"The Forgotten": A post-apocalyptic tale

Leslie was very happily dreaming when the new Head of Security came to retrieve her. It would turn out that the sexual arousal caused by the Ecstasy-like chemicals used in the cryo process wasn't restricted to times of consciousness. Almost from the moment that she'd fallen asleep, Leslie's unconscious mind had been engaging her unconscious body in a wide variety of sexual activities, most of them involving multiple partners in creative couplings and outrageous settings.

"Doc, wake up," Ty told her, reaching down to her shoulder. "The Captain wants to meet with you."

Leslie had been dreaming of being in a cryo pod, sitting naked atop the thighs of an unknown, 8 foot tall, black-as-night Stiffy male who was still in suspended animation and yet was groaning in ecstasy as he spurted half gallon sized wads of cum all over her body as she stroked his gigantic stiffy.

At Ty's touch -- and the unconscious recognition of his voice -- Leslie's dream shifted radically. Suddenly, she was lying in a warm pool of roiling cryo chemicals as dozens of men -- all of them seemingly naked clones of Tyrande Collins! -- emerged from below the pool's surface like whales breaching the surface of the sea, only to once again disappear again. And all the time, palms caressed her skin as strong fingers groped her tits, massive cocks slid in and out of all three of her holes, and deep, masculine voices commanded her ... Wake up, doctor ... wake up...

Still deep in her dream state, Leslie unknowingly responded to Ty, "Come in the water ... come in the water ... it's wonderful in the water..."

Although Ty might not have noticed in the softer light, he could probably tell now with the light's fully on that she had a between her thighs, its fingers gently massaging her clit. Her other hand pushed the sheets downward, exposing her bare bosom. Her breasts were firm C-cups with large nipples that were currently generously swollen; they barely showed submission to gravity, instead pointing their erogenous points upward at the overhead.

Suddenly, Leslie awoke, opening her eyes and setting them on the man unexpectedly standing over her in her bedroom. For a long moment, she only stared upwards at Ty; her mind was trying to decide whether this, too, was just more wondrous fantasy as the man was so handsome and attractive.

"Ty," she finally said softly as she realized that this was not a dream. She pulled her hand out from between her thighs and lifted the sheet to hide her tits as she sat up; her bare legs slipped out into view as her also-bare feet found the cold deck. She was breathing deeply as a result of the pleasure she'd been causing herself. Embarrassment exploded through her like the orgasms her dreaming self had been enjoying again and again. Clutching the bedding tightly to her, she asked, "What can I do for you?"
"It's Lieutenant, Doctor." Tyrande replied. "The Captain is having one on one meetings with people. Your number's up. I was sent to get you and show you where she's at. Are you feeling alright? I was having trouble waking you up. Do you have a medical condition I should be aware of?"

Turning to the side he kept her in his peripheral vision but gave her enough privacy that she could get out of bed and get dressed. "Once we have a female security officer awoken she'll be assigned to contact all female staff in situations like this."

It was fascinating how hard it was to not look at her, especially the nearly naked her. She was incredibly attractive, more so than Rita the blonde. Granted she had an innocence that made him want to fuck the shit out of her, but the Doc now she was a beauty. He wanted to take it slow with her. Long, slow, and pump every drop inside her he could. Granted there wasn't a female on the base he didn't want to stick his cock inside. Straight, Bi, Lesbian. Didn't matter they were all supermodel level and had him walking with a fairly perpetual erection. Not that it would interfere with his duty.

If ordered to he'd fuck every female in the base or snap a neck if they were treasonous. if any of them turned out to be a Follower of Light - the Terrorist group that blew up 42 schools and his girlfriend - well they would have a short experience in the Facility.

"When you're ready I'll show you the way," He instructed.
"It's Lieutenant, Doctor." Tyrande corrected Leslie after she'd called him Ty.

"Of course," she replied politely, repeating respectfully, "Lieutenant." She wondered whether his formality was something he'd require at all times or only when he was on duty. She couldn't help but look him up and down; her brain was still filled with fantastic images of multiples of him leaping in and out of a sea of colorful chemicals as his seemingly infinite number or hands and cocks pleasured every inch of her, inside and out. "What can I do for you?"

"The Captain is having one on one meetings with people," he explained, clarifying, "Your number's up. I was sent to get you and show you where she's at."

"Yes, of course," she responded, tugging again at the sheet to hide her naked form better. A chill ran up Leslie's spine as it occurred to her that the man surely got a long look at her bared bosom and might have even realized that she'd been touching herself under the bedding. Nervously, she told him, "I'm always available for the Captain ... Lieutenant."

"Are you feeling alright?" he asked. "I was having trouble waking you up. Do you have a medical condition I should be aware of?"

"No, no, nothing," she spat out quickly, realizing that her anxiety was returning to her. She considered the options of response, choosing, "No, I ... I, um ... I was just tired ... exhausted." She chuckled nervously. "You'd think after 9 months of stasis that the last thing I'd need is sleep. Of course, the two are totally different animals, sleep and stasis. You don't dream in stasis ... no REM ... so you wake up a month, a year later feeling like you'd just laid you head down, just like when they put you under for surgery."

Leslie started to rise, then remembered that she was naked. She waggled a finger in a circular motion. Ty took the hint and turned to give her some privacy. Her eyes fell to his ass, which looked incredible in his working uniform or fatigues or whatever they called them in the Marines or Space Force or whichever of the Services he was officially attached to.

As Leslie rose and dropped the sheet, hurrying to don the clothes on a nearby chair, Ty told her, "Once we have a female security officer awoken, she'll be assigned to contact all female staff in situations like this."

"That's good," Leslie responded.

She peeked his way to see if he was peeking hers. She smirked, finding herself wishing that he was ogling her. The lust still filling her body needed release, and of the three men reanimated, Ty was the one she would like to have between her thighs. She sat on the chair to slip into her socks and shoes, taking a longer gander at him.

"When you're ready I'll show you the way," He instructed.

She popped up, announcing energetically, "Ready!"

Ty led her out of her room and across the level toward the stairs. Again, she was studying his fine ass. Before she even realized she was doing it, Leslie asked, "Are you married, Lieutenant?"
Ty led her out of her room and across the level toward the stairs. Again, she was studying his fine ass. Before she even realized she was doing it, Leslie asked, "Are you married, Lieutenant?"

"No" he replied. A statement of fact. He'd considered once. But then she'd died, he'd thrown himself into the battlefield of revenge and had done enough things in enough countries to make it so no woman would want him.

"I'm Military," He explained. "There is no time for marriage or relationships. Yes, I've had sex. No, I'm not in anything remotely close to a relationship." Hell even if he had been any lady he'd considered to be a partner would be what.. a Hundred and seventyish by now? a Hundred and Eighty? "Nor will I be. Yes, I have sex with women. No, I don't do guys. I have nothing against it but nothing goes in my ass, and men don't turn me on."

"No, I won't explain any scars you find on my body; you don't have the clearance level. I will reply with bullet, stab, barbed wire, etc. as for when and where I'm not at liberty."

