"The Forgotten": A post-apocalyptic tale

Ty and Leslie:

Leslie studied Ty as he took a long moment to contemplate her inquiry as to whether or not he wanted to fuck Rita. Finally, he gave her a simple but honest, "Yes."

When she tried to kiss him with her cummy mouth, he stopped her, telling Leslie the things that repulsed him. She hadn't expected such a conversation here and now, but took it well because she agreed with him, particularly about the whole anal thing.

He spoke of how he would never force himself on anyone, which made Leslie think about Greg. She wondered what Alice was going to do about the rapist, not knowing that Greg had been moments from possibly raping Rita in the laundry before Alice showed up.

“I don’t do ... commitment," Ty told her, "Not since ‘The 42’."

Leslie knew the terrorist event about which he was speaking. Everyone did. It had been the most tragic terrorist event on US soil since 9-11. She didn't know how much it had changed Ty's life until now.

“So, I’m sorry," he told her, speaking of their current relationship which was, obviously, little more than sex. He told her he couldn't commit, finishing, “I may be like this until the day I’m buried. Don’t know.”

"I like fucking you, Ty," Leslie told him. She rose up off of him, leaving his erection standing all alone, shimmering from a layer of pussy juice. She smiled, telling him, "Don't move."

She turned and departed the sauna, letting her ass sway a bit more than natural. A minute later, she returned with a bottle of water in one hand and her toothbrush in the other as it ran it back and forth across her teeth. She rinsed, spit, gargled, and spit again. Putting the bottle and brush aside, Leslie slipped back into Ty's lap, grasped and stroked his cock to full hardness again, then put it back inside her.

"I like fucking you, Ty," she repeated, smiling to him. "I like kissing you, too." She leaned in to see if he was willing. After he kissed her or didn't, Leslie said, "If you want to fuck other women ... fuck other women. I don't mind. I encourage it."

She studied him a moment, then slowly began moving to and fro in his lap, taking his length in and out of her. He felt incredible; her body had fully flushed the aphrodisiacal drugs from her system by now, so she knew that this was all about how they meshed together perfectly.

"As far as commitment goes," Leslie continued, "I won't ask you to do anything you're not ready for. But ... when you're ready ... I'm here."

She would continue to fuck him hard and fast until she drove him to orgasm again if that was what he wanted ... and ... if that wasn't enough for him, she'd do it again.
Alaina & Adeline:

Adeline followed Alaina on the tour, peeking at her wonderful curves just as often as the other woman was taking peeks at her. By the time they returned to the berthing area, she knew what had to take place.

“Need anything else?” Alaina asked with a tone that Adeline took as seductive.

Adeline stripped her top up and off and pushed her sweats down and off. Stepping out of her slip-on shoes as she moved forward, she took Alaina's hand, looked her up and down, and asked, "Scrub my back for me?"

She turned, leading the other woman to the Hygiene Room, hoping for a hot shower that would get hot in other ways, too.
By the time the natural red head said anything Alaina’s eyes were dilated, and her nether parts were aching.

"Scrub my back for me?" she was asked, and in no time flat she was naked as well. “I’ll scrub your back, your front, and anything else you’d like me to get clean, or dirty.” Alaina said, slipping her hand into Adeline's and following her into the showers.

Once hot water was spraying across their bodies Alaina help Adeline get clean in the dirtiest way possible. And her lips and tongue paid special attention to Adeline’s lower parts in particular, making sure that red haired beauty had something truly wonderful to moan and scream about.
At least she wasn’t trying to slice him open with a scalpel or piece of glass. Maybe tonight while he was sleeping? Was it paranoia? Probably. It was always paranoia until an invisible demon actually was trying to eat your face, he thought to himself with a laugh inside. Yeah, he had paranoia, or suspicion, but at least he wasn’t a full-blown basket case.

After he finally unleashed inside of her, he sighed. “You do realize I’m only human, right?” he asked before kissing her neck. “Thank you for understanding, some never can.”

Sliding his finger across a scar he’d previously told her ‘beer bottle’ he added ‘Jessica, less understanding.’ “I deployed a couple days later, got reassigned to a new facility while I was infield. She was the base CO’s daughter. Didn’t know.”

“we’d better grab showers, and I need to get back to my duty, and the Captain wanted to talk to me as well.”
Alaina and Adeline:

“I’ll scrub your back, your front, and anything else you’d like me to get clean, or dirty,” Alaina responded to Adeline's offer of a shower ... and, of course, sex.

It didn't require any more seduction for the two of them to be under the hot spray with their hands all over one another. Adeline hadn't been with another woman in 148 years including -- of course -- the 145 years she'd been in stasis; Adeline was the first of the bunker occupants to go into stasis, which Alaina had discovered while searching records.

Adeline was very much enjoying Alaina, caressing her hands up and down the brunette's body, front and back; the hacker was firm from breasts to buttocks. Alaina's hands were doing very much the same, causing Adeline great pleasure.

Just as she was slipping her hand down and between them, reaching for Alaina's womanhood, the shower stall curtain was thrown open: Marcia's glare -- part anger, part shock, part disappointment -- shifted between the two of them repeatedly but in silence.

Unaware of the current relationship between the other two women and with one hand still clutching the hacker's wondrous ass, the developer of suspended animation reached the other hand out toward the bunker's chef, asking, "Would you like to join us, Marcia?"

Adeline waggled her fingers eagerly toward the dressed woman. Marcia, for her part, looked the two naked forms up and down, then looked to Alaina; her expression and body language signaled her desire to do so, but her glance to Alaina said do you want to join?
With two fingers buried inside Adeline and her thumb working it’s own twisty magic Alaina was surprised when the curtain ripped open. She expected Greg to be there and was rather shocked to see Marcia standing there instead.

Well, my hand is caught in the coochie jar, she thought to herself as she took in the massive range of emotions Marcia displayed. And then Adeline invited her in.

Oh, she could see Marcia had the same want Alaina had, so she raised an eyebrow and said. “You can get naked faster than that, I’ve seen it.”

Straightening up she pulled Marcia into a kiss under the spray of water, completely soaking the Horticulturists clothing, but not caring. As she moved to kissing Adeline neck, she guided the two of them to kiss.

And then she was moving her hands along bodies, clothed and unclothed as Marcia’s clothes vanished. The wet slop of them hitting the floor outside the shower noticeable, and erotic.

With both her hands busy she wasn’t sure who she was touching with which hand, and didn’t care. As long as all three of them got off, she was as happy as a clam diver.
Alaina, Adeline, and Marcia:

“You can get naked faster than that," Alaina said to Marcia as the latter's yearning expression begged to join the erotic shower fun. "I’ve seen it.”

In no time at all, the still fully dressed bunker chef was under the spray of hot water with hands and lips all over her. She'd never had a threesome with two women before; Marcia's only threesome prior to the bunker had been with two men, and she'd disliked the way they'd manhandled her so much that she'd never done it again.

