"The Forgotten": A post-apocalyptic tale

Tyrande and Rita:
Smiling Ty leaned in and licked her curls, just the tip of his tongue moving those moist threads of hair enough that she knew what he was doing. And then he went to work, his lips and tongue gently teasing her skin as he kissed her skin and lightly stroked her inner thighs with his tongue.

His fingers lightly stroking her legs and ass as he maneuvered into a more comfortable position. Oh, he knew how to tease better than most, Leslie knew that from their encounters. Ever closer he moved to that aching bundle of nerves. Closer and closer in a maddeningly slow pattern, and then he moved away.

Back and forth, across and down. So damned close. But never quite making contact.

Until he did. Just when he should have moved away again, he licked her. His tongue stroking her clit with a gentle pressure that was surprising in its delicate touch. But insistent in it’s pressure. And then he was breathing warm air onto her from the depths of his lungs. Another lick followed by cool breeze blown through his pursed lips. They weren’t hard exhales; these were slow controlled sensations meant to entice and arouse.

Caressing her firm ass cheeks, he slid his tongue inside her, tasting her as his tongue traced the edges of her entrance. Slow and steady. Just like beating Greg. Slow, calm, frustratingly patient. He was in no rush. There were no parents with eyes on clocks. No husbands coming home from leave. No gunman trying to kill him. So, he took his time. Showing her what it should always be like, even as he gave her the best experience he could.
Tyrande and Rita:

Rita was trembling deep to the core from the teasing of Ty's tongue upon her, both fearing what was coming and wishing it would arrive immediately. Over the past handful of days -- less? -- she'd fantasized about this more times than she could imagine. Oh, maybe not the mouth on the pussy aspect, which she expected was only moments away, but the being with Ty in its entirety.

As his lips and tongue and fingers did their work, Rita thought of Leslie for a moment. She'd already partaken of Ty, several times she was certain. Should she be feeling guilt over this? Was she stealing another woman's man? Did she care? Not right now; certainly not right now.

She drew a sudden and dramatic breath as Ty's tongue finally found her clit, sliding up over the sensitive bit of flesh and sending a shot of pleasure through her entire being. Her hands grasped the man's skull so tightly that she feared for a moment that she was going to pop his head like a zit.

But he continued working his tongue over her little button of joy and onto, then between her swollen, wet labia. Rita's knees threatened to give way, and she fought to keep them stiff. Carefully, she parted her feet a bit more, desperately wanting the man to have enough room to continue the amazing things he was doing down there.

Without even realizing that she was doing it, Rita began writhing down yonder, rocking her pussy up and down opposite of his tongue's actions while beginning to cry softly on the exhalations of the deep, sharp breaths swelling her bosom.

She was in heaven...
Sipping at her drink Alaina looked at the floor. “My father was an alcoholic. He worked in an office. Real estate. He’d come home drunk. And beat my mother. If she was lucky it ended there.”

“I was far to young when I witnessed what happened between men and women.” Downing the whiskey in a burning swallow she clenched the glass. “She filed for divorce. The courts ruled that since she didn’t have a job we’d live with dear ol’e dad.”

“My older sister became the new.. piece. I managed to escape before I did.” Taking a deep breathe Alaina turned back to the keyboard and the monitors. “The digital world became my home. Ones and zero’s.”

After hearing about Polly Wolly. Also called Pollywog, since no one really knew her real name or any information. Alaina looked at the two ladies. “I need to get back to work. Thank you for stopping by though. I’ll look into the message, though it’s at least a hundred plus years old. We have time to figure it out.”
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Tyrande and Rita:
He never stopped when she grabbed his head, taking it as a sign of what he was doing right. Moving one hand he slid a finger along the folds of her pussy, he wasn’t going to break her hymen with anything other than his cock. But he was going to make her scream in pleasure.

As she ground against his face, her body doing the things it needed to do, her lapped at her clit like it was the best ice cream in the universe. And he was the fat kid eating all the ice cream.
Alaina, Marcia, and Adeline:

Alaina talked about her younger years, and the other two women listened in silence. Neither of them had faced those atrocities during their children, thankfully, but each of them had known girls/women who had.

“The digital world became my home," Alaina said. "Ones and zeros.”

"Sports became mine," Marcia said. "Volleyball, basketball ... track & field. I lettered in all of them." She smiled with pride. "A hundred and fifty years ago, my name went up on the wall of the gym again and again. Probably still there ... assuming the gym is, I mean."

Marcia wondered what the world out there was like now in the post-apocalypse year of 2185. When she went into stasis, the Armageddon Pandemic was rapidly consuming the world, but the true mayhem of the collapse of humanity hadn't yet begun. She didn't personally know how bad it had gotten.

"I became a cop after that," Marcia continued, musing as much to herself as she was talking to the other two. "Narcotics, Homicide ... undercover. Got stabbed, got a medal." She finished her drink. With a more solemn tone, she murmured, "Then ... the Project found me."

She could have gone on more about how she'd been recruited to the Project's Security Force, but Alaina told them, “I need to get back to work."

"Oh, sure," Adeline said as she stood. Beside her, the chef/cook/dish cleaner gathered the three empty tumblers. To Alaina, she said, "Good luck with that."

The pair headed out, descending to the Saloon where -- without the boss seeing them -- Marcia took the empty drink glasses to the kitchen to wash them while Adeline joined Alice at her table. The two chatted, joined by the third a few minutes later and by Leslie a few minutes after that.

"Are you excited about the new guy we're waking up tomorrow?" Adeline asked Alice. When the Community's leader started talking about the skills the man would add to the group, the other three women looked between one another, then began chuckling. The creator of suspended animation looked to the confused Alice and explained, "We're laughing because ... well ... what I meant was ... are you excited about the new cock we're waking up tomorrow."