Yeah, he was giving her more than she asked, but it was stopping her from asking any more questions of a personal nature. Part of the reason he'd been selected was because he didn't have anyone. After the attack of Followers of Light, also called "The 42" he'd cut any and all emotional ties. Including his parents and siblings. He'd joined the Military and just vanished.

t least the walk wasn't long or complicated. Opening the door to the Monitoring station he followed her in and closed the door behind him. And then stood behind her, not that she had anywhere to run.

Ty's answer to whether or not he was married was short and to the point. Leslie waited for him to expand on it, and when he didn't, she opened her mouth to ask if he at least had a girl, which would have been followed with if he liked girls.

But then he began answering seemingly all of the questions that were in her mind but hadn't yet escaped her lips: he didn't have time for a wife; his life was his job; he wasn't a virgin; he did prefer girls over guys. When he started talking about his scars and her lack of clearance level to know anything about them, Leslie finally caught on to the fact that he wasn't in the mood to be quizzed by her about his personal life.

After climbing two flights of metal stairs, they reached the door to the Monitoring station. Ty opened it and stepped aside to allow her through first. Leslie stopped before him, looking up into his eyes, studying them a moment. The earlier confusion of what was dream fantasy and what was real life had long since faded, and yet she still felt a burning desire to get naked with the man and do all sorts of nasty things, some of which had been in her dream and were now etched permanently in her conscious memory.

"Thank you, Lieutenant," she said, remembering to use his rank, "for escorting me to Alice ... to the Captain." Letting her lips spread a bit in a flirty smile, she finished, "You have a way of making a woman feel safe.

She headed into the Monitoring Station, thinking that she was seeing Alice alone as Ty had called the meeting a 1 to 1. Instead, however, Marcia Weathers, who had assumed the responsibility for feeding them all was sitting opposite the Captain; and behind her, Ty stepped into the office and took up a security position.

"You wanted to see me, Alice?" she asked. Then, recalling how Ty had corrected her back in her room, she added, "Captain."

Alice gestured to the seat in which Ty had been sitting earlier, and hesitantly Alice took it. She looked between the two women and even looked over her shoulder at Ty before saying, "I'm getting the feeling that this isn't just a get to know each other more session."

"Tell me again what you told me yesterday about how you ended up here with us, Doctor," Alice said in a polite tone. She asked, "You were ... I guess the word we're using is shanghaied ... like some of the others?"

Leslie didn't immediately answer, instead looking between the two women in an attempt to read what was in their expressions. She'd never been a good liar; she didn't like deception or betrayal and, therefore, had never developed a knack for it. Still, she responded, "Yes, I, um ... I was working in a clinic in Cleveland." With a rooting sort of voice, she said, "Go-o-o-o Guardians!"

Her little bit of comedy regarding the city's MLB team went over like a lead balloon, leading Leslie to return to her nervous and concerned body language. She continued her lie, "I went to a clinic for the latest pandemic shot, and the next thing I knew I was waking up here."

Alice had been staring hard at Leslie during her false explanation but now looked to Marcia and asked, "Do you want to tell her or shall I?"

"No, please," Marcia responded, "let me."

The former Overseer spelled out what she knew about Leslie, accusing her of being the doctor hiding behind the face shield and mask of a biohazard suit while putting her into stasis. Marcia felt like the pot calling the kettle black when she asked harshly, "Why would you hide that fact? What are you not telling us? I wanna know. We want to know."

"We need to know," Alice said with a more professional and less emotional tone. "This bunker ... our situation ... it is potentially very fragile ... potentially very dangerous. This isn't a place or a time for secrets."

As Marcia just had, Alice recognized the irony in her talking about keeping secrets. There weren't going to be any for very long, though. She was coming to understand that.

Leslie looked between the two women again, then looked back to Ty as well. She opened her mouth to speak, hesitated, then -- as she began to tremble deep inside -- felt a tear run down her cheek. Suddenly, everything that she knew about why they were here in the bunker spilled out of her like the water bursting through a Dutch dike after a North Sea storm.

By the time she finished, Leslie was sobbing, her eyes red and her hands trembling. The others had asked her some questions and she'd answered them as best she could; she confessed that she didn't have answers to all of their inquiries, but she promised that she wouldn't hold anything back.

Alice stood and began a slow pace through the Monitoring Station. She didn't look at any of the others for a long moment, instead perusing the information on those screens that were illuminated with information about the facility's current situation.

Eventually, she turned to look between the other three, saying, "The others need to know this. This isn't something to be kept to just the three of us." She looked to the two women, ordering, "I need you both to step outside for a moment. Wait outside the door. Do not go anywhere. Lieutenant Collins will be right with you."

She casually gestured at them, and both Leslie and Marcia stood without response and headed out to the foyer between the Monitoring Station, the Infirmary, and the stairs that led up and down. Alice waited until Ty closed the door, then went to the weapons locker on the wall and punched in a six-digit code. She swung open the doors, looked the weapons over, then selected two Taser units and a box of replacement cartridges.

"I'm hoping this isn't necessary, Lieutenant," she said, turning to set all of the gear on her makeshift desk and gesturing him to take his half of it. She closed the locker again, tapping the lock button. "But there's no way of knowing how the others are going to react to this news."

She slipped the Taser holster's clip into her belt, putting the non-lethal weapon just behind her right hip, not wanting it to be the first thing the others noticed when they saw her next. To Ty, Alice said, "If you will, Lieutenant, gather up the others and escort them to the Saloon."

(OOC: I didn't want to explain what Leslie had to say here and then have to repeat it in the Saloon, even if it was condensed. I'll post the Saloon scene after Ty -- and Alaina? -- put up their next posts. Remember that there is still one reanimated character who we haven't identified yet.)
Collecting the Taser from The Captain Ty didn't bother with discretion, he clipped it to his hip that made it easy to access. Even checking the speed draw and adjusting it a couple times. "I doubt these will be necessary, there's only a few of us so far. But once we start adding more walkers, it will quickly escalate. I recommend at least 1 security Officer per batch awakening. Until I have three officers, then we can pull 8 hour shifts daily. And I recommend a policy of no sex while on duty for any staff member. Doctor, Engineer, Everyone."

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out the foil packet. "And for her crocodile tears she didn't mention this. Who did she medicate, what is it, and why?" Setting the empty packet on the table he saluted before turning and walking out.

"Ladies, I'll be taking you to the dining hall. I'm going to request that you remain there for the upcoming meeting while I gather everyone else. If it happens that I come across as stern, gruff, aggressive, or impolite, it is not meant as an attack, insult, or other negative connotation. It's just me communicating in a quick and direct manner."

After leading them to the dining hall he looked them over. "If you wouldn't mind making coffee or punch, I have a feeling that the Captain will need to drink something a number of people may need to throw empty cups. A mop bucket ready for cleanup would be appreciated as well."

Turning he walked out leaving them with something to do, keep their minds and hands occupied, and hopefully with enough directness that they understood he wasn't requesting it. He'd politely ordered them to make snacks, not talk, and get ready to clean up afterwards. Hopefully the mop would be for punch, water, and coffee. But if it came to breaking a nose. Well, he'd done that a number of times as well.

The first stop was his own quarters. Using a triad security system Fingerprint, alphanumeric passcode, and facial/vocal confirmation he opened his footlocker. A pair of brass knuckles went into his back pocket, an extension Security baton went on his hip, several pairs of handcuffs. He didn't believe things would be bad enough for a blade yet, so those stayed.