This night was incredible, though. The other two women stripped her of her soaked clothes, tossing them aside to gain more of her body to kiss and caress and grope and -- ultimately -- probe. She became the center of attention, with Alaina and Adeline driving her to one of her silent but phenomenal orgasms in only minutes.

"We're going to my room to finish this," Adeline demanded, turning off the water.

Their delicious bodies still dripping, the three of them padded carefully across the tile floor of the Hygiene Room and out the door into the berthing area's communal space. Immediately, Adeline caught sight of Alice standing just a few yards away before the linen closet. As the bunker leader eyes -- wide with surprise -- met her own, the French woman giggled, still leading the other two forward without shame or hesitation.

"You can join us if you'd like, Captain," she suggested with a wide smile. The trio were passing one feet away from Alice, and Adeline took the opportunity to snatch a towel from Alice's hands and two additional ones for the other streaking ladies of the bunker.

Beside her, Marcia -- embarrassed but determined to continue regardless of this turn of events -- said respectfully to Alice, "Thank you, Captain. It's cold."

Alice ogled the three naked bodies as they passed by her. They were each so different in hair, skin, curves; and yet each of them was so perfectly beautiful and sexy. Alice liked women and while she numbered her male to female lovers three-to-one, she'd been with enough members of her own gender to know the joy of which the three were about to partake.

But Alice was still wrestling with the fact that she had to lead these people -- dressed or naked -- so she resisted this insane temptation by responding not by chasing after the trio but by saying with humor, "No, you go ahead. I don't think the beds are built for three, let alone four."

"Have it your way," Adeline answered back, already at the door to her room as she urged the others inside. Standing in profile to the fourth woman, the beautiful redhead asked with obvious intention, "Maybe next time...?"

Alice had a hard time resisting the beauty, looking over Adeline's curves. She responded, "Maybe."

Heading inside the bedroom, Adeline found the chef pressing the hacker against the wall, one hand down between them playing in a wetness that wasn't a result of the shower. Looking around the tiny room, Adeline realized that the captain had been correct about the limited space. She smiled as an answer came quickly to her.

"Here, help me," she told the others, giving them quick instructions.

Less than two minutes later, the metal bed frame was on end in one corner of the room, her mattress and one stolen from the adjacent room next door were side by side on the floor, and the three lovely ladies were once again all over one another for the beginnings of a night Adeline would never forget.
Stopping in the doorway, Ty gave The Captain a Salute before he stepped inside. He already knew that he and the Captain were alone in this section. Unless someone had bypassed all the sensors and was able to hide from Bertha.

“So how bad is the situation with Senior Airman Young?” He asked. The locator isotopes gave him everyone location. Dr. Leslie was in the Kitchen with Rita, camera’s showed them talking and giggling. Adeline – he still hadn’t met her yet, Alaina, and Marcia were getting very acquainted. He in the Captain were in the office. Crewman Young was on level 6 mopping the floor.

“To my knowledge, only You, Airman Young, and Rita have not had.. sexual relations with anyone. Rita is a Virgin. You are everyone's superior, and I’m sure that’s difficult for you. Airman Young is quiet, reserved, and according to what I’ve over heard.. a pervert. Are formal complaints against him forthcoming? Or has he made any direct assault on anyone?”
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Tyrande and Alice in the Monitoring Station:

Alice looked up at the sound of boot falls, knowing from the familiar sound that it was her Head of Security. Just as Ty himself used the locator isotopes to locate the others, Alice had done the same. The primary target for her own search was, of course, Senior Airman Young, their resident rapist.

Upon entering and saluting -- a professional gesture Alice returned after standing -- Ty asked about Greg. She gestured his to close the door, after which she gestured the Lieutenant to the chair opposite her desk. Alice once again contemplated how she wanted to put this to Ty; she had no idea how many times over the last 36 hours or so that she'd mulled this over.

In the end, she simply blurted it out: "Airman Young sexually assaulted Adeline Legrand day before yesterday ... while she was still in stasis."

She gave Ty a moment to consider the basic statement, then gave specifics, telling him about the rape kit that Leslie had performed on the French woman, passing it off as a normal part of the post-cryo protocols. "Doctor Hawkins found DNA evidence of Airman Young's semen. There's no question about this." She hesitated a moment before saying, "Adeline doesn't know yet. We chose not to tell her until after I informed you and we decided how to deal with this."

Alice spun her chair, removed the bottle of whiskey and two of the glasses from the unlocked safe, spun back to set them before her, and poured two fingers worth for each of them. She pushed one glass across the desk, musing, "I won't tolerate rape, obviously. But I can't help but wonder whether it was the cryo drugs that led to this. I mean everyone was so horny after reanimation. Was this inevitable?"

It was true that each of them had awoken horny as hell, including Alice. Maybe post-stasis sex should be mandatory. Maybe the bunker's Commanding Officer, USSF Captain Walker, should make it so.

She lifted her tumbler in toast, drank down her large shot, and asked, "So ... how do we do this?"
Ty looked at the liquor for a moment, then touched the glass and slid it back to the Captain. “I think you need this more than I do,” he said.

“Option 1) we do nothing and don’t tell her she was raped. Option 2) We let her decide what happens to Mr. Young. Option 3) Execution. Option 4) Reinstatement into Cryo-stasis until we depart the facility. Then he’s left behind in either stasis or awake and alone.”

“Personal opinion. Termination or Cyo-stasis. I’m not comfortable keeping anyone with that low of a willpower around. If he’s done that once, he may do it again. Can we tell if there have been any other victims among the sleepers?”

Ty seriously hoped not. One victim was bad enough. More would mean he’d break the fuckers throat and let him drown in his own vomit. “Did you want to speak with him, before any decision is made?”
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Tyrande and Alice, regarding Greg:

“I think you need this more than I do,” Ty said, pushing the tumbler of whiskey back the Captain's direction.

He was probably right; Alice's Air Force units had dealt with rape accusations, as did all military organizations, but she'd never had to make the decision regarding a rapist's fate before. Ty gave the options as he saw them, and Alice considered each one of them carefully.

"We have to tell Adeline," she opined. "I don't think we can not tell her. It's her right to know." She thought more, then continued, "I kind of like the idea of letting Adeline decide what happens to Young. I always thought that victims and their families should have more say in the punishment of the offenders who'd changed their lives with acts of violence."

Alice eyed the second whiskey, tried to resist it, failed, and downed it. Ty gave his personal opinion, each of which ended with Greg no longer being an active part of their community. She liked that, too. He asked, "Can we tell if there have been any other victims among the sleepers?”

"Leslie ... Doctor Hawkins reassures me that none of the other pods have been disturbed," Alice answered. "I had Alaina work with Bertha to review the condition of each and every pod ... without telling either of them, human or AI, what the purpose of the review was."

“Did you want to speak with him?" Ty asked, "before any decision is made?”