Alice laughed aloud, then -- fully realizing what the three were getting on about -- blushed a fiery red. Marcia pointed out bluntly, "Alice, you're the only one of us not getting any. I mean, c'm'on, you can't keep fingering yourself in the shower." The others, including Alice laughed. "I mean, there's only so much hot water."

The four of them laughed and talked, the conversation mainly on erotic issues...
Tyrande and Rita:

The pleasure grew and grew within Rita; Ty's finger only added to the wonder, even the anxiety she found herself feeling as she anticipated him inserting it inside her. He didn't, though, leaving Rita wondering what it would feel like. Throughout her history of touching herself down yonder, Rita had never inserted her fingers, instead only massaging her clit until she climaxed.

Quicker than she'd expected, ecstasy came to Rita at Ty's touch. She drew a last, deep breath as the explosion neared, letting it out in a loud, long cry as the euphoria swept through her. She'd been trembling before, but now she shook so conspicuously that Ty couldn't have missed it. As the waves continued, her knees finally buckled, causing her to slide down the wet tile with a comical squeaking sound until the back of her thighs were upon the front of his own.

She was lost to the euphoria, overwhelmed...

If she'd been able to construct a conscious thought -- something that wouldn't come until later -- Rita would realize that she was experiencing the greatest, most joyous moment of her life.
Tyrande and Rita:
Pulling her close, Ty held her. The feel of her full tits pressing against him, The pressure of hard nipples. He could feel his cock standing upright, and pressed between their bodies. But he didn’t say anything.

Instead, he held her, and then once she’d stopped spasming and making rather cute sounds, he stood up with her in his arms.

Taking her to her quarters he lay her on her bed. “Get some rest. I’ll be in the maintenance bay when you’re ready to work on the water pump..”
Tyrande and Rita:

“Get some rest," Ty told Rita after he'd escorted her to her bedroom. "I’ll be in the maintenance bay when you’re ready to work on the water pump.”

"Wait," she said quickly, grasping Ty by the hand to prevent his exit. Softly, she said, "Don't leave ... not yet."

Rita didn't know exactly what she wanted him to wait for, yet still not ready for him to leave her. She knew that they needed to get back to work -- it was, after all, only midday -- but after what he'd just done to her, Rita needed to rest and wanted to compensate Ty for his incredible treatment of her.

She pulled him to her again, wrapping her arms around his torso, standing on her toes, and kissing him. When their mouths parted, she whispered, "I'm ... I'm still not ready ... but..."

She turned him around until his back was to the bed and urged him back to it. They'd only wrapped their bodies in towels, carrying their clothes with them, and now Rita removed her own, then Ty's. She nodded to her bed, saying, "Please ... sit down."

Snatching her pillow and dropping it on the floor near his feet, she knelt before him and squeezed up tight between his thighs, pushing his knees wide. Smiling, then blushing, then giggling, she said, "I saw this once ... you know ... on the internet."

Pressing as tightly into his crotch as she could, Rita wrapped his cock with her generous bosom, spit down into her cleavage, used her fingers to more evenly spread the natural lube, and slowly began raising and lowering her body with flexing knees. She looked between Ty's eyes and his cock as he fucked her tits, asking, "Am I doing this right...? Does this feel good?"

Whether he gave her more direction or not, Rita's intention was to continue to lube the action with spit while more quickly rising and lowering until she caused Ty to ejaculate all over her tits and neck, something she thought was called a pearl necklace ... but, what did she know?
Watching and maneuvering as Rita directed, Tyrande wondered, and hoped, that she was going to try giving him head. He needed a good cock sucking after this morning.

When she gave her explanation of her intent, he smiled encouragingly. A titty fuck? He hadn’t one of those in a long time.

As she worked his cock with her rather bountiful breasts he moaned in pleasure. His hands clenching on her bed and blankets as he restrained himself.

Watching as she worked he enjoyed the site immensely. As for her questions, he agreed she was doing just fine. It felt wonderful. “The thick vein underneath is were it will come from, and the nerves run along side it. But if you keep that up just like you are. It won't be long.”

As she worked her virgin tits along his shaft he was true to his word. Soon enough his cock spasmed, a volcano of his semen erupting forth. Spatters jetted upwards at first with enough force to reach her if she wasn’t careful. Then the force eased and his cream pumped forth to coat her tits and his cock. Creating a rather large mess.
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Tyrande and Rita:

Rita's eyes widened in shock as Ty's cock jerked and sent a massive streamer of cum straight up in the air before her face; it came down upon one of her tits as a second, third, and fourth eruption decorated her cleavage with the pearl necklace about which she'd heard via the internet.

After that, little globs of thick goo pumped from the end of Ty's cock, dripping down to fill the cleavage between his quivering member and her bountiful tits. Rita backed away a few inches, looking down at the mess with wonder, giggling.

"Wow..." she murmured. Laughing again, Rita looked up to Ty with a wide smile. "I ... I didn't know ... I don't think I knew ... really, what happens."

Looking at the man's cock again, she found it still quivering, his ball sack dancing a bit. She reached a finger out to touch where a final ball of cum clung to it, tracing her fingertip down his sensitive underside, then back up again. Looking Ty in the eyes again, she smiled again.

"That was incredible, Lieutenant," she said with a tone of amazement. She stood before him, paused to look at his cock and her own tits, then said, "I think I need to shower again." She turned for the door, paused again, then said with a sincere tone, "Thank you ... Ty. This was..."