He'd been told that after awakening there would be a three month dry run with various surprise scenarios. That apparently was either a bullshit story, or this was a dry run and a test of everyone's abilities. Perhaps the AI had faulty data. Either way, the flooding as real. People had died.

Shit plus fan meant handcuffs and tasers.

Securing his locker and quarters he spoke with the other awake male in the group, just letting him no The Captain had collected some new information and was having another meeting. Yes it was in the dining hall, yes he knew what the meeting was about, no he was not at liberty to say why. Sending the guy on his way he hinted that maybe there would be snacks. It's not like they hadn't been starving since being put in the pods.

The guy didn't look like a fighter, but looks could be deceiving. He needed to get a look at all the Data packets on everyone. Awake, sleeping, and dead. Mostly because he wanted to be nosy, part because he needed to know whom might be a problem, and partly to see if everyone selected was going to model level hot.

He had a feeling that everyone in the group was attractive, and skilled in their area's. Repopulation candidates. Skills to do the job. Attractive for breeding. How many Geneticists did they have? Did they have the equipment for Gene manipulation to increase the gene pool? Did they have the skill sets needed for such an event? Were there other facilities nearby to increase the gene pool? Were they actually still on earth?

Next to him was Rita, the virgin. When she opened the door, he tried not to stare at her 'personality' but damn were they outgoing. He could feel his cock already stirring in his pants. "The Captain has called an impromptu meeting to reveal some new information, I believe there is a Question-and-Answer session included. I don't have an answers s I ask that you wait until then."

"And you might want to dress, warmly." he advised. It would be bad to tell her to cover her tits before she got mauled by every hornier than hell individual in the base. And that meant everyone. Himself included. Did she fantasize about sex? When she did pop that cherry did she want to be on her back or her knees? Would she suck that cock first, or after? Both?

FUCK! Stepping back from the door, he gave her a soft nod. "I'm sure you can find you're own way?" God his cock was so hard it had to be noticeable. Maybe he should go to the locker rooms and stroke one out.

Moving to the last one, the girl that sat across from at breakfast. Elana. Alia? Alayah? Alaina! She'd taken a room as far as possible and stay on the same level. Isolationist. Secretive.

Moving to the door he reached to knock and saw her through the window. She was on her hands and knees, her ass in the air, her face buried in a pillow and her hand between her thighs. He could hear the whimpering moans escaping her as her slender fingers worked.
Laying in bed Alaina tossed and turned. it was to hot! Too cold! The sheets were coarse!! They were so fucking smooth! Damn her clothes were to fucking confining! Stripping down to nothing she lay on top of the bedding her fingers trailing across her body as she thought about what she'd done wrong.

Hell, maybe if that guy Ty had been the first one to handcuff her, she'd have become a cop and worked for the cyber-crimes division. Maybe what she needed was a good fucking? Not that she'd ever had a good hard fuck. Anybody with skill had a tiny dick, and any guy that had a descent cock was either an addict or an idiot in bed. Yeah, size matters, but so did skill with a cock!

It did no good to own a Lamborghini if you didn't have a fucking license! Oening the bedside drawer she reached for her vibrator, which wasn't there cause that was her fucking apartment. And this wasn't her apartment! Instead, her fingers latched onto her hairbrush. And it had such a nice, thick and long handle.

Moving it between her thighs she felt it slide inside her tight depths. A soft moan escaping her. Oh fuck! Sometimes a girl just needed to be filled. Rolling onto her knees she stroked the hairbrush in and out, her face buried in a pillow, stifling her moans of pleasure as she fucked herself stupid.

Oh, it felt so good to be filled, granted a cock would be so much better! With the cool material on her face, she imagined it was a pair of silky thighs, a beautiful bush before her waiting to be licked as a massive cock buried itself in her dripping depths.

Shoving hard with the brush she quivered as she felt that tightness clench hard and then release. Collapsing on the bed she stretched out and rolled over before she finally removed her new bestie.

Motion at the window made her look and she saw the security guy there, he has knocking on the door. Had he seen her?! Had he heard her whimpering and moaning?! OH GOD! Fuck she was naked! Pulling the blankets up and around herself she stood and ripped the door open. "What? We were told to rest!"

"The Captain has called a meeting. New Information has come to light and she's planning on telling everyone at the same time." Ty replied as he looked at her with the blankest look possible. Was this guy dead, a robot, or gay?

"Ok, I need to get dressed, I'll be there in a minute." Alaina snapped closing the door. God she needed to put paper over the window next time she masturbated.
In the Monitoring Station:

Alice watched Ty operate with the Taser and knew in an instant that he was skilled with the non-lethal weapon. She hoped that he would never have to use it, let alone one of the more lethal weapons occupying the wall locker. She knew that the Administrators had obviously feared that crowd control might be an issue, though, as the locker contained a dozen 9mm pistols, half as many short barreled 12-gauge shotguns, collapsable batons, handcuffs, and a large plastic bag full zip tie-style handcuffs; Alice didn't know their official name as she'd never been a policing officer. Thank God for Ty.

The new Lieutenant gave his recommendations, to which Alice nodded or voiced agreement. Then he said, "And I recommend a policy of no sex while on duty for any staff member. Doctor, Engineer, Everyone."

When he said that, Alice initially thought -- feared even -- that he'd meant no sex at all, ever! That concerned her, of course, because even 6 days after her own reanimation, she was still wracked by feelings of horniness just about any time she was around any of the others, male or female. The only thing keeping her from mauling her new Head of Security right here, right now was ... well, everything else that was occupying her mind.

When Ty set the empty Fentanyl package on the table and mused about who the Doctor had been medicating off-book, Alice found herself conflicted about how to respond. The portion of Leslie's personnel record to which even Leslie herself wasn't privy had contained some notes about pain killers and mood enhancers that had gone missing during her shifts. There had never been any charges or reprimands, but blood tests processed without Leslie's knowledge had seemed to prove that she'd been partaking of pills she shouldn't have, particularly being a doctor.

"I'll speak to Leslie about it later," Alice said, wanting to keep to the more important issue for the moment. "I'm sure there's an explanation."

Ty departed, and from her desk Alice could hear him giving them directions before escorting them away. She could hear enough of the conversation between the three to know that she'd gotten lucky in having him in control of the bunker's safety and security.

She took a moment to consider his other responsibility: fixing the leak in the bunker's wall. Ty had been quick to volunteer to take a dive in the cold water that filled more than two levels of the facility, and from what Alice had read in his service record, he was very qualified for the work. That didn't mean that she wasn't concerned for his safety, though. Without proper diving equipment, he'd be working with either a makeshift tank and breathing apparatus or an inappropriately extensive length of hose stretched between a mouthpiece/regulator and the O2 scrubber in the Generator Room.

In the Saloon:

Ty suggested that Marcia put out some drinks for the group. She and Leslie set to work, getting together some hot and cold treats as well. They might have been called hors d'oeuvres if they hadn't come out of cans and vacuum sealed bags. Marcia test tasted some of the offerings, grimaced, and immediately dumped them into the trash.