That was a good question. If they had been on a military base, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations would have filed charges, the MPs -- now called the Security Forces -- would have taken Greg into custody, and he would have faced trial. Here, though, Alice and Ty together represented all of those things and had full responsibility.

"I think I should speak to Adeline first," Alice said after a long moment of wishing she hadn't put the bottle back in the safe. "Then ... you and I will sit Airman Young down in a secure location ... tell him what we know ... and you, Lieutenant ... you will secure him."

Alice stood from her seat, an indication that she was finished with this for now. She couldn't think about it anymore tonight. "Thank you, Lieutenant."

Once Ty had departed, Alice made her way to the Saloon. Before she'd wandered down to berthing and walked in on her lover and the French woman having sex in the shower, Marcia had put together a cold dinner for one and all; she'd left that which needed refrigeration in the fridge (duh) and the rest of it under cover on the counter.

Alice nibbled a bit to add food to the shots of whiskey already in her belly. Her thoughts about Greg seemed overwhelming, and she needed to rid her brain of them. She tossed her dirty dish and fork in the sink and headed for berthing, deciding that she needed to speak to Adeline immediately.

A minute later, she was cracking open the door of the French resident's bedroom. The three women lay spooning one another: Alaina in Marcia's arms, Marcia in Adeline's. The rumpled bedding covered most but certainly not all of their beautiful features. It was an erotic sight that sent a chill up Alice's spine and goose flesh up and down her arms and shoulders.

As she ogled legs and tits and perfect faces, Alice suddenly realized that Adeline was staring at her, her lips wide in a smile. Slowly, not wanting to wake the others, the French woman rose, found and donned a robe, and moved to stand with Alice outside the room. She intimately reached out a hand to the other woman, asking with a devilish smirk, "Is this our another time, Captain."

"We need to talk," Alice said, reaching out to take and remove Adeline's hand from her. She didn't immediately release it; just touching the woman's hand excited her. But they had something to discuss, and it was a priority. "Let's go to my office."

"I already knew that," Adeline responded after Alice had nervously explained what she, Leslie, and Ty knew. When the Captain's expression turned to surprise, she explained, "I knew something was wrong. I could feel it. Plus ... I know enough about the suspended animation process and protocols than all of you combined. Remember ... I'm the one who designed the Project. A vaginal exam, let alone a rape kit -- which is essentially what Leslie was doing -- is not protocol, as the Doctor explained."

They chatted on the topic for several minutes. Alice was surprised that Adeline was handling it so well. Adeline was surprised that Alice had expected her to be more emotional about it, distraught even. "It is a terrible thing ... rape. Please, don't think I'm not upset ... not disturbed. A man put his cock inside me while I was in stasis. It's like being fucked by a guy at a party after you passed out drunk.

"I don't remember it, I suffered no physical harm," she went on calmly. "I'm not going to let it destroy me."

"So ... what do you want to--"

"I want to castrate him," Adeline responded, knowing the question that was coming. She chuckled. "Not really."

She asked Alice what the options were and got a review of what the Captain and Lieutenant had discussed. She considered those choices a long moment. "We can't execute him. That's not an option."

"Why not?" Alice asked. "We can't keep him in the community."

"We can't execute him," Adeline repeated with stress. She could see that Alice needed clarification, but she wasn't ready to offer it yet. Standing, she said, "I'll explain why tomorrow at breakfast." She saw concern in Alice's face and raised a hand in a wait gesture. "No, I don't mean speaking about the rape or the response to it. It's ... beyond that ... more ... something everyone needs to know."

They agreed to pick up the conversation in the morning. Adeline saw the glasses on the desk, asked about them, and was served a serving of the whiskey. She stood, eying Alice seductively, and curled around the table. "So ... about that another time..."

Alice laughed, surprised at what the woman was suggesting after having just revealed to her that she'd been raped. As Adeline reached the Captain, she reached down to the woman's knee and turned her swivel chair until they were again facing each other.

"I've asked around," Adeline said as she untied her robe, revealing her still nude front side. "You haven't ... quenched your thirst yet ... like everyone else has." She wasn't including Rita, of course. Kneeling before Alice and sliding her hands up the woman's thighs toward her belt buckle, Adeline said, "I think it's time." She shook her head at Alice's look of concern, saying in anticipation, "Ignore that other thing. If I can forget it for now ... you can."


Forty minutes later, after she'd driven Alice to a pair of deeply satisfying orgasms, Adeline rose from her knees again, tied her robe, smiled down to the still panting Captain, and said, "Okay ... so ... now, you're ready to lead this place the way you need to."

All Alice could do was smile and nod her head. The French woman leaned over her third lover of the day, kissed her passionately, and whispered, "Thank you for letting me do this for you."

Alice smiled again, whispering back, "Thank you for doing this to me."

Adeline departed, Alice dressed, and they each went to their own quarters, Alice to be alone and Adeline to rejoin the others.
Walking over to the monitoring station Tyrande sat in Alaina’s usual spot. He knew his way round a computer, but didn’t know how to type the information requests he had. So he opted for the next best thing. “Bertha, is there a sub-communication or private communication system available? In case I wanted information but didn’t want anyone else to know the information? Like ear-pods?”

“Yes, lieutenant, the Captain has a pair already in use. Shall I link a pair for you as well?”

Interesting, The Captain was in private communication with Bertha? Did he want to know why? No, it wasn’t his business. Perhaps the Captain was tracking his movements?

“Yes, set for a different frequency. Does anybody else have a pair?”

“No Lieutenant, only you and the Captain.”

“Good, don’t let anyone have a pair without The Captain or I authorizing them. And use separate frequencies for myself and the Captain.”

“The Ear-pods are linked, lieutenant.”

“Thank you. Please inform the Captain of my ear pods at her next check in with you. And what’s the current location of Senior Airman Young?”

“Senior Airman Young is on level 3. Fabrication Bay.”

“Show me on this monitor,” Ty commanded wondering what the airman was doing.

Bent over one of the benches the Airman was working with several parts and a soldering iron. He was building something, obviously. But what the fuck was it, and why?

“Return this monitor to previous settings, lock my conversation from everyone except the Captain. Or my replacement.”

“Compliance.” Bertha replied as Alaina’s work returned to the screen.

Checking the taser he set it for maximum stun, then removed the power pack.

Walking out of the room he took a tour of the base, making sure he stopped and checked on Rita after he checked Mr. Young.
Day 9 -- Breakfast

It had been a hard night for Alice. Twice, Bertha had awoken her via the bud still in her ear with word that their resident rapist was up and on the move. The captain had monitored Greg's movements via Bertha's updates and what working cameras there were to watch over him. We REALLY need all of these cameras up and operating, she'd thought, reminding herself to speak to Alaina about making that a priority.

Greg's movements had turned out to be benign: one trip had been up one level to the Saloon -- several cameras, most of them working -- where he got into the leftovers from the previous night's cold dinner; the second was to the Hygiene Room -- no cameras, working or not -- presumably to take a piss. He only made one suspicious stop, this one outside the door of the young horticulturalist's bedroom, as if contemplating knocking on the door.