Rita didn't know what she wanted to say. She only smiled to him again, peeked out the bedroom door for witnesses, then hurried in the nude to the Hygiene Room to shower again.
Day 10:

After working late into the evening on the pump Ty had managed to get it apart, marking the location of every nut and bolt as they were removed, and using one of the few tablets to take pictures of the location of various parts as they were removed.

Some parts had seized in place, causing the issues. If they had, or could make replacements the pump was repairable, of they couldn’t. It was fucked.

Alaina worked on trying to isolate the signals, times, and orbit patterns of the satellites that could be transmitting the signal. As it was it was boring and tedious work. And though she didn’t know which sat it was, she’d narrowed it down even more to just a few.

Hopefully tomorrow she’d know for sure.

As it was according to Bertha, Gamma Site was... far. According to the map it was in Canada. If Canada existed anymore.

Groaning Kirk yawned hard enough for his jaw to pop, and then almost blinded himself opening his eyes. “Fuck me,” he groaned in a deep gravely voice. God he was tired. And Hungry. It felt like he could eat a horse. Maybe a baby elephant.

It always felt like this though. A nine month stint was no different than a one month or a three month. At least that was a blessing for anybody going into deep space. It didn’t get worse the longer it lasted.

“Cameron.” He said calling out the name of the facility doctor. “Dr. Cameron?” he called a second time with his hand over his eyes. What was the facility systems name? “Jean-Paul? Jean-Paul where’s Doctor Cameron?”
Day 10:

"Miss Reynolds," the bunker's AI said in a soft voice at 6am. "It is oh-six-hundred hours, the wakeup time for which you asked last evening."

Rita Reynold's eyes popped open, blinking for clarity. Her mind didn't clear as quickly, though; she wasn't immediately sure whether she was conscious or still in the most incredible, most erotic dream she'd had in quite some time. Yesterday's sexual activity with Ty, followed by an afternoon of working very closely with him on the sump pump, had given her subconscious an array of things to work with during the night.

"Thank you, Bertha," Rita responded to the computer. She slipped a hand down under the bedding, finding herself sopping wet between her thighs. She giggled, murmuring to herself, "Another set of sheets to wash ... crap."

She hopped up, donned her sweats, gathered a clean set of coveralls, and headed straight to the showers to clean up and warm her body. She didn't understand why they had to keep the berthing quarters so cold all the time; nighttime temperature was set to 17 degrees Celsius, barely more than 62 degrees Fahrenheit, and the daytime temperatures only increased to 22 C, just under 72 F. Yeah, yeah, sleeping in a slightly chilled room was supposed to be better for you. But c'm'on, couldn't Bertha fire up the heaters before they all began their day?

Rita expected to run into some of her bunker mates on Level 4, either in the Berthing Area or the adjacent Hygiene Room, and yet there was no one to be seen. The others had either gotten up before her or were still in bed. She couldn't help but wonder if Ty and Leslie were snuggled up with one another. Naw, not this late, she thought to herself; the Lieutenant was typically up and around by 0500 hours, though, the Doctor might very well still be keeping warm between the sheets of either her bed or Ty's.

Leslie Hawkins, in fact, was already in the Infirmary, preparing to welcome the Community's next conscious resident. She'd been preparing for Kirk MacFerguson's reanimation for two days. Her experience with the French woman's unscheduled exit from stasis wasn't something she wanted to experience again.

Oh, it wasn't as though Adeline had suffered any trauma for the abrupt event; in fact, she was perfectly fine, physically and psychologically. Even though she didn't like to recall it, the part of Adeline's reanimation what bothered her was, of course, the realization that the woman had been raped by Airman Greg Young. Just thinking about it was the reason Leslie was once again inconspicuously wearing a Fentanyl patch on her upper back.

Adeline wasn't seen by Rita at 6am or even Leslie at 5am because she hadn't even been to bed yet. Oh, she'd tried, heading to her quarters at just past 9pm, only to awake at a bit past 3am with her mind whirling with thoughts about Alaina's current adventures in hacking.

She'd slipped back into her own pair of sweats to ascend to the Monitoring Station to tap away at the keyboards, accomplishing nothing significant. She'd fallen asleep in her chair, wrapped in one of the blankets she'd brought with her, only to awake to the sound of Alaina tapping at the keyboard at some point. Smiling and moving to the hacker to softly but erotically kiss her on the lips, Adeline whispered, "You're going to figure this out. I know it. But you're going to have to do it without me for the time being, because I need coffee."

She took her blanket with her and descended the stairs, only to change her mind, head to her own bed, and pass out after telling the AI in her native French, "Bertha, if anyone asks for me, you tell them I was up all night and only just went to bed. If Alice or Ty or Alaina need me, wake me up. Otherwise, I am not to be disturbed."

Marcia had also gotten up at 5am but only reluctantly. She knew that the others would be wanting breakfast and coffee, and since she'd taken on the role of bunker cook, it was up to her to fire up the griddle and get to cookin'. At various times throughout the morning, the others would drag in at their leisure, and Marcia would quickly throw together their order; breakfast was the only meal of the day in which meat was guaranteed -- she had bacon and sausage, the latter in links and patties -- but she had hot and cold cereals and a variety of canned fruits as well.

She didn't know how long this meaty breakfast would last, though. One of the two freezer units had been a victim of the systems failures, and everything inside it had spoiled. They kept the doors to that unit closed to keep the horrific smell of it isolated.

(This has been Part 1 of my post; more than 10,000 characters, sorry. Part 2 to follow.)
Part 2:

Alice was a little more disciplined in her schedule than the others, except for Ty, of course. She'd headed for her own rack at 2200 hours with a wakeup call at 0500. She showered, dressed, and headed straight to the Saloon for coffee and a bowl of hot cereal. After that, she checked on those in the Monitoring Station working on the computer/satellite/communications issues; she crossed the hall to get an update from Leslie on their 9th resident; then down to Ty in the Level 3 Repair Bay; and finally to the Level 6 Generator Systems Room to check on their bad boy

"Sleep well, I hope, Airman," Alice said as she approached Greg and found him awake. She tossed a paper sack into his lap, saying, "Breakfast. Sorry, no coffee."