"I wouldn't feed those to my dog," she growled. Laughing, she added, "I wouldn't even feed them to Stiffs who hadn't eaten in a hundred and fifty years."

"I'm sorry," Leslie said with a lack of context. When the other woman looked to her, she explained, "I'm sorry that I wasn't truthful with you, Marcia ... about having been the doctor who put you into stasis. I was just doing my job."

"Save it," the former Overseer said sharply. "I'm sure I'm not the only Stiff you put down for the count. Save it for--"

"No, that's not true," Leslie interrupted defensively. "Most of the test subjects were in cryo when they arrived. They were all put in stasis at other locations, then flown to Pituffik."

Leslie was referring to the former Thule Air Force Base which now went by the Inuit name for the region. She continued, "From there they were flown by helicopter to a small village down the mountain from here, then transported on trailers pulled by Snowcats, the same way they got most of the supplies and equipment for building the bunker up here clear back in the 1990s."

This was the first information Marcia had learned about how old the bunker complex was. She'd known it was old, but not that old. Add to that 144 more years, of course.

The pair ceased their conversation there, continuing with preparing drinks and snacks in silence.

(OOC: I have to divide this into 2 posts due to the 10,000 character limit. I promise those of you who think I write too much that my posts will very quickly become much shorter.)
At Rita's quarters:

(OOC: Ignore the weight bench in Rita's picture.)

Rita was engaged in yoga in her little room when the knock at the door came. She opened it without consideration for what she was wearing. Ty's eyes fell instinctively to her body before rising to her face to tell her, "The Captain has called an impromptu meeting to reveal some new information, I believe there is a Question-and-Answer session included. I don't have any answers so I ask that you wait until then."

Rita didn't respond. She couldn't. Just as Ty's body was reacting to seeing her deliciously displayed body -in particular her ever-pert nipples as they pressed conspicuously forward -- her own body was reacting with an increased heart rate, deeper breathing, and a warmth in her crotch that Rita would soon learn had led to wetness.

"And you might want to dress, warmly," Ty advised. He eyeballed her once more before telling her, "I'm sure you can find you're own way?"

"Yes ... I can," Rita barely managed. She watched him walk away, and just as Marcia had in the sauna and Leslie had at her own quarters, Rita let her eyes drop to Ty's ass. She wondered what his physical pass had included: bodybuilding, bike racing, long distance running; what had led to him having such a delicious ass as this?

She closed the door, stripped out of her exercise clothes, cleaned up with a rag dipped into room temperature water, dried, and dressed, this time in a one of the standard issue uniforms she'd taken earlier from the linen closet on the wall opposite her room. She was a tiny thing, only 5'2" and 102 pounds and measurements of 32-23-34. Even the small size uniform hung loose on her frame, except for in the chest, where her generous and gravity defying C-cups filled the clothing out impressively.

She hurried up to the 3rd level Saloon and helped Marcia and Leslie deliver the drinks, goodies, plates, and silverware to the table at which they'd had their breakfast get-together. One by one, the others arrived: Ty, Alaina, Alice, and last but not least Gregory Young. Greg was the one reanimated resident of the bunker with whom Rita had had virtually no interaction; they'd said hello twice and shared a polite smile once, but other than that he was a total stranger to her.

"Sorry I'm late," Greg said as he neared the others. He selected a seat at the adjacent table rather than sitting with the others. "He quickly added, "I should say sorry I'm last, because I'm not altogether certain that I'm late."

Ty was standing nearby, looking the ever-professional Security Officer he was, while Alice stood at the end of the table looking between the others. She began, "What I'm about to tell you all, some of you know in part. I'm the only one who knows everything ... and by everything I actually mean what we know now. I'm sure there is more to be discovered."

She hesitated, looking to Alaina. "I'm hoping that our resident hacker will discover more ... discover what is hiding deep in Berth's unconscious ... in her server files, stuff we can't access yet."

Alice hesitated again, looking to Ty and gesturing to the nearest available seat -- one at Greg's table -- in case he wanted to sit with the others. Then she continued, "Those of us who are US Space Force ... Lieutenant Collins, Greg Young, myself ... we volunteered for this. We believed we were engaged in a research project investigating the potential of suspended animation ... cryogenic stasis for a future mission to Jupiter's moon of Europa.

"This might have been true when first we volunteered," she continued, "but ... well, when the world went to shit ... the Project was altered. This next part I only learned today."

At this point, Alice could have said that some of what she'd learned came from Marcia, the former Overseer-turned-Stiff, and from Leslie, the former Project Doctor-also-turned-stiff. She didn't want to put either of them on the spot, though; she didn't want the others to hate them for their part -- involuntary as it might have been -- in what had happened to them.

Instead, she gave credit to the facility's AI. Glancing and even gesturing a hand toward the eye on the wall, Alice began, "It took me a while to find the right permission codes to get Bertha to open up, but what I found is going to be ... difficult for some if not all of us."

She hesitated again, drawing and expelling a deep breath. "Shortly after the first round of Space Force personnel were put into stasis ... in Nevada and other unknown locations ... American Intelligence services learned of a threat ... a serious threat, not just to the people of America but to the world. An engineered strain of a measles virus had been stolen from a biolab. I don't know which lab in which country--"

Again, Alice looked to Alaina before continuing, "--but maybe we'll learn this in the future...? The point is, the thief threatened to release the virus internationally unless a variety of demands were met, most of which were not politically or financially possible.

"To make a long story short," Alice continued with a solemn tone, "the virus was released ... worldwide. It spread rapidly through internationally traveling infected peoples, and within a month, there was hardly a country in the world that didn't already have thousands of dead and hundreds of thousands of infected."

Alice hesitated for a badly needed drink of the punch Marcia had made, then went on. "Here's the part that I find even more fantastic than a new global pandemic, as if we hadn't already suffered enough of those in the 21st century. Even before this new pandemic, the US government had had a classified program intended to identify people with what they called genetics suitable for the repopulation of the human race."

This part she'd gotten from the Doctor, and now Alice kept her eyes off Leslie so as to not indicate her in having shared this information. "Essentially, they'd identified thousands of people, mostly but not exclusively Americans, whose DNA showed little or no genetic indicators for such things as cancer, mental disease, physical malformities, and so on."

Alice stopped now to look specifically to the people who were shanghaied. "Rita ... Alaina ... you're here because you fall into this category. You're what the Administrators of this Project considered near-perfect human beings. There may have been thousands of others like you, but you were likely selected because you also hadn't been infected by the new virus.

"Marcia ... Leslie ... it's possible that you, too, also fell into this category," Alice informed them.

"That's bullshit," Marcia murmured.

Leslie was about to agree with her but then realized that doing so would necessitate her explaining that she'd been a Project Doctor. She instead continued to sit there quietly.

"By the way, they referred to this new bug as the Armageddon Virus," Alice continued. She stepped forward, set a computer tablet on the table, and tapped the screen. On the screen was a map of the planet with major cities identified and a date -- roughly the time the bunker's residents had entered stasis.

"The Armageddon Virus began in major cities all around the globe," she said as small red dots popped up on every continent and slowly grew in size. The red began spreading faster and wider, and soon nearly the whole of the map was bathed in red. Solemnly, Alice said, "There isn't a corner of the world that hasn't been infected--"

"Whaddaya saying? Greg asked harshly. "Whaddaya mean by infected? Are you saying...?" He couldn't finish his question and went quiet a moment before asking in a softer voice, "Are you telling us that ... that everyone's dead out there?