What Greg couldn't know, of course, was that Rita wasn't there. The bunker's token virgin had been so anxious about the creepy guy -- Rita's words, not Alice's -- that she hadn't wanted to sleep in her own bed. Alice had invited her to sleep in her room. What Alice had meant was that they would swap rooms for the night. Instead, and quicker than Alice could have imagined, the young beauty had dragged her own mattress and bedding to Alice's room and dropped it into the barely large enough space on the floor.

At 0440, Alice had given up on trying to get back to sleep and headed for the Monitoring Station instead. She spent an hour contemplating renovation that would ultimately result in her having an actual office. After than, she made her way to the Saloon, where -- one by one -- the rest of the community members arrived for a breakfast and their now-daily morning meeting at 0800.

"First, assignments," Alice began, looking at the computer tablet she held before her. She gave marching orders: Ty, Greg, and Rita, working on the crack; Alaina and Adeline working on the computer issues; and Rita on the next steps in the Hort Lab. When Leslie asked what she was doing today, Alice handed her a second tablet, saying, "Kirk MacFerguson. You're waking him up today."

Looking between the others as she spoke, she explained, "He's basically the male equivalent of Adeline. He's got 4 PhDs, Engineering certification in Mechanical, Electrical, Bio-Chemical, Genetics."

"I only have 3 PhDs," the French woman corrected, smiling playfully.

"And I don't have any," Alice told her, "and yet I'm the one standing here giving out orders, so..."

There was laughter and smart aleck comments, after which Alice continued, "MacFerguson will be dividing his time between working with Alaina and Adeline on the computer problems and Ty and Rita with the leak--"

"And me," Greg cut in, reminding Alice of his participation in the repairs.

"And you, Airman, sorry," Alice said with a nod of affirmation. She returned to speaking about the various issues they were facing, then hesitated before saying with a serious tone, "Before we leave here this morning ... Adeline has something she would like to say..."

(OOC: I don't have time to finish this post. I'll be back online in an hour or more.)
Alaina & Tyrande:
“Actually Captain, if it’s alright with you I’ll take Airman Young diving as Rita watches the lines, give them both more knowledge of what’s going on during a safe exercise, Just in case things get worse later.” It also gave Rita a chance to keep her clothing dry and less time for the Airman to have more fantasies about her.

“Is he as attractive as Adeline is?” Alaina asked with a wink towards the red head, as she started pulling up his file. “Oh my..oh my.. oh… MYYYY.”

Turning the Data Pad, she showed his image to the group. “I do like a man with a beard, cleans up nice too.”

“I’m assuming Mr. MacFerguson is being woken to help expedite repairs to the damaged systems, and not because he’s attractive, Ms. Carmichael.” he gently scolded her, though he was smiling as he said it.

“Will anyone be returned to stasis to counter-balance the strain on resources?” He asked looking at the Captain. This opportunity gave them a reason to refreeze Greg, if she choose to go that route without making a fuss about things. Maybe that was her plan anyways?
The Community, in the Saloon, with the fork ("Clue" humor, sorry):

Alice told her 7 fellow bunker occupants, "Before we leave here this morning ... Adeline has something she would like to say..."

“Actually Captain, if it’s alright with you," Ty cut in, "I’ll take Airman Young diving as Rita watches the lines..."

Alice listened to Ty rationale and -- as he'd likely hoped -- she quickly understood the true reason behind this alteration to the plan: young, naive Rita's protection and comfort. She responded without hesitation, "Do it. Good idea."

As the two of them were going over that, the remaining women were going over Kirk MacFerguson, or at least going over his image on the tablet. They swiped fingers back and forth over the screen, switching between Project file photo and one of his military images taken while he was serving in the British Army.

Alice tried to suppress her smile but failed. She wasn't tickled so much by the other females as she was about herself. She loved a British accent. Kirk was more Scottish than English, of course, which was only hotter. If Alice was ever going to get laid in this place, Kirk was the most likely cock to approach for the job thus far.

Even though the cryo drugs were almost entirely flushed from her system, Alice still had a yearning to get laid. She didn't know whether or not she wanted to wait until the next round of reanimations. She didn't know if she could wait until the next round.

She peeked over at Greg while he was teasing the women about their conversation. When he'd padded off the take his pee last night, he'd been wearing only a pair of tight fitting tightie-whities, and the shape and size of his cock had been more than obvious in a couple of the camera views.

She had this sudden and horrifically unacceptable thought of what she could do with that cock before they put Greg back into suspended animation, assuming that that was what she and Ty decided to do. The man was a misogynistic rapist pig ... but he was also well hung. Alice hadn't had a big cock inside her in quite some time, even ignoring the century and a half she'd been in stasis. Her last few male lovers had all been average sized; one had even been so small that she'd hardly been able to feel he was in her, resulting in her fingering herself to orgasm; she gave him credit, obviously.

She knew she shouldn't be thinking such things, yet Alice couldn't help it. She tried to shed it from her thoughts by turning back to the issues at hands. Ty had asked whether Kirk was to be reanimated for his engineering services or his Hollywood good looks. Alice laughed, answering, "Mr. MacFerguson will be working on whatever we need done ... and I don't mean you girls."

There was some more laughter, lewd comments, teasing, and such before Ty continued his inquiry, “Will anyone be returned to stasis to counter-balance the strain on resources?”

Again, Alice knew instantly what Ty was getting at. She didn't want to concern the others, though, and simply said, "No. Rita is going to get the Hort Lab up and running, and we'll be eating fresh vegies and such in less than...?"

She glanced to the horticulture expert, who didn't immediately realize that she was being asked a question. When she did, she responded, "Oh, um ... we'll have some sprouts in 4 days ... beans, alfalfa, and the like. It'll be another month before anything else is ready ... lettuce and such. Six months and Leslie will have--"

"So, we're not going to starve, right?" Alice cut in, looking between Rita and Leslie. They each shook their heads. Alice looked back to Ty, giving him a knowing look. In contrast to what they each knew was ahead of them, she said, "So, no ... I don't think any returns to reanimation are necessary."

Then, looking to the French woman, Alice prodded, "Adeline...?"

(OOC: This is part 1 of 2. Part 2 is coming as soon as I get some coffeeeeeeee...)
The woman who knew more about the Community's circumstances than any of the others stood, circled around to a point where she could easily be seen by one and all, and tapped at a computer tablet on which she'd created a bit of a slide show for them.

"Much of what I am to say you already know," she began, her Parisian accent really showing through her words. Glancing at Alice, who'd said this about herself already, Adeline said, "I couldn't sleep this morning after having had a wonderful night's rest..."

She glanced at her lovers, Alaina and Marcia, and did her best to suppress her smile as she continued, "...and went to the Monitoring Station to continue the work Alaina and I had been doing yesterday. With my access and Alaina's skills at the keyboard, we were able to hack another satellite. Overnight, Bertha was trying to ... forcer son entrée..."