The evening before, with Ty and herself armed and the rapist still shackled, they'd taken him up one floor to the Level 5 Berthing Area. It was still unused by any of the others, meaning no contact with the same. Alice allowed him to shit, shower, and change into fresh clothes before taking him back down to his containment area again. They'd moved his mattress to his little corner in the room and provided him with just one blanket. Alice didn't care if Greg was comfortable, but -- while he deserved to be -- she didn't want him miserable either.

"You're aware of the Garden of Eden Program, Airman," she said; it was a statement, not a question. He nodded. With a serious tone, Alice told him, "We're keeping you alive for one reason and one reason only--"

"You want my DNA," Greg filled in, clarifying, "You want my sperm."

"That's right," Alice confirmed. "If we didn't need it, I would have executed you already for what you did to Miss Legrand."

Greg couldn't help but smirk, causing Alice to step closer and growl, "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll cut it off with a blow torch."

The Airman's lips settled down; he believed her. He believed that if she herself couldn't do it, the Head of Security would for her. After a moment, he asked, "How you planning on extracting it...? Dirty magazines and a plastic cup?"

"There was talk of a cattle prod up your ass and your dick in a baggie," Alice answered. This time, she was the one smirking. She gestured him to eat his breakfast. Greg opened the bag to remove a simple breakfast wrap and a specimen cup with a screw top lid filled with white liquid. She reassured him, "Don't worry, it wasn't used before I filled it for you with milk."

He didn't know whether to believe her or not and set the milk aside, digging into the wrap; it was his first meal since before noon the day before. Between bites and with food still in his mouth, he asked, "So, you're not gonna cut off my ball sack and squeeze it empty?"

"That was considered, too," Alice said, speaking the truth. "Lieutenant Collins wanted to kill you now, put you in a stasis pod to preserve you, and get your DNA from your bone marrow when we needed it later. The Doctor said it was too complicated. So ... for now ... you're still breathing."

They studied each other for a moment before Greg asked, "Would it help if I said I was sorry...? That I'd be a good boy from here out. You could ... I dunno ... keep me shackled 24/7. I'll help with--"

He stopped talking, though, when Alice turned and simply walked away.

It was 0800 hours on the dot when Alice once again entered the Saloon. As ordered, the others were all there for the morning meeting; some were eating breakfast still -- or again for those whose morning had started very early -- or were simply sipping at steaming cups of coffee.

"How much of that do we have left?" Alice asked Marcia regarding the brew.

"Tons," the cook said. "It's the one thing they overstocked us with ... thank God."

"Okay, so, here's the plan today," Alice began after Marcia had handed her own mug of caffeine. She ran down the assignments, a list that had no surprises: Alaina and Adeline on the computer/communications; Ty and Rita reinstalling the pump, presuming that the test they were to perform today was successful; Marcia assisting Ty and Rita with the air lines and whatever else they needed, then fixing up the midday meal; and Leslie waking their new resident. "Okay, finish up here, and let's get to it."

Reanimating Kirk MacPherson:

“Fuck me,” the Scotsman groaned as he reached a hand up to shade his eyes from the overhead lights. He called out, “Cameron. Dr. Cameron?”

"Mister MacFerguson," Leslie began, "My name is--"

“Jean-Paul?" Kirk interrupted. "Jean-Paul, where’s Doctor Cameron?”

Leslie had expected this possibility; she anticipated having to deal with this again and again as they reanimated people over days, months, or even years to come. She gave him a moment to adjust his eyes and make eye contact with her before she continued, "Mister MacFerguson ... Kirk ... my name is Doctor Hawkins ... Leslie Hawkins."

She gave him another moment to consider the information, then continued, "Doctor Cameron is ... well, isn't with us at this time. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you where he -- or she -- is at this time."

Leslie hadn't worked with this Doctor Cameron, of course, as she herself had participated in the suspended animation project here in Greenland while each of the Space Force volunteers had been put into stasis at classified locations in the United States, presumably on military bases. She, Alice, and Ty had all been a bit perturbed at the fact that the records of where each of the Space Force volunteers had entered stasis hadn't been made available to Bertha and, in turn, the three of them.

She and Alice helped Kirk up into a sitting position, and when he was ready they stood him to his feet for a careful bit of walking to return his body to life. When he was clear headed enough for it, Alice told him about the 144 years that had passed him by, the limited number of people currently up and walking around, and the need for his expertise in fixing some of the many failing systems.

She did not tell him about Greg Young, even though she knew that she would have to at some point.

"Do you have any questions for me?" Alice said. She knew he would, of course, despite having made her best attempt at informing him of the current situation.
(Part 1)
Alaina and Ty:
Yeah it was very stalkery of her. But she’d used Camera, and Bertha to log Ty’s movements to determine his patterns. When he got up and Left The Doctor’s Quarters he went to his quarters and got a clean uniform then to the gym, then shower and got dressed. Followed by the saloon and coffee.And he got up at 0330. Who the fuck gets up at 3:30 AM on purpose?!!!

When her alarm rank at 3:00 oh my fucking god it was early AM she got out of bed and through on Boxers and wife beater t-shirt. She needed to talk to him privately and this was the only time of day it was safe to d so.

Watching from her window as he left The Doctor’s quarters and entered his own, she run across the distance on bare feet. She hadn’t bothered with socks that would be after.