Alice resisted shrugging her shoulders -- she hated that, finding it childish -- and after a moment credited the AI again with, "Bertha's records say yes. We can't know for certain how bad it really got--"

"This is bullshit," Greg murmured.

Alice looked to him, then to the others. She glanced to the Doctor, from whom she, Ty, and Marcia had this first hand earlier. "I assure you. This is not bullshit. It's true." Then, slowly, she told them, "There is the very good possibility ... that beyond this bunker ... there is no one left."

"What about other bunkers?" Marcia asked. "We can't be the only one."

"I don't know," Alice said, "and Bertha doesn't know either. The AI only knows what she was told before they disconnected her from the outside world. And I've told you all I got from her."
Lt. Collins
Ty didn't shift or reorient his stance, but he wass readyin case Greg went hystericl. So bad he didn't hve anything to sedate him with, well anything other than a right cross.

Standing at attention with his hands behind his back, and his back ramrod straight, it forced his hips to push forwards. If he hadn't paused in a stairwell and shifted his cock he'd be in pain right now. As it was seeing Alaina fucking herself with a brush/dildo had made his cock so hard it hurt no matter what.

If he didn't fuck someone soon he was gonna scream. Or kill. The lesbian was out of the question, she'd probably fuck a rifle before he'd ever touch her. But the slender blonde.. Rita? Maybe he'd go anal for once, so she could keep her virginity if she wanted to. Maybe she'd just stroke his cock? Or he could titty fuck those beautiful mounds of hers.

Fuck he needed a shower. Ice cold.

If Greg got laid before him, he'd pop the twerp head off.Just twist that fucker around till it seperated. Probably wouldn't take more than three turns.

They were going to die here, in fucking GREENLAND!!! At least she wasn't virgin, she'd lost that awhile back. damn 160 years ago? Was anyone left? How tech evolved? Devolved? Slid sideways? She needed the computer.

And cock. Or at least a tongue teasing her clit. The security guard? He'd already caught her masturbating. And the way he stood pushing his hard cock forwards, like he was bragging about how big it was. Fucker probably only had four inches, as thick as her pinkie.

Fuck the things he could do with a cock that big. Brian had been that size. Terrible in bed but the drugs.. Damn those had been awesome sauce. And he could eat pussy like a dream.

"I need access to the computer as soon as possible." Maybe it had porn on it? Fuck she'd settle for watching two guys suck each other off. Anything was better than nothing. but if she found lesbian porn she was copying it.
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Rita had sat there in total silence, overwhelmed with disbelief. Of the 7 of them, she and Alaina were the only two who hadn't had some sort of connection to this hell they found themselves in. Alice, Ty, and Greg had each been cryo test subjects; Leslie had been a Project doctor, even though Rita didn't know this; Marcia had been an Overseer, though -- again -- the little Horticulturalist was unaware of this, too.

"I ... I don't understand," she spoke up timidly during a lull in the conversation. Tentatively, she asked, "Are you saying that I was chosen to be here ... because they think I can make perfect babies?"

"Beautiful ones, at least," Greg said in barely over a whisper.

He was ogling Rita's C-cups and the generous cleavage her bra caused and the uniform's lapels revealed. He smiled flirtatiously to her when she met his gaze, then quickly diverted his eyes when all he got in return was a cold, hard stare.

"I need access to the computer as soon as possible," Alaina said, sending the conversation away from the whole making babies topic.

"Tomorrow," Alice said without hesitation. "Before I came down her, I ordered Bertha to perform a full systems check and, if necessary, reboot of certain functions. She says it will take 14 hours to complete. Until then ... well, we'll find other things to keep us busy."

Alice couldn't help but look at Marcia, whose sexual tendencies were most definitely set on pussy and tits. Most of Alice's past lovers had been male, but she wasn't a stranger to the bodies of other females as well. The chef's face and figure were simply unbelievable, and Alice couldn't help but imagine her laying out on her bed naked.

Of course, Ty piqued Alice's sexual interests as well. After her keeping busy comment, though, she couldn't very well turn and look directly at him; the obviousness of it wouldn't look professional. Alice had masturbated in the shower this morning to the fantasy of Ty on his knees licking and flicking her clit.

But despite her yearning for him, Alice was dead set against becoming Ty's lover. The two of them were going to be working very closely together, likely closer than any other pair in the bunker. The failure of a sexual relationship in such close quarters had been the downfall of far too many of Alice's past relationships. She didn't want that to happen between her and Ty. He was far too important to the successful operation of the bunker.

Glancing to Greg, Alice wondered if maybe he could substitute for her Head of Security. He was a good-looking man with a seemingly well-built body. But there was something about his personality that was a turn off. Alice wouldn't call him a misogynist this early in the game. But there was something about the way he gawked at the other women -- and presumably her, too -- that just gave her the willies.

"For now, I want each of you to do as I ordered you this morning after breakfast," Alice said, reminding them of the specific demand, "Take the day off!" She glanced at her watch, then continued, "It's 1230 hours now. Marcia, can you put together a full lunch in, say, two hours? I know that's a bit late for lunch, but we do have all these snacks."

"I can do that," Marcia said with a dedicated tone.

"Alaina, I know you're eager to get to the computer," Alice said, looking to the hacker, "but until Bertha is done with her work, there's nothing for you to do." She looked to Rita, pointed a finger, and ordered, "Stay out of the Hort' Bay. I know you want to get to planting, but you need to recharge."

The littlest of the group nodded her head obediently. "Another day won't hurt, I guess."

Then, looking to Leslie and remembering the foil package Ty had turned over to her, Alice said, "Doc, I need to see you in the Monitoring Station to talk about health issues." In truth, she was going to confront the woman about the Fentanyl, fearful that Leslie was dosing herself again but even more fearful that someone else was in need of the medication and hadn't told her.

"Okay, so ... snack and drink, then get the hell out of here," Alice said, adding quickly, "Unless anyone has anything more they want to say or ask about what he all learned here today."

Alice wasn't an idiot: she knew that there were hundreds of questions bouncing around in the skulls of the other six. The only problem, of course, was that she didn't have any more answers for them.
"I'll be in the gym working out if anyone needs me," Ty told the room as he grabbed a coupe century old cookies. Thank god this shit had all been vacuum sealed, powdered, or preserved to the best of human capability. Otherwise they'd be eating moldy dust.

He needed to burn this chemically induced sexual need out of his system before he completely lost his shit and raped someone. Hell for a moment he'd even looked at Greg's ass. and that was in a room with half a dozen willing, and undoubtably horny women. Hell, push come to shove he wouldn't be surprised if the Lesbian asked him to eat her out or fuck her while she pretended it was a hot chick was a strap on.

Guys fucked guys in prison, but walked out and pretended it never happened. Wouldn't be any different if it happened in here. With limited availability he was going to to be getting a lot of pussy, often, or some straight girls were turning Bi.

