? You don't. Not really.

And btw? You're a dumb ass.

/rant off
Life is good.

Writing has slowed to less than a crawl but that's okay. I find myself so darn busy of late. I need to keep my hand in where writing is concerned, but I can always attempt to work on my thread with AR or the short story I am writing in private for Sir.

Tonight is Bobaflex and Royal Bliss. Dryfter and I are slated to attend but it's turned into a wait and see how it goes. Tomorrow night is a bonfire at his brother's house. It's suppose to get down into the 20's but his brother assures us we shouldn't be cold as he got two truckloads of pallets to burn. He just might put Viking funerals to shame. Hot drinks, hot dogs and caramel apples with some good company. Sounds like a good time.
So, I woke up this morning to a wee bit of snow. My first here in Minnesota. My sheltie, Kiowa, was like a kid in the snow, including not wanting to come in even though she was shivering. Crazy dog. This is only the second time she's seen snow. We had to stop every foot so she could eat some or bury her nose in it.
Her first bit of snow here in the midwest. Crazy dog. She just can't stop eating snow and wants to stay out in it. She's worse than a kid sometimes. *laughing*

She woke up next to her Master, who was still sleeping, it was his day off after all. What had awakened her? Ki, of course. A slow turn of the head and she found soulful brown eyes staring back at her. The sheltie needed to go out. A quick glance at her phone and she gave a soft sigh of acquiescence before swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

"Shower first, puppy girl. I'll be as quick as I can. I promise."

The dog dutifully followed her mistress to the bathroom and flopped in the doorway with a sigh of her own, a sigh that made Cait grin just a little.

The shower was had and the mistress of the manor hastily dressed warm and quietly so as not to wake her Master. Downstairs, winter bundling was done simply because it was about 14 degrees outside. The sheltie was hooked to her leash and outside they went.

Cait was feeling on top of the world today despite the interview pending. Sir was not looking forward to this by any means but it was something that needed to be done.

The dog's walk and morning duties were taken care of (to include her usual eating of snow) and Cait spent her morning tidying up the manor. Today was a good day. She was here, living with her Sir and more importantly together they were happier than either had been in a long time. Together they would weather the troubles that were bound to come their way.

With coffee in hand and a soft smile playing across her lips, she headed for her study. There were posts due to Anti-Rebel, who was taking a break from Lit and to her Sir, Dryfter. It was time to see if she could manage a post or two.
Nibbling on the end of her pencil thoughtfully, she hopes AR is doing well. Glancing to her left she grins as Sir is playing World of Warcraft on his own computer. Turning back to her own monitor her smile grows wider as she notices an old friend in a new name has appeared.

Her eyes darken momentarily as a pain shoots through her foot reminding her of the accident last night. A soft sigh of resignation leaves her lips.

"Damn ice. I know better. I've been so careful and alert until now."

Snow melts. Ice forms. Accidents happen. She had slipped on a small patch of ice. It had been dark. her attention was on her dog not on remembering about ice and down she went. To her knees with a twist to her ankle. Her bad foot. She had been a good little kitten and stayed off her feet today. An Ace bandage. Elevation. And damn she could use a good drink.
With a smile, he drops in, wanting to leave a single flower for an old acquaintance. He drops it on the floor in the lobby and then nods, satisfied, before turning to leave.
With a smile, he drops in, wanting to leave a single flower for an old acquaintance. He drops it on the floor in the lobby and then nods, satisfied, before turning to leave.

She smiled. It was sad to have missed him. There were the holidays and getting sick. Life in general that took her away from here. The rose was placed in a single flower vase and set on her desk. Staring at it, she whispered....

Happy New Year, Noon. I hope Life is treating you well.

The last time she had seen her friend, he was a bit rough around the edges. She sincerely hoped he was much better.~

Happy New Year Everyone from Dryfter and myself.
Slips into the Mansion to see if the Lady of the house is around...raising an eyebrow as he sees one of the maids wandering about in their maid uniforms. He shakes his head.

Cait, are you around? Just wanting to say hello.
Slips into the Mansion to see if the Lady of the house is around...raising an eyebrow as he sees one of the maids wandering about in their maid uniforms. He shakes his head.

Cait, are you around? Just wanting to say hello.

*chuckles softly as she secretly watches her friend*

"Yeah. I'm around, Noon. Maybe a little inconsistently."

She shoved away from the door frame she was leaning on. Her eyes shot down the hallway the maid he had been watching had gone down.

"You always did have an eye for the ladies, my friend."

She gave another small laugh as she walked toward him, arms held out to give him a hug.

"How are you? I hope you're doing well."