Tapping on his door rather hurriedly she opened it and slid inside before he could answer. But at least this reduced her chance of getting stabbed by surprising him. Once inside she looked up at his towering from. Oh my god he was tall up close. Nearly a foot taller than her, he was muscle bound in all the right places and sexy as fuck.

Looking down his naked body, his towel in one hand she saw his cock. Even soft he was bigger than most of the hard cocks she’d seen. The real life ones, not the porn stars. And he was bigger than some of them. More than big enough to do the job, but not big enough to kill her.

“Lieutenant.. um.. Tyrande… um Ty..?” Fuck this was going south fast. She’d had this begging speech all ready in her head to say. But now she couldn’t remember a word of it. Fuck it! Pulling off her shirt she looked up at him. “I already spoke with the Doctor and she promised not to kill me, or you, if we had sex. I need a cock. I don’t have any vibrators that can do what needs to be done and Marcia doesn’t have the equipment I’m needing. You do.”

Ty had been rather surprised anyone else was awake at this time, well except Greg, that man had usually been getting up at the same time and walked around naked until after he showered in the morning. He’d probably been peeping in on the ladies. He’d get with Bertha and find out the man’s patterns since he’d been pulled from Cryo.

Watching as her gray wife-beater came off, exposing her rather nicely shaped tits. Damned were all of the ladies this beautiful? Well, yeah, they’d been selected for their brains, and their bodies. As she finished talking she bent and dropped her boxers. Unusual for a female to wear boxers, but she probably slept in them. The dark patch of curls was trimmed and kept under control, but only hinted were her treasure was without showing it off directly. When she stepped up to him, her eyes were begging him to fuck her. Begging him to say yes. To not reject her.

Apparently the understanding, and willingness, showed in his eyes. They both moved to the narrow bed in his room. Moving downwards he began working her as he had Leslie and Rita. His oral skills might not include speeches, but they did include eating pussy.

The amount of stress she was under slowed her down from screaming his name in minutes, but soon enough her fingers were wrapped in his air and she was grinding her mound against his face, begging him to eat her. Begging him to fuck her.

She came twice and made a horrific wet mess of his sheets before he crawled up her body while she was still trembling. His mouth kissed her like now one else ever had. He was going to fuck her and fill her with his cock. But he was more interested in making sure she was happy first. He didn’t attack her tits and twist her nipples like they were radio dials, he licked them with the tip of his tongue, and brushed his ips across them with alternating hot and cold air coming from his mouth. How the fuck was he doing that? She thought before she felt the head of his cock at her slippery entrance. But he didn’t push it I, instead he kissed her neck and started.. chewing on it?Oh god wass he gonna give her a hickey? And then he hit a pot on her neck and her legs parted even more, her hips shifted, her nipples hardened and she let out a gasping moan of pleasure.

And Ty’s hard cock slid into her. Not all at once. But slowly, taking his time as he entered and withdrew, entered and withdrew, each time going deeper and deeper with each thrust. Lubricating his cock, and driving Alaina insane with his actions. Once he was fully inside her, Alaina’s eyes crossed in pleasure, and just a hint of pain. He was big enough to fill her, and long enough to make it stretch and hurt. It was like eating thanksgiving dinner and being stuffed to the gills, and then mom brings out your favorite dessert. Saying no wasn't an option, because everyone else wanted it as well. So you ate a piece and hurt, but it was so fucking good.

She wasn't really coherent as she was wrapped up in her own bliss as her fingernails caressed his back, his chest, his ribs, his ass. Oh god his gorgeous ass, so tight, and cute.
(Part 2)​
“Yes, fuck me,” she begged between moaning and whimpering. Her panting gasps barely allowed that out. The sounds coming from her could have been used in a porn movie, or just recorded and sold. After her third orgasm Ty pulled out and she widened her eyes. Was he done? She didn’t want to be done yet! Oh, god no they weren’t done she realized as he pulled her to her hands and knees. In moments he was behind her and his hard cock filled her dripping snatch from behind as he took her doggie style. Grabbing his pillow she muffled her screams of pleasure as he railed into her from behind. She need to make a deal with Leslie or something. Alaina understood she’d never be able to settle for just one experience with the Lieutenant. She’d need him again, regularly.

Each time he rammed into her she felt his ball sack hitting her clit, driving her fucking nuts! God he was so good at this, he knew just when to slow down, or stop, heightening her experience and pleasure. Maybe he had been a porn star, and in the military.

After her fourth.. or fifth?! She whimpered, “I wanna see your face.” So they maneuvered again until he was above her, his hard cock slippery with her juices as he filled her wet pussy again.

They slowed down this time, matching motions. Like a ship on the sea they moved, the boat riding the ocean waves, as they both drew closer and closer to release. “Where?” Ty asked, his teeth clenched.

“What?” Alaina asked confused for a moment.

“Where do you want me to cum?” he asked. Alaina had been rather verbal about not being a baby making machine. “Inside, outside, tits, face. Where.”

“Oh,” Alaina moaned as her brained clicked off and on in response to his cock and her building orgasm. All of them sounded so good. The thought of his thick cum coating her pussy and making a mess of her bush, dripping from her ace to coat her tits. His cum erupting to cover her tits directly. The though of his cock filling her mouth with cum and the taste of it before she swallowed. She done both, spit and swallowed, depending on the guy and circumstances.

“Inside, cum inside me,” she blurted out before she considered her options. And then his teeth were dragging across her neck again, she was quivering in release as the dam inside her burst open, and his cock spasmed inside her. FUCK!!!!!