Adeline looked to Alaina for help, asking, "Brute force, no...?" She got a nod, then continued, "Bertha managed to get through some firewalls, and..."

She hesitated, looking down at the tablet's screen, reluctant to tell the others what she'd learned. She looked up, glancing between the others but not really looking any of them directly in the eye. Finally, though, she told them bluntly, "The human race is no more. Fini ... finished."

Adeline looked to the screen again, continuing, "The information I found this morning ... the Armageddon Virus ... estimates are that it has killed ... did kill ... more than 97% of world population. America's CDC reported the possibility of people with immunity to the virus -- they literally call the Immunes -- but I could find no hard data to support that supposition.

"About us," she continued, hesitating again to review the notes on the tablet. "We seem ... I don't know how else to put this: we seem to have been oubliée ... forgotten. The Deep Space Travel Research Project was, of course, classified." She looked between Alice, Ty, and Greg as she clarified, "That is the Project of which you three were members."

Looking between Rita and Alaina, Adeline said, "You two were not part of the Project. You were ... sélectionné ... selected to be here ... to be part of..."

Adeline paused again; her eyes glistened, and tears were threatening to escape and run down her cheeks. She blinked them away, then said with a soft tone, "Before I go on ... I wish to make a confession. I knew of the Armageddon Virus. I was one of the first to be informed of its escape into the public.

"This is not generally known by the common person, but ... the H3N7 virus -- what you know of as the Armageddon Virus -- was engineered in a military lab, stolen by a disgruntled biologist, and released upon the world in 32 locations almost simultaneously. This is how it spread so quickly across the globe, leaving virtually no corner of it untouched.

"My work on the Project put me in close contact with ... Personnes au courant ... people in the know," Adeline continued. "They knew that this new virus was going to be a killer, so ... they altered the purpose of the Project."

Again, she glanced at the 3 USSF members. "You were already in stasis. There was no reason to bring you out ... return you to a world that was likely going to die. You were left in stasis ... and moved here, along with others in suspended animation across the United States ... Europe."

Looking again to Alaina and Rita, Adeline continued, "You two -- as well as most of the others currently in stasis -- are here for a different reason. You were selected as part of the Garden of Eden project. You know most of this already, but I'll repeat it. You have near perfect DNA. No or few markers for major diseases, ailments, abnormalities, etcetera."

She smiled at the pair, clarifying, "You are the future of the human race." Adeline looked between the others as she continued, "They are not the only ones, of course. Each of you -- Marcia, Leslie, Kirk, and most of the others still in stasis -- you were all selected in one way or another.

"You each are special in your own way," she said with obvious approval. "You are smart. You are well educated. You have experience. There are lots of people in the world who are smart and well educated and know how to do things. But they are not special ... they are not perfect. You are perfect ... or nearly so."

Adeline looked to Alice, who stepped forward again to take over the conversation. "Essentially, what Adeline is saying is--"

But Rita cut in, once again saying what she'd said the first day the whole group had sat here in the Saloon together: "We're here to make babies and repopulate the planet."

Alice and Adeline looked to each other, looked to the others, and almost simultaneously said, "Yes."

"Is the Armageddon Virus still out there?" the Doctor asked. "If we can't stay here ... if we have to go outside--"

"We don't know," Alice said. "We don't know if the virus is still out there. The good news is..."

When she hesitated, Adeline finished the thought: "The good news is ... there might not be anyone left to infect us."

"That's the good news?" Rita asked.

The Community engaged in conversation about all that had been said for a couple of minutes, after which Rita -- the meek, quiet member of the group -- interrupted with a loud voice, "Wait!" When silence returned, she looked directly at Adeline and asked with an accusatory tone, "You knew this was coming...? The end of the human race? You knew it was going to happen ... and you let it."

Adeline tried to defend herself, saying, "Well, it's not like I could have--"

"But you let them select us," Rita continued, getting emotional. "You let them take us from our families ... from our friends ... from our lives--"

"And if I hadn't," Adeline cut in, correcting, "If they hadn't ... you'd be dead now."

Rita went silent, realizing that she'd been putting blame on the wrong person.

Adeline continued with a soft tone, "I knew of the Virus ... I knew of the Project ... I knew of the Garden of Eden Program ... but I didn't know you." She glanced between each of them, clarifying, "I didn't pick any one of you individually. But--" She smiled. "But I'm glad you were each chosen."

"Okay, so..." Alice took over again, fearing that the talk might devolve into an argument about who bore the blame for their circumstances.

No one here was to blame, of course: Adeline had known that the Armageddon Pandemic was coming, but it wasn't like she'd caused it or could have stopped it; Leslie had been a doctor overseeing putting everyone into suspended animation but -- because she'd been isolated here -- she hadn't known the truth of the virus; Marcia, before entering stasis, had been an Overseer, but even she hadn't known about the coordination of the Project and the Program to create the current situation.

"We have work to do," Alice went on, "so ... if no one has anything more, let's get to it."
Tyrande and Alaina:
Siting where he was Ty’s jaw clenched. He was used to the military fucking over soldiers, but at least they all signed on the dotted line and volunteered for it. He himself had nothing left anyways, his parents died while he was in service, Michelle in high School. He’d never been close o any siblings, his extended family could have lived next door to him and he wouldn’t have known.

But the girls.. his was basically genetic rape. Picking and choosing them to be brood mares for humanity? That was .. disgusting.

Alaina looked at Alice, “Sorry, but you want me to have kids? I don’t want kids. Maybe someday when me and whatever guy is my husband sip and have a fucking latte at Starbucks and talk about I. But telling me I got .....fucking kidnapped because of my computer skills and lucky genetic lottery?”

“And what about lesbians in our group? Are there any true lesbians? Did they get excluded from suitability because they don’t like dick?” Alaina was pissed. “Like holy fuck did nobody bother asking anyone? I for sure never filled out a form stating in the event of an apocalypse I’d be happy to pump out kids every year. For the rest of my life!!!”

Looking at Adeline and then Alice she snapped. “I’ll be in my jail cell for the rest of the day. I’ll fucking hurt anyone that tries coming in.” Stopping at he door she looked back at Alice. "And for the record, I'd rather have died in cryo sleep, or in my own bed 144 years ago, then be stuck in a concrete tomb with men that were selected to impregnate me."
Alice responding to Alaina:

“Sorry, but you want me to have kids?" Alaina objected to the plan laid out by the Administrators of the Project/Program duet. "I don’t want kids."

Alice listened in silence to the hacker, knowing that Alaina was entirely in her right to be upset.

“And what about lesbians in our group? Are there any true lesbians?"

Marcia and Adeline inconspicuously locked eyes for a brief moment. They'd spent the evening making passionate love to and with Alaina, but neither of them was a true lesbian. Marcia did prefer women over men, but at the same time she experienced wondrous orgasms via big cock as well; Adeline for her part preferred her women two or more at a time, but -- like Marcia -- partook of penetration when the right cock presented itself.