With seven people awake He had possibilities with Captain Walker (slim), Rita (possible), Alaina (probable) The Doctor (Probable). So he had four potential partners unless Marcia wanted to dance on the wild side. Greg was a probable problem, the way he looked at people, not just a glance or discreet look. He was blatantly leering at the ladies. Especially Rita. He'd look at his profile first, Doc second Captain third, Alaina fourth, Rita five, Marcia six, Himself last, mostly to see what was in it so he'd know what he was allowed to talk aout, or at least could agree that a mission had occured.
The Saloon meeting breaks up; Rita confesses to Alice; Leslie seduces Ty:

"Okay, so ... snack and drink, then get the hell out of here," Alice said, adding quickly, "Unless anyone has anything more they want to say or ask about what he all learned here today."

"I'll be in the gym working out if anyone needs me," Ty told the room before heading away.

From the more occupied table, the meek Rita called out, "Captain ... I'd like a word if that's okay." As she was talking, Rita was rising and moving Alice's way, and when closer she said in barely over a whisper, "In private ... please."

Alice didn't know what the young, sweet thing needed, but she was sure it was something with which she needed to deal immediately. She told Leslie to come to the Monitoring Station in an hour instead. To Rita, Alice said, "Come with me. We can talk now."

The pair of them made the climb to the first level, and entering the Monitoring Room Alice asked the AI, "Bertha, how much longer until you're up and running again?"

"The reboot will be completed in approximately 12 hours, 32 minutes," the computer voice responded.

Alice gestured Rita to one of the chairs opposite what she was now calling her office, then asked, "What can I do for you, Rita. Oh, and you can call me Alice."

"Alice," the younger woman tried out, smiling happily. She took a moment to gather her thoughts and turn them into words, then said, "I think there's been a mistake." When Alice only stared with a go on expression on her face, Rita blushed. She giggled nervously, then explained, "They can't have chosen me to ... you know ... help repopulate the human race."

"Why do you say that?" Alice asked. She could have expanded on her inquiry, but she wanted to see whether the quiet little thing would say more without prompting.

Rita was fumbling with her fingers in her lap, staring down at them, before peeking up timidly at the other woman and whispering, "I'm a virgin." Again, Alice only stared with that continue look on her face. Rita hesitated, giggled again, blushed again, then went on, "I've never been with a guy."

Alice laughed this time. "I know what being a virgin means, Rita." She studied the young thing a moment before saying with a tone of humor, "Things change, Rita. You won't be a virgin forever. And ... well ... there are men here if you want things to change. You know ... to no longer be a virgin."

By now, Rita was noticeably trembling. Alice was worried for the girl and stood to move around the table and sit in the chair nearer her. Taking Rita's shaking hands in her own and squeezing them softly, she said, "You don't have to have sex with the guys who are currently reanimated ... Ty ... Greg. There will be other men soon. Hell, as far as that goes, you don't have to have sex with any of the guys in the bunker. Just because the Administrators--"

"But I want to," Rita interrupted, her eyes still set upon her hands. She peeked up into Alice's eyes but was unable to maintain the lock. Softly, she confessed, "I wanna have sex. I wanna so bad ... badly, I mean ... not bad."

Alice's lips spread in a smile at the young thing's confession. She consider the confession a moment, squeezed Rita's hands again, then told her, "Be honest with me, so that I can help you with this, because I want to help you, Rita." Alice hesitated, then asked, "Are you attracted to men ... or are you attracted to women?" Trying to sound supportive, Alice quickly added, "Either is perfectly fine. I'll make a confession to you, Rita: I like men ... but I like women, too."

Rita looked up into the community's leader's eyes with a glimmer of hope, and thinking she was seeing something there that she hadn't intended, Alice quickly clarified, "I'm not saying that, you know ... if you are attracted to women that I want you to be attracted to me or that I'm attracted to you."

Alice laughed suddenly, and even she blushed. She explained, "I'm not saying that I'm not attracted to you. You're a true doll, Rita ... a rare beauty."

That wasn't actually true, the rare part. Rita was most definitely a beautiful young woman, but then so were Marcia, Leslie, and Alaina. Alice had been often told that she, too, was beautiful, and she was very happy with her figure. But she'd never thought of herself as a classic beauty.

Alice continued, "I'm just trying to say that I'm not hitting on you. I'd be honored to be the subject of your attraction--"

"Ty," Rita interrupted. When Alice went silent, the other woman expanded, "I want to lose my virginity to Ty." Again, blush! She giggled this time, dropping her eyes again, then looked up with a childish expression on her face. In barely over a whisper, Rita confessed, "I want so badly to be with Ty." Then, with a hopeful look and desperate tone, she asked Alice, "Can you help me?"

Alice was torn by the girl's request, for she, too, had an interest in having her Lieutenant's cock inside her. Such a relationship had been nixed by Alice, though; she couldn't be fucking the man who, for all Alice knew, she might be giving unsavory orders in the near future.

"If that's who you want to be your first," Alice said, reluctantly but with as sincere a tone as she could muster, "I will do what I can to help you. Okay?"

Rita was suddenly beaming with joy. She excitedly asked, "How...? When...? What do I do?"

Alice couldn't help but laugh; she'd never seen a girl so eager to lose her virginity before. She told Rita to cool her jets, then engaged her in a conversation on the topic, almost a birds and the bees talk.


Meanwhile, Leslie was having similar thoughts about Tyrande as was Rita. The main difference between the two of them was that while Rita was having a heart-to-heart conversation with the community's leader about the birds and the bees, Leslie was walking into the bunker's gym where Ty was lying back on a bench press, unzipping the front of her standard issue overalls, and letting them fall away to reveal a modest bra and panties set that very well displayed her anything but modest womanly form.

"I need someone to fuck me," she said without shame as she neared the end of the bench. She reached a hand up behind her and popped loose the bra; it practically sprang forth, her generous C-cups eager to breath. As it fell away, she slipped her thumbs into the waist band of her panties and pushed them off her hips; she was still as smoothly shaven as the day she'd entered stasis 144 years ago. "I don't suppose you'd be interested in being that person ... would you, Lieutenant?"

If Ty did nothing to stop her, Leslie would straddle the bench and his legs, pull his shorts and underwear off him, and mount him then and there, uncaring that the door to the gym was unlocked or that anyone at any moment might come wandering in to work on their lats or abs.
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"I need someone to fuck me," she said without shame as she neared the end of the bench. She reached a hand up behind her and popped loose the bra; it practically sprang forth, her generous C-cups eager to breath. As it fell away, she slipped her thumbs into the waist band of her panties and pushed them off her hips; she was still as smoothly shaven as the day she'd entered stasis 144 years ago. "I don't suppose you'd be interested in being that person ... would you, Lieutenant?"

With 450# in his hands and above his head he looked at her as he reset the bar in it's mounting, his cock had at least softened, distracted by the weights and the mental gymnastics for skin diving to find the problem in the basement. But seeing a very willing, incredibly fuckable, and amazingly beautiful woman in front of him. And she was real, not imagination as he stroked it in the shower.. again.

"You'd better be on top, I'd rather not go to fast," Ty said. Watching as she straddled his lower legs and worked his shorts off, his cock sprang free. The hard mass lay against his skin and he was ready to slide inside any hole she wanted him in. Granted he was mentally screaming he wanted to driving inside pussy and fill her with his cum, but if she wanted him to fuck her ass, he'd do it.