She’d never been with anyone like Ty, and she definitely understood Leslie’s possessive nature of him. Before this place everyone she’d been with was selfish. They got her aroused and ready, then it was fucking until they got theirs. If Alaina got off first it kept going until her partner was done. But if her partner was done, then everything was done. Or Alaina finished on her own. Several had called her a slut and nymphomaniac cause she’d masturbated while they were getting dressed.

When she could finally focus on ANYTHING again Ty was laying next to her, still naked, just laying there. “Feeling better?” he asked, his tone was actually concerned about her feelings. Not mocking her or monotone unconcerned. He actually wanted her to feel better?

“Marry me?” she giggled as she sighed. “I’ve never… ever...ever… felt that before. I lost count how many times I came.”

Chuckling Ty smiled to himself. “I’d stay, but I have to get things done. And the water pump isn’t fixing itself, plus I need to check on The Prisoner.”

“It’s ok, go ahead,” Alaina told him. “We don’t get weekends or days off.”

“No, we don’t.” Ty agreed, To him he was in a combat deployment. No time off. No rest. Sleep when you can, eat what’s offered, when it’s offered. And just keep going. “Stay as long as you need, get some rest. And I’ll see you at the morning meeting.”

“Ok,” Alaina agreed. Rest. Yeah she needed to rest.
Day 10:
Morning Meeting:

Alaina had her tablet and was looking at system checks while she picked at her food. She wished that she could give the Captain results as fast as she wanted, and expected, them but this was reality. Not some sci-fi show with a miracle worker Chief Engineer. They had systems damaged. Not unplugged, but boards were fried, scorched, and in some cases cracked from the earthquake. They didn’t have replacement parts for everything.

Ty looked at the Captain and explained it would take at least a day possibly longer to fix the water pump. “Captain if I had C-4 or gelignite I could turn this place to rubble in 30 minutes. But I’m not a mechanic. Fixing something takes me longer. A lot longer.”


Kirk was a bit wobbly at he sat up, and his cock was raging like crazy. The fact he had super cute ladies around didn’t hurt his mood any. Listening to the base.. facility.. commander talk he had a fuck load of questions. But she didn’t have the answers so berating her was pointless.

“Greenland,” he said with a yawn. “I ween to slep in France? Wy wuz I moivveed?” he was so tired that he couldn’t even concentrate enough to speak legible English. “Kaf and Haggis.” Shaking his head he repeated slowly. “Coffee and food. A bed. And clothes.”

As it was he was only wearing Boxer-briefs and the size of his erection was rather obvious. Of the three men so far awakened, he was definitely the.. largest. As it was the head was pushing the boundaries of the waist band elastic.
Kirk and the girls:

“Greenland,” the newest reanimated resident of the bunker said with a yawn. “I ween to slep in France? Wy wuz I moivveed?”

"Well ... that's kind of a long story," Alice said, unsure of how much detail to go into when the man's brain was still as foggy as it was. She finished with, "It's part of the whole one hundred and forty-four years thing. We can talk more about that later."

“Coffee and food," he murmured as Alice and Leslie continued to walk him about the cryogenics room. "A bed. And clothes.”

"We should get him up to the Infirmary," the Doctor advised. "He needs a full work up."

"He needs a bed and rest," Alice suggested in her more authoritative tone. Knowing that they had to get him from here on Level 10 to the Infirmary of Level 1 or at the very least to the Level 4 Berthing Area, she growled to herself, "We need those fucking elevators working."

The lifts hadn't been that much of a priority as of yet when compared to the other issues plaguing the bunker. But after Ty and Rita were forced to carry the two-hundred-pound sump pump up 9 levels to the Repair Bay Level 4, Alice had decided that Alaina, Adeline, and Ty needed to figure out whether the problem was mechanical or electronic as soon as the flooding situation was handled.

"We're going to get you to a bed, Doctor MacFerguson," Alice told Kirk, giving Leslie an expression that meant to convey that the checkup could wait. Then, wondering to herself, Alice asked, "Do you prefer Doctor...? Or you former military rank? Or plain old Kirk?"

She got his answer, then instructed Leslie to get hold of the man on one side firmly for the walk up the stairs. It was slow and initially a bit awkward; Kirk was strangely more unsteady than the others had been in their post-stasis period.

One thing that wasn't different about his reanimation was his body's obvious excitement level due to the cryo drugs rushing through his system. Both Alice and Leslie had noticed the bulge in the man's groin caused by the man's partial erection. They gave each other knowing glances, forcing themselves to stifle joyous laughs.

When they finally reached Level 4, the pair of women escorted Kirk to the room they'd prepared for him. Once inside, Leslie informed the man, "The bed is ready for you with clean linen. There's a set of extra large coveralls and slippers for now. After you've rested a bit -- I think I'd take at least 4 hours, maybe more -- you can choose from better fitting clothes, including shoes or boots or both, from the closet out in the berthing area's foyer ... far wall from here."

"No one is expecting you to be on duty today," Alice told him. "Get some rest. Marcia -- our cook -- will bring you down a plate of food, some water -- you need to hydrate -- and if you want it come coffee, though, I'd put off caffeine until you were ready to get to work."

Leslie caught Alice's eye and conspicuously glanced toward Kirk's cock again. Alice grimaced at her, but it didn't keep the Doctor from telling the new resident, "You may notice some physiological ... effects of post-stasis, Kirk. They are perfectly natural. We all suffered through them ... in our own way."

When he looked Leslie's way, she literally pointed a finger at his partial stiffy, clarifying, "One of the reanimation side effects is a heightened sexual appetite. As I said, it's perfectly natural." Then smirking to Alice, the Doc told Kirk, "Later tonight, after you're more yourself, I'm sure that Captain Walker would be more than happy to discuss the situation with you ... privately. You know ... to prevent any embarrassment."
What was the fool woman yammering on about? His name? No.. what did he liked to be called? “I was only military for 4 years, the legal requirement.” Stopping in the hallway he leaned against a wall and shook his head trying to clear the drug fog. “Normally I go by Kirk. Since most non Scots cannot pronounce my name properly.”