Alice started, "I don't really think that--"

“I’ll be in my jail cell for the rest of the day," Alaina cut in, standing and heading for the door. "I’ll fucking hurt anyone that tries coming in.”

She stopped, looking directly at Alice, saying she would have preferred to die than to be a brood mare.

After she was gone, Alice looked to the others -- particularly to the females -- and said firmly, "I want everyone to know that no one ... no one ... will be forced to ... well, breed might be the right word. I know that that's what the people running this Garden of Eden Program wanted or thought might happen, but I assure you ... no one is required to participate against their will."

Greg mumbled something Alice didn't hear, and when she asked him to repeat it, he said, "I'll participate." His lips spread in a devilish grin as he looked to each of the other women one after another, offering, "If anyone wants to get pregnant--"

"Airman!" Alice snapped. He went quiet and looked back to her, his grin still there. She growled, "Wipe that smile off your face ... or I'll wipe it off for you."
(Spoiler.. violence)


“Senior Airman Young. Outside. Now!” Ty barked already up and moving towards the man.

Without hesitation he grabbed the junior officer’s arm and physically hauled him away.

“Hey, I was just offering my services to the young ladies...” he said, He’d really like to shove his cock inside Alaina but she’d already said no. But that Rita, she was a sweet looking peach. Ripe for the picking.

“Hey Rita!!” He called out as Ty forced him out of the room, ending whatever crude, lewd, foul comment he’d been about to make.

In the hallway, Tyrande shifted his grip to the Airman’s neck. His grip was hard and hurt like fuck as he hauled the airman down the hall, then down the stairs to the lower levels.

“Leggo of me!” The man demanded. ”You have no right. I did nothing wrong. I’ll bring you up on charges!!”

“AIRMAN YOUNG!” Tyrande said in a hard.. scary calm voice.

“Lieutenant Tyrande!” Greg mocked, with a sneer. “Assaulting a junior office, abuse of authority, Aggressive and unnecessary force. By morning I’ll have a list of charges against…”

His jaw hurt, and he was laying on the floor, blinking as the world kept moving in completely irrational ways. Why was the floor sideways?

He could float? He pondered for a second as Tyrande lifted him up one handed and smashed him against the wall with enough force to knock the wind out of the Airman.

Inhaling spasmodically he tried to fill his lungs with air. “..Kinda name.. Tyrande.. commie.. spy..”

Leaning in Tyrande whispered. “Its Greek. Lord of the Earth. Or Earth Tyrant,” he replied before head butting the airman.

“You really should be more careful,” Tyrande commented as he tapped he airman in the knees with his steel toed boots. The stairs are still wet, maybe you should have done a better job mopping them.”

Spitting blood through his teeth, he sprayed Ty’s face and chest, as he said, “Fuck you, faggot.”

Wobbling on the floor he looked at Ty’s boots. Why were they sideways, he wondered. His left ear had a hollowing ring to it. Like everything was really really far away. And then he was floating again. Wheeee.

Focusing on Ty’s face he gave him a bloody smile and asked. “Hey do you think the Doc has a pretty pussy? Nice and juicy I bet! I can’t wait until it’s my turn. Chocolate cream pie..”

From an outsiders viewpoint Ty was calm, even with the comments the Airman was making he was calm. But he gave the man a thrashing. Nothing hard enough to break a bone, or cause internal bleeding, but it looked like Airman young had walked into a black biker bar and yelled something truly vile.

Once the Airman stopped talking Ty stepped back and waited.
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Alice, Tyrande, and Greg:

Alice knew there was going to violence as soon as Ty stood and headed for Greg; the fury had been building up inside her new Head of Security regarding the Airman even before the news of Adeline's rape was shared with him. As the pair headed out of the Saloon -- Ty forcing Greg out, of course -- Alice looked to the others and ordered, "Everyone remain here until you are given other orders. I, um ... I need to see to this."

Before leaving, though, Alice glanced to Rita. The young innocent was visibly trembling. She looked to Leslie, who'd noticed it following Greg's outburst. The Doctor gestured to the Captain, indicating that she'd see to the girl.

As she followed behind the two men, far enough behind that she couldn't see but could most definitely hear the action, Alice began to worry that Ty might just kill the other man. She contemplated hurrying to catch up, to prevent any permanent solution to their Greg problem. And yet, Alice's pace seemed to slow just a bit. Was it a conscious decision to keep her distance? She didn't want to think so. She was the bunker's leader, and she was supposed to maintain law and order. But Greg ... oh, fuck ... what do you do about a man like that in a situation like this?

The ruckus continued ahead of her as she descended the stairs, including Greg calling out, “Fuck you, faggot.”

Alice slowed almost to a stop at that one. She'd always been very sensitive to homophobic language. It wasn't just because she herself liked the ladies at times. So many times in her life, she'd seen homophobes do horrible damage -- physically, emotionally, both -- and nearly every time she'd wished someone would just pull out a gun and shoot the offending in the face ... or in their balls and then their face.

She couldn't let Ty kill Greg, though -- not like this. She picked up the pace again, arriving on the scene just as the persistent and bloodied Airman was saying, "Hey do you think the Doc has a pretty pussy? Nice and juicy I bet! I can’t wait until it’s my turn. Chocolate cream pie...”

Alice had been about to call the Lieutenant off but instead hesitated. Everyone knew Ty and Leslie were lovers; it was probably why Greg picked that particular female to talk lewdly about. Suddenly, Alice hoped that Ty would beat the man to death, and she stood there in silence behind her Head of Security as he continued to pop Greg again and again until finally the man went silent.

Ironically, the Airman was still smiling as he looked past Ty to Alice; he was trying to chuckle, but the blood in his mouth only turned the sound in a gurgle. This couldn't continue, she knew, and luckily Ty took a step back and simply hovered over the man. Alice stepped forward until she was standing side by side with him, then after a moment, said, "Lieutenant, please go to the Armory and retrieve a set of shackles for the Airman. We'll find a nice pipe someplace on the Generator Level to secure him to until we decide what to do with him."

She looked to Ty and thought she saw hesitation in his expression. Was he concerned that leaving Alice alone with Greg might be a danger to her? Was he concerned that leaving Alice alone with Greg might be a danger to him? Or was he contemplating continuing the beating until there was no danger to either of them or to the women who were in the levels above?

"That's an order, Lieutenant," Alice stressed. She pulled the taser she'd only begun carrying this morning from her hip and let it hang casually at her side as she reassured Ty, "Airman Young and I will be fine until you return."

Once Ty was gone, Alice studied Greg for a long moment, contemplating the various resolutions to the problem. She told him, "If I hadn't stepped in, you'd be dead now."

Greg tried to speak but coughed on the blood in his mouth; he spat it out on the floor, nearly dirtying the Captain's boots. Alice wondered whether or not he had internal bleeding. She hoped not, as that would be a terrible waste of Leslie's efforts, saving the man only to have him executed or put back into stasis.