"If you stop after you get yours, we'll never do this again." he said, warning her. He did NOT need to get to the peak and have her leave him with Blue Balls. But he wouldn't force her either.
Marcia and Alaina:

With two hours before she had to serve a late lunch to the others, Marcia decided to depart the Saloon to return to her quarters to digest the revelations Alice had just dropped on them like a ten-ton water balloon. She stared up at the ceiling for the longest time, examining the way the conduits, pipes, and vents sometimes seemed to be involved in a dance with one another beneath the overhead.

A loud sound she didn't immediately identify pulled Marcia from her reverie, and sitting up to look out her open door, she caught sight of Alaina heading for her own tiny little room on the opposite wall. Thoughts she shouldn't have been having yet couldn't resist again filled her brain, and rising without hesitation, Marcia made her way across the mostly open space between the three walls of rooms and one of closets, bathrooms, and more.

"Hey," she said softly as she pulled the slightly open door a bit further so. "Hope I'm not bothering you."

When Alaina looked to her, she would have found Marcia looking her up and down. The chef and former Overseer was entirely unaware of the hacker's sexual preferences, but Marcia's yearning for erotic interaction and her tendency though not firm choice of other women as partners drove her to at least make a play.

"Wild news Alice shared, wasn't it?" she asked as she casually stepped into the room and pulled the door nearly closed behind her. With the room barely 6 feet wide and 10 feet long -- just large enough for a twin bed, small desk and chair, and tiny wardrobe with drawers and hanging space, there was little more than four feet between them now. Marcia looked Alaina up and down again, casually and somewhat conspicuously, then smiled. "So, whaddaya think about that Ty guy. Hot, isn't he? Or Greg? He's handsome but kind of an ass, I think."

She smiled, then asked with a flirty smile, "Or ... maybe that cute little thing, Rita ... or the Doc ... of the Captain..." Shifting her weight from one foot to the other in what many would have taken as striking a pose, Marcia finished, "Or someone else maybe?"

She, of course, was the last someone else maybe possible. Alaina was either going to express her attraction to her or to one of the others or declare no interest at all, for now. Marcia had her hopes set, of course.
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Ty and Leslie:

"You'd better be on top," Ty told Leslie as she moved to straddle the bench, caressing her hands up his muscular legs toward his hips. "I'd rather not go to fast."

She took hold of his shorts and pulled them and his underwear down as one. His cock sprang free, hard and getting harder with every passing second. Leslie smiled, impressed. He was both bit longer and thicker than normal, both of which she was certain would be just what the Doctor ordered; she quietly chastised herself for dredging up that old saying, even if it was only in her own dirty mind.

"If you stop after you get yours," Ty said, speaking obviously about her own orgasm, "we'll never do this again."

"Trust me darling," Leslie said as she placed herself above his crotch, grasped his now rock-hard cock, and put it at her already wet opening. "You'll be getting yours as well."

She'd always been very confident in her ability to please others, be it men with her still-tight pussy or women with her very skilled tongue. Carefully, Leslie lowered herself until Ty broke through the resistance of a pussy that hadn't penetrated for a century and a half. Ironically, if one discounted the period in stasis, it had only been three days since she'd last gotten cock; she'd slipped off to a storage closet with one of the Project's male nurses just before he'd been reassigned to another base and she'd entered a cryo pod.

Leslie groaned, long and deep as Ty's cock forced its way into her. She took him in one, long, cautious, slow, downward motion until finally she was sitting fully in his lap, only the tips of her toes still touching the exercise room's mats. She let out another deep groan of satisfaction, then leaned forward to grasp the weight bar that Ty himself had just had his own hands upon, looking down into his eyes as she practically hummed, "God ... I've been needing this."
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Alaina listened halfway as the woman rambled on, she was obviously as nervous as Alaina, probably horney as hell as well. But Alaina was taking in the sight of the other woman, The soft ears and slender throat, the curve of her lips, the shape of her eyes. And then she heard Marcia talking about Ty and Greg. And others..

She could hear stress and tension and nervousness all rolled into one. Alaina didn't stop to think she just leaned forwards and kissed her. Her hands moving to Marcia's hips as she scooted herself closer. God if she was wrong about this she was in for a long life of red face every time the cook served her a meal.

Breaking the kiss for a half second she just made a soft "shhhh" sound before she kissed the Doctor's neck, her fingers sliding down the Doctor's shirt to grasp the hem and lift it an inch.

Pulling back she lifted an eyebrow, "If you want to.. unless you'd rather have Ty or Greg."
Lt. Collins
Ty's eyes rolled into his head, it was like being a virgin all over again. The first time a girl had ever touched him he'd damned near passed out from pleasure. Fuck she was tight and warm and slippery wet and felt so damned good.

Reaching up he cupped her bare breasts, enjoying the feel of their firm weight, the taut nipples in his palm. And then he stroked them. He didn't pinch and pull and twist like so many idiots did thinking it was hot and sexy. He stroked the skin of her breasts teasing her nipples before fingers danced away and caressed her sides and hips.

Pushing upwards with his hips he lifted her from the floor until her toes were dangling several inches above the mats. And then he lowered her. His six pack was obvious well made, even if it was marred by scars. Bullet, stab, surgical, Animal bites, tears from barbed wire maybe? His skin told of the horrors he'd experienced. And that was just his chest.

He moved counter to her, easing back as she rose away and then pushing upwards as she lowered back down onto him. "Fuck me, I've needed this."
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Alaina and Marcia (not Leslie):

Marcia was uncertain of whether or not she'd made a mistake in coming to Alaina's room with sexual intent until suddenly the other woman leaned forwards and kissed her. The hacker's lips felt wonderful, warm and wet, leading Marcia to part hers just enough to ever so lightly touch the tip of her tongue to Alaina's lip.

Their mouths parted and the two women looked into each other's eyes, and Marcia was about to speak when Alaina whispered, "Shhhh".

Marcia smiled at the beauty's reaction, seemingly confirmation of her desire for this to proceed. Alaina's mouth moved to the cook's neck, sending an almost painful shiver up Marcia's spine and goosebumps out her arms. She reached a hand up to cup the back of the hacker's head, encouraging her to keep on keepin' on.

She wasn't sure how far this might go until she felt Alaina grasping and lifting the lower hem of her shirt before saying, "If you want to ... unless you'd rather have Ty or Greg."

Marcia's smile widened, and she raised both arms upwards, silently giving her answer. Her shirt came off over her head, her long, dark hair cascading back down onto her bare shoulders. A lacy red bra lifted her C-cups up and in; her belly was flat and smooth, perfect except for a single scar left of her belly button; during her first undercover assignment with NYPD Narcotics, she was stabbed by a perp who, amazingly, she was still able to chase down and capture.

She leaned in to kiss Alaina again, this time encouraging the woman into a more erotic kiss while reaching to her blouse as Alaina had hers. As that kiss ended, Marcia whispered "I want you ... I want to put my mouth on you ... on all of you."
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Lt. Ty Collins and Leslie:

Leslie looked down into the Lieutenant's face as he cupped her generous tits. As she gently began writhing forward and back in his lap, she expected him to grope her awkwardly, like so many man -- so many boys -- had done to her in the past. He surprised her, though, gently caressing and stroking her skin and nipples. His touch only added to the pleasure she was feeling from his cock slipping in and out of her.