Looking at the two of them his cock throbbed, and he added, “Especially Americans, even if you are beautiful as Lilith.”

“Of course, I’ll need to be.. need to learn your facility protocols.” he said as they got him to his room. As they left he stripped off his shorts and slid into bed, waking only when Marcia brought food in and set it on the small table. Not longer drugged to the gills he was bright blind from the lights as he swung his legs to the floor. “Please tell me the Doctor authorized coffee?!” he said as he moved to the table and sat down. “Are all the women here beautiful? Or did I die in Cryo and this is my heavenly reward to be surrounded by beautiful angels?”
Marcia and MacFerguson:

“Please tell me the Doctor authorized coffee?!” Kirk said when Marcia arrived with a small carafe of caffeine and food.

Marcia chuckled. "Yeah, she says it's fine."

He ogle the bunker's cook, asking, "Are all the women here beautiful? Or did I die in Cryo and this is my heavenly reward to be surrounded by beautiful angels?”

Again, Marcia laughed. "Well, I doubt that anyone would call this place heaven. But yeah, so far, the bunch of us do tend to rank fairly high on the ol' one to ten scale in looks."

She sat the plate of food in his lap, incidentally catching sight of his more stiff than not cock. Alice and Leslie had warned her of what she was going to see so that she wasn't surprised. They were correct; the man was hung!

"I'm not sure how much the Captain told you earlier about the situation here," she began.

As he began eating his first food in a century and a half, Marcia recapped that situation about which she was taking, not really telling him anything Alive hadn't already said.

"One thing you're going to notice as your mind clears further," she went on, now getting into a new topic, "is an insatiable need for sexual satisfaction."

Marcia paused a moment for his reaction. Again, she glanced at his groin; under the bedding hiding him, he had gotten noticeably more upright in the past seconds. Was it her? Was it simply being up and around? Was it the delicious faux pork sausage?

"It's an effect of the cryo drugs," she went on. "We all went through it ... the unbelievable horniness. You'll go through it, too ... if you aren't already."

She smiled, continuing, "We ask went through it, and we all ... helped each other get through it, if you know what I mean."

Kirk knew what she meant. Marcia consider her next words and the trouble into which they could get her. Still, she went on, "We all helped each other in our own little ways ... except..."

She paused; did she really want to do this? Fuck yeah, she thought. Marcia went on, "Except for the Captain. She, um ... she hasn't been with anyone ... and I think it would be good for her if she was ... you know ... with someone."
Alice and Ty, minutes earlier:

"Ah, Lieutenant, thanks for joining me," Alice said as Ty entered the Saloon. She looked to Marcia, who was setting up for a buffet-style lunch she would be serving in a few hours. "Miss Weathers, could you, um ... could you give the Lieutenant and I a moment?"

"Miss Weathers," Marcia murmured just loud enough for the pair to hear, smirking. "Must be important for you to pull out the surnames." She chuckled softly, stripped off her apron, and said, "Yes, Captain. I was going to take the new guy a plate of food anyway."

She went into and out of the kitchen, carrying said platter and carafe of coffee. Giving Alice a sly expression, she asked, "Is there anything special you'd like me to tell Mister MacFerguson?"

Marcia had heard from Leslie of thespecial interest that Alice had paid to Kirk's rather impressive cock when they'd taken him out of stasis. Even though they would never broach the subject within earshot of Ty -- or Greg, of course -- the girls had on occasion gossiped about the fact that Alice was still yet to get some, sometimes chatting about the subject with Alice present, which more often than not reddened her face.

"Just that he's not expected on duty until tomorrow," Alice growled, knowing just what the other woman had been hinting at. She shooed Marcia away with a wave of her hand, stood to refill her coffee cup and fill a second one for Ty, then returned to sit across from him. As she slid the mug to him, Alice told her Head of Security, "As leader of our little Community -- you know, until someone speaks up one day and questions whether or not I should be in charge, which I'm sure will happen eventually -- I feel that it is my sole responsibility to make a determination regarding Senior Airman Young's fate. This shouldn't be on you. And if I left it to some sort of democratic decision, aka a vote ... I'm sure the result would fall somewhere between reinternment to a cryo pod ... and death via exsanguination after I let Adeline -- or even Leslie or Marcia castrate Mister Young without benefit of a tourniquet around his sack."

She sipped at her coffee before bluntly telling Ty of her decision: "I will personally collect Greg's offering of sperm in one of Leslie's little sample cups. Then, I'll inject him with a sedative, and you and I will deliver him back to his cryo pod for permanent stasis. One day maybe ... if we ever get out of this place ... maybe we'll have to deal with him in a more permanent way. But for now, despite my desire to do so, I'm not ready to execute the man."

Alice sipped again at her steaming coffee, looking Ty in the eyes as she asked, "Thoughts, Lieutenant?"
“Already know about that,” Mc said glancing downwards for a half second. “Haven’t stopped thinking about sex since I woke up in the pod.”

When she mentioned that they all had helped each other out he wondered if she was offering to help him out. And then she spoke about the Captain’s lack of.. ‘help’ as it were.

“And here I thought you were offering to help me out in my current situation.” he said chewing on a bland fork full or powered eggs and re-hydrated hash browns. They tasted like shit, but at least it was a hell of a lot better than the exceptionally bad dog shit that US military food usually tasted like. And the coffee was strong. At least she used seasonings. He’d been convinced The Yanqui’s couldn’t find their salt and pepper unless a certain British chef was screaming profanities at them.