"We know you raped Adeline when she was still in stasis," she said calmly. She smiled; it was so satisfying to finally make the accusation. Greg's response was to widen his smile and gurgle some more, spitting more red stuff onto the deck. She informed him, "We're going to let Adeline make the decision about what's to be done with you herself. I suspect she'll put you back into stasis. She doesn't seem like the execution type. However ... if she is ... I'm sure that the Lieutenant will be happy to carry out the sentence.

Alice's own smile widened as she finished, "Did you get that feeling from him. I did."
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Leslie, Rita, Adeline, and Marcia in the Saloon:

After Alice was gone, the 4 women sat there in silence for a long moment, just glancing between themselves. Leslie's attention was primarily on Rita; the young thing had stopped trembling, but she was still anxious about what Greg had said.

"What do you thinks happening?" Rita asked.

"That asshole is getting his ass kicked," Leslie growled, adding, "Hopefully."

"I'm sure that the Captain will handle this appropriately," Adeline said. Having learned that she'd been raped by the man while in stasis, she had her own ideas of what appropriate was. She stood, saying, "I'll be in the Monitoring Station ... in case the Captain comes looking for me."

"I need to get to the Horticulture Lab," Rita said softly. She leaned in to hug Leslie, whispering, "Thank you."

The Doctor watched the young thing depart, then stood and told the remaining two, "I have work in the Infirmary."

"We have that test we need to do," Adeline said, standing as well. Leslie gave her a curious look, but Adeline prevented her from contradicting her by quickly taking her by the elbow and turning her for the door, whispering, "Go with it."

"I'll take care of this," Marcia called to the departing women, looking around at the dirty dishes and leftovers. Sometimes she wondered whether she'd made a mistake volunteering to be the Community's cook. She'd done it to keep the others from making inquiries about her purpose for being reanimated. She'd been a Project Overseer prior to going into stasis, and -- for unknown reasons -- the AI had determined that she should be awoken along with the others. Standing and stacking plates, she murmured to herself, "No, it's okay. I got this."
Ty stepped back away from Airman Young, wondering if he should knock him out before he left, but considering the way the man was moving he was in sufficient pain that any attempt at rapid movement would be out of the question.

Snapping a salute to the Captain he took the stairs two and three at a time, virtually launching himself upwards and then down the hall to the weapons locker. Thankfully the Captain hadn’t declared the cuffs as weapons.. he show her latter that they were. Instead they were on a shelf beside the locked cabinet. Grabbing the hinged and chain cuffs, he pocketed a set of keys as well.

Going down was so much faster, than up as he basically swung himself from one level to the next, skipping intervening steps in a combat assault launch. Without a great deal of practice what he was doing could – and usually did – result in shin splints, broken ankles, wrenched knees, or bad landing that sent shock waves of pain straight up the spine.

Walking down the from the last level to the one the Captain and the idiot were on, he made sure he made enough noise to give the Captain enough time to finish whatever she was doing, and to not startle her.

Moving to Young he put the hinged cuffs on him from behind, unlike chain cuffs these couldn’t be picked or twisted. The were often used for Maximum security prisoners. Or anyone on a suicide watch.

“Any problems, Captain?” Ty asked looking over Airman Young.
Tyrande, Alice, and Greg; then others:

Alice stood tall over Greg as Ty returned. He asked, “Any problems, Captain?”

"None, Lieutenant," she answered simply. She turned for the stairwell, saying, "Come with me."

Alice led the pair downward one more level until they were at the Level 6 Generator Systems Room. She'd been thinking about where to keep Greg while she waited for Ty to return -- which turned out to be far quicker than she'd imagined, considering he'd ascended, then descended 4 levels. From their time working on the generator days earlier, she'd remembered a corner of the Room that had pipes and conduits running vertically away from any of the vital equipment.

"Secure him here, Lieutenant," she said when they arrived. She gestured to the thick, steel pipe that was the perfect diameter for one end of the restraints. Once Greg was in place, Alice told Ty, "I have to go back upstairs and deal with another issue."

She looked to Greg and smirked a bit, telling Ty, "I'll leave you to ... finish with the Airman, Lieutenant ... you know ... in case there is anything more to be said."

Alice departed, smiling to herself out of sight of the two men. She hoped that Ty did have more to say -- with his fists -- but that he wouldn't damage the man too greatly.

Her first stop was in the Level 1 Infirmary, where she found Leslie working on whatever. The Doctor seemed calm, even happy maybe; Alice couldn't know that another Fentanyl patch had been applied in the bathroom where the AI's cameras were not present.

"If we wanted Greg's DNA for the Garden of Eden Program," Alice asked, "how do we go about that?"

Leslie looked at the Captain with a curious look, then clarified, "You mean you want his sperm."

"If we are all that is left of the human race, the 8 of us already reanimated and the 28 yet to be," Alice asked, "don't we need it...? His sperm? I mean, it takes hundreds of individuals to provide a viable DNA base for creating a healthy population, right?"

"Thousands," Leslie corrected. She understood where Alice was going, though, and added, "But yes, if we wanted to add more diversity to the gene pool ... yes, we would want his DNA ... his sperm. But...?"

When Leslie didn't finish her question, Alice asked, "What does getting his sperm entail?"

Leslie couldn't help but laugh. Before she really considered how inappropriate her suggestion was, she answered, "Have Rita do a naked striptease in front of him while his cock is inside a test tube."

Alice glared a moment, leading Leslie to more seriously ask, "I assume he's secured somewhere downstairs...?" Alice nodded. "Then ... we have someone ... I don't know how else to say this ... but someone has to give him a hand job until he ejaculates into a vial ... then we store the vial in nitrogen until we need it later." She gestured toward a corner, adding, "We have all the equipment right there, of course."

They talked more about DNA, genetic diversity, and what the Project Administrators had and hadn't provided them. Then, finished here, Alice thanked the Doctor, spun, and headed off for her next meeting.

Alice in the Monitoring Station with Adeline:

"Why weren't we provided with a vast cache of DNA to ensure the continuation of the human race?" Alice asked bluntly as she entered the room and made eye contact with the woman who'd played such a big part of the merging of the Project and the Program. "I mean, if they knew that the human race was on the verge of collapse ... that the human race was facing near extinction ... why--"

"Why didn't they provide us with nitrogen cooled containers filled with semen, eggs ... maybe even already-fertilized embryos?" Adeline cut in. Seeing that she'd correctly anticipated Alice question, she answered, "They had intended to do so. Two different shipments had been planned, one from a fertility clinic in New York City, another from Copenhagen."

"Why Copenhagen?" Alice asked before realizing that it didn't really matter.

"The Richardson International Bunker Complex is on Danish soil," Adeline reminded her. "This place was built by the Americans on lease, but--"

"Yeah, I get it," Alice interrupted, "International. What about--?"