Ty worked his movements with Leslie's, matching her perfectly. She was enjoying the same first time feeling he was; suspended animation -- even 144 years of it -- wasn't supposed to have any significant physical effects on her body, and yet Leslie could have sworn that her pussy was as tight as it was when she'd lost her virginity at 16 to her 20-year-old cousin.

She looked to his body, finding a multitude of scars decorating it. As she slowly sped up her movements, enticing him to do the same, she studied them, finding them somehow erotic.

"Fuck me," Ty moaned to her. "I've needed this."

Leslie smiled wide. She'd needed it, too. The pleasure was building within her rapidly, and she knew it wouldn't be long before she exploded. She looked up from his torso, studied Ty's facial expressions, seeing that he likely would, too.

"Tell me about your scars," she moaned. She lowered a hand to his body, running a fingertip through the valleys of his six pack before touching one of them and demanding, "Tell me about this."

If he obeyed, Leslie would move her fingertip from that one to another to another, asking about each. She wanted to know about each of them, but she already knew she likely wouldn't make it past the third or maybe the fourth.
Alaina and Marcia:
Alaina's arms went up as the other woman undressed her, Small and firm her tits weren't restrained by anything, not even bits of lace held them up and in place. On the small side of a "b"-cup the nipple's were hard and round like pencil erasers surrounded by dark pink areola's.

Once her shirt was off she leaned back and shucked her slacks and boy shorts off. If she'd known she'd be getting laid she'd have dressed well "sexier". She wasn't sure if this going to be a one off or a potential commitment and at the moment didn't care.

Marcia leaned in to kiss Alaina again, this time encouraging the woman into a more erotic kiss while reaching to her blouse as Alaina had hers. As that kiss ended, Marcia whispered "I want you ... I want to put my mouth on you ... on all of you."

"Thank god, cause I plan doing the same to you," Alain said, pushing the other woman onto her back. She helped Marcia peel off the rest of her cloths and before she could even let the cool air in, Alaina was licking and tasting the other woman's personal bits with skill and pleasure.
Lt. Ty Collins and Leslie:
"Tell me about your scars," she moaned. She lowered a hand to his body, running a fingertip through the valleys of his six pack before touching one of them and demanding, "Tell me about this."

He gave simple answers, Mortar shrapnel, Enemy Grenade, Idiot with a knife stabbed me. 5.56 Rifle shot from 100 meters.. But no locations. No.. details. It's like they were just words on paper. He was disconnected from wounds. Maybe if he didn't think about it, it ddn't happen. Maybe compartmentalization. Mabe he was thinking about his cock buried inside a hot genius.

With his hands on her hips, he looked up at her, then sat up and lifted her. His cock remained buried as he lay her on the bench, her back where his had just been. And he started to actually fill her, each thrust deep, and each pull back long, the shaft of his cock seemed to take forever to pull back before he was driving into her again and again.

If she'd wanted him to cum on her stomach, tits, or face she should have said something a long time again. Because that wasn't happening now. Not unless she grabbed him by the balls or throat.

He was sweating from strain, trying to not cum too fast. To make sure she enjoyed it. Making sure she had her own release before he had his.
Alaina and Marcia:

It didn't take long for the two women to be naked, and it took even less time for the hacker's mouth and tongue to find Marcia's erogenous zones. It felt incredible and for three reasons that all worked together: Marcia had been in the bunker as an Overseer for 6 months before entering cryo, and during that time she hadn't had sex with anyone, male or female; the effect of the cryo chemicals that had caused her horniness were also heightening the sensitivity of her erogenous zones, which at this point was just about anything and anywhere that Alaina was touching her; and finally, the beautiful hacker was simply fantastic at knowing just how to touch and kiss and lick those sensitive areas.

Marcia was writhing about at the pleasure the other woman was causing her, moaning and begging softly such things as Oh God yes and yes, there and no, back there again. Marcia's lovers found that she was a bit more vocal than some while making love, both in her words and her sounds of pleasure. She often thought she was too vocal; often in the past, she'd been caught in awkward or vulnerable situations when she simply hadn't been able to control the words and other noises escaping her throat.

Running her hands over Alaina's shoulders, arms, side, and back and then into Alaina's long, straight, soft hair as the woman's mouth began working its way down her body from her neck to her tits to her belly, Marcia gently pressed on the woman's head to encourage her to continue southward to find that most erogenous zone of all.

"You're magnificent," Marcia moaned, her body reacting conspicuously to what Alaina was doing to her. "You're magnificent ... don't stop ... please ... don't stop."
Lt. Ty Collins and Leslie:

Ty's explanations of his scars were vague, and Leslie prodded him for more, but he gave up little. She began to realize that they weren't something about which he wanted to speak. That surprised her; most men were more than willing to describe the situations from which they'd received their scars because they thought it made them seem more masculine to the women wooing over them.

Ty didn't need to impress Leslie with detailed description, though. She was more than impressed already with his appearance and the damage that had been done to it, as well as what he was able to do with his body, damaged or not. His cock was absolutely filling her up, and descriptions or not, just touching his scars while he slipped in and out of her was pushing her quickly toward orgasm.

Suddenly, Leslie found herself lying on the bench instead, the move by Ty a combination of strength and agility that caused her to laugh and compliment, "That was amazing ... almost as amazing as getting fucked by you, Lieutenant."

As she spread her thighs and wrapped her feet around his backside, Ty began ramming deeper inside Leslie than he'd been able to in the previous position. With each forward thrust, she cried out in a combination of pleasure and ... not really pain, not really surprise, but a combination of both. He was getting deeper inside of Leslie than a man had been in years, and that was excluding the 144 years of which all of them had been robbed.

It wasn't long before Leslie could feel the pleasure growing rapidly toward explosion. She matched Ty's movements as he had when she was on top, and soon she was at the point of no return. She begged with increasing volume, "Don't stop, don't stop, oh my God ... DON'T STOP!"

Then, after drawing in a deep breath and holding it for the longest time, Leslie grasped her fingers tightly at Ty's ass cheeks -- possibly sinking her modestly long nails into his flesh -- arched her body, threw her head back, and released the breath in a long, loud, euphoric cry of release as the waves of ecstasy began flooding through her.
Alaina and Marcia:
Alaine happily moved southwards, her fingers lightly caressing such beautiful skin, soft, smooth, unblemished. Perfect as far as Alaina was concerned, her tongue danced along that scar that 'blemish' that enhance the flawlessness before her. Moving ever southward she kissed and icked everywhere, but there. Coming close, oh so fucking close to teasing that sweet spot, but not 'quite' doing the dirty.

Kissing those perfectly sexy inner thighs between tendon and tendon she pursed her lips together and blew cold air ack and forth, teasing that spot but not touching it.

Leaning in she licked along each side, her tongue damned close to touching, before she switched and licked the other side. Then above. A warm breath as she moved below.

"Was that.. Don't. Stop? Or don't stop? I think you said "Don't. Stop."." Alaina teased kissing those ebony inner thighs.