“The food’s not bad. I’d rather eat something else more... satisfying.” He said. “I’m quite sure I’ll be meeting with the Captain later to discuss my duties. But I don’t start working until tomorrow. And I’m supposed to stay in bed.. all day.”

“I’m hoping you're not suggesting that you physically help him to ejaculate his seminal fluid.” Ty inquired. “The Prisoner is a vile disgusting individual, doing such a thing would only.. fulfill his grotesque perversion.”
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MacFerguson and Marcia:

“Already know about that,” Kirk said about cryo's sexual effects. Marcia didn't have access to Kirk's records -- she had no reason for it -- so she had no idea that, like Alice, this was his third stint in suspended animation. He confessed, “Haven’t stopped thinking about sex since I woke up in the pod.”

When he suggested that maybe she should take care of his needs, Marcia considered it for a moment. Kirk's cock was impressive, and right out of cryo Kirk would have a level of stamina that she knew would leave her walking odd for the rest of the day.

"I'm gonna have to pass," Marcia said with a reluctant tone in her voice. "I'm ... involved with someone right now."

She was telling the truth but only partially so. She'd been having sex with Alaina, with Adeline, and sometimes with both of them, but there was nothing exclusive about their arrangement. Fact of the matter was that Alaina had spent a couple of hours partaking of Ty last night, and who knew whether or not Adeline was doing the nasty with any of the others.

After Kirk made a second attempt at getting her out of her panties, Marcia stood, poured more of the thick, rich coffee into the man's mug, and turned for the door, saying only, "Lunch is at noon around here, in the Saloon up on Three."

She gave his manhood one final look, smiled hungrily when he caught her doing so, and reluctantly departed.

Alice and Ty:

Ty questioned whether or not Alice herself would be getting Greg off in an effort to harvest his seed. “The Prisoner is a vile disgusting individual, doing such a thing would only ... fulfill his grotesque perversion.”

"It'll be fine, Lieutenant," she reassured him. "I considered having the Doctor take care of it, but..." She drew and released a deep breath, continuing, "I want this done out of the eye of the others, just me doing what needs to be done and you in the stairwell ensuring that no one interrupts. I'll make an announcement that Airman Young is being put back into stasis and that the others are to remain in the Saloon while it's done. After you and I have put him in the pod, I'll have the Doctor come down to finalize suspended animation ... to ensure it's done correctly."

Alice stood, signaling that as far as she was considered, this was a done deal. She was the bunker's Commanding Officer, and she'd made her decision. She didn't tell Ty that she had an ulterior motive in dealing with Greg in this way ... but he'd learn it soon enough.
“By your Command,” Ty replied giving her a salute. “I would recommend you not remove his handcuffs for any reason then.” She'd given her command and he’d comply.

Running an inventory check Alaina scanned for any birth control, condoms, the pill, morning after pill. Nothing was listed, not even on alternative names.
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(OOC: I need to interrupt the latter portion of Ty's post above with some activity that occurs before it.)

The whole bunch of them:

Ty made his recommendations regarding how to handle Greg, and Alice thanked him, saying, "You're exactly right about that." Speaking the AI's nickname out loud to wake her up, Alice said, "Bertha, put me in contact with Mister MacFerguson, please."

The AI indicated that the connection to Kirk's room was open. Alice confirmed that he was there, then told him, "I'm calling an all hands meeting in the Saloon on Level 3, Mister MacFerguson. You are not required there, but if you would like to attend, you are welcome to.

"Bertha, put me on facility wide intercom," she ordered next. Again, confirmation was made by the AI, and Alice announced, "I want everyone in the Saloon immediately. Everyone means everyone!"

<<<<< >>>>>​

"Due to his misconduct and inability to work and live with the rest of the Community," Alice began once the others had arrived and taken seats in the Saloon, "Mister Young is being returned to stasis." To the Doctor, Alice said, "I need you to head down to Level 10 and prepare the Airman's original cryo pod."

Alice paused a moment, expecting at least one of the others to ask questions related to what Greg had done to deserve this punishment. The expressions and body language varied quite a bit; it was obvious that some of the others weren't surprised by this and even welcomed it.
Ty stood against the wall near the door since he was on duty but he did allow himself the luxury of a cup of coffee.

Alaina had her tablet with her, now a more normal sight than the first day of it. Was this still the first wee? Hell, it was only Friday for everyone except the captain. If you counted the day, they woke up as Monday. How would they be counting days? From Alice’s first day? Or everyone else?

Christ on a crutch had he already violated some policy by flirting with the food girl? Naw, she was basically throwing the Captain at him as an appetizer, soup, salad, main course, and dessert. Getting dressed in US Military fatigues of his size, he shoved his feet into boots and headed for the saloon.

Once there he put his dirty food tray in the kitchen – he’d wash it after the meeting – and went out to join everyone else, Grabbing another coffee on the way. From the doorway he was glad the uniform was slightly loose. Otherwise he’d be in pain at the moment.

Raising is hand Kirk looked around the room for a moment. “Um, I’m Kirk Lachlan MacFerguson - the new Guy, just so I don’t do whatever he did. What did Airman Young do?”

He was pretty sure if it was bad enough to get you put back in sleeper mode it had to be serious. But he wasn’t a part of the rumor mill, fuck he’d only been ‘out of pod’ like four hours. He hadn’t even had a proper shower. Or a fuck.

Alaina looked up from her tablet, she knew, but hadn’t been told. Ty scowled from the wall, Young was lucky they needed his DNA, and that Ty wasn’t in charge. He’d always tried to be fair, but some things just grated his morals to much for fairness to come into play.