"The shipments never made it here," Adeline continued. "The plane from America was supposed to land in Reykjavik and transfer its cargo to a helicopter for delivery here. It never made it. I don't know why. The plane from Copenhagen was a long-distance sea plane. It landed at the village on the coast through which supplies for the bunker were delivered, but again ... the cargo didn't reach the bunker."

"Could it still..." Alice began to ask before remembering the current circumstances: 144 years had passed, and sea levels had risen so high that any Greenland located coastal village was no more. She mused, more to herself than to Adeline, "So ... there's just the 36 of us left."

"35 after you kill the Airman," Adeline said bluntly. She caught Alice's expression and asked, "Isn't that the next question you had for me ... what to do about the man who raped me?"

"Yes, it was," Alice confirmed.

"He can't remain part of the Community," Adeline said without question. "We could put him back into stasis, but ... what about when -- if -- we ever leave here? What do we do with him then?"

Alice didn't respond. Adeline continued, "There are -- or were -- 7 countries in the world for which the penalty for rape was execution: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, China, the United Arab Emirates, and Iran. We aren't in one of those countries ... however ... I think if you asked the other women in the bunker what--"

"They'd vote for Young's execution," Alice finished the other woman's point. She said softly, "Yeah ... probably."

The two of them discussed the situation further, including Alice bringing up what she'd discussed about Greg's DNA/sperm earlier. Again, Alice said, "I have another meeting. We'll talk more later."

Alice with Alaina in the latter's quarters:

One Level 4, after knocking on Alaina's locked door and getting anything other than an invitation to enter, Alice tapped her earpiece and said, "Bertha, unlocked the door to Miss Carmichael's berthing quarters, please."

Following the click, Alice opened the door -- prepared for flying objects -- and entered, leaving the door opened behind her. She got right to the issue: "You are not going to be required to conceive children, Alaina. You can forget that bullshit from the Program."

Considering her words, Alice added, "But each of us was reanimated for a purpose ... and yours is to get this place up and running properly and efficiently. I need you in the Monitoring Station working with Adeline and Bertha to both fix what needs fixing ... and to get us information ... communications with the outside world ... or just some more information about what's happened out there."

She hesitated a moment, then added, "If you aren't willing to do this for me ... for us ... your cryo pod on Level 9 is still high and dry."

Alice spoke the threat with a serious tone. She didn't mean it, of course; she would never put Alaina back in stasis for pitching a hissy fit. But it was true: they needed her at the keyboards figuring out how to keep this place alive until they learned whether or not it was safe to go outside again, now or in the near future.
“Sweet, would that be pod Alpha Delta 4?” Alaina snapped. “I listened to you because I respected you. But every day I’m awake that respect drops. To many lies. To much Bullshit. Every firewall I breach has another block. If it’ not outright lies it’s secrets.”

“You want my help, then you fucking earn it. So you spill your guts right here and now, or you can strap my ass into a fucking coffin. Cause I’m done being used.”
With Airman Young attached to the piping Ty leaned against equipment until the captain left. Then he smiled. “Mr. Young, pending further directives you are stripped of rank and rights, you are a prisoner. You are entitled to one meal per day. That is all.”

Stepping close he took Young’s left hand, griping the middle finger without any, joy or pleasure. He waggled the man’s hand, making sure it was loose, then jerked downwards, snapping Airman Young’s middle finger. The man screamed until Ty put his hand over his mouth, stifling his breath and noise. “Did you know that when a doctor asks you about pain.. gimme a 1 to10 on the scale.. a broken finger is only a seven? A dislocated shoulder is an eight. The real pain comes when you’re dealing with nerve damage to the spine, heart attacks. Burning.”

“Owwie, it hurts.. I’s a ten.. it hurts so bad… Whine whine.” Slapping Young on the face Ty grabbed his jaw and made him look Ty in the eyes. “Pain ten is when it hurts so bad you vomit. Or pass out. The pain is so bad your brain shuts off, cause it just can’t deal with it anymore.”

“I’ve been there. I’ve inflicted that pain on people that deserved it. Their actions begged for me to do what I was ordered to do. Just as your actions have brought us to this. I won’ kill you unless you force me, or I’m ordered to do it. But there are a lot of hings a person can have done to them that will hurt like hell, but won’t kill you.”

“I don’t talk about my missions, partly out of respect for the dead. Partly out of command from my superiors. But those generals are long dead, those Full Birds have no authority over me anymore.”

“But just so you understand what I’m willing to do.. I’m the survivor of Operation: Snowball.”

Young’s eyes widened, and he pissed himself. Operation Snowball was a rumor. A Myth. A voodoo monster to scare recruits. But Young had heard enough, and did enough dirty things that he knew the Operation was real. Very real.

Operation Snowball: The team going in had a snowballs chance in hell of getting out. There was no extraction team set up. It was a one way trip. Only Volunteers.

They HALO on a new moon. All them had over two hundred jumps on record. All them were hand to hand experts. And one of them new each other. There goal: Kill everyone in the target zone. Silenced pistols and knives only. It was like Playing Halo CE on legendary with every skull that hurt you turned on. If one person sounded the alarm everyone died.

They’d been on ground for 20 minutes when a dog barked and the shit hit the fan.

Forty minutes later Tyrande Collins walked out of the drop zone. He’d been stabbed five times, shot six, nearly garroted twice, two broken ribs, and a dislocated shoulder. But he was alive.

He hiked five miles through the Kandahar region to get to a town, and call for an evac. Officially the Operation never happened. Unofficially, the boogeymen story was born.

When someone finally made a food deliver to the target location.. the bodies were everywhere. A slaughter house. Like jack the ripper was a werewolf / vampire and went on a rabid blood rage frenzy with a chainsaw. Hardened combat troops vomited at the sight of the carnage. Eventually it was determined to just burn I. Burying the dead would have been a waste of time and resources. Napalm was used.

Pulling a key from his pocket Ty looked at Young and shrugged. “I’m undecided, should I make you swallow this, so you have a micro chance of getting loose? The Options are vomiting it up, or waiting for it to come out the dark side of the moon in a few days. Or I could shove it up your ass, and make you dig for it.”

But I decided on a better option. You suck me off, and swallow all that tasty cum. Beg for more cock, and admit how much of a nasty cum whore ‘faggot’ you are. And I’ll hand you the key and let you go free.”

“No?” Ty asked with a shrug. “Ok.”

Grabbing Young’s left pinkie he snapped it. Then he added the other cuffs to Greg’s hands, making sure that the little shit wasn’t going anywhere fast.

Once he reached the next level up he paused. “Bertha.. inform me if Mr. Young moves more than five feet from his current location.”

“Compliance,” Bertha replied.

Returning to the saloon he went into the kitchen and started washing dishes, cleaning some of Mr’ Young’s blood from his hands in the process. Looking at Marcia he raised an eyebrow and sai. “Mr. Young has been placed under arrest, he’s confined, and he.. resisted on the stairs. He fell. A lot.